995 resultados para Dissipative system


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To describe the various complex mechanisms of the dissipative dynamical system between waves, currents, and bottoms in the nearshore region that induce typically the wave motion on large-scale variation of ambient currents, a generalized wave action equation for the dissipative dynamical system in the nearshore region is developed by using the mean-flow equations based on the Navier-Stokes equations of viscous fluid, thus raising two new concepts: the vertical velocity wave action and the dissipative wave action, extending the classical concept, wave action, from the ideal averaged flow conservative system into the real averaged flow dissipative system (that is, the generalized conservative system). It will have more applications.


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Some dynamical properties for a dissipative time-dependent oval-shaped billiard are studied. The system is described in terms of a four-dimensional nonlinear mapping. Dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions of the particle with the boundary, thus implying that the particle has a fractional loss of energy upon collision. The dissipation causes profound modifications in the dynamics of the particle as well as in the phase space of the non-dissipative system. In particular, inelastic collisions can be assumed as an efficient mechanism to suppress Fermi acceleration of the particle. The dissipation also creates attractors in the system, including chaotic. We show that a slightly modification of the intensity of the damping coefficient yields a drastic and sudden destruction of the chaotic attractor, thus leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. We have characterized such a boundary crisis via a collision of the chaotic attractor with its own basin of attraction and confirmed that inelastic collisions do indeed suppress Fermi acceleration in two-dimensional time-dependent billiards. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some properties of the annular billiard under the presence of weak dissipation are studied. We show, in a dissipative system, that the average energy of a particle acquires higher values than its average energy of the conservative case. The creation of attractors, associated with a chaotic dynamics in the conservative regime, both in appropriated regions of the phase space, constitute a generic mechanism to increase the average energy of dynamical systems.


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In this paper we consider the transmission problem, in one space dimension, for linear dissipative waves with frictional damping. We study the wave propagation in a medium with a component with attrition and another simply elastic. We show that for this type of material, the dissipation produced by the frictional part is strong enough to produce exponential decay of the solution, no matter how small is its size. ©2007 Texas State University.


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In this paper we study how deterministic features presented by a system can be used to perform direct transport in a quasisymmetric potential and weak dissipative system. We show that the presence of nonhyperbolic regions around acceleration areas of the phase space plays an important role in the acceleration of particles giving rise to direct transport in the system. Such an effect can be observed for a large interval of the weak asymmetric potential parameter allowing the possibility to obtain useful work from unbiased nonequilibrium fluctuation in real systems even in a presence of a quasisymmetric potential.


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Die Frage wie großmotorische Bewegungen gelernt werden beschäftigt nicht nur Sportler, Trainer und Sportlehrer sondern auch Ärzte und Physiotherapeuten. Die sportwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft versuchen diese Frage sowohl im Sinne der Grundlagenforschung (Wie funktioniert Bewegungslernen?) als auch hinsichtlich der praktischen Konsequenzen (Wie lehrt man Bewegungen?) zu beantworten. Innerhalb dieser Themenfelder existieren Modelle, die Bewegungslernen als gezielte und extern unterstützte Ausbildung zentralnervöser Bewegungsprogramme verstehen und solche, die Lernen als Selbstorganisationsprozess interpretieren. Letzteren ist das Differenzielle Lernen und Lehren (Schöllhorn, 1999) zuzuordnen, das die Notwendigkeit betont, Bewegungen durch die Steigerung der Variationen während der Aneignungsphase zu lernen und zu lehren. Durch eine Vielzahl an Variationen, so die Modellannahme, findet der Lernende ohne externe Vorgaben selbstorganisiert ein individuelles situatives Optimum. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, welchen Einfluss Variationen verschiedener Art und Größe auf die Lern- und Aneignungsleistung großmotorischer Bewegungen haben und in wie fern personenübergreifende Optima existieren. In zwei Experimenten wird der Einfluss von räumlichen (Bewegungsausführung, Bewegungsergebnis) und zeitlichen Variationen (zeitliche Verteilung der Trainingsreize) auf die Aneignungs- und Lernleistung großmotorischer sportlicher Bewegungen am Beispiel zweier technischer Grundfertigkeiten des Hallenhockeys untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Experimente stützen die bisherige Befundlage zum Differenziellen Lernen und Lehren, wonach eine Zunahme an Variation in der Aneignungsphase zu größeren Aneignungs- und Lernleistungen führt. Zusätzlich wird die Annahme bestätigt, dass ein Zusammenhang von Variationsbereich und Lernrate in Form eines Optimaltrends vorliegt. Neu sind die Hinweise auf die Dynamik von motorischen Lernprozessen (Experiment 1). Hier scheinen individuelle Faktoren (z. B. die Lernbiografie) als auch die Phase im Lernprozess (Aneignung, Lernen) Einfluss zu haben auf den Umfang und die Struktur eines für die optimale Adaptation notwendigen Variationsbereichs. Darüber hinaus weisen die Befunde auf verschiedene Aneignungs- und Lerneffekte aufgrund alleiniger Variation der zeitlichen Verteilung bei ansonsten gleichen Trainingsreizen hin (Experiment 2). Für zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten zum Erlernen großmotorischer Bewegungen und für die sportliche Praxis dürfte es daher erkenntnisreich sein, die Historie der intrinsischen Dynamik der lernenden Systeme stärker zu berücksichtigen. Neben Fragestellungen für die Grundlagenforschung zum (Bewegungs-)Lernen ließen sich hieraus unmittelbar praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse darüber ableiten, wie Bewegungslernprozesse mittels verschiedener Variationsbereiche strukturiert und gesteuert werden könnten.


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An investigation was carried out on the transition of an iron electrode from active to passive state in a sulphuric acid solution. It was found that the active-passive transition was an auto-catalytic process in which a pre-passive film grew on the electrode surface. The growing pre-passive film had a fractal edge whose dimension was affected by the applied passivating potential and the presence of chlorides in the solution. Applying a more positive passivating potential led to a faster active-passive transition and resulted in a more irregular pre-passive film. If chlorides were introduced into the sulphuric acid solution, the active-passive transition became more rapid and the pre-passive film more irregular. Apart from the influence on the growth of the pre-passive film, the presence of chlorides in the passivating solution was found to deteriorate the stability of the final passive film. All these phenomena can be understood if the passivating iron electrode is regarded as a dissipative system. To explain these results, a fractal pre-film model is proposed in this paper. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Excitation functions are measured for different charge products of the F-19+(27) Al reaction in the laboratory energy range 110.25-118.75MeV in steps of 250keV at theta(lab) = 57 degrees, 31 degrees and -29 degrees. The coherence rotation angular velocities of the intermediate dinuclear systems formed in the reaction are extracted from the cross section energy autocorrelation functions. Compared the angular velocity extracted from the experimental data with the ones deduced from the sticking limit, it is indicated that a larger deformation of the intermediate dinuclear system exists.


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Excitation functions of the reaction products B, C, N, O, F and Ne emitted from the dissipative reaction of (19) F+(27) Al have been measured at incident energies from 110.25MeV to 118.75MeV in steps of 250keV. The moments of inertia of the intermediate dinuclear system formed in the reaction are extracted from the energy autocorrelation functions of the products. Comparing the moment of inertia extracted from the experimental data with the calculated one by using the sticking limit, it indicates that the formed dinuclear system has a large deformation in the reaction process.


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A new universal empirical function that depends on a single critical exponent (acceleration exponent) is proposed to describe the scaling behavior in a dissipative kicked rotator. The scaling formalism is used to describe two regimes of dissipation: (i) strong dissipation and (ii) weak dissipation. For case (i) the model exhibits a route to chaos known as period doubling and the Feigenbaum constant along the bifurcations is obtained. When weak dissipation is considered the average action as well as its standard deviation are described using scaling arguments with critical exponents. The universal empirical function describes remarkably well a phase transition from limited to unlimited growth of the average action. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By using the long-wavelength approximation, a system of coupled evolution equations for the bulk velocity and the surface perturbations of a Benard-Marangoni system is obtained. It includes nonlinearity, dispersion, and dissipation, and it can be interpreted as a dissipative generalization of the usual Boussinesq system of equations. As a particular case, a strictly dissipative version of the Boussinesq system is obtained.


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This paper argues a model of complex system design for sustainable architecture within a framework of entropy evolution. The spectrum of sustainable architecture consists of the efficient use of energy and material resource in life-cycle of buildings, the active involvement of the occupants in micro-climate control within buildings, and the natural environmental context. The interactions of the parameters compose a complex system of sustainable architectural design, of which the conventional linear and fragmented design technologies are insufficient to indicate holistic and ongoing environmental performance. The complexity theory of dissipative structure states a microscopic formulation of open system evolution, which provides a system design framework for the evolution of building environmental performance towards an optimization of sustainability in architecture.