997 resultados para Discharge planning


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Aim: This paper is a report of a study conducted to describe emergency department nurses' understanding and experiences of implementing discharge planning. ---------- Background: Discharge planning in the emergency department is an important issue because of increased healthcare costs and greater emphasis on continuity of care. When executed as a collaborative process involving a multi-disciplinary team with the patient and family, discharge planning provides continuity of care for patients, less demand on hospitals, improvement in community services and in the services of other healthcare organizations. ---------- Method: The qualitative approach of phenomenography was used in this study. Thirty-two emergency department nurses were recruited between July and September 2005. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. ---------- Findings: From interviewees' descriptions of implementing discharge planning, six categories were established: implementing discharge planning as 'getting rid of my patients', completing routines, being involved in patient education, professionally accountable practice, autonomous practice and demonstrating professional emergency department nursing care. The referential meaning of implementing discharge planning 'in the outcome space' was the professional commitment to emergency department provision of effective discharge services. ---------- Conclusion: The results of this research contribute to knowledge of emergency department nurses' experience in the implementation of the discharge planning process. Key requirements for the provision of manageable discharge services both in Taiwan and worldwide highlighted by this study include adequate workloads, sufficient time, clear policies and standards of discharge planning and enhancement of professional commitment.


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Discharge planning has become increasingly important, with current trends toward shorter hospital stays, increased health care costs, and more community-based health services. Effective discharge planning ensures the safety and ongoing care for patients,1 and it also benefits health care providers and organizations. It results in shorter hospital stays, fewer readmissions, higher access rates to post-hospitalization services, greater patient satisfaction with the discharge, and improved quality of life and continuity of care.[2] and [3] All acute care patients and their caregivers require some degree of preparation for discharge home—education about their health status, risks, and treatment; help setting health goals and maintaining a good level of self-care; information about community resources; and follow-up appointments and referrals to appropriate community health providers. Inadequate preparation exposes the patient to unnecessary risks of recurrence or complications of the acute complaint, neglect of nonacute comorbidities, mismanagement and side effects of medication, disruption of family and social life, emotional distress, and financial loss.[2], [3] and [4] The result may be re-presentation to the emergency department. It is noteworthy that up to 18% of ED presentations are revisits within 72 hours of the original visit5; many of these are considered preventable.6 It is a primary responsibility of nurses to ensure that patients return to the community adequately prepared and with appropriate support in place. Up to 65% of ED patients are discharged home from the emergency department,7 and the characteristics of the emergency department and its patient population make the provision of a high standard of discharge planning uniquely difficult. In addition, discharge planning is neglected in contemporary emergency nursing—there are no monographs devoted to the subject, and there is little published research. In this article 3 issues are explored: the importance of emergency nurses’ participation in the discharge-planning process, impediments to their participation; and strategies to improve discharge planning in the emergency department.


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Published research on discharge planning is written from the perspective of hospital wards and community services. Limited research focuses on discharge planning in the emergency department (ED). The objective of this study was to identify ED nurses’ perceptions of factors influencing the implementation of discharge planning. This qualitative study collected data from 25 ED nurses through in-depth interviews and a drawing task in which participants were asked to depict on paper the implementation of discharge planning in their practice. Factors influencing discharge planning were grouped into three categories: discharge planning as a neglected issue in the ED, heavy workload, and the negative attitudes of ED patients and their families. The study highlighted a need for effective discharge planning to be counted as an essential clinical competency for ED nurses and factored into their everyday workload. Nurses perceived that organizational culture, and parents’ and relatives’ attitudes were barriers to implementing discharge teaching in the ED.


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The present paper investigates what the term discharge planning actually means to nurses working in the acute care environment. A qualitative approach was used for this study. Twelve volunteer registered nurses (RNs) working in a large metropolitan Victorian public hospital were interviewed. All participants stated emphatically that they were involved in the discharge planning process although differing levels of involvement existed. ‘Organizing’ and ‘planning’ were key words used by participants to define the term discharge planning. All but one participant considered the nurse to be the coordinator of the discharge planning process. How participants communicated with other nursing staff regarding the discharge planning needs of individual patients depended on the policy of each individual ward. Communication was perceived to be a major factor that either enhanced or impeded the discharge planning process.


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Any illness that is serious enough to require admission to the critical care unit will intensify the physical and psychological effects that the patient and their significant others experience. Hence, the discharge needs of patients admitted to critical care are unquestionably complex, diverse and dynamic.

Utilising an exploratory descriptive approach 502 critical care nurses, identified from the Australian College of Critical Care Nursing (ACCCN) (Victoria) database were invited to participate in this study. A 31-item questionnaire was developed and distributed. A total of 218 eligible participants completed the survey. One-to-one semi-structured interviews with 13 Victorian critical care nurses were also conducted.

Participants reported that a lack of time was a barrier to discharge planning. Communication however, could enhance or impede the discharge planning process in critical care. Participants considered that the critical pathway, used in the care of cardiothoracic patients, did assist with communication of discharge planning processes, hence enhancing the process.

While these findings provide some understanding of the factors that enhanced or impeded critical care nurses’ discharge planning practices further research is indicated. The findings reported here may, however, provide a starting point for improving the discharge planning process in critical care.


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Background: Professional, political and organisational factors have focused attention on the discharge planning process in the Victorian health care sector. Discharge planning for patients, as part of continuity of care, is seen as a key concept in the delivery of nursing care. However, there is no question that discharge planning has emerged as a complex area of practice, and is, perhaps, most complex in the critical care area.

Aim: The study reported here is part of a larger thesis exploring critical care nurses’ perceptions and understanding of the discharge planning process in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. As part of the survey participants were asked to define discharge planning as it related to the critical care environment in which they worked.

Methods: Utilising an exploratory descriptive approach, 502 Victorian critical care nurses were approached to take part in the study. The resultant net total of 218 participants completed the survey, which represented a net response rate of 43.4%. The data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Findings: Three common themes emerged. A significant number of participants did not believe that discharge planning occurred in critical care, and therefore, thought that they could not provide a definition. There was uncertainty as to what the discharge planning process actually referred to in terms of discharge from critical care to the general ward or discharge from the hospital. There was an emphasis on movement of the patient to the general ward, which was considered in three main ways by first, getting the patient ready for transfer; second, ensuring a smooth transition to the ward and third, transfer of the patient to the ward often occurred because the critical care bed was needed for another patient.

Conclusion: The findings presented here suggest at a nursing level, the discharge planning process is not well understood and some degree of mutual exclusivity still remains. There is a need for further education of critical care nurses with regard to the underlying principles of the discharge planning process.


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Aim: To report on the beliefs of critical care nurses with regard to the discharge planning process, in Victoria, Australia.

An exploratory descriptive design was used. A total of 502 Victorian critical care nurses were approached to take part in the study. A total of 218 eligible participants completed the survey, which represented a nett response rate of 43.4%. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics.

Results: The current discharge planning processes are ad hoc and influenced by patient acuity. Critical care nurses believe that workload issues, unplanned discharges and inadequate communication contribute to difficulties implementing the discharge plan.


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This paper reports the findings relating to discharge planning from a larger study (Hegney et al 2001) that aimed to investigate options to improve care co-ordination between the aged, community, acute and primary care sectors for the elderly residents of a large provincial town. The data, which were collected from a wide variety of aged care stakeholders in the region, are consistent with previous Australian studies. First, it appears that inappropriate discharge from acute hospitals occurs in Toowoomba because there is a perceived lack of information regarding the available community care options and a lack of suitable models to support people's care needs within their own homes. Second, inappropriate discharge practices from acute hospitals occur due to a lack of knowledge and communication on the part of health professionals employed in these settings with regard to the on- going health care needs of elderly people. Third, there is little discharge planning occurring that includes the general practitioner in post-discharge care. Finally, inappropriate discharge can also be attributed to the lack of sub-acute/step-down/rehabilitation options and long waiting lists for community home care services in the region.


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Aim and objectives: This article reports on the current discharge planning beliefs in relation to the co-ordination of the discharge planning process in the critical care environment in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. As there is a paucity of previous studies examining discharge planning in critical care nursing knowledge about the phenomena is consequently limited. Background: The study reported here is part of a larger study exploring critical care nurses' perceptions and understanding of the discharge planning process in the health care system in the state of Victoria, Australia. While a number of different discharge planning models are reported in the literature there is no agreement on the most effective or the most efficient model. Design: An exploratory descriptive research design was used for this study. Methods: A total of 502 Victorian critical care nurses were approached to take part in the study. A total of 218 participants completed the survey, which represented a nett response rate of 43·4%. The data from the questionnaire were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Base 10.0. This allowed calculation of descriptive statistics and statistical analysis using chi-square test for goodness-of-fit.  Results: While just over half the participants reported that the discharge planning process in their unit was co-ordinated by a combination of personnel that included a nurse, just under half the participants believed that this was an appropriate model. Another key finding was of those participants who worked in critical care units using primary nursing, just over half responded that the bedside nurse/primary nurse co-ordinated the discharge planning process while just under half responded that a combination of health care team members, including a nurse, co-ordinated the process. Overall there was little support for the designated discharge planning nurse to co-ordinate the process. Conclusions: The findings presented here suggest critical care nurses need to examine who has the ultimate responsibility of co-ordinating the critical care patient's discharge plan irrespective of the nursing model employed within the critical care ward. There is the need to ensure that when discharge planning becomes everybody's responsibility it ultimately does not become no-one's responsibility. Relevance to clinical practice: If discharge planning practices are to be changed with the introduction of new discharge planning models in the critical care environment then it is important not only to know current practice but also the perceptions of critical care nurses in terms of who they believe should co-ordinate the discharge planning process.