959 resultados para Dogs Canis-familiaris
In animal populations, the constraints of energy and time can cause intraspecific variation in foraging behaviour. The proximate developmental mediators of such variation are often the mechanisms underlying perception and associative learning. Here, experience-dependent changes in foraging behaviour and their consequences were investigated in an urban population of free-ranging dogs, Canis familiaris by continually challenging them with the task of food extraction from specially crafted packets. Typically, males and pregnant/lactating (PL) females extracted food using the sophisticated `gap widening' technique, whereas non-pregnant/non-lactating (NPNL) females, the relatively underdeveloped `rip opening' technique. In contrast to most males and PL females (and a few NPNL females) that repeatedly used the gap widening technique and improved their performance in food extraction with experience, most NPNL females (and a few males and PL females) non-preferentially used the two extraction techniques and did not improve over successive trials. Furthermore, the ability of dogs to sophisticatedly extract food was positively related to their ability to improve their performance with experience. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that factors such as sex and physiological state can cause differences among individuals in the likelihood of learning new information and hence, in the rate of resource acquisition and monopolization.
In a number of species, individuals showing lateralized hand/paw usage (i.e. the preferential use of either the right or left paw) compared to ambilateral individuals have been shown to be more proactive in novel situations. In the current study we used an established test to assess preferential paw usage in dogs (the Kong test) and then compared the performance of ambilateral and lateralized dogs as well as left- vs. right-pawed dogs in a novel manipulative problem solving task. Results showed an equal proportion of ambilateral and lateralized dogs but contrary to predictions non-lateralized dogs were faster at accessing the apparatus in test trials. No differences emerged between right- and left-pawed dogs. Results are discussed in relation to previous studies on lateralization. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Os cães possuem cinco grupos sangüíneos bem estabelecidos, compostos por sete determinantes antigênicos eritrocitários, os quais são denominados de dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA). O grupo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1, 1.2 e 1.3) tem sido considerado o mais importante no que se refere às transfusões de sangue. Isto ocorre porque esse grupo possui um alto potencial para estimulação antigênica e, dessa forma, pode estimular a produção de anticorpos se um receptor DEA 1 negativo receber uma transfusão de sangue DEA 1 positivo, levando a uma reação transfusional hemolítica em uma segunda transfusão com hemácias do tipo DEA 1. A freqüência de aparecimento do grupo DEA 1 é bem conhecida em outros países, porém, até então, não havia informações disponíveis sobre o referido grupo no Brasil. No presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência do grupo sangüíneo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1 e 1.2) em cães criados no Brasil. Para tanto, 150 cães de raças, sexos e idades diferentes, triados junto ao Hospital Veterinário da FCAV/UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, foram submetidos a tipagem sangüínea para o grupo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1 e 1.2) canino, utilizando-se reagentes adquiridos comercialmente junto ao Laboratório de Imunoematologia e Sorologia da Universidade de Michigan (EUA). Os resultados obtidos neste ensaio revelaram que a prevalência geral para o grupo DEA 1 é de 91,3%, consideradas as condições e características da população estudada, compreendendo 51,3% de cães do tipo DEA 1.1, 40% de cães do tipo DEA 1.2, e os 8,7% restantes sendo negativos para o referido grupo. A partir das prevalências encontradas, calculou-se que a probabilidade de um cão DEA 1 negativo receber sangue DEA 1.1, em uma primeira transfusão feita ao acaso, é de aproximadamente 4,5%. Sendo assim, este índice reflete um risco potencial para a sensibilização de um receptor DEA 1 negativo, o que deflagraria a produção de anticorpos. Posteriormente, se este mesmo paciente recebesse uma segunda transfusão de sangue, feita ao acaso, a probabilidade de receber hemácias do tipo DEA 1.1 seria de aproximadamente 2,3%, o que representaria o risco potencial de ocorrência de uma reação transfusional hemolítica aguda. Por outro lado, a probabilidade de este cão receber sangue do tipo DEA 1.2 seria cerca de 1,8%, o que levaria a uma reação transfusional menos grave, porém potencialmente prejudicial. No presente estudo, observou-se que o risco potencial para uma reação transfusional é mínimo, quando se trata de um cão mestiço.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the present study, the ovaries of 15 healthy bitches divided into three groups according to age were analysed by histology and morphometry: group 1 (1-3 years), group 2 (> 3-5 years) and group 3 (> 5-7 years). After ovariosalpingohysterectomy, the ovaries were fixed, routinely processed for embedding in paraffin and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. The following morphometric parameters were analysed: maximum and minimum diameter (mu m), perimeter (mu m), area (mu m(2)) and roundness of the cytoplasm and nucleus of oocytes from different types of follicles. Significant differences in the cytoplasmic and nuclear parameters of follicular oocytes between the experimental groups were determined by ANOVA and the Tukey test (5%). For the biotechnology of reproduction, the present results showed that in vitro maturation yielded the best performance for oocytes from primordial follicles in group 3 females and for oocytes embedded in secondary and tertiary follicles in group 2 females. In addition, the present findings will help in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases affecting bitches, and will especially contribute to a better understanding of these cells by researchers in the field of histology and canine reproduction.
Fibrin glue has been researched as an alternative method for tissue synthesis and is known for its capability to promote hemostasis at the application site, good approximation of wound edges and fast healing. The current study consisted in the application of fibrin glue derived from snake venom as treatment for experimental corneal ulcers. Twenty-one dogs had their corneas experimentally prepared through lamellar keratectomy (of standardized diameter and depth). Animals were divided into seven groups of three animals each. Six experimental groups were periodically evaluated and collection was carried out on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15 th, 30th and 60th post-operative days, whereas one control group was evaluated throughout the experiment. Analyses consisted in the clinical evolution and in the histopathological study of all operated on eyes. Results indicated that fibrin glue was efficient in repairing keratectomy wounds in dogs and contributed to an earlier healing phenomenon, avoiding edema formation and keeping corneal clearness. The use of fibrin glue derived from snake venom showed to be easy to apply, feasible with animal models and of low cost, avoiding the lesion progress and allowing fast and appropriate corneal healing.
The digestive tract of ferrets is anatomically simple, with no caecum, ileocolic valve or external differentiation between the transition of ileum and colon. The species has a short large intestine that provides minor contributions to the digestive process. Aiming to better understand the digestibility efficiency of ferrets, the present study compared the digestibility of extruded diets with different amounts of macronutrients fed to dogs, cats and ferrets. Three formulations for cat maintenance were used (values in % of DM basis): high carbohydrate (HC; nitrogen-free extract (NFE) = 54 %, protein = 31 % and fat = 8 %); moderate carbohydrate (MC; NFE = 37 %, protein = 41 % and fat = 10 %); and low carbohydrate (LC; NFE = 19 %, protein = 46 % and fat = 23 %). Apparent total tract macronutrient digestibility was determined by the method of total collection of faeces. Results were compared by ANOVA, considering the diet and species effects and their interactions. Means were compared by the Tukey's test (P < 0·05). Dogs and cats presented similar food intakes, but ferrets consumed almost two times more food (g/kg body weight). Species × diet interactions were verified for apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD; P < 0·05). Ferrets presented lower DM digestibility than dogs and cats for all three diets (P < 0·05), lower NFE digestibility than dogs for the three diets and lower NFE digestibility than cats for the HC and LC diets (P < 0·05). For crude protein (CP), ferrets presented lower ATTD than dogs and cats (P < 0·05), whereas for fat, dogs and ferrets presented similar ATTD, and higher values than those presented by cats (P < 0·05). Kibble diets had a lower DM, CP and NFE digestibility when fed to ferrets compared with dogs and cats. Fat digestibility was similar between dogs and ferrets and higher than that for cats.
The limited knowledge and/or the inability to control physiological condition parameters that influence the fate of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) has been the foremost confounding aspect in monitoring programs and health risk assessments of wild top predators in the Arctic such as the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). In the present comparative study, we used a potential surrogate Canoidea species for the East Greenland polar bear, the captive sledge dog (Canis familiaris), to investigate some factors that may influence the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of major chlorinated and brominated OHCs in adipose tissue and blood (plasma) of control (fed commercial pork fat) and exposed (fed West Greenland minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber) adult female sledge dogs. Furthermore, we compared the patterns and concentrations of OHCs and their known or suggested hydroxylated (OH) metabolites (e.g., OH-PCBs) in sledge dogs with those in adipose tissue and blood (plasma) of East Greenland adult female polar bears, and blubber of their main prey species, the ringed seal (Pusa hispida). The two-year feeding regime conducted with sledge dogs led to marked differences in overall adipose tissue (and plasma) OHC residue accumulation between the control and exposed groups. Characteristic prey-to-predator OHC bioaccumulation dynamics for major PCB and PBDE congeners (patterns and concentrations) and biotransformation capacity with respect to PCB metabolite formation and OH-PCB retention distinguished, to some extent, captive sledge dogs and wild polar bears. Based on the present findings, we conclude that the use of surrogate species in toxicological investigations for species in the Canoidea family should be done with great caution, although they remain essential in the context of contaminants research with sensitive arctic top carnivore species such as the polar bear.
The aim of this thesis was to validate the use of infrared thermography (IRT) to non-invasively measure emotional reactions to different situations in pet dogs (Canis familiaris). A preliminary test, aimed to evaluate the correlation between eye-temperature and rectal temperature in dog, was performed. Then, in three different situations, negative (veterinary visit), positive (palatable food rewards), and mildly stressing followed by mildly positive (separation from and reunion with the owner), variations in heat emitted from lacrimal caruncle (referred to as eye temperature) were measured with an infrared thermographic camera. In addition, heart rate and heart rate variability parameters were collected using a non-invasive heart rate monitor designed for human use and validated on dogs. All experiments were video recorded to allow behavioral coding. During the negative situation dogs’ level of activity and stress related behaviors varied across compared to the baseline and dogs showed an increase in eye temperature despite having a significant decrease in the level of activity. The positive situation was characterized by a peak in eye temperature and mean HR and dogs engaged in behaviors indicating a positive arousal, focusing on food treats and tail wagging but there were not variations in HRV during stimulation but only an increment in SDNN immediately after the stimulus. In the separation from and reunion with the owner dogs’ eye temperature and mean HR did not vary neither in the stressful nor in the positive situations, RMSSD increased after the positive episode, SDNN dropped during the two stimulations and it increased after the stimulations. During the separation from the owner dogs were mainly directed to the door or to the experimenter while during the reunion with the owner dogs were focused mainly on the owner and on the environment, exhibiting safe base effect. A different approach was used to assess the welfare of shelter dogs. Dogs were implanted with a telemeter and after implantation dogs were housed in sequence in four different situations lasting 1 week: alone, alone with toys and a stretch cot for sleeping, with an unknown, spayed, female, and alone with a daily 2-hours interaction with an experimenter. Two different approaches were tried: partially random extracted fragments from every week, behaviors from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. were continuous during baseline and the female situation. Results showed different reactions by dogs to the different situations and interestingly not all enrichments were enjoyed by the dogs improving their welfare. Overall results suggest that IRT may represent a useful tool to investigate emotional reactions in dogs. Nevertheless, further research is needed to establish the specificity and sensivity of IRT in this context and to assess how different dogs’ characteristics, breed, previous experience and the valence and arousal elicited by the stimulus could influence the magnitude and type of the response. The role of HRV in understanding emotional valence and the one of telemeters in understanding long-term effects on sheltered dogs’ welfare is also discussed.
Studies on the fate of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) in wild top predator mammals in the Arctic have often been a challenge due to important knowledge deficiencies in the life history of the sampled animals. The present study investigated the influence of age, dietary and trans-generational factors on the fate of major lipophilic chlorinated and brominated OHCs in adipose tissue of a potential surrogate captive species for the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), the sledge dog (Canis familiaris) in West Greenland. Adult female sledge dogs (P) and their sexually-mature (F1) and/or pre-weaning pups (F1-MLK) were divided into an exposed group (EXP) fed blubber from a Greenland minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and a control group (CON) given commercially available pork fat. Large dietary treatment-related differences in summed and individual congener/compound adipose tissue concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordanes (CHLs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were found between the EXP and CON groups for all the sledge dog cohorts. However, among the F1-MLK, F1 and P dogs in both of the EXP and CON groups, little or no difference existed in PBDE, HCB, CHL and PCB concentrations, suggesting higher state of equilibrium in adipose tissue concentrations from a very early stage of life. In contrast, the distribution pattern (proportions to the summed concentrations) of OHC classes, and the major congeners/ compounds constituting those classes, varied on a dietary group- and/or cohort-dependent manner. The present captive sledge dog study demonstrated the importance of the confounding effects of diet composition, mother-pup association (maternal transfer), reproductive status (nursing), and to a lesser extent age in the fate of OHCs in adipose tissue of a large top carnivore mammal.
Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) perform above chance on invisible displacement tasks despite showing few other signs of possessing the necessary representational abilities. Four experiments investigated how dogs find an object that has been hidden in 1 of 3 opaque boxes. Dogs passed the task under a variety of control conditions, but only if the device used to displace the object ended up adjacent to the target box after the displacement. These results suggest that the search behavior of dogs was guided by simple associative rules rather than mental representation of the object's past trajectory. In contrast, Experiment 5 found that on the same task, 18- and 24-month-old children showed no disparity between trials in which the displacement device was adjacent or nonadjacent to the target box.
The growing popularity of dog parks has created an opportunity to learn more about interactions between companion dogs. Dog-dog behaviour in a public off-leash dog park was described and analyzed using a motivationally-neutral approach. I observed focal dogs from park entry for 400 s and constructed activity time budgets (percentages of time spent with dogs, humans, etc.); rates of socially-relevant dog behaviours (e.g., snout-muzzle contact, physical contact) were also calculated. On average, focal dogs spent 50% of their time alone, nearly 40% with other dogs and 11% in other activities; time with dogs decreased and time alone increased over the first six minutes. Some behaviours were very frequent (i.e., more than 90% of focal dogs initiated and received snout-muzzle contact to the anogenital and head areas, while others were rare (i.e., 9% and 12% of focal dogs initiated and received lunge approaches, respectively). Dog density and focal dog age, sex, neuter status, and size were found to influence some behavioural variables. Future studies should continue to investigate the diverse range of canid behaviours and factors that influence social behaviours in dog park settings.