926 resultados para Distributed computer systems


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Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within process control applications. Therefore, they constitute the foundation upon which real-time distributed computer-controlled systems can be implemented. P-NET is a fieldbus communication standard, which uses a virtual token-passing medium-access-control mechanism. In this paper pre-run-time schedulability conditions for supporting real-time traffic with P-NET networks are established. Essentially, formulae to evaluate the upper bound of the end-to-end communication delay in P-NET messages are provided. Using this upper bound, a feasibility test is then provided to check the timing requirements for accessing remote process variables. This paper also shows how P-NET network segmentation can significantly reduce the end-to-end communication delays for messages with stringent timing requirements.


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A distributed fuzzy system is a real-time fuzzy system in which the input, output and computation may be located on different networked computing nodes. The ability for a distributed software application, such as a distributed fuzzy system, to adapt to changes in the computing network at runtime can provide real-time performance improvement and fault-tolerance. This paper introduces an Adaptable Mobile Component Framework (AMCF) that provides a distributed dataflow-based platform with a fine-grained level of runtime reconfigurability. The execution location of small fragments (possibly as little as few machine-code instructions) of an AMCF application can be moved between different computing nodes at runtime. A case study is included that demonstrates the applicability of the AMCF to a distributed fuzzy system scenario involving multiple physical agents (such as autonomous robots). Using the AMCF, fuzzy systems can now be developed such that they can be distributed automatically across multiple computing nodes and are adaptable to runtime changes in the networked computing environment. This provides the opportunity to improve the performance of fuzzy systems deployed in scenarios where the computing environment is resource-constrained and volatile, such as multiple autonomous robots, smart environments and sensor networks.


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Supercapacitors are increasingly used as short term energy storage elements in distributed generation systems. The traditional approach in integrating them to the main system is the use of interfacing dc-dc converters which introduce additional costs and power losses. This paper therefore, presents a novel direct integration scheme for supercapacitors and thereby eliminates associated costs and power losses of interfacing converters. The idea is simply to replace ordinary capacitors of three-level flying-capacitor rectifiers with supercapacitors and operate them under variable voltage conditions. An analysis on the reduction of power losses by the proposed system is presented. Furthermore, supercapacitor sizing and implementation issues such as effects of the variable voltage operation and resistive behavior of supercapacitors at high frequencies are also discussed. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed system in suppressing short term power fluctuations in wind generation system.


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This paper is aimed at reviewing the notion of Byzantine-resilient distributed computing systems, the relevant protocols and their possible applications as reported in the literature. The three agreement problems, namely, the consensus problem, the interactive consistency problem, and the generals problem have been discussed. Various agreement protocols for the Byzantine generals problem have been summarized in terms of their performance and level of fault-tolerance. The three classes of Byzantine agreement protocols discussed are the deterministic, randomized, and approximate agreement protocols. Finally, application of the Byzantine agreement protocols to clock synchronization is highlighted.


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The stimulation technique has gained much importance in the performance studies of Concurrency Control (CC) algorithms for distributed database systems. However, details regarding the simulation methodology and implementation are seldom mentioned in the literature. One objective of this paper is to elaborate the simulation methodology using SIMULA. Detailed studies have been carried out on a centralised CC algorithm and its modified version. The results compare well with a previously reported study on these algorithms. Here, additional results concerning the update intensiveness of transactions and the degree of conflict are obtained. The degree of conflict is quantitatively measured and it is seen to be a useful performance index. Regression analysis has been carried out on the results, and an optimisation study using the regression model has been performed to minimise the response time. Such a study may prove useful for the design of distributed database systems.


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In this paper, we solve the distributed parameter fixed point smoothing problem by formulating it as an extended linear filtering problem and show that these results coincide with those obtained in the literature using the forward innovations method.


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Equivalence of certain classes of second-order non-linear distributed parameter systems and corresponding linear third-order systems is established through a differential transformation technique. As linear systems are amenable to analysis through existing techniques, this study is expected to offer a method of tackling certain classes of non-linear problems which may otherwise prove to be formidable in nature.


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An important issue in the design of a distributed computing system (DCS) is the development of a suitable protocol. This paper presents an effort to systematize the protocol design procedure for a DCS. Protocol design and development can be divided into six phases: specification of the DCS, specification of protocol requirements, protocol design, specification and validation of the designed protocol, performance evaluation, and hardware/software implementation. This paper describes techniques for the second and third phases, while the first phase has been considered by the authors in their earlier work. Matrix and set theoretic based approaches are used for specification of a DCS and for specification of the protocol requirements. These two formal specification techniques form the basis of the development of a simple and straightforward procedure for the design of the protocol. The applicability of the above design procedure has been illustrated by considering an example of a computing system encountered on board a spacecraft. A Petri-net based approach has been adopted to model the protocol. The methodology developed in this paper can be used in other DCS applications.


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The availability of a very accurate dependence graph for a scalar code is the basis for the automatic generation of an efficient parallel implementation. The strategy for this task which is encapsulated in a comprehensive data partitioning code generation algorithm is described. This algorithm involves the data partition, calculation of assignment ranges for partitioned arrays, addition of a comprehensive set of execution control masks, altering loop limits, addition and optimisation of communications for all data. In this context, the development and implementation of strategies to merge communications wherever possible has proved an important feature in producing efficient parallel implementations for numerical mesh based codes. The code generation strategies described here are embedded within the Computer Aided Parallelisation tools (CAPTools) software as a key part of a toolkit for automating as much as possible of the parallelisation process for mesh based numerical codes. The algorithms used enables parallelisation of real computational mechanics codes with only minor user interaction and without any prior manual customisation of the serial code to suit the parallelisation tool.


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Realizing scalable performance on high performance computing systems is not straightforward for single-phenomenon codes (such as computational fluid dynamics [CFD]). This task is magnified considerably when the target software involves the interactions of a range of phenomena that have distinctive solution procedures involving different discretization methods. The problems of addressing the key issues of retaining data integrity and the ordering of the calculation procedures are significant. A strategy for parallelizing this multiphysics family of codes is described for software exploiting finite-volume discretization methods on unstructured meshes using iterative solution procedures. A mesh partitioning-based SPMD approach is used. However, since different variables use distinct discretization schemes, this means that distinct partitions are required; techniques for addressing this issue are described using the mesh-partitioning tool, JOSTLE. In this contribution, the strategy is tested for a variety of test cases under a wide range of conditions (e.g., problem size, number of processors, asynchronous / synchronous communications, etc.) using a variety of strategies for mapping the mesh partition onto the processor topology.


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The problem of deriving parallel mesh partitioning algorithms for mapping unstructured meshes to parallel computers is discussed in this chapter. In itself this raises a paradox - we seek to find a high quality partition of the mesh, but to compute it in parallel we require a partition of the mesh. In fact, we overcome this difficulty by deriving an optimisation strategy which can find a high quality partition even if the quality of the initial partition is very poor and then use a crude distribution scheme for the initial partition. The basis of this strategy is to use a multilevel approach combined with local refinement algorithms. Three such refinement algorithms are outlined and some example results presented which show that they can produce very high global quality partitions, very rapidly. The results are also compared with a similar multilevel serial partitioner and shown to be almost identical in quality. Finally we consider the impact of the initial partition on the results and demonstrate that the final partition quality is, modulo a certain amount of noise, independent of the initial partition.


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The diversity gains achievable in the generalised distributed antenna system with cooperative users (GDAS-CU) are considered. A GDAS-CU is comprised of M largely separated access points (APs) at one side of the link, and N geographically closed user terminals (UTs) at the other side. The UTs are collaborating together to enhance the system performance, where an idealised message sharing among the UTs is assumed. First, geometry-based network models are proposed to describe the topology of a GDAS-CU. The mean cross-correlation coefficients of signals received from non-collocated APs and UTs are calculated based on the network topology and the correlation models derived from the empirical data. The analysis is also extendable to more general scenarios where the APs are placed in a clustered form due to the constraints of street layout or building structure. Subsequently, a generalised signal attenuation model derived from several stochastic ray-tracing-based pathloss models is applied to describe the power-decaying pattern in urban built-up areas, where the GDAS-CU may be deployed. Armed with the cross-correlation and pathloss model preliminaries, an intrinsic measure of cooperative diversity obtainable from a GDAS-CU is then derived, which is the number of independent fading channels that can be averaged over to detect symbols. The proposed analytical framework would provide critical insight into the degree of possible performance improvement when combining multiple copies of the received signal in such systems.