997 resultados para Disney, Walt 1901-1966


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Estudo sobre as construções simbólicas e identitárias da mulher presentes na narrativa e na estrutura das personagens femininas do filme Malévola (2014) – produção dos estúdios Disney (EUA). A narrativa é inspirada no conto de fadas “A Bela Adormecida do Bosque” e distingue-se pela perspectiva feminina, modificando as possibilidades de interpretação, além de possibilitar a quebra do paradigma dicotômico relacionado ao Bem e ao Mal. A pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a evolução das construções imaginárias da mulher no cinema e traçar paralelos entre as características arquetípicas das personagens de Malévola em relação à identidade da mulher na contemporaneidade. Para tal, será tomado como referencial teórico os estudos do imaginário social, com as obras de Gilbert Durand, Edgar Morin e, em especial, Michel Maffesoli; conceitos da psicanálise a partir dos trabalhos de C.G. Jung, Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise Von Franz e Clarissa Pinkola Estés; as teorias de Stuart Hall, Laura Mulvey e Gilles Lipovetsky relacionadas aos estudos culturais com ênfase em gênero; e também o ecofeminismo através dos trabalhos de autoras como Vandana Shiva e Maria Mies. Nosso referencial teórico-metodológico é a Hermenêutica de Profundidade (HP) visando à interpretação da estrutura simbólica de nosso objeto. Resultam desta pesquisa a verificação de um processo de saturação de padrões identitários e simbólicos provindos da modernidade e a evolução de novas dinâmicas nas narrativas presentes nas mídias e na comunicação


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The dichotomies Weight/Lightness and Form/Idea formed the theory and the practice of Art, existing a correspondence between them. The weight exists thanks to the existence of a form that is made of matter; in the other hand, the lightness comes from the idea that is always present when the creation exists. This dichotomies were always interconnected during the centuries, and there are variations in relevancy of form and/or idea. In sculpture´s tradition, the physical weight was a essential reality, and the idea of sculpture, without the immaterial side was underlined to the form. During the centuries, new artistic approaches were born and re-born focused on the frailty, lightness and idea of the artistic object, fact that came to cancel the classic notion of work of art. The concept of image became the focus of the esthetical experience of the subject, which alone, tended to substantiate the artistic object itself. In the same way that lightness, when taken to the extreme, and despite the tridimensionality materiality of the object, begun to relate the art with the own action of the body, the gesture of the artist, rising both to the status of art


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The work of Rui Chafes is the irreducible expression of a sculpturesque thinking that intends to overcome the limits of materiality, aiming the reencounter with a lost spirituality. From the various influences that his work welcomes, the spiritual legacy present in the late german gothic, the german romanticism, as well as the formal heritage of post-minimalism stand out. The objects build are only possible as the translation of an Idea, since, for the sculptor, the “matter is filthy and wrong”; denying their materiality, they’re solely the support of something which is before and after their own objectuality. Like so, by refusing them the matter, of which they are yet made of, and by providing, through the aesthetic experience, the spiritual transformation of the spectator, he irreversibly denies the time which resides in them, as a constituent of historical and chronological reality. Being time a fundamental dimension of the human existence, necessarily inherent to the artistic production, it seems suspended in the objects of Rui Chafes


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Edited by F. Chrysander, P. Spitta, and G. Adler.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Edited by F. Chrysander.


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Part of Nebraska Law Review, v. 20, 1941-(1966)


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Bibliography: p. 525-535.


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A lo largo de éste análisis se va a demostrar que la imagen corporativa de una multinacional – como Walt Disney- moldea las estructuras sociales en las que se adapta mediante la penetración ideológica, a través de los patrones culturales, la promoción de valores e intereses de su país de origen, los Estados Unidos, lo cual puede incidir de manera directa en la posición y el rol que tiene éste país en las relaciones internacionales.


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Resumen de las autoras en catal??n


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Proyecto de enseñanza de temas transversales, para segundo ciclo de educación infantil, basado en la película 'Dinosaurio' de Walt Disney. Presenta una ficha técnica, la historia de la película y proporciona varias consideraciones de interés para leer antes de ver la película. A continuación analiza la película por secuencias que van acompañadas de una serie de preguntas analíticas. Finaliza con varias actividades de experiencia, reflexión y acción en común.


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Suplemento Música y más música, n. 4