972 resultados para Don alimentaire
L’objectif de cet essai est de formuler des recommandations afin de diminuer le gaspillage alimentaire dans les épiceries québécoises. Le gaspillage alimentaire est une problématique mondiale de plus en plus considérée comme une préoccupation prioritaire par le public, les entreprises et les instances nationales et internationales. Les causes du gaspillage alimentaire sont multiples et le phénomène se produit dans toutes les régions du monde, à toutes les étapes de la chaîne agroalimentaire, de la production agricole à la consommation. Le gaspillage alimentaire engendre de lourdes conséquences environnementales, économiques et sociales. Il participe à l’insécurité alimentaire et contribue aux changements climatiques et à l’épuisement des ressources, en plus de générer des coûts économiques pour la production d’aliments qui ne seront pas consommés. S’attaquer à la problématique du gaspillage alimentaire signifie donc s’attaquer à tous ces impacts négatifs. Au Québec, l’intérêt envers le phénomène du gaspillage alimentaire s’accroît, mais les solutions structurées tardent à se mettre en place. Les épiceries ont un important rôle à jouer dans la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire puisqu’elles influencent, en amont et en aval, tous les acteurs de la chaîne agroalimentaire. L’étude du marché agroalimentaire québécois et des différentes initiatives locales et étrangères de lutte au gaspillage alimentaire met en évidence trois grandes solutions structurées de réduction du gaspillage dans les épiceries : le don alimentaire, la vente de produits déclassés et la révision du système de dates de péremption des aliments. L’analyse du fonctionnement de ces solutions et de leur mise en œuvre dans le contexte des épiceries québécoises permet d’identifier les contraintes et les éléments à considérer pour réduire le gaspillage alimentaire de façon concrète et efficace. Ainsi, en respect d’une hiérarchie des modes de gestion des aliments qui favorise la réduction à la source et le détournement avant l’élimination, les recommandations formulées suggèrent de : réviser le système des dates de péremption pour améliorer la distinction entre les notions de fraîcheur et de salubrité des aliments; promouvoir et faciliter la vente de fruits et légumes déclassés dans les épiceries en diminuant les critères esthétiques exigés qui conduisent à un important gaspillage de denrées comestibles; mettre en place des incitatifs économiques pour réduire les contraintes financières et logistiques reliées au don alimentaire pour les épiceries et les organismes de redistribution; et valoriser les résidus alimentaires par la biométhanisation ou le compostage pour limiter les impacts environnementaux du gaspillage alimentaire. Les recommandations soulignent également l’importance d’étudier le phénomène et de documenter la problématique, afin de suggérer des solutions toujours plus efficaces et adaptées à chaque groupe d’acteurs et chaque étape de la chaîne agroalimentaire.
The coexistence of diabetes and eating disorder (ED) is more prevalent than we think; indeed it seems to occur in 10 to 20% of cases. Therefore ED deserve attention to be detected and treated in order to permit a decreased in morbidity and better outcomes in body weight loss. The association of type 2 diabetes and ED is frequently seen in younger, overweighed or obese patients suffering of at least one psychiatric co-morbidities and frequently in a difficult psychosocial setting. To succeed in ED treatment, a multidisciplinary and specialised team in eating disorder is requested, however these patients are highly fragile and complex and therapeutic failure has to be feared.
The growth of Eucalyptus stands varies several fold across sites, under the influence of resource availability, stand age and stand structure. We describe a series of related studies that aim to understand the mechanisms that drive this great range in stand growth rates. In a seven-year study in Hawaii of Eucalyptus saligna at a site that was not water limited, we showed that nutrient availability differences led to a two-fold difference in stand wood production. Increasing nutrient supply in mid-rotation raised productivity to the level attained in continuously fertilised plots. Fertility affected the age-related decline in wood and foliage production; production in the intensive fertility treatments declined more slowly than in the minimal fertility treatments. The decline in stem production was driven largely by a decline in canopy photosynthesis. Over time, the fraction of canopy photosynthesis partitioned to below-ground allocation increased, as did foliar respiration, further reducing wood production. The reason for the decline in photosynthesis was uncertain, but it was not caused by nutrient limitation, a decline in leaf area or in photosynthetic capacity, or by hydraulic limitation. Most of the increase in carbon stored from conversion of the sugarcane plantation to Eucalyptus plantation was in the above-ground woody biomass. Soil carbon showed no net change. This study and other studies on carbon allocation showed that resource availability changes the fraction of annual photosynthesis used below-ground and for wood production. High resources (nutrition or water) decrease the partitioning below-ground and increase partitioning to wood production. Annual foliage and wood respiration and foliage production as a fraction of annual photosynthesis was remarkably constant across a wide range of fertility treatments and forest age. In the Brazil Eucalyptus Productivity Project, stand structure was manipulated by planting clonal Eucalyptus all at once or in three groups at three-monthly intervals, producing a stand where trees did not segregate into dominants and one that had strong dominance. The uneven stand structure reduced production 10-15% throughout the rotation.
Two men on back of Vanguard utility during Labour Day procession 1966, Brisbane, Australia. One is dressed as Uncle Sam. He is leading the other by the nose. The second man is dressed as an Australian soldier. Placards on utility read "Don't be led by the nose - withdraw troops from Vietnam".
The author discusses the recommendation by the NH and MRC for faecal occult blood testing in bowel cancer screening.
Altricial nestlings solicit food by begging and engaging in scramble competition. Solicitation displays can thus signal both hunger and competitive ability. I examined nestling solicitation and parental responses in crimson rosellas (Platycercus elegans), a species in which parents engage in complex patterns of food allocation and appear to control the distribution of food. By manipulating the hunger of individual chicks and entire broods, I assessed how chick behaviours and parental food allocation varied with hatching rank, level of hunger, and intensity of nestling competition. Last-hatched chicks begged more than first-hatched chicks irrespective of individual hunger levels. The two parents combined fed individually hungry chicks more, but mothers and fathers varied in their responses to begging chicks: fathers fed last-hatched chicks in proportion to their begging intensity, whereas mothers fed chicks equally. Since fathers generally allocate more food to first-hatched chicks, fathers appear to use begging rates to adjust food allocation to non-preferred chicks within the brood. When I manipulated brood hunger levels, begging rates increased for first- and last-hatched chicks suggesting that chick begging rates are sensitive to the level of competition. This study shows that begging by rosella chicks does not correlate with hunger in a straightforward way and that the primary patterns of food allocation by parents art: not influenced by chick begging. Thus the benefits of increased begging may be limited for nestlings in this species.
This study examines batch-to-batch variability in the production of dietary fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids of a single hospital. The material properties, such as viscosity, yield stress, and density, show significant variations between batches. Also waterbased products (i.e., cordial) provide (a) the most stability from week to week for both dietary and videofluoroscopy fluids and (b) the best dietary and videofluoroscopy fluid matches. The study also highlights the need for further research into how base substances, such as water, juice, and dairy products, react with different thickeners and with barium.