20 resultados para Displacive


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A comprehensive global and local structural characterization using X-ray and neutron diffraction, and EXAFS have been performed to investigate the effect of electrical poling on the structure of (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-(x)K0.5Bi0.5TiO3 compositions. While the annealed samples showed definite indication of presence of local displacive disorders in all the compositions studied (0 displacive disorder decreased with increasing K0.5Bi0.5TiO3 content in the samples. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermodynamics of the displacive mechanism of plate-shaped phase alpha(1) was analyzed in beta'Cu-Zn alloys. It was proposed that the displacive transformation of the alpha(1) plate took place in the solute-depleted region formed in the parent phase during the incubation period. The thermodynamic analysis indicated that the driving force of alpha(1) transformation, Delta G, increased with the reduction of x(d), the solute concentration of the depleted region. And, Delta G could overcome-the transformation barrier with solute depletion to a certain degree. In addition, x(d) was higher than the equilibrium concentration in the phase diagram. Therefore, the shear formation of alpha(1) plate in the solute-depleted region was thermodynamically supported.


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Two-step phase transition model, displacive to order-disorder, is proposed. The driving forces for these two transitions are fundamentally different. The displacive phase transition is one type of the structural phase transitions. We clearly define the structural phase transition as the symmetry broking of the unit cell and the electric dipole starts to form in the unit cell. Then the dipole-dipole interaction takes place as soon as the dipoles in unit cells are formed. We believe that the dipole-dipole interaction may cause an order-disorder phase transition following the displacive phase transition. Both structural and order-disorder phase transition can be first-order or second-order or in between. We found that the structural transition temperatures can be lower or equal or higher than the order-disorder transition temperature. The para-ferroelectric phase transition is the combination of the displacive and order-disorder phase transitions. It generates a variety of transition configurations along with confusions. In this paper, we discuss all these configurations using our displacive to order-disorder two-step phase transition model and clarified all the confusions.


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A diffuse interface phase field model is proposed for the unified analysis of diffusive and displacive phase transitions under nonisothermal conditions. Two order parameters are used for the description of the phenomena: one is related to the solute mass fraction and the other to the strain. The model governing equations come from the balance of linear momentum, the solute mass balance (which will lead to the Cahn-Hilliard equation) and the balance of internal energy. Thermodynamic restrictions allow to define constitutive relations for the thermodynamic forces and for the mechanical and chemical dissipations. Numerical tests carried out at different values of the initial temperature show that the model is able to describe the main features of both the displacive and the diffusive phase transitions, as well as their effect on the temperature. © 2010, Advanced Engineering Solutions.


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Heat treatment of steels is a process of fundamental importance in tailoring the properties of a material to the desired application; developing a model able to describe such process would allow to predict the microstructure obtained from the treatment and the consequent mechanical properties of the material. A steel, during a heat treatment, can undergo two different kinds of phase transitions [p.t.]: diffusive (second order p.t.) and displacive (first order p.t.); in this thesis, an attempt to describe both in a thermodynamically consistent framework is made; a phase field, diffuse interface model accounting for the coupling between thermal, chemical and mechanical effects is developed, and a way to overcome the difficulties arising from the treatment of the non-local effects (gradient terms) is proposed. The governing equations are the balance of linear momentum equation, the Cahn-Hilliard equation and the balance of internal energy equation. The model is completed with a suitable description of the free energy, from which constitutive relations are drawn. The equations are then cast in a variational form and different numerical techniques are used to deal with the principal features of the model: time-dependency, non-linearity and presence of high order spatial derivatives. Simulations are performed using DOLFIN, a C++ library for the automated solution of partial differential equations by means of the finite element method; results are shown for different test-cases. The analysis is reduced to a two dimensional setting, which is simpler than a three dimensional one, but still meaningful.


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The particle size and crystallite size of anatase increase markedly in the region of the crystal structure transformation. The unit cell of anatase seems to expand prior to the transformation to rutile. This expansion has been attributed to a displacive transformation of the type defined by Buerger. Smaller particle size and larger surface area seem to favour the transformation. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase prepared by the hydrolysis of titanium sulphate have been studied at different temperatures and are found to be considerably different from the kinetics of the transformation of pure anatase. The transformation becomes immeasurably slow below ∼695 ± 10°C compared to ∼610°C for pure anatase. An induction period is observed in the transformation of anatase obtained from sulphate hydrolysis and the duration decreases with increase in temperature. The activation energy is ∼120 kcal/mole, a value higher than that for the pure anatase-rutile transformation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative rates of nucleation and propagation processes. The activation energy for the nucleation process seems to be much larger than for the propagation process. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase samples doped with different amounts of sulphate ion impurity have also been studied and the transformation is found to be progressively decelerated with increase in the impurity concentration. The energy of activation for the transformation appears to increase progressively with increase in impurity concentration.


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Spectroscopic methods have provided information of seminal importance in understanding phase transitions in solids. After briefly examining some fundamental concept related to phase transitions, we shall discuss several case studies particularly involving the use of vibrational (IR and Raman) spectroscopy. Examples will include both order-disorder and displacive transitions. Under the former are included transitions in nitrates, ammonium halides, alkylammonium salts, plastic state of C60 and superionic conductors (specially CsHSO4). In addition, we shall discuss some aspects of incommensurate phase transitions, the glass transition and electronic phase transitions. Transitions of phosphonitrilic halide tetramers and alkane dicarboxylic acids are also examined


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We study the generation of coherent optical phonons in spin-frustrated pyrochlore single crystals Dy2Ti2O7, Gd2Ti2O7, and Tb2Ti2O7 using femtosecond laser pulses (65 fs, 1.57 eV) in degenerate time-resolved transmission experiments as a function of temperature from 4 to 296 K. At 4 K, two coherent phonons are observed at similar to 5.3 THz (5.0 THz) and similar to 9.3 THz (9.4 THz) for Dy2Ti2O7 (Gd2Ti2O7), whereas three coherent phonons are generated at similar to 5.0, 8.6, and 9.7 THz for Tb2Ti2O7. In the case of spin-ice Dy2Ti2O7, a clear discontinuity is observed in the linewidths of both the coherent phonons as well as in the phase of lower-energy coherent phonon mode, indicating a subtle structural change at 110 K. Another important observation is a phase difference of pi between the modes in all the samples, thus suggesting that the driving forces behind the generation of these modes could be different in nature, unlike a purely impulsive or displacive mechanism.


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We report ductile bulk metallic glasses based on martensitic alloys. The slowly cooled specimens contain a mixture of parent 'austenite' and martensite phase. The slightly faster cooled bulk metallic glasses with 2-5 nm sized 'austenite'-like crystalline cluster reveal high strength and large ductility (16%). Shear bands propagate in a slither mode in this spatially inhomogeneous glassy structure and undergo considerable 'thickening' from 5-25 nm. A 'stress induced displacive transformation' is proposed to be responsible for both plasticity and work-hardening-like behavior of these 'M-Glasses'.


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First principles calculations were performed to investigate the structural, elastic, and electronic properties of IrN2 for various space groups: cubic Fm-3m and Pa-3, hexagonal P3(2)21, tetragonal P4(2)/mnm, orthorhombic Pmmn, Pnnm, and Pnn2, and monoclinic P2(1)/c. Our calculation indicates that the P2(1)/c phase with arsenopyrite-type structure is energetically more stable than the other phases. It is semiconducting (the remaining phases are metallic) and contains diatomic N-N with the bond distance of 1.414 A. These characters are consistent with the experimental facts that IrN2 is in lower symmetry and nonmetallic. Our conclusion is also in agreement with the recent theoretical studies that the most stable phase of IrN2 is monoclinic P2(1)/c. The calculated bulk modulus of 373 GPa is also the highest among the considered space groups. It matches the recent theoretical values of 357 GPa within 4.3% and of 402 GPa within 7.8%, but smaller than the experimental value of 428 GPa by 14.7%. Chemical bonding and potential displacive phase transitions are discussed for IrN2. For IrN3, cubic skutterudite structure (Im-3) was assumed.


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In the present paper, a phase-field model is developed to simulate the formation and evolution of lamellar microstructure in γ-TiAl alloys. The mechanism of formation of TiAl lamellae proposed by Denquin and Naka is incorporated into the model. The model describes the formation and evolution of the face-centered cubic (fcc) stacking lamellar zone followed by the subsequent appearance and growth of the γ-phase, involving both the chemical composition change by atom transfer and the ordering of the fcc lattice. The thermodynamics of the model system and the interaction between the displacive and diffusional transformations are described by a non-equilibrium free energy formulated as a function of concentration and structural order parameter fields. The long-range elastic interactions, arising from the lattice misfit between the α, fcc (A1) and the various orientation variants of the γ-phase are taken into account by incorporating of the elastic strain energy into the total free energy. Simulation studies based on the model successfully predicted some essential features of the lamellar structure. It is found that the formation and evolution of the lamellar structure are predominantly controlled by the minimization of the elastic energy of the interfaces between the different fcc stacking groups, low-symmetry product phase γ and the high-symmetry α-phase, as well as between the various orientation variants of the product phase.


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Hydrogen bonding in clusters and extended layers of squaric acid molecules has been investigated by density functional computations. Equilibrium geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and energy barriers for proton transfer along hydrogen bonds have been determined using the Car-Parrinello method. The results provide crucial parameters for a first principles modeling of the potential energy surface, and highlight the role of collective modes in the low-energy proton dynamics. The importance of quantum effects in condensed squaric acid systems has been investigated, and shown to be negligible for the lowest-energy collective proton modes. This information provides a quantitative basis for improved atomistic models of the order-disorder and displacive transitions undergone by squaric acid crystals as a function of temperature and pressure. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Adsorption of 0.5 monolayer of N adatoms on W{100} results in a sharp (root 2 X root 2)R45 degrees LEED pattern. The only previous quantitative LEED study of this system gave a simple overlayer model with a Pendry R-factor of 0.55. An exhaustive search has been made of possible structures, including a novel vacancy reconstruction, displacive reconstructions and underlayer adsorption. From this work a new overlayer structure is derived with an R(p) value of 0.22, displaying a considerable buckling of 0.27 +/- 0.05 Angstrom within the second W layer and consequently involving large changes in the interlayer spacings of the surface. The N adatom is pseudo-five-fold coordinated to the W surface, bonding to a second-layer W atom with a nearest-neighbour bond length of 2.13 Angstrom and with the four next-nearest-neighbour W atoms in the surface plane at 2.27 Angstrom. The structure does not resolve the work function anomaly observed on this surface.


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The transformation texture was studied in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy for two microstructures produced through different phase transformation mechanisms (i.e. diffusional vs. displacive). Both microstructures revealed qualitatively similar crystallographic texture characteristics, having two main texture components with Euler angles of (90°, 90°, 0°) and (90°, 30°, 0°). However, the overall α texture strength was considerably weaker in the martensitic structure (i.e. displacive mechanism) compared with the α + β microstructure produced through slow cooling (i.e. diffusional mechanism). The intervariant boundary distribution in martensite mostly revealed five misorientations associated with the Burgers orientation relationship. The five-parameter boundary analysis also showed a very strong interface plane orientation texture, with interfaces terminated mostly on the prismatic planes {hki0}, when misorientation was ignored. The highest intervariant boundary populations belonged to the 63.26°/[10 553 ] and 60°/[112 0] misorientations, with length fractions of 0.38 and 0.3, respectively. The former was terminated on (41 3 0), and the latter was a symmetric tilt boundary, terminated on (1 011). The intervariant plane distribution in martensite was determined more by the constraints of the phase transformation than by the relative interface energies.