999 resultados para Documentary language
Este trabalho de Investigação teve como objetivo a construção de um microtesauro na área da Dança. Face à inexistência de um Tesauro especializado na área da Dança, quer a nível nacional, quer internacional, e para dar resposta às necessidades de uma recuperação mais eficaz de informação nas Unidades Documentaisi Especializadas em Dança. Neste caso, em particular, no Centro de Informação e Documentação (CDI) da Escola Superior de Dança (ESD). Percebeu-se que a construção deste microtesauro, tendo em conta as normas nacionais e internacionais para o efeito. No âmbito das funções desempenhadas no CDI foi identificada a necessidade de existir um instrumento de Linguagem Documental adequado, que permitisse nas Pesquisas bibliográficas, recuperar por Assunto os documentos existentes na Base de Dados. A Pesquisa Bibliográfica, apenas disponível por Título e por Autor, veio a revelar-se insuficiente, e a impossibilidade de pesquiasr os documentos por Assunto traduzia-se numa carência crescente dos utilizadores e do próprio Serviço. A Metodologia seguida para a construção deste Microtesauro, teve como base uma lista de Termos de Indexação construída a partir da análise de uma amostra de 125 monografias e a consulta de várias fontes de informção (monografias e obras de referência, linguagens documentais, e entrevistas informais a docentes da ESD). A análise, quantificação e qualificação dos termos que constituem este microtesauro teve o acompanhamento, avaliação e adequação contínua por parte de alguns docentes da ESD, investigadores e especialistas em Dança. A Dança, enquanto objeto de exploração teórica, revela-se uma disciplina transversal a várias áreas do conhecimento que, agrupadas em classes, correspondem a 8 áreas do saber, relacionadas com a Dança, tendo em consideração as temáticas do espólio documental do CDI e as matérias lecionadas nas Unidades Curriculares dos cursos de Licenciatura e Mestrados da ESD. O microtesauro na área da Dança, que resulta do nosso trabalho de investigação, é constituído por Descritores, Não-Descritores, e suas relações de equivalência hierárquicas e associativas, apresentando-se no final deste trabalho, em apêndice, devido à sua dimensão. O mesmo resulta de um processos de construção individual, inicialmente elaborado de forma manual e posteriormente transposto para um Software Documental CDS/ISIS para Windows, que veio agilizar a estruturação do microtesauro. Este microtesauro na área da Dança, em Língua Portuguesa, constitui um importante contributo para as Bibliotecas e Centros de Documentação que detêm documentação nesta área específica, dado colmatar uma lacuna existente neste domínio do conhecimento.
The indexing automation has been discussed by researches in the area of Information Science however the discussions have not been so clear on the use of indexing software. Thus, it is necessary to know the indexing software, as well as its application in the analysis of documentary contents. To do so, it is proposed, here, to investigate both the consistency of indexing and the exhaustiveness and precision of the information retrieval, by means of comparative analysis between SISA (Sistema de Indizacion Semi-Automatico) automatic index and BIREME ( Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciencias da Saude) manual indexing. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical development of the indexing automation and the improvement of SISA. Thus, SISA application and evaluation was used based on the calculation of the consistency indexes between the two types of indexing, and the calculation of the exhaustiveness and precision indexes in information retrieval, by means of searching into BDSISA and BIREME databases, composed by descriptors taken from SISA and manual indexing respectively. The differences among the terms used in scientific papers comparing to the DeCS ones were the main difficult factor to achieve higher consistency indexes in the indexing. These differences influenced the exhaustiveness and precision indexes in the information retrieval, showing that it is necessary to improve the documentary language used by SISA software and to incorporate linguistic methods.
The indexing process is determined the subject of the document and its relation with the representation information. To cultivate the interdisciplinary contributions is essential, especially when the relationship allows substantial additions to the area of research. Rehearse some contributions in this article of Semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce in the field of study of the indexing process, in particular, the notions of representation and referent. It is concluded that the tripartite division of the sign provides basis for to understanding the process of thematic representation, discussing the relationship of the sign with the object and the phenomenon presented, in the indexer sees the documentary language as referent.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
A discussion, through a literature review, on the use of photographic documents and Documentary Analysis (DA) for the preservation, description and retrieval of images of pilgrimages in northeastern Brazil, which are archived at the Laboratory of Information Science and Memory (LACIM). The photograph acts as an expression of faith and devotion; it is a witnesses and documents, through images, the records of the day-to-day folk religion in its multiple meanings and situations, linked to the sacred. The DA —as a set of procedures performed after the reading of documents— facilitates the analysed collection location or query through the documentary language. This paper tries to show that the particular form of the information contained in a photographic archive echoes submerged memories of the pilgrims, authenticating a social fact in the country, capturing the sacredness from specific moments of celebration.
The indexing is a kind of description whose aim is to establish concepts expressed in a document and representing them according to a documentary language. There are elements that can contribute to a more complete selection of terms that will represent the document, like the observation of its textual structure and the context where the indexing professional acts. The analysis of the book textual structure can be carried out in a way that facilitates the indexing, as the professional can foresee the parts of the text where he localizes and identifies the more representative terms of the textual content. In such a way, it is intended to comprehend and inquire, with the applying of Verbal Protocol, the use that São Paulo libraries indexers do from the textual structure during the determination of subjects in such a way as to obtain the disclosure of their procedures, difficulties and restrictions through the externalization of thoughts during the recording of the indexing task. From the data analysis, it was possible to find out that the right hand page, the back of the title page, the chapters and other parts of the book s structure provided the greater number of terms, becoming the most important ones for the indexing task.
The documentary representation in indexing is carried out, at first, in the analysis of subjects to establish the intrinsic and extrinsic aboutness, and then, in the translation stage using the documentary language. The representation by concepts for determining the intrinsic aboutness during the subject analysis is shown by the Documentary Reading Model for indexing of scientific texts and books, Therefore, it was carried out a search on documentary reading for cataloguers for indexing books in academic libraries. A research on catalogers’ documentary reading for indexing books was carried out in nine university libraries. The application of the introspective technique of Individual Verbal Protocol with the catalogers allowed an analysis of subject cataloguing procedures, which made it possible to verify the textual structure parts of a book, as well as to locate the terms identified and selected. The results led to an adaptation of the Documentary Reading Model to book indexing.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
1. Introduction. Eduardo Coutinho represents the development and innovation of the Brazilian documentary. His career is still marked by a novel technique of interviews with participants also mix documentary with other communication techniques, especially fiction and journalism. This article provides a recovery path Coutinho and his major works. 2. Method. A literature review and analysis of filmic discourse is applied to understand the history and languages adopted by Coutinho during his career as a documentary. 3. Who was. Before acting as a documentary, Coutinho has studied law but always acted in theater and visual arts. This discussion presents Coutinho before documentaries. 4. Frames by Eduardo Coutinho. The main works of the documentary are presented, as well as its important features that transform the filmography of director in one of the most important in Brazil. 5. Conclusions. We conclude that Eduardo Coutinho has left a gap in the Brazilian documentary, since his death in 2014. However, their contributions are transformed the genre, as the results presented in the article.
Regarding the Real: Cinema, Documentary, and the Visual Arts develops an interdisciplinary approach to documentary film, focusing on its cultural and formal relations to other visual arts, such as animation, assemblage, photography, painting, sculpture, and architecture. The book considers the work of figures whose preferred film language is associative and fragmentary, and for whom the documentary is an endlessly open form, an unstable expressive phenomenon that cannot but interrogate the validity of its own narratives and representational modes. Combining close analysis with cultural history, Regarding the Real calls for a re-assessment of the influence of the modern arts in subverting the structures of realism typically associated with documentary filmmaking.
Growing interest in bilingual education in sub-Saharan Africa has highlighted an urgent need for reading material in African languages. In this paper, we focus on authors, one of several groups of stakeholders with responsibility for meeting this demand. We address three main issues: the nature and extent of African language publishing for children; the challenges for authors; and the available support. Our analysis is based on interviews and focus group discussions with publishers, authors, translators, educationalists, and representatives of book promotion organisations from nine African countries and documentary data on children's books in African languages in South Africa. Although there is evidence of a growing interest in producing books in local languages, the number of titles is constrained by funding. The challenges for authors include the need to understand the ingredients for successful children's books and for the sensitivity necessary to negotiate the linguistic challenges associated with a newly emergent genre in African languages. Support, in the form of competitions and workshops, relies on external funding and expertise and offers only temporary solutions. We finish with suggestions for more sustainable ways forward.
One way to do a bibliometric study is to examine each of the records that make up a database, each record and extract key areas that may disclose relevant information about the use of the database and documents in the collection . This article shows how a reference database allows to obtain important data that can reach conclusions that in some cases surprising. For this study we used the following fields of Database Control Documentary Indigenous Nationalities of Costa Rica 1979-2003: author, place of publication, publisher, year, language and support. The database analyzed has two thousand records and was developed in the Winisis. Moreover, analysis of documents was made after processing of the data, which was to export records to Excel software Winisis. After this information extracted from their chosen fields and are held by their respective separate chart or graph to present the results obtained. Furthermore, we show the application of different methods to learn more about the scientific aspects as: the Price Index, the Index of Collaboration This contribution will, first, for (as) students in the course of the race Metric Studies of Library and Information Science, National University, demonstrate and practice what you learned in this area. They may also benefit the (as) professionals from different areas, such as anthropologists (as), sociologists (as), linguists and librarians (as), among others (as).
Knowledge organization (KO) research is a field of scholarship concerned with the design, study and critique of the processes of organizing and representing documents that societies see as worthy of preserving (Tennis, 2008). In this context we are concerned with the relationship between language and action.On the one hand, we are concerned with what language can and does do for our knowledge organization systems (KOS). For example, how do the words NEGRO or INDIAN work in historical and contemporary indexing languages? In relation to this, we are also concerned with how we know about knowledge organization (KO) and its languages. On the other hand, we are concerned with how to act given this knowledge. That is, how do we carry out research and how do we design, implement, and evaluate KO systems?It is important to consider these questions in the context of our work because we are delegated by society to disseminate cultural memory. We are endowed with a perspective, prepared by an education, and granted positions whereby society asks us to ensure that documentary material is accessible to future generations. There is a social value in our work, and as such there is a social imperative to our work. We must act with good conscience, and use language judiciously, for the memory of the world is a heavy burden.In this paper, I explore these two weights of language and action that bear down on KO researchers. I first summarize what extant literature says about the knowledge claims we make with regard to KO practices and systems. To make it clear what it is that I think we know, I create a schematic that will link claims (language) to actions in advising, implementing, or evaluating information practices and systems.I will then contrast this with what we do not know, that is, what the unanswered questions might be (Gnoli, 2008 ; Dahlberg, 2011), and I will discuss them in relation to the two weights in our field of KO.Further, I will try to provide a systematic overview of possible ways to address these open questions in KO research. I will draw on the concept of elenchus - the forms of epistemology, theory, and methodology in KO (Tennis, 2008), and framework analysis which are structures, work practice, and discourses of KO systems (Tennis, 2006). In so doing, I will argue for a Neopragmatic stance on the weight of language and action in KO (Rorty, 1982 ; 2000). I will close by addressing the lacuna left in Neopragmatic thought – the ethical imperative to use language and action in a particular good and moral way. That is, I will address the ethical imperative of KO given its weights, epistemologies, theories, and methods. To do this, I will review a sample of relevant work on deontology in both western and eastern philosophical schools (e.g., Harvey, 1995).The perspective I want to communicate in this section is that the good in carrying out KO research may begin with epistemic stances (cf., language), but ultimately stands on ethical actions. I will present an analysis describing the micro and the macro ethical concerns in relation to KO research and its advice on practice. I hope this demonstrates that the direction of epistemology, theory, and methodology in KO, while burdened with the dual weights of language and action, is clear when provided an ethical sounding board. We know how to proceed when we understand how our work can benefit the world.KO is an important, if not always understood, division of labor in a society that values its documentary heritage and memory institutions. Being able to do good requires us to understand how to balance the weights of language and action. We must understand where we stand and be able to chart a path forward, one that does not cause harm, but adds value to the world and those that want to access recorded knowledge.
This article is about the lived experience in the Monitoring Programme of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), during the discipline of Spanish Language Applied to Tourism, of the Tourism Course, in Parnaíba/PI. The study aims at getting to introduce students, teachers and researchers the importance of this academic practice, as well as to characterize the relevance of the teaching/learning of foreign language (FL), more specifically the Spanish as foreign language (ELE), for tourism activity and career of tourism professional. The methodology adopted was a bibliographical, documentary and field research with qualitative and quantitative approach. Thus, it can be state that the monitoring encourages the students to teach, associated with teaching activities, research and extension activities, and it contributes to the development of their intellectual, academic and professional abilities. Furthermore, subjects perceive the relevance of foreign language teaching in the classroom, including the teaching of SFL for the efficient development of their works in relation to tourism.