959 resultados para Distal Limb


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In this paper, we show the conserved regulation of the homeodomain gene Distal-less-3 (Dlx-3) by analyzing the expression of a promoter from the Xenopus ortholog, Xdll-2, in transgenic mice. A 470-bp frog regulatory sequence confers appropriate expression on a lacZ reporter gene in the ectodermal component of structures derived from epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Remarkably, this includes structures absent in Xenopus, such as the hair follicle and mammary gland, suggesting that conserved regulatory elements can be used to control the formation of structures peculiar to individual species. In addition, expression of Dlx-3 in developing limbs is highest at the most distal portion. This pattern is duplicated by the Xenopus promoter, indicating that this DNA may include sequences responsive to conserved proximodistal patterning signals in the vertebrate limb.


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Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasmocytic malignant proliferation of a single clone resulting in an overabundance of monoclonal immunoglobulins. MM commonly presents with bone disorders, renal failure, anaemia and hypercalcaemia. Hyperviscosity syndrome is rare, as are vaso-occlusive symptoms. The authors report a dramatic case of an 80-year-old woman admitted to the emergency department with full-blown distal gangrene. The culprit turned out to be a MM, unusually presenting with symptomatic hyperviscosity and peripheral occlusive ischaemia. This catastrophic and particularly dramatic presentation is almost unprecedented, with only a few cases reported worldwide.


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The aim of this thesis was to study two objective methods of osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosis in horses and use them on the assessment of new intra-articular treatments. The studied methods were a new inertial-sensor based system of lameness detection and cartilage biomarkers in serum. It was found that distal limb flexion is significantly correlated to the presence of metacarpo-phalangeal OA in hind limbs and that inertial-sensors are sensitive in detecting asymmetry in these cases. A positive and significant correlation was observed between Coll2-1 concentration in serum and the presence of joint disease in males and young horses. Fib3-2 measurement has good potential to be used since it is not influenced by sex or age. Using an experimental model of OA, adipose stem cells pre-activated with interferon-gamma decreased joint inflammation and radiographic lesions. In clinical cases, a single injection of high-concentrated and high-molecular weight hyaluronic-acid decreased joint inflammation and biomarkers’ concentration; OSTEOARTRITE DO MEMBRO DISTAL NO CAVALO Resumo: A finalidade desta tese foi estudar dois métodos de diagnóstico objetivo de osteoartrite (OA) em equinos e aplicá-los na avaliação de novas terapias intra-articulares. Utilizou-se um sistema de sensores de movimento e foi avaliada a concentração de biomarcadores de cartilagem no soro. Concluiu-se que a flexão distal positiva está correlacionada com OA na articulação metacarpofalângica nos membros posteriores e que os sensores são sensíveis na detecção de assimetria nestes casos. Existe uma correlação positiva e significativa entre as concentrações de Coll2-1 e a presença de doença articular, sobretudo em machos e jovens. A dosagem de Fib3-2 tem utilidade por não ser influenciada pelo sexo nem idade. Num modelo experimental da doença, a terapia à base de células estaminais reduziu a inflamação articular e as lesões radiográficas. Em casos clínicos, o tratamento com ácido-hialurónico de alta concentração e peso molecular provoca uma diminuição da inflamação articular e dos biomarcadores no soro.


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Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor required for dorso-ventral (D-V) patterning in the mesenchyme of the vertebrate limb. In the absence of Lmx1b function, limbs exhibit a bi-ventral pattern indicating that Lmx1b is required for cells to adopt a dorsal cell fate. However, how Lmx1b specifies dorsal cell fates in the mesenchyme of the distal limb is unknown. Lmx1b is initially expressed throughout the dorsal and ventral limb bud mesenchyme, then becomes dorsally restricted around E10.5. At this stage, there is a sharp boundary between Lmx1b expressing and Lmx1b non-expressing cells. How the dorso-ventral Lmx1b expression boundary is formed and maintained is currently unknown. One mechanism that may contribute to establishing and/or maintaining the Lmx1b expression boundary is if the dorsal mesenchyme is a lineage-based compartment, where different groups of non-mingling cells are separated. Compartment formation has been proposed to rely on compartment-specific selector gene activity which functions to restrict cells to a compartment and specifies the identity of cells within that compartment. Based on the evidence that the dorsal limb identity relies on the expression of Lmx1b in the dorsal half of the limb mesenchyme, we hypothesized that Lmx1b might function as a dorsal limb bud mesenchyme selector gene to set up a dorsal compartment. To test this hypothesis, we developed an inducible CreERT2/ loxP based fate mapping approach that permanently marks Lmx1b wild-type and mutant cells and examined the distribution of their descendents in the developing limb. Our data is the first to show that dorso-ventral lineage compartments exist in the limb bud mesenchyme. Furthermore, Lmx1b is required for maintenance of the dorso-ventral compartment lineage boundary. The behavior of Lmx1b mutant cells that cross into the ventral mesenchyme, as well as previous chimera analysis in which mutant cells spread evenly in the ventral limb and form patches in the dorsal side, suggest that cell affinity differences prevent intermingling of dorsal and ventral cells. ^


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In this study, aspects of the structural mechanics of the upper and lower limbs of the three Chinese species of Rhinopithecus were examined. Linear regression and reduced major axis (RMA) analyses of natural log-transformed data were used to examine the dimensions of limb bones and other relationships to body size and locomotion. The results of this study suggest that: (1) the allometry exponents of the lengths of long limbs deviate from isometry, being moderately negative, while the shaft diameters (both sagittal and transverse) show significantly positive allometry; (2) the sagittal diameters of the tibia and ulna show extremely significantly positive allometry - the relative enlargement of the sagittal, as opposed to transverse, diameters of these bones suggests that the distal segments of the fore- and hindlimbs of Rhinopithecus experience high bending stresses during locomotion; (3) observations of Rhinopithecus species in the field indicate that all species engage in energetic leaping during arboreal locomotion. The limbs experience rapid and dramatic decelerations upon completion of a leap. We suggest that these occasional decelerations produce high bending stresses in the distal limb segments and so account for the hypertrophy of the sagittal diameters of the ulna and tibia.


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Vertebrate limbs grow out from the flanks of embryos, with their main axis extending proximodistally from the trunk. Distinct limb domains, each with specific traits, are generated in a proximal-to-distal sequence during development. Diffusible factors expressed from signalling centres promote the outgrowth of limbs and specify their dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. However, the molecular mechanism by which limb cells acquire their proximodistal (P-D) identity is unknown. Here we describe the role of the homeobox genes Meis1/2 and Pbx1 in the development of mouse, chicken and Drosophila limbs. We find that Meis1/2 expression is restricted to a proximal domain, coincident with the previously reported domain in which Pbx1 is localized to the nucleus, and resembling the distribution of the Drosophila homologues homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd); that Meis1 regulates Pbx1 activity by promoting nuclear import of the Pbx1 protein; and that ectopic expression of Meis1 in chicken and hth in Drosophila disrupts distal limb development and induces distal-to-proximal transformations. We suggest that restriction of Meis1/Hth to proximal regions of the vertebrate and insect limb is essential to specify cell fates and differentiation patterns along the P-D axis of the limb.


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The underlying genetic defects of a congenital disease Nail-Patella Syndrome are loss-of-function mutations in the LMX1B gene. Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor that is expressed specifically in the dorsal limb bud mesenchyme. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments suggest that Lmx1b is both necessary and sufficient to specify dorsal limb patterning. However, how Lmx1b coordinates patterning of the dorsal tissues in the limb, including muscle, skeleton and connective tissues, remains unknown. One possibility is that each tissue specifies its own pattern cell-autonomously, i.e., Lmx1b is expressed in tissues in which it functions and different tissues do not communicate with each other. Another possibility is that tissues that express Lmx1b interact with adjacent tissues and provide patterning information thereby directing the development of tissues non-cell-autonomously. Previous results showed that Lmx1b is expressed in limb connective tissue and skeleton, but is not expressed in muscle tissue. Moreover, muscles and muscle connective tissue are closely associated during development. Therefore, we hypothesize that Lmx1b controls limb muscle dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning through muscle connective tissue, but regulates skeleton and tendon/ligament development cell-autonomously. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first examined when and where the limb dorsal-ventral asymmetry is established during development. Subsequently, conditional knockout and overexpression experiments were performed to delete or activate Lmx1b in different tissues within the limb. Our results show that deletion of Lmx1b from whole limb mesenchyme results in all dorsal tissues, including muscle, tendon/ligament and skeleton, transforming into ventral structures. Skeleton-specific knockout of Lmx1b led to the dorsal duplication of distal sesamoid and metacarpal bones, but did not affect the pattern formation of other tissues, suggesting that Lmx1b controls skeleton development cell-autonomously. In addition, this skeleton-specific pattern alteration only occurs in distal limb tissues, not proximal limb tissues, indicating different regulatory mechanisms operate along the limb proximal-distal axis. Moreover, skeleton-specific ectopic expression of Lmx1b reveals a complementary skeletal-specific dorsalized phenotype. This result supports a cell-autonomous role for Lmx1b in dorsal-ventral skeletal patterning. This study enriched our understanding of limb development, and the insights from this research may also be applicable for the development of other organs. ^


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During limb development, expression of the TALE homeobox transcription factor Meis1 is activated by retinoic acid in the proximal-most limb bud regions, which give rise to the upper forelimb and hindlimb. Early subdivision of the limb bud into proximal Meis-positive and distal Meis-negative domains is necessary for correct proximo-distal (P-D) limb development in the chick, since ectopic Meis1 overexpression abolishes distal limb structures, produces a proximal shift of limb identities along the P-D axis, and proximalizes distal limb cell affinity properties. To determine whether Meis activity is also required for P-D limb specification in mammals, we generated transgenic mice ectopically expressing Meis1 in the distal limb mesenchyme under the control of the Msx2 promoter. Msx2:Meis1 transgenic mice display altered P-D patterning and shifted P-D Hox gene expression domains, similar to those previously described for the chicken. Meis proteins function in cooperation with PBX factors, another TALE homeodomain subfamily. Meis-Pbx interaction is required for nuclear localization of both proteins in cell culture, and is important for their DNA-binding and transactivation efficiency. During limb development, Pbx1 nuclear expression correlates with the Meis expression domain, and Pbx1 has been proposed as the main Meis partner in this context; however, we found that Pbx1 deficiency did not modify the limb phenotype of Msx2:Meis1 mice. Our results indicate a conserved role of Meis activity in P-D specification of the tetrapod limb and suggest that Pbx function in this context is either not required or is provided by partners other than Pbx1.


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OBJECTIVE: Interhemispheric inhibition (IHI) is typically examined via responses elicited in intrinsic hand muscles. As the cortical representations of proximal and distal muscles in the upper limb are distinguished in terms of their inter-hemispheric projections, we sought to determine whether the IHI parameters established for the hand apply more generally.

METHODS: We investigated IHI at 5 different conditioning stimulus (CS) intensities and a range of short-latency inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) in healthy participants. Conditioning and test stimuli were delivered over the M1 representation of the right and left flexor carpi radialis respectively.

RESULTS: IHI increased as a function of CS intensity, and was present for ISIs between 7 and 15ms. Inhibition was most pronounced for the 10ms ISI at all CS intensities.

CONCLUSIONS: The range of parameters for which IHI is elicited in projections to the forearm is similar to that reported for the hand. The specific utility lies in delineation of stimulus parameters that permit both potentiation and attenuation of IHI to be assessed.

SIGNIFICANCE: In light of evidence that there is a greater density of callosal projections between cortical areas that represent proximal muscles than between those corresponding to distal limb muscles, and in view of the assumption that variations in functional connectivity to which such differences give rise may have important implications for motor behavior, it is critical to determine whether processes mediating the expression of IHI depend on the effector that is studied. This issue is of further broad significance given the practical utility of movements generated by muscles proximal to the wrist in the context of upper limb rehabilitation.


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Le desserrage des tiges est une complication fréquente des plâtres avec tiges transcorticales (TP) chez les grands animaux, nécessitant souvent leur retrait prématuré avant la guérison des fractures. Les charges excessives centrées sur le cortex à l’interface os-tige proximo-externe et disto-interne causent de l'ostéolyse. En utilisant un modèle de veau nouveau-né, ce projet a évalué un nouveau système de tige-manchon et anneau integré dans un plâtre (PS) optimisé pour réduire la contrainte péri-implant et le stress à l'interface os-implant. On a émis l'hypothèse que les PS se traduiraient par une ostéolyse péri-implant moindre par rapport aux TP. Dix veaux en bonne santé, de 3 semaines d'âge, ont été implantés avec les TP ou PS dans le métacarpe droit, à raison de 2 implants par veau. Les veaux ont été observés quotidiennement pour le confort et la boiterie et ont été euthanasiés à 28 jours. Les données recueillies comprenaient les radiographies à la chirurgie et à l'euthanasie et les mesures histomorphométriques de contact os-implant sur des échantillons non-décalcifiés avec les implants in situ. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, une valeur de P <0,05 a été considérée comme significative. L'épaisseur corticale était plus importante pour les implants distaux que proximaux pour les deux groupes lors de la chirurgie (P = 0,03), mais était similaire entre les groupes (P > 0,3). Les veaux avec TP ont développé une boiterie plus tôt (au jour 21) que les veaux avec PS (P = 0,04). Histologiquement, il y avait plus de contact direct os-implant cortical pour les implants PS distaux que les implants TP (P = 0,04). La jonction métaphyso-diaphysaire osseuse où les implants proximaux étaient situés est impropre aux deux systèmes; chacun a un minimum de contact os-implant et de l'ostéolyse extensive. Le système PS n'ayant pas causé une ostéolyse importante lorsque implantés dans l'os diaphysaire et peut-être une alternative convenable aux TP pour des fractures comminutives des membres distaux.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Good cooperation between farrier, veterinarian and horse owner is an important prerequisite for optimal support of the horse with regards to shoeing and hoof health. The introduction of a joint educational aid aims to improve the level of education of both veterinarians and farriers. The interactive, multimedia approach represents an innovative new dimension in instruction techniques, predominantly provided through images and videos. The contents of the new teaching aid will focus on detailed anatomy of the foot and distal limb, as well as currently accepted shoeing practices and techniques and pathologic conditions of the hoof and foot.