15 resultados para Diselenide
The trace element selenium (Se), once known only for its potential toxicity, is now a well-established essential micronutrient for mammals. The organoselenium compound diphenyl diselenide (DPDS) has shown interesting antioxidant and neuroprotective activities. On the other hand, this compound has also presented pro-oxidant and mutagenic effects. The compound 3`3-ditrifluoromethyldiphenyl diselenide (DFDD), a structural analog of diphenyl diselenide, has proven antipsychotic activity in mice. Nevertheless, as opposed to DPDS, little is known on the biological and toxicological properties of DFDD. In the present study, we report the genotoxic effects of the organoselenium compound DFDD on Salmonella typhimurium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79 cells). DFDD protective effects against hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced DNA damage in vitro are demonstrated. DFDD did not cause mutagenic effects on S. typhimurium or S. cerevisiae strains; however, it induced DNA damage in V79 cells at doses higher than 25 mu M, as detected by comet assay. DFDD protected S. typhimurium and S. cerevisiae against H(2)O(2)-induced mutagenicity, and, at doses lower than 12.5 mu M, prevented H(2)O(2)-induced genotoxicity in V79 cells. The in vitro assays demonstrated that DFDD mimics catalase activity better than DPDS, but neither presents Superoxide dismutase action. The products of the reactions of DFDD or DPDS with H(2)O(2) were different. as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry analysis (ESI-MS). These results suggest that DFDD is not mutagenic for bacteria or yeast; however, it may induce weak genotoxic effects on mammalian cells. In addition, DFDD has a protective effect against H(2)O(2)-induced damage probably by mimicking catalase activity, and the distinct products of the reaction DFDD with H(2)O(2) probably have a fundamental role in the protective effects of DFDD. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The interaction of the product of H2O2 and (PhSe)2 with delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (delta-ALA-D) from mammals and plants was investigated. (PhSe)2 inhibited rat hepatic delta-ALA-D with an IC50 of 10 µM but not the enzyme from cucumber leaves. The reaction of (PhSe)2 with H2O2 for 1 h increased the inhibitory potency of the original compound and the IC50 for animal delta-ALA-D inhibition was decreased from 10 to 2 µM. delta-ALA-D from cucumber leaves was also inhibited by the products of reaction of (PhSe)2 with H2O2 with an IC50 of 4 µM. The major product of reaction of (PhSe)2 with H2O2 was identified as seleninic acid and produced an intermediate with a lambdamax at 265 nm after reaction with t-BuSH. These results suggest that the interaction of (PhSe)2 with mammal delta-ALA-D requires the presence of cysteinyl residues in close proximity. Two cysteine residues in spatial proximity have been recently described for the mammalian enzyme. Analysis of the primary structure of plant delta-ALA-D did not reveal an analogous site. In contrast to (PhSe)2, seleninic acid, as a result of the higher electrophilic nature of its selenium atom, may react with additional cysteinyl residue(s) in mammalian delta-ALA-D and also with cysteinyl residues from cucumber leaves located at a site distinct from that found at the B and A sites in mammals. Although the interaction of organochalcogens with H2O2 may have some antioxidant properties, the formation of seleninic acid as a product of this reaction may increase the toxicity of organic chalcogens such as (PhSe)2.
The pharmacology of synthetic organoselenium compounds indicates that they can be used as antioxidants, enzyme inhibitors, neuroprotectors, anti-tumor and anti-infectious agents, and immunomodulators. In this review, we focus on the effects of diphenyl diselenide (DPDS) in various biological model organisms. DPDS possesses antioxidant activity, confirmed in several in vitro and in vivo systems, and thus has a protective effect against hepatic, renal and gastric injuries, in addition to its neuroprotective activity. The activity of the compound on the central nervous system has been studied since DPDS has lipophilic characteristics, increasing adenylyl cyclase activity and inhibiting glutamate and MK-801 binding to rat synaptic membranes. Systemic administration facilitates the formation of long-term object recognition memory in mice and has a protective effect against brain ischemia and on reserpine-induced orofacial dyskinesia in rats. On the other hand, DPDS may be toxic, mainly because of its interaction with thiol groups. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the molecule acts as a pro-oxidant by depleting free glutathione. Administration to mice during cadmium intoxication has the opposite effect, reducing oxidative stress in various tissues. DPDS is a potent inhibitor of d-aminolevulinate dehydratase and chronic exposure to high doses of this compound has central effects on mouse brain, as well as liver and renal toxicity. Genotoxicity of this compound has been assessed in bacteria, haploid and diploid yeast and in a tumor cell line.
The synthesis of selenium derivatives of naturally occurring chiral molecules is becoming increasingly important in recent years. In this context, we describe herein an easy, straightforward synthetic route for the preparation of a series of chiral seleno-furanosides, starting from the readily available carbohydrate D-xylose. In addition, selected compounds were screened as inhibitors of the delta-aminolevulinate dehyclratase (delta-ALA-D) enzyme. Diselenide 4 was found to reduce significantly the enzymatic activity, while seleno-furanoside la increased delta-ALA-D activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The synthesis of selenium- and tellurium-containing nucleosides, derived from uridine is described herein. These compounds were prepared in a concise and short synthetic route in good yields, by nucleophilic substitution of a tosylate group by organoselenium nucleophiles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We evaluated the potential neuroprotective effect of 1-100 µM of four organoselenium compounds: diphenyl diselenide, 3’3-ditri-fluoromethyldiphenyl diselenide, p-methoxy-diphenyl diselenide, and p-chloro-diphenyl diselenide, against methylmercury-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in mitochondrial-enriched fractions from adult Swiss mouse brain. Methylmercury (10-100 µM) significantly decreased mitochondrial activity, assessed by MTT reduction assay, in a dose-dependent manner, which occurred in parallel with increased glutathione oxidation, hydroperoxide formation (xylenol orange assay) and lipid peroxidation end-products (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS). The co-incubation with diphenyl diselenide (100 µM) completely prevented the disruption of mitochondrial activity as well as the increase in TBARS levels caused by methylmercury. The compound 3’3-ditrifluoromethyldiphenyl diselenide provided a partial but significant protection against methylmercury-induced mitochondrial dysfunction (45.4 ± 5.8% inhibition of the methylmercury effect). Diphenyl diselenide showed a higher thiol peroxidase activity compared to the other three compounds. Catalase blocked methylmercury-induced TBARS, pointing to hydrogen peroxide as a vector during methylmercury toxicity in this model. This result also suggests that thiol peroxidase activity of organoselenium compounds accounts for their protective actions against methylmercury-induced oxidative stress. Our results show that diphenyl diselenide and potentially other organoselenium compounds may represent important molecules in the search for an improved therapy against the deleterious effects of methylmercury as well as other mercury compounds.
During the past few decades, a wide spread interest in the structural, optical, electrical and other physical properties of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds has evolved. The members of this family of compounds can be regarded as strongly bonded two dimensional chalcogen-metal~chalcogen layers which are loosely coupled to one another by the weak ven der Waal's forces. Because of this type of bonding, the crystals are easily cleavable along the basal plane and show highly anisotropic properties. This thesis contains the growth and the study of the physical properties of certain tin dichalcogenide crystals (SnS2 and SnSe2). Tin disulphide and tin diselenide crystallize in the hexagonal CdI2 type crystal structure. This structure consists of layers of tin atoms sandwiched between two layers of chalcogen atoms. A tin atom is surrounded by six chalcogen atoms octahedrally.In the layers the atoms are held together by covalent bonding and in between the layers there is van der Waal's bonding.
During the past few decades, a wide spread interest in the structural, optical, electrical and other physical properties of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds has evolved. The members of this family of compounds can be regarded as stronglybonded two dimensional chalcogen-metal-chalcogen layers which are loosely coupled to one another by the weak van der Waal's forces. Because of this type of bonding, the crystals are easily cleavable along the basal plane and show highly anisotropic properties. This thesis contains the growth and the study of the physical properties of certain tin dichalcogenide crystals (SnS2 and Snsea). Tin disulphide and tin diselenide crystallize in the hexagonal CdI2 type crystalstructure. This structure consists of layers of tin atoms sandwiched between two layers of chalcogen atoms. Aitin atom is surrounded by six chalcogen atoms octahedrally. In the layers the atoms are held together by covalent bonding and in between the layers there is van der Waal's bonding.
We evaluated the in vitro antioxidant effect of alkyl-organotellurides A-D on lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation in rat liver homogenates. The thiol oxidase and thiol peroxidase-like activities of compounds were investigated. delta-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALA-D) activity was determined in rat liver homogenates. Compounds A-D protected against lipid peroxidation induced by Fe(2+)/EDTA and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). According to the confidence limits of the IC(50) values of compounds A-D, the IC(50) values for organotellurides followed the order: C (0.30 mu M) <= B (0.40 mu M) < D (0.68 mu M) < A (2.90 mu M), for Fe(2+)/EDTA, and B (0.21 mu M) <= C (0.33 mu M) < D (0.43 mu M) < A (1.21 mu M) for SNP-induced lipid peroxidation. Compounds A-D reduced protein carbonyl content to control levels. The results demonstrated an inverse correlation between thiol oxidase and delta-ALA-D activities. This study supports an antioxidant effect of organotellurides A-D on rat liver.
This article describes an efficient and easy one-pot route for the synthesis of a wide range of selenol esters from acyl chloride with diselenides in the presence of indium metal. A variety of functional groups can be tolerated within the diorgano diselenide and the acyl chloride coupling partner. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A mild, convenient, and effective strategy is developed for the synthesis of alkynyl selenides from alkynyl bromides and respective diselenides using Cul/imidazole as a novel catalyst system with Mg as additive. The Procedure affords the title compounds in moderate to good yield (51-89%). The main advantages of the protocol include the use of inexpensive copper catalyst, a novel Cu(I)/imidazole combination, and good yield of the products. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) systematic investigation regarding the functionalization of gold (Au) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles with diphenyl dichalcogenides, i.e. diphenyl disulfide, diphenyl diselenide, and diphenyl ditelluride. Our results showed that, in all cases, functionalization took place with the cleavage of the chalcogenchalcogen bond on the surface of the metal. According to our density functional theory calculations, the molecules assumed a tilted orientation with respect to the metal surface for both Au and Ag, in which the angle of the phenyl ring relative to the metallic surface decreased as the mass of the chalcogen atom increased. The detected differences in the ordinary Raman and SERS spectra were assigned to the distinct stretching frequencies of the carbonchalcogen bond and its relative contribution to the ring vibrational modes. In addition, the SERS spectra showed that there was no significant interaction between the phenyl ring and the surface, in agreement with the tilted orientation observed from our density functional theory calculations. The results described herein indicate that diphenyl dichalcogenides can be successfully employed as starting materials for the functionalization of Au nanoparticles with organosulfur, organoselenium, and organotellurium compounds. On the other hand, diphenyl disulfide and diphenyl diselenide could be employed for the functionalization of Ag nanoparticles, while the partial oxidation of the organotellurium unit could be detected on the Ag surface. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Selen kann in verschiedenen Oxidationszuständen (+6, +4, ±0, -2) in unterschiedlichen Umweltkompartimenten auftreten. Verbundenen damit sind verschiedene Eigenschaften, wie z. B. die Wasserlöslichkeit, die in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Migrationsfähigkeit sowie der Bioverfügbarkeit steht. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Verfügbarkeit anorganischer Selenspezies und damit die Mobilisierbarkeit dieser in verschiedenen Laborexperimenten untersucht. Hierbei wurde an Goethit adsorbiertes Selenit sowohl mit einer Reinkultur des aktiv methylierenden Pilzes Alternaria alternata als auch mit einer angereicherten Umweltmischkultur inkubiert und die mikrobiologische Zugänglichkeit anhand der Bildung leichtflüchtiger, alkylierter Selenmetabolite wie z. B. Dimethylselenid und Dimethyldiselenid beobachtet. Zur Analyse dieser wurde eine cryotrapping-cryofocussing-GC-ICP-MS-Kopplung etabliert. Die Anteile der methylierten Selenverbindungen stiegen bei Verwendung von A. alternata mit der Inkubationszeit auf 10 % des gelösten Selens und 1 % des Gesamtselens an. Dieser Trend konnte während der Inkubation der Umweltmischkultur nicht beobachtet werden. Hier lagen die Anteile über den gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum bei ca. 0,5 % des gelösten bzw. 0,1 % des Gesamtselens, inklusive eines leichten Abwärtstrends, welcher wahrscheinlich durch die Nutzung der Alkylselenide als Kohlenstoffquelle hervorgerufen wurde. Weiterhin wurde das reduzierte Eisenselenidmineral Ferroselit eingesetzt, um dessen Stabilität gegenüber der Aktivität des sulfatreduzierenden Bakteriums Desulfovibrio gigas zu untersuchen. Mit zunehmender Inkubationszeit und damit verbundener, zunehmender Reduktion des im Nährmedium vorhandenen Sulfates konnte ein Anstieg leichtflüchtiger Organoselenverbindungen in der Gasphase der Kulturansätze festgestellt werden, die im unteren Nanogrammbereich lagen. Einhergehend damit wurde auch die Zunahme der Gehalte an gelöstem Selen und somit die biologisch bedingte Rücklösung aus der Mineral- in die Wasserphase beobachtet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Aktivität von Mikroorganismen einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Stabilität von Oberflächenkomplexen des Selenits als auch von mineralischen Selenidspezies hat.
Disulfide bonds are important structural motifs that play an essential role in maintaining the conformational stability of many bioactive peptides. Of particular importance are the conotoxins, which selectively target a wide range of ion channels that are implicated in numerous disease states. Despite the enormous potential of conotoxins as therapeutics, their multiple disulfide bond frameworks are inherently unstable under reducing conditions. Reduction or scrambling by thiol-containing molecules such as glutathione or serum albumin in intracellular or extracellular environments such as blood plasma can decrease their effectiveness as drugs. To address this issue, we describe a new class of selenoconotoxins where cysteine residues are replaced by selenocysteine to form isosteric and non-reducible diselenide bonds. Three isoforms of alpha-conotoxin ImI were synthesized by t-butoxycarbonyl chemistry with systematic replacement of one([ Sec(2,8)] ImI or [Sec(3,12)] ImI), or both([Sec(2,3,8,12)] ImI) disulfide bonds with a diselenide bond. Each analogue demonstrated remarkable stability to reduction or scrambling under a range of chemical and biological reducing conditions. Three-dimensional structural characterization by NMR and CD spectroscopy indicates conformational preferences that are very similar to those of native ImI, suggesting fully isomorphic structures. Additionally, full bioactivity was retained at the alpha(7) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, with each seleno-analogue exhibiting a dose-response curve that overlaps with wild-type ImI, thus further supporting an isomorphic structure. These results demonstrate that selenoconotoxins can be used as highly stable scaffolds for the design of new drugs.
Solar energy presents itself as an excellent alternative for the generation of clean, renewable energy. This work aims to identify technological trends of photovoltaic cells for solar energy. The research is characterized, in relation to nature, to be applied; regarding the approach is qualitative and quantitative; with respect to the objectives, it is exploratory and descriptive; concerning the methodological procedure is considered a bibliographic research with a case study in the case of solar photovoltaic sector. The development of this research began with a literature review on photovoltaic solar energy and technology foresight. Then it led to the technology mapping of photovoltaic solar cells through the analysis of articles and patents. It was later performed the technological prospecting of photovoltaic cells for solar energy through the Delphi method, as well as the construction of the current plan and future technology of photovoltaic cells for the current scenario, 2020 and 2025. The results of this research show that the considered mature technologies (silicon mono and multicrystalline) will continue to be commercially viable within the prospected period (2020-2025). Other technologies that are currently viable (amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride and copper indium selenide / Copper indium gallium diselenide-), may not submit the same condition in 2025. Since the cells of silicon nanowires, dye-sensitized and based on carbon nanostructure, which nowadays are not commercially viable, may be part of the future map of photovoltaic technologies for solar energy.