967 resultados para Dizziness Handicap Inventory
Dizziness is frequent in elderly people. Aims: To evaluate the Quality of Life (QoL) in elderly subjects with dizziness, relate it with gender and age. Material and Method: A prospective study comprising 120 elderly patients with dizziness evaluated with Brazilian versions of the Whoqol-bref and the dizziness handicap inventory (DHI). The factor analysis (FA), the Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests, and the Spearman correlation were applied to study the results. Results: The most compromised domains were the DHI physical domain and the Whoqol-bref physical and environment domains. FA resulted in 3 factors in the DHI and 5 factors in the Whoqol-bref. There was a moderate correlation (-0.596) in the total scores of both instruments. Males had a better QoL in the ""environment perception and introspectivity"" and ""health perception"" factors of the Whoqol-bref test. Females had a better QoL in the ""functionality perception"" factor of the Whoqol-bref test. There were no significant age differences. Conclusions: Elderly patients with dizziness have a worse QoL. Elderly females with dizziness have worse QoL scores in ""environment perception and introspectivity"" and ""health perception"" and better QoL in the ""functionality perception"" factor compared to elderly males.
O zumbido traz grande repercussões a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, e temos dificuldade em quantificá-los. OBJETIVO: Determinar a reprodutibilidade e validade da tradução para língua portuguesa do Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), um questionário auto-aplicável que avalia a repercussão do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo do tipo transversal prospectivo foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente o questionário THI para a população brasileira de acordo com metodologia internacionalmente aceita e, então, respondido por 180 pacientes com zumbido. A avaliação de reprodutibilidade foi feita através do cálculo do alfa de Cronbach, enquanto que a validade foi testada através da comparação do THI com escala de depressão de Beck, calculando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: A tradução do THI apresenta boa validade interna, comparável com a demonstrada na versão original. Correlação alta foi observada entre o THI e a escala de Beck. CONCLUSÃO: A versão para a língua portuguesa é um instrumento válido e reprodutível para ser utilizado para quantificar o impacto do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes brasileiros que nos procuram com esse sintoma.
Um dos tópicos mais questionado nos estudos clínicos sobre zumbido é o método de mensuração do mesmo. As Escalas Visual-Análogas (EVAs) e o Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) são freqüentemente utilizados para este fim. OBJETIVO: Verificar a correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial através de um estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 43 pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial quantificaram o zumbido pelos dois métodos, sendo os escores comparados através do Coeficiente de Relação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Foi observada correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial existe correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI.
Perda auditiva: elevada prevalência da perda auditiva (14,1%), efeitos na comunicação, efeitos em aspectos psicossociais, cognitivos, da fala e linguagem. Avaliação da perda auditiva: baseia-se nos testes audiométricos psicoacústicos, base audiometria tonal, que permite estimar a sensibilidade auditiva (normal vs anormal), permite classificar o tipo e grau de perda auditiva, avaliação qualitativa com a utilização de escalas desenvolvidas para esse efeito, HHIA (Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults), instrumento desenvolvido a partir do HHIE (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly), para ser usado com pacientes de idade inferior a 65 anos.
Sendo as queixas da existência de acufenos um motivo frequente de procura da consulta de ORL (Otorrinolaringologia), e sendo frequente encontrar na literatura referências à depressão, à ansiedade, entre outras dimensões psicopatológicas, associadas a essas queixas, pretendemos com o nosso trabalho verificar a existência de eventuais correlações entre essas dimensões e a existência de acufenos. Para tal, utilizamos a escala de avaliação psicológica BSI (Brief Syntoms Inventory), que avalia nove dimensões psicológicas, tendo igualmente efectuado uma avaliação audiométrica nos indivíduos com queixas de acufenos. Estes indivíduos frequentavam a consulta de ORL de três hospitais, e apresentavam como queixa principal os acufenos. Os resultados obtidos nesses indivíduos, foram comparados com os resultados de um grupo de controlo. Dos resultados obtidos, é de destacar o facto de os elementos do sexo feminino com queixas de acufenos, apresentarem valores significativamente mais elevados para as dimensões de somatização e ansiedade fóbica. Relativamente ao nível de audição não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os diferentes níveis considerados e as mesmas dimensões. Quando comparamos os resultadosobtidos nas referidas dimensões entre o grupo de pacientes com acufenos e o grupo de controle, é de destacar o facto de existirem diferenças significativas para seis das nove dimensões avaliadas pela escala usada, o que vem confirmar os resultados encontrados na literatura, evidenciando o interesse do recurso a escalas de avaliação psicológica para referenciar o paciente, e abrir portas a estudos mais aprofundados nesta área.
Symptomatic recovery after acute vestibular neuritis (VN) is variable, with around 50% of patients reporting long term vestibular symptoms; hence, it is essential to identify factors related to poor clinical outcome. Here we investigated whether excessive reliance on visual input for spatial orientation (visual dependence) was associated with long term vestibular symptoms following acute VN. Twenty-eight patients with VN and 25 normal control subjects were included. Patients were enrolled at least 6 months after acute illness. Recovery status was not a criterion for study entry, allowing recruitment of patients with a full range of persistent symptoms. We measured visual dependence with a laptop-based Rod-and-Disk Test and severity of symptoms with the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). The third of patients showing the worst clinical outcomes (mean DHI score 36–80) had significantly greater visual dependence than normal subjects (6.35° error vs. 3.39° respectively, p = 0.03). Asymptomatic patients and those with minor residual symptoms did not differ from controls. Visual dependence was associated with high levels of persistent vestibular symptoms after acute VN. Over-reliance on visual information for spatial orientation is one characteristic of poorly recovered vestibular neuritis patients. The finding may be clinically useful given that visual dependence may be modified through rehabilitation desensitization techniques.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the most common peripheral vestibular disorder, especially in the elderly and presents as the predominant etiology in this population of the degeneration of the utricular macula. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of the approaches after Epley maneuver. Study Design: longitudinal cohort. Materials and Methods: The study included 53 volunteers with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal, divided into Group 1, who underwent Epley maneuver associated with the use of neck collar and post-maneuver instructions, Group 2 underwent the Epley maneuver without the use cervical collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions, and Group 3 underwent the Epley maneuver associated with the use of a mini vibrator, without the use of neck collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions. Results: In the three groups, the number of Epley maneuvers ranged from one to three. We employed the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory - pre- and post-treatment and observed a statistically significant difference on most scores pre- and post-treatment for both groups. Conclusion: Regardless of the post Epley maneuver treatment selected for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, it was effective when comparing the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory pre- and post-treatment.
Pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna e/ou doença de Ménière relatam prejuízos na qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Comparar o impacto da tontura na qualidade de vida destes pacientes e avaliar a influência do gênero, faixa etária e canal semicircular afetado. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo realizado na Universidade Federal de São Paulo, em 2003/04. O Dizziness Handicap Inventory foi aplicado em 70 pacientes com vertigem posicional, 70 com doença de Ménière e 15 com ambas. Utilizou-se o teste de igualdade de duas proporções e a análise de variância para a avaliação estatística. RESULTADOS: Os escores obtidos com a aplicação do questionário foram superiores, na crise e fora dela, no grupo com doença de Ménière, em relação ao com vertigem posicional, mas apenas na crise em relação ao grupo com associação (p<0,05). Não houve correlação com a faixa etária, gênero e nos casos de vertigem posicional, com o acometimento do canal semicircular. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com doença de Ménière apresentaram pior qualidade de vida, na crise e fora dela, em relação aos com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna e aos com associação de ambas labirintopatias, quando na crise da vertigem posicional. O prejuízo da qualidade de vida foi independente do gênero, da faixa etária e nos casos com vertigem posicional, do canal semicircular acometido.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia.
It has been suggested that Ménière's disease is part of a polyganglionitis in which symptoms result from the reactivation of neurotropic virus within the internal auditory canal, and that intratympanic applications of an antiviral agent might be an efficient therapy. In 2002, we performed a pilot study ending with encouraging results. Control of vertigo was achieved in 80% of the 17 patients included. We present here a prospective, double-blind study, with a 2-year follow-up, in 29 patients referred by ENT practitioners for a surgical treatment after failure of a medical therapy. The participation in the study was offered to patients prior to surgery. A solution of ganciclovir 50 mg/ml or of NaCl 9% was delivered for 10 consecutive days via a microwick inserted into the tympanic membrane in the direction of the round window or through a ventilation tube. One patient was withdrawn from the study immediately after the end of the injections. He could not complete the follow-up period, because of persisting vertigo. As he had received the placebo, he was then treated with the solution of ganciclovir. Symptoms persisted and he underwent a vestibular neurectomy. Among the remaining 28 patients, surgery could be postponed in 22 (81%). Surgery remained necessary to control vertigo in 3 patients from the group that received the antiviral agent, and in 3 from the control group. Using an analogical scale, patients of both groups indicated a similar improvement of their health immediately after the intratympanic injections. The scores obtained with a 36-item short-form health survey quality of life questionnaire and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory were also similar for both groups. In conclusion, most patients were improved after the intratympanic injections, but there was no obvious difference between the treated and control groups. The benefit might be due to the middle ear ventilation or reflect an improvement in the patients' emotional state.
This study evaluates patient's short and long-term balance function after microsurgical tumor removal and gamma knife radiosurgery using an unvalidated qualitative questionnaire and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory.
Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of a canalith-repositioning procedure in postural control of older patients with idiopathic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Study Design. Prospective clinical trial. Setting. A tertiary referral center. Methods. A 9-month follow-up survey with a prospective design was conducted among 33 older patients with BPPV. Patients underwent static posturography (Balance Rehabilitation Unit [BRU]) and were administered the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) before and after the maneuver. After the treatment, they were compared with 33 healthy older subjects. The posturography parameters were the limit of stability (LOS), the center of body-pressure area (COP), and the velocity of oscillation (VOS) under conditions of visual, somatosensory, and visual-vestibular conflict. Results. One canalith-repositioning procedure relieved most patients' complaints (54.5%), and 100% were relieved with 1 to 3 maneuvers. Total DHI score and all subscales improved after treatment (P < .01). The LOS values pretreatment (mean [SD] 134.27 [55.32] cm(2)) and posttreatment (181.03 [47.79] cm(2)) were significantly different (P < .01). Comparative analysis of COP values showed a relevant statistical difference in 8 of 10 postmaneuver conditions (P < .01). The postmaneuver VOS showed a significant difference under 7 conflict conditions. There were no differences between the healthy older subjects and treated patients for all VOS values under all conditions and for COP values under 9 conditions. Conclusion. The canalith-repositioning procedure promotes remission of symptoms, an increase in LOS, and improvement in postural control under conditions of somatosensory and visual conflict and visual-vestibular interaction.
Surgical plugging and resurfacing are well established treatments of superior semicircular canal dehiscence, while capping with hydroxyapatite cement has been little discussed in literature. The aim of this study was to prove the efficacy of the capping technique. Charts of patients diagnosed with superior semicircular canal dehiscence were reviewed retrospectively. All patients answered the dizziness handicap inventory, a survey analyzing the impact of their symptoms on their quality of life. Capping of the dehiscent canal was performed via the middle fossa approach in all cases. Ten out of 22 patients diagnosed with superior semicircular canal dehiscence were treated with surgical capping, nine of which were included in this study. No major perioperative complications occurred. In 8 out of 9 (89 %) patients, capping led to a satisfying reduction of the main symptoms. One patient underwent revision surgery 1 year after the initial intervention. Scores in the dizziness handicap inventory were lower in the surgically treated group than in the non-surgically treated group, but results were not statistically significant (P = 0.45). Overall, capping is a safe and efficient alternative to plugging and resurfacing of superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
Objective: determine the effect on the disability index of adult patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) using vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) and human movement. Subjects: six subjects with an average age of 49.5 ± 14.22 years who have been diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo by an otolaryngologist. Instruments: the Dizziness Handicap Inventory and a questionnaire to determine impact on the quality of life of patients with this pathology (Ceballos and Vargas, 2004). Procedure: subjects underwent vestibular therapy for four weeks together with habituation and balance exercises in a semi-supervised manner. Two measurements were performed, one before and one after the vestibular therapy and researchers determined if there was any improvement in the physical, functional, and emotional dimensions. Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics and Student’s t-test of repeated measures were applied to analyze results obtained. Results: significant statistical differences were found in the physical dimension between the pre-test (19.33 ± 4.67 points) and post-test (13 ± 7.24 points) (t = 2.65; p < 0.05). In contrast, no significant statistical differences were found in the functional (t = 2.44; p>0.05), emotional (t = 2.37; p>0.05) or general dimensions (t = 2.55; p>0.05). Conclusion: vestibular therapy with a semi-supervised human movement program improved the index of disability due to vertigo (physical dimension) in BPPV subjects.