925 resultados para Dominant Partial Epilepsy
Background: Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci (FPEVF) is an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by partial seizures originating from different brain regions in different family members in the absence of detectable structural abnormalities. A gene for FPEVF was mapped to chromosome 22q12 in two distantly related French-Canadian families. Methods: We describe the clinical features and performed a linkage analysis in a Spanish kindred and in a third French-Canadian family distantly related to the original pedigrees. Results: Onset of seizures was typically in middle childhood, and attacks were usually easy to control. Seizure semiology varied among family members but was constant for each individual. In some, a pattern of nocturnal frontal lobe seizures led to consideration of the diagnosis of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE). The Spanish family was mapped to chromosome 22q (multipoint lod score, 3.4), and the new French-Canadian family had a multipoint lod score of 2.97 and shared the haplotype of the original French-Canadian families. Conclusions: Identification of the various forms of familial partial epilepsy is challenging, particularly in small families, in which insufficient individuals exist to identify a specific pattern. We provide clinical guidelines for this task, which will eventually be supplanted by specific molecular diagnosis. We confirmed linkage of FPEVF to chromosome 22q 12 and redefined the region to a 5.2-Mb segment of DNA.
Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci (FPEVF) joins the recently recognized group of inherited partial epilepsies. We describe an Australian family with 10 individuals with partial seizures over four generations. Detailed electroclinical studies were performed on all affected and 17 clinically unaffected family members. The striking finding was that the clinical features of the seizures and interictal electroencephalographic foci differed among family members and included frontal, temporal, occipital, and centroparietal seizures. Mean age of seizure onset was 13 years (range, 0.75-43 years). Two individuals without seizures had epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalographic studies. Penetrance of seizures was 62%. A genome-wide search failed to demonstrate definitive linkage, but a suggestion of linkage was found on chromosome 2q with a LOD score of 2.74 at recombination fraction of zero with the marker D2S133. FPEVF differs from the other inherited partial epilepsies where partial seizures in different family members are clinically similar. The inherited nature of this new syndrome may be overlooked because of relatively low penetrance and because of the variability in age at onset and electroclinical features between affected family members.
The authors report three children who suffered temporary oromotor or speech disturbances as focal epileptic manifestations within the frame of benign partial epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes and review similar cases described in the literature. The deficit can occur as an initial symptom of the disorder without visible epileptic seizures and interferes in a variable way with simple voluntary oromotor functions or complex movements including speech production, depending on the exact location and spread of the discharging epileptic focus around the perisylvian region. The most severe deficit produces the anterior operculum syndrome. More subtle non-linguistic deficits such as intermittent drooling, oromotor apraxia or dysfluency, as well as linguistic ones involving phonologic production, can occur. The rapidity of onset, progression and recovery of the deficit is very variable as well as its duration and presumably reflects the degree of epileptic activity. In some cases, rapid improvement with antiepileptic medication occurs and coincidence between the paroxysmal EEG activity (which is usually bilateral) and the functional deficit is seen. The clinical and EEG profile of the seizures disorder and the dynamic of the deficit in these cases bear a strong resemblance to what is seen in the acquired epilepsy-aphasia syndrome (Landau and Kleffner). The variations in clinical symptoms appear more related to the main site, local extension and bilaterality of the epileptic foci rather than a basic difference in physiopathology.
Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model with major variables, which influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala. Though there are innumerable studies conducted in other countries, there are very few thesis and research work conducted to study the consumer behaviour of the passenger car industry in India and specifically in the State of Kerala. The results of the research contribute to the practical knowledge base of the automobile industry, specifically to the passenger car segment. It has also a great contributory value addition to the manufacturers and dealers for customizing their marketing plans in the State
A study of concentrated attention patterns in epileptic patients was conducted with the objectives: characterization of the patients' epileptic condition; assessment of the concentrated attention levels in epileptic and nonepileptic individuals; comparison of the attention levels of the two groups. An evaluation was performed of 50 adult outpatients with complex partial seizures and 20 non-epileptic individuals (comparative group) at the Neuroepilepsy Ambulatory Unit, State University of Campinas SP, Brazil. Method: characterization of seizure types, frequency and duration; concentrated attention assessment (Concentrated Attention Test - Toulouse-Piéron); comparison of the epileptic with non-epileptic individuals. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the groups with regard to Correct Response, Wrong Response and No Response. A difference was observed in relation to Time, but it was statistically insignificant. The epileptic patients presented inferior cognitive performance in relation to concentrated attention when compared with the non-epileptic individuals, findings compatible with the clinical complaints.
Objective: To compare the performance of patients with complex partial epilepsy with the normal controls in the subtests of an instrument used to assess intelligence function. Method: Fifty epileptic patients, whose ages ranged from 19 to 49 years and 20 normal controls without any neuropsychiatric disorders. The Wechsler-Bellevue adult intelligence test was applied in groups, epileptic patients and control subjects. This test is composed of several subtests that assess specific cognitive functions. A statistical analysis was performed using non-parametric tests. Results: All the Wechsler-Bellevue subtests revealed that the intelligence functions of the patients were significantly inferior to that of the controls (p<0.05). This performance was supported by the patient's complaints in relation to their cognitive performance. Conclusion: Patients with complex partial epilepsy presented poorer results in the intelligence test when compared with individuals without neuropsychiatric disorders.
Background and Objectives: A number of familial temporal lobe epilepsies (TLE) have been recently recognized. Mutations in LGI1 (leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1 gene) have been found in a few families with the syndrome of autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features (ADPEAF). The authors aimed to determine the spectrum of TLE phenotypes with LGI1 mutations, to study the frequency of mutations in ADPEAF, and to examine the role of LGI1 paralogs in ADPEAF without LGI1 mutations. Methods: The authors performed a clinical and molecular analysis on 75 pedigrees comprising 54 with a variety of familial epilepsies associated with TLE and 21 sporadic TLE cases. All were studied for mutations in LGI1. ADPEAF families negative for LGI1 mutations were screened for mutations in LGI2, LGI3, and LGI4. Results: Four families had ADPEAF, 22 had mesial TLE, 11 had TLE with febrile seizures, two had TLE with developmental abnormalities, and 15 had various other TLE syndromes. LGI1 mutations were found in two of four ADPEAF families, but in none of the other 50 families nor in the 21 individuals with sporadic TLE. The mutations were novel missense mutations in exons 1 (c. 124T --> G; C42G) and 8 (c. 1418C --> T; S473L). No mutations in LGI2, LGI3, or LGI4 were found in the other two ADPEAF families. Conclusion: In TLE, mutations in LGI1 are specific for ADPEAF but do not occur in all families. ADPEAF is genetically heterogeneous, but mutations in LGI2, LGI3, or LGI4 did not account for families without LGI1 mutations.
Although several genes for idiopathic epilepsies from families with simple Mendelian inheritance have been found, genes for the common idiopathic generalized epilepsies, where inheritance is complex, presently are elusive. We studied a large family with epilepsy where the two main phenotypes were childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) and febrile seizures (FS), which offered a special opportunity to identify epilepsy genes. A total of 35 family members had seizures over four generations. The phenotypes comprised typical CAE (eight individuals); FS alone (15), febrile seizures plus (FS+) (three); myoclonic astatic epilepsy (two); generalized epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures alone (one); partial epilepsy (one); and unclassified epilepsy despite evaluation (two). In three remaining individuals, no information was available. FS were inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion with 75% penetrance. The inheritance of CAE in this family was not simple Mendelian, but suggestive of complex inheritance with the involvement of at least two genes. A GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit gene mutation on chromosome 5 segregated with FS, FS+ and CAE, and also occurred in individuals with the other phenotypes. The clinical and molecular data suggest that the GABA(A) receptor subunit mutation alone can account for the FS phenotype. An interaction of this gene with another gene or genes is required for the CAE phenotype in this family. Linkage analysis for a putative second gene contributing to the CAE phenotype suggested possible loci on chromosomes 10, 13, 14 and 15. Examination of these loci in other absence pedigrees is warranted.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical and genetic characteristics of familial partial epilepsies. METHOD: Family history of seizures was questioned in all patients followed in our epilepsy clinics, from October 1997 to December 1998. Those with positive family history were further investigated and detailed pedigrees were obtained. All possibly affected individuals available underwent clinical evaluation. Seizures and epilepsy syndromes were classified according to the ILAE recommendations. Whenever possible, EEG and MRI were performed. RESULTS: Positive family history was identified in 32 unrelated patients. A total of 213 possibly affected individuals were identified, 161 of whom have been evaluated. The number of affected subjects per family ranged from two to 23. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) was identified in 22 families (68%), frontal lobe epilepsy in one family (3%), partial epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes in five families (15%), and other benign partial epilepsies of childhood in four families (12%). Most of the affected individuals in the TLE families (69%) had clinical and/or EEG characteristics of typical TLE. However, the severity of epilepsy was variable, with 76% of patients with spontaneous seizure remission or good control with medication and 24% with refractory seizures, including 7 patients that underwent surgical treatment. In the other 10 families, we identified 39 possibly affected subjects, 23 of whom were evaluated. All had good seizure control (with or without medication) except for one patient with frontal lobe epilepsy. Pedigree analysis suggested autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance in all families. CONCLUSION: Family history of seizures is frequent among patients with partial epilepsies. The majority of our families had TLE and its expression was not different from that observed in sporadic cases. The identification of genes involved in partial epilepsies may be usefull in classification of syndromes, to stablish prognosis and optimal treatment.
Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of partial epilepsy and affects 40% of the patients. Seizures arising from the mesial temporal lobe structures (i.e., amygdala and hippocampus) are common, whereas neocortical seizures are rare. In recent years, many studies aimed to identify the pattern of gene expression of neurotransmitters involved in molecular mechanisms of epilepsy. We used real-time PCR to quantify the expression of GABAA (subunits a1, beta 1, beta 2) and NMDA (subunits NR1, NR2A, and NR2B) receptor genes in amygdalae of 27 patients with TLE and 14 amygdalae from autopsy controls. The NR1 subunit was increased in patients with epilepsy when compared with controls. No differences were found in expression of NMDA subunits NR2A and NR2B or in a1, beta 1, and beta 2 subunits of GABAA receptors. Our results suggest that the NR1 subunit of NMDA receptors is involved in the amygdala hyperexcitability in some of the patients with TLE. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc.
Introduction: Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) is a distinct syndrome of partial epilepsy whose clinical features comprise a spectrum of paroxysmal motor manifestations of variable duration and complexity, arising from sleep. Cardiovascular changes during NFLE seizures have previously been observed, however the extent of these modifications and their relationship with seizure onset has not been analyzed in detail. Objective: Aim of present study is to evaluate NFLE seizure related changes in heart rate (HR) and in sympathetic/parasympathetic balance through wavelet analysis of HR variability (HRV). Methods: We evaluated the whole night digitally recorded video-polysomnography (VPSG) of 9 patients diagnosed with NFLE with no history of cardiac disorders and normal cardiac examinations. Events with features of NFLE seizures were selected independently by three examiners and included in the study only if a consensus was reached. Heart rate was evaluated by measuring the interval between two consecutive R-waves of QRS complexes (RRi). RRi series were digitally calculated for a period of 20 minutes, including the seizures and resampled at 10 Hz using cubic spline interpolation. A multiresolution analysis was performed (Daubechies-16 form), and the squared level specific amplitude coefficients were summed across appropriate decomposition levels in order to compute total band powers in bands of interest (LF: 0.039062 - 0.156248, HF: 0.156248 - 0.624992). A general linear model was then applied to estimate changes in RRi, LF and HF powers during three different period (Basal) (30 sec, at least 30 sec before seizure onset, during which no movements occurred and autonomic conditions resulted stationary); pre-seizure period (preSP) (10 sec preceding seizure onset) and seizure period (SP) corresponding to the clinical manifestations. For one of the patients (patient 9) three seizures associated with ictal asystole were recorded, hence he was treated separately. Results: Group analysis performed on 8 patients (41 seizures) showed that RRi remained unchanged during the preSP, while a significant tachycardia was observed in the SP. A significant increase in the LF component was instead observed during both the preSP and the SP (p<0.001) while HF component decreased only in the SP (p<0.001). For patient 9 during the preSP and in the first part of SP a significant tachycardia was observed associated with an increased sympathetic activity (increased LF absolute values and LF%). In the second part of the SP a progressive decrease in HR that gradually exceeded basal values occurred before IA. Bradycardia was associated with an increase in parasympathetic activity (increased HF absolute values and HF%) contrasted by a further increase in LF until the occurrence of IA. Conclusions: These data suggest that changes in autonomic balance toward a sympathetic prevalence always preceded clinical seizure onset in NFLE, even when HR changes were not yet evident, confirming that wavelet analysis is a sensitive technique to detect sudden variations of autonomic balance occurring during transient phenomena. Finally we demonstrated that epileptic asystole is associated with a parasympathetic hypertonus counteracted by a marked sympathetic activation.
While voxel-based 3-D MRI analysis methods as well as assessment of subtracted ictal versus interictal perfusion studies (SISCOM) have proven their potential in the detection of lesions in focal epilepsy, a combined approach has not yet been reported. The present study investigates if individual automated voxel-based 3-D MRI analyses combined with SISCOM studies contribute to an enhanced detection of mesiotemporal epileptogenic foci. Seven consecutive patients with refractory complex partial epilepsy were prospectively evaluated by SISCOM and voxel-based 3-D MRI analysis. The functional perfusion maps and voxel-based statistical maps were coregistered in 3-D space. In five patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the area of ictal hyperperfusion and corresponding structural abnormalities detected by 3-D MRI analysis were identified within the same temporal lobe. In two patients, additional structural and functional abnormalities were detected beyond the mesial temporal lobe. Five patients with TLE underwent epileptic surgery with favourable postoperative outcome (Engel class Ia and Ib) after 3-5 years of follow-up, while two patients remained on conservative treatment. In summary, multimodal assessment of structural abnormalities by voxel-based analysis and SISCOM may contribute to advanced observer-independent preoperative assessment of seizure origin.
Adenosine is an inhibitor of neuronal activity in the brain. The local release of adenosine from grafted cells was evaluated as an ex vivo gene therapy approach to suppress synchronous discharges and epileptic seizures. Fibroblasts were engineered to release adenosine by inactivating the adenosine-metabolizing enzymes adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase. After encapsulation into semipermeable polymers, the cells were grafted into the brain ventricles of electrically kindled rats, a model of partial epilepsy. Grafted rats provided a nearly complete protection from behavioral seizures and a near-complete suppression of afterdischarges in electroencephalogram recordings, whereas the full tonic–clonic convulsions in control rats remained unaltered. Thus, the local release of adenosine resulting in adenosine concentrations <25 nM at the site of action is sufficient to suppress seizure activity and, therefore, provides a potential therapeutic principle for the treatment of drug-resistant partial epilepsies.
OBJECTIVE To examine cortical thickness and volumetric changes in the cortex of patients with polymicrogyria, using an automated image analysis algorithm. METHODS Cortical thickness of patients with polymicrogyria was measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cortical surface-based analysis and compared with age-and sex-matched healthy subjects. We studied 3 patients with disorder of cortical development (DCD), classified as polymicrogyria, and 15 controls. Two experienced neuroradiologists performed a conventional visual assessment of the MRIs. The same data were analyzed using an automated algorithm for tissue segmentation and classification. Group and individual average maps of cortical thickness differences were produced by cortical surface-based statistical analysis. RESULTS Patients with polymicrogyria showed increased thickness of the cortex in the same areas identified as abnormal by radiologists. We also identified a reduction in the volume and thickness of cortex within additional areas of apparently normal cortex relative to controls. CONCLUSIONS Our findings indicate that there may be regions of reduced cortical thickness, which appear normal from radiological analysis, in the cortex of patients with polymicrogyria. This finding suggests that alterations in neuronal migration may have an impact in the cortical formation of the cortical areas that are visually normal. These areas are associated or occur concurrently with polymicrogyria.
Immunologic disorders related to anticonvulsant therapy have been described in the last three decades, including cellular and humoral alterations that result in recurrent infections; however, the physiopathologic mechanisms are not completely understood. This report describes a patient with complex partial epilepsy and hypogammaglobulinemia while in treatment with carbamazepine, with significant improvement in clinical signs and laboratory tests after substitution to sodium valproate. The authors stress the importance of clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients in continuous anticonvulsant therapy, including immunoglobulins levels and peripheral blood evaluations.