998 resultados para Dissipative mapping


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Convergence to a period one fixed point is investigated for both logistic and cubic maps. For the logistic map the relaxation to the fixed point is considered near a transcritical bifurcation while for the cubic map it is near a pitchfork bifurcation. We confirmed that the convergence to the fixed point in both logistic and cubic maps for a region close to the fixed point goes exponentially fast to the fixed point and with a relaxation time described by a power law of exponent -1. At the bifurcation point, the exponent is not universal and depends on the type of the bifurcation as well as on the nonlinearity of the map.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the third and final talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we discuss mathematical techniques that can be used to characterize modern laser systems that consist of several discrete elements. In particular, we use a nonlinear mapping technique to evaluate high power laser systems where significant changes in the pulse evolution per cavity round trip is observed. We demonstrate that dissipative soliton solutions might be effectively described using this Poincaré mapping approach.


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In the third and final talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we discuss mathematical techniques that can be used to characterize modern laser systems that consist of several discrete elements. In particular, we use a nonlinear mapping technique to evaluate high power laser systems where significant changes in the pulse evolution per cavity round trip is observed. We demonstrate that dissipative soliton solutions might be effectively described using this Poincaré mapping approach.


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The influence of dissipation on the simplified Fermi-Ulam accelerator model (SFUM) is investigated. The model is described in terms of a two-dimensional nonlinear mapping obtained from differential equations. It is shown that a dissipative SFUM possesses regions of phase space characterized by the property of area preservation.


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Some dynamical properties for a dissipative time-dependent oval-shaped billiard are studied. The system is described in terms of a four-dimensional nonlinear mapping. Dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions of the particle with the boundary, thus implying that the particle has a fractional loss of energy upon collision. The dissipation causes profound modifications in the dynamics of the particle as well as in the phase space of the non-dissipative system. In particular, inelastic collisions can be assumed as an efficient mechanism to suppress Fermi acceleration of the particle. The dissipation also creates attractors in the system, including chaotic. We show that a slightly modification of the intensity of the damping coefficient yields a drastic and sudden destruction of the chaotic attractor, thus leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. We have characterized such a boundary crisis via a collision of the chaotic attractor with its own basin of attraction and confirmed that inelastic collisions do indeed suppress Fermi acceleration in two-dimensional time-dependent billiards. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The behavior of the average energy for an ensemble of non-interacting particles is studied using scaling arguments in a dissipative time-dependent stadium-like billiard. The dynamics of the system is described by a four dimensional nonlinear mapping. The dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions between the particles and the moving boundary. For different combinations of initial velocities and damping coefficients, the long time dynamics of the particles leads them to reach different states of final energy and to visit different attractors, which change as the dissipation is varied. The decay of the average energy of the particles, which is observed for a large range of restitution coefficients and different initial velocities, is described using scaling arguments. Since this system exhibits unlimited energy growth in the absence of dissipation, our results for the dissipative case give support to the principle that Fermi acceleration seems not to be a robust phenomenon. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3699465]


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Die Untersuchung von dissipativen Quantensystemen erm¨oglicht es, Quantenph¨anomene auch auf makroskopischen L¨angenskalen zu beobachten. Das in dieser Dissertation gew¨ahlte mikroskopische Modell erlaubt es, den bisher nur ph¨anomenologisch zug¨anglichen Effekt der Quantendissipation mathematisch und physikalisch herzuleiten und zu untersuchen. Bei dem betrachteten mikroskopischen Modell handelt es sich um eine 1-dimensionale Kette von harmonischen Freiheitsgraden, die sowohl untereinander als auch an r anharmonische Freiheitsgrade gekoppelt sind. Die F¨alle einer, respektive zwei anharmonischer Bindungen werden in dieser Arbeit explizit betrachtet. Hierf¨ur wird eine analytische Trennung der harmonischen von den anharmonischen Freiheitsgraden auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen durchgef¨uhrt. Das anharmonische Potential wird als symmetrisches Doppelmuldenpotential gew¨ahlt, welches mit Hilfe der Wick Rotation die Berechnung der ¨Uberg¨ange zwischen beiden Minima erlaubt. Das Eliminieren der harmonischen Freiheitsgrade erfolgt mit Hilfe des wohlbekannten Feynman-Vernon Pfadintegral-Formalismus [21]. In dieser Arbeit wird zuerst die Positionsabh¨angigkeit einer anharmonischen Bindung im Tunnelverhalten untersucht. F¨ur den Fall einer fernab von den R¨andern lokalisierten anharmonischen Bindung wird ein Ohmsches dissipatives Tunneln gefunden, was bei der Temperatur T = 0 zu einem Phasen¨ubergang in Abh¨angigkeit einer kritischen Kopplungskonstanten Ccrit f¨uhrt. Dieser Phasen¨ubergang wurde bereits in rein ph¨anomenologisches Modellen mit Ohmscher Dissipation durch das Abbilden des Systems auf das Ising-Modell [26] erkl¨art. Wenn die anharmonische Bindung jedoch an einem der R¨ander der makroskopisch grossen Kette liegt, tritt nach einer vom Abstand der beiden anharmonischen Bindungen abh¨angigen Zeit tD ein ¨Ubergang von Ohmscher zu super- Ohmscher Dissipation auf, welche im Kern KM(τ ) klar sichtbar ist. F¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen spielt deren indirekteWechselwirkung eine entscheidende Rolle. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Abstand D beider Bindungen und die Wahl des Anfangs- und Endzustandes die Dissipation bestimmt. Unter der Annahme, dass beide anharmonischen Bindung gleichzeitig tunneln, wird eine Tunnelwahrscheinlichkeit p(t) analog zu [14], jedoch f¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen, berechnet. Als Resultat erhalten wir entweder Ohmsche Dissipation f¨ur den Fall, dass beide anharmonischen Bindungen ihre Gesamtl¨ange ¨andern, oder super-Ohmsche Dissipation, wenn beide anharmonischen Bindungen durch das Tunneln ihre Gesamtl¨ange nicht ¨andern.


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