977 resultados para Doping, Drug control
The Bush administration announced its 2006 National Drug Control Strategy in the first city to legalize marijuana, a decision that wasn't entirely coincidental. John P. Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, who selected a youth drug treatment center here as the site for the announcement, said Denver represented 'a model of what we see and what we're trying to face'. The 2006 strategy calls for a continuation of the Bush administration's balance of reducing demand through, among other things, drug-prevention campaigns, and reducing supply by securing the Mexican border. Mr. Walters described the strategy, implemented in 2001, as a success, pointing to studies showing that overall teenage drug use has dropped since then by 19 per cent. Use of methamphetamine, LSD and steroids also have declined, he said.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan
State Agency Audit Report
State Audit Reports - Notification Letter
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Iowa's Drug Control Strategy produced by Office of Drug Control Policy for the 2007 year.
The attached annual report is submitted in satisfaction of Chapter 80E.1 of the Code of Iowa which directs the Drug Policy Coordinator to monitor and coordinate all drug prevention, enforcement and treatment activities in the state. Further, it requires the Coordinator to submit an annual report to the Governor and Legislature concerning the activities and programs of the Coordinator, the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy and all other state departments with drug enforcement, substance abuse treatment, and prevention programs. Chapter 80E.2 establishes the Drug Policy Advisory Council (DPAC), chaired by the Coordinator, and consisting of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialists, law enforcement officers, a prevention specialist, a judge and representatives from the departments of corrections, education, public health, human services, public safety and human rights. This report and strategy were in developed in consultation with the DPAC.
The Agency Performance Report for the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy is published in accordance with the Accountable Government Act. The information provided within this report is to aid in decision-making and to illustrate accountability to stakeholders and citizens. The report is indicative of the agency’s progress in meeting performance targets and achieving goals consistent with the enterprise strategic plan, the agency strategic plan and agency performance plan.
The Agency Performance Report for the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy is published in accordance with the Accountable Government Act. The information provided within this report is to aid in decision-making and to illustrate accountability to stakeholders and citizens. The report is indicative of the agency’s progress in meeting performance targets and achieving goals consistent with the enterprise strategic plan, the agency strategic plan and agency performance plan.
Audit report of the Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy for the year ended June 30, 2006
The attached annual report is submitted in satisfaction of Chapter 80E.1 of the Code of Iowa which directs the Drug Policy Coordinator to monitor and coordinate all drug prevention, enforcement and treatment activities in the state. Further, it requires the Coordinator to submit an annual report to the Governor and Legislature concerning the activities and programs of the Coordinator, the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy and all other state departments with drug enforcement, substance abuse treatment, and prevention programs. Chapter 80E.2 establishes the Drug Policy Advisory Council (DPAC), chaired by the Coordinator, and consisting of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialists, law enforcement officers, a prevention specialist, a judge and representatives from the departments of corrections, education, public health, human services, public safety and human rights. This report and strategy were in developed in consultation with the DPAC.
Agency Performance Plan, Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy
This report outlines the strategic plan for Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy, goals and mission.
The 2009 Iowa Drug Control Strategy is the annual report and Drug Control Strategy for the State of Iowa, produced in accordance with Iowa law, by the Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy, in cooperation with the Drug Policy Advisory Council.