817 resultados para Distributed Denial-of-Service
An Arbor Networks paper describing DDoS attacks and related attacks. The first 9-10 pages or so are good background reading for INFO6003. Students may also find the rest of the paper interesting.
This thesis studies techniques used for detection of distributed denial of service attacks which during last decade became one of the most serious network security threats. To evaluate different detection algorithms and further improve them we need to test their performance under conditions as close to real-life situations as possible. Currently the only feasible solution for large-scale tests is the simulated environment. The thesis describes implementation of recursive non-parametric CUSUM algorithm for detection of distributed denial of service attacks in ns-2 network simulator – a standard de-facto for network simulation.
The Internet has become a universal communication network tool. It has evolved from a platform that supports best-effort traffic to one that now carries different traffic types including those involving continuous media with quality of service (QoS) requirements. As more services are delivered over the Internet, we face increasing risk to their availability given that malicious attacks on those Internet services continue to increase. Several networks have witnessed denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks over the past few years which have disrupted QoS of network services, thereby violating the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the client and the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Hence DoS or DDoS attacks are major threats to network QoS. In this paper we survey techniques and solutions that have been deployed to thwart DoS and DDoS attacks and we evaluate them in terms of their impact on network QoS for Internet services. We also present vulnerabilities that can be exploited for QoS protocols and also affect QoS if exploited. In addition, we also highlight challenges that still need to be addressed to achieve end-to-end QoS with recently proposed DoS/DDoS solutions. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wireless networks are widely deployed and have many uses, for example in critical embedded systems. The applications of this kind of network meets the common needs of most embedded systems and addressing the particularities of each scenario, such as limitations of computing resources and energy supply. Problems such as denial of service attacks are common place and cause great inconvenience. Thus, this study presents simulations of denial of service attacks on 802.11 wireless networks using the network simulator OMNeT++. Furthermore, we present an approach to mitigate such attack, obtaining significant results for improving wireless networks.
The paper describes two new transport layer (TCP) options and an expanded transport layer queuing strategy that facilitate three functions that are fundamental to the dispatching-based clustered service. A transport layer option has been developed to facilitate. the use of client wait time data within the service request processing of the cluster. A second transport layer option has been developed to facilitate the redirection of service requests by the cluster dispatcher to the cluster processing member. An expanded transport layer service request queuing strategy facilitates the trust based filtering of incoming service requests so that a graceful degradation of service delivery may be achieved during periods of overload - most dramatically evidenced by distributed denial of service attacks against the clustered service. We describe how these new options and queues have been implemented and successfully tested within the transport layer of the Linux kernel.
The Internet of things (IoT) is still in its infancy and has attracted much interest in many industrial sectors including medical fields, logistics tracking, smart cities and automobiles. However, as a paradigm, it is susceptible to a range of significant intrusion threats. This paper presents a threat analysis of the IoT and uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to combat these threats. A multi-level perceptron, a type of supervised ANN, is trained using internet packet traces, then is assessed on its ability to thwart Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS/DoS) attacks. This paper focuses on the classification of normal and threat patterns on an IoT Network. The ANN procedure is validated against a simulated IoT network. The experimental results demonstrate 99.4% accuracy and can successfully detect various DDoS/DoS attacks.
A run through various aspects of Distributed Denial of Service attacks
Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.
Los avances en el hardware permiten disponer de grandes volúmenes de datos, surgiendo aplicaciones que deben suministrar información en tiempo cuasi-real, la monitorización de pacientes, ej., el seguimiento sanitario de las conducciones de agua, etc. Las necesidades de estas aplicaciones hacen emerger el modelo de flujo de datos (data streaming) frente al modelo almacenar-para-despuésprocesar (store-then-process). Mientras que en el modelo store-then-process, los datos son almacenados para ser posteriormente consultados; en los sistemas de streaming, los datos son procesados a su llegada al sistema, produciendo respuestas continuas sin llegar a almacenarse. Esta nueva visión impone desafíos para el procesamiento de datos al vuelo: 1) las respuestas deben producirse de manera continua cada vez que nuevos datos llegan al sistema; 2) los datos son accedidos solo una vez y, generalmente, no son almacenados en su totalidad; y 3) el tiempo de procesamiento por dato para producir una respuesta debe ser bajo. Aunque existen dos modelos para el cómputo de respuestas continuas, el modelo evolutivo y el de ventana deslizante; éste segundo se ajusta mejor en ciertas aplicaciones al considerar únicamente los datos recibidos más recientemente, en lugar de todo el histórico de datos. En los últimos años, la minería de datos en streaming se ha centrado en el modelo evolutivo. Mientras que, en el modelo de ventana deslizante, el trabajo presentado es más reducido ya que estos algoritmos no sólo deben de ser incrementales si no que deben borrar la información que caduca por el deslizamiento de la ventana manteniendo los anteriores tres desafíos. Una de las tareas fundamentales en minería de datos es la búsqueda de agrupaciones donde, dado un conjunto de datos, el objetivo es encontrar grupos representativos, de manera que se tenga una descripción sintética del conjunto. Estas agrupaciones son fundamentales en aplicaciones como la detección de intrusos en la red o la segmentación de clientes en el marketing y la publicidad. Debido a las cantidades masivas de datos que deben procesarse en este tipo de aplicaciones (millones de eventos por segundo), las soluciones centralizadas puede ser incapaz de hacer frente a las restricciones de tiempo de procesamiento, por lo que deben recurrir a descartar datos durante los picos de carga. Para evitar esta perdida de datos, se impone el procesamiento distribuido de streams, en concreto, los algoritmos de agrupamiento deben ser adaptados para este tipo de entornos, en los que los datos están distribuidos. En streaming, la investigación no solo se centra en el diseño para tareas generales, como la agrupación, sino también en la búsqueda de nuevos enfoques que se adapten mejor a escenarios particulares. Como ejemplo, un mecanismo de agrupación ad-hoc resulta ser más adecuado para la defensa contra la denegación de servicio distribuida (Distributed Denial of Services, DDoS) que el problema tradicional de k-medias. En esta tesis se pretende contribuir en el problema agrupamiento en streaming tanto en entornos centralizados y distribuidos. Hemos diseñado un algoritmo centralizado de clustering mostrando las capacidades para descubrir agrupaciones de alta calidad en bajo tiempo frente a otras soluciones del estado del arte, en una amplia evaluación. Además, se ha trabajado sobre una estructura que reduce notablemente el espacio de memoria necesario, controlando, en todo momento, el error de los cómputos. Nuestro trabajo también proporciona dos protocolos de distribución del cómputo de agrupaciones. Se han analizado dos características fundamentales: el impacto sobre la calidad del clustering al realizar el cómputo distribuido y las condiciones necesarias para la reducción del tiempo de procesamiento frente a la solución centralizada. Finalmente, hemos desarrollado un entorno para la detección de ataques DDoS basado en agrupaciones. En este último caso, se ha caracterizado el tipo de ataques detectados y se ha desarrollado una evaluación sobre la eficiencia y eficacia de la mitigación del impacto del ataque. ABSTRACT Advances in hardware allow to collect huge volumes of data emerging applications that must provide information in near-real time, e.g., patient monitoring, health monitoring of water pipes, etc. The data streaming model emerges to comply with these applications overcoming the traditional store-then-process model. With the store-then-process model, data is stored before being consulted; while, in streaming, data are processed on the fly producing continuous responses. The challenges of streaming for processing data on the fly are the following: 1) responses must be produced continuously whenever new data arrives in the system; 2) data is accessed only once and is generally not maintained in its entirety, and 3) data processing time to produce a response should be low. Two models exist to compute continuous responses: the evolving model and the sliding window model; the latter fits best with applications must be computed over the most recently data rather than all the previous data. In recent years, research in the context of data stream mining has focused mainly on the evolving model. In the sliding window model, the work presented is smaller since these algorithms must be incremental and they must delete the information which expires when the window slides. Clustering is one of the fundamental techniques of data mining and is used to analyze data sets in order to find representative groups that provide a concise description of the data being processed. Clustering is critical in applications such as network intrusion detection or customer segmentation in marketing and advertising. Due to the huge amount of data that must be processed by such applications (up to millions of events per second), centralized solutions are usually unable to cope with timing restrictions and recur to shedding techniques where data is discarded during load peaks. To avoid discarding of data, processing of streams (such as clustering) must be distributed and adapted to environments where information is distributed. In streaming, research does not only focus on designing for general tasks, such as clustering, but also in finding new approaches that fit bests with particular scenarios. As an example, an ad-hoc grouping mechanism turns out to be more adequate than k-means for defense against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). This thesis contributes to the data stream mining clustering technique both for centralized and distributed environments. We present a centralized clustering algorithm showing capabilities to discover clusters of high quality in low time and we provide a comparison with existing state of the art solutions. We have worked on a data structure that significantly reduces memory requirements while controlling the error of the clusters statistics. We also provide two distributed clustering protocols. We focus on the analysis of two key features: the impact on the clustering quality when computation is distributed and the requirements for reducing the processing time compared to the centralized solution. Finally, with respect to ad-hoc grouping techniques, we have developed a DDoS detection framework based on clustering.We have characterized the attacks detected and we have evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of mitigating the attack impact.
An effective Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) defense mechanism must guarantee legitimate users access to an Internet service masking the effects of possible attacks. That is, it must be able to detect threats and discard malicious packets in a online fashion. Given that emerging data streaming technology can enable such mitigation in an effective manner, in this paper we present STONE, a stream-based DDoS defense framework, which integrates anomaly-based DDoS detection and mitigation with scalable data streaming technology. With STONE, the traffic of potential targets is analyzed via continuous data streaming queries maintaining information used for both attack detection and mitigation. STONE provides minimal degradation of legitimate users traffic during DDoS attacks and it also faces effectively flash crowds. Our preliminary evaluation based on an implemented prototype and conducted with real legitimate and malicious traffic traces shows that STONE is able to provide fast detection and precise mitigation of DDoS attacks leveraging scalable data streaming technology.
This paper describes an experiment in designing, implementing and testing a Transport layer cluster scheduling and dispatching architecture. The motivation for the experiment was the hypothesis that a Transport layer clustering solution may offer advantantages over the existing industry-standard Network layer and Data Link Layer approaches. The critical success factors initially established to guide and evaluate the experiment were reduced dispatcher work load, reduced dispatcher internal state memory requirements, distributed denial of service resilience, and cluster software design simplicity. The functional design stage of the experiment produced a Transport layer strategy for scheduling and load balancing based on the specification of two new TCP options. Implementation required the introduction of the newly specified TCP options into the Linux (2.4) kernel. The implementation produced an extended Linux Socket API to facilitate user-process access to the additional TCP capability. The testing stage of the experiment confirmed the operational efficiency of the solution.
This paper proposes a technique to defeat Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in Ad Hoc Networks. The technique is divided into two main parts and with game theory and cryptographic puzzles. Introduced first is a new client puzzle to prevent DoS attacks in such networks. The second part presents a multiplayer game that takes place between the nodes of an ad hoc network and based on fundamental principles of game theory. By combining computational problems with puzzles, improvement occurs in the efficiency and latency of the communicating nodes and resistance in DoS and DDoS attacks. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach for devices with limited resources and for environments like ad hoc networks where nodes must exchange information quickly.
Botnets, which consist of thousands of compromised machines, can cause a significant threat to other systems by launching Distributed Denial of Service attacks, keylogging, and backdoors. In response to this threat, new effective techniques are needed to detect the presence of botnets. In this paper, we have used an interception technique to monitor Windows Application Programming Interface system calls made by communication applications. Existing approaches for botnet detection are based on finding bot traffic patterns. Our approach does not depend on finding patterns but rather monitors the change of behaviour in the system. In addition, we will present our idea of detecting botnet based on log correlations from different hosts.
The wide diffusion of cheap, small, and portable sensors integrated in an unprecedented large variety of devices and the availability of almost ubiquitous Internet connectivity make it possible to collect an unprecedented amount of real time information about the environment we live in. These data streams, if properly and timely analyzed, can be exploited to build new intelligent and pervasive services that have the potential of improving people's quality of life in a variety of cross concerning domains such as entertainment, health-care, or energy management. The large heterogeneity of application domains, however, calls for a middleware-level infrastructure that can effectively support their different quality requirements. In this thesis we study the challenges related to the provisioning of differentiated quality-of-service (QoS) during the processing of data streams produced in pervasive environments. We analyze the trade-offs between guaranteed quality, cost, and scalability in streams distribution and processing by surveying existing state-of-the-art solutions and identifying and exploring their weaknesses. We propose an original model for QoS-centric distributed stream processing in data centers and we present Quasit, its prototype implementation offering a scalable and extensible platform that can be used by researchers to implement and validate novel QoS-enforcement mechanisms. To support our study, we also explore an original class of weaker quality guarantees that can reduce costs when application semantics do not require strict quality enforcement. We validate the effectiveness of this idea in a practical use-case scenario that investigates partial fault-tolerance policies in stream processing by performing a large experimental study on the prototype of our novel LAAR dynamic replication technique. Our modeling, prototyping, and experimental work demonstrates that, by providing data distribution and processing middleware with application-level knowledge of the different quality requirements associated to different pervasive data flows, it is possible to improve system scalability while reducing costs.