16 resultados para Dipyridyl
Pretreatment of Escherichia coli cultures with the iron chelator 2,2’-dipyridyl (1 mM) protects against the lethal effects of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (<15 mM). However, at H2O2 concentrations equal to or greater than 15 mM, dipyridyl pretreatment increases lethality and mutagenesis, which is attributed to the formation of different types of DNA lesions. We show here that pretreatment with dipyridyl (1 mM) prior to challenge with high H2O2 concentrations (≥15 mM) induced mainly G:C→A:T transitions (more than 100X with 15 mM and more than 250X with 20 mM over the spontaneous mutagenesis rate) in E. coli. In contrast, high H2O2 concentrations in the absence of dipyridyl preferentially induced A:T→T:A transversions (more than 1800X and more than 300X over spontaneous mutagenesis for 15 and 20 mM, respectively). We also show that in the fpg nth double mutant, the rpoB gene mutation (RifS-RifR) induced by 20 mM H2O2 alone (20X higher) was increased in 20 mM H2O2 and dipyridyl-treated cultures (110X higher), suggesting additional and/or different lesions in cells treated with H2O2 under iron deprivation. It is suggested that, upon iron deprivation, cytosine may be the main damaged base and the origin of the pre-mutagenic lesions induced by H2O2.
Three supramolecular complexes of Co(II) using SCN-/SeCN- in combination with 4,4'-dipyridyl-N,N'-dioxide (dpyo), i.e., {[Co(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(2)].(dpyo)}(n) ( 1), {[Co(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)].(H2O)}(n) ( 2), {[Co(SeCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)]center dot(H2O)}(n) ( 3), have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Complex 1 is a rare example of a dpyo bridged two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymer, and pi-stacked dpyo supramolecular rods are generated by the lattice dpyo, passing through the rhombic grid of stacked layers, resulting in a three-dimensional (3D) superstructure. Complexes 2 and 3 are isomorphous one-dimensional (1D) coordination polymers [-Co-dpyo-Co-] that undergo self-assembly leading to a bilayer architecture derived through an R-2(2)(8) H-bonding synthon between coordinated water and dpyo oxygen. A reinvestigation of coordination polymers [Mn(SCN)(2)(dpyo)( H2O)(MeOH)](n) ( 4) and {[Fe(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)]center dot(H2O)}(n) ( 5) reported recently by our group [ Manna et al. Indian J. Chem. 2006, 45A, 1813] reveals brick wall topology rather than bilayer architecture is due to the decisive role of S center dot center dot center dot S/Se center dot center dot center dot Se interactions in determining the helical nature in 4 and 5 as compared to zigzag polymeric chains in 2 and 3, although the same R-2(2)(8) synthon is responsible for supramolecular assembly in these complexes.
Complexes of cytotoxic chelators from the dipyridyl ketone isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPKIH) analogues
In an effort to better understand the antiproliferative effects of the tridentate hydrazone chelators di-2-pyridyl ketone isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPKIH) and di-2-pyridyl ketone benzoyl hydrazone (HPKBH), we report the coordination chemistry of these ligands with the divalent metal ions, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn. These complexes are compared with their Fe-II analogues which were reported previously. The crystal structures of Co(PKIH)(2), Ni(PKIH)(2), Cu(PKIH)(2), Mn(PKBH)(2), Ni(PKBH)(2), Cu(PKBH)(2), and Zn(PKBH)(2) are reported where similar bis-tridenate coordination modes of the ligands are defined. In pure DMF, all complexes except the Zn-II compounds exhibit metal-centered M-III/II (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) or M-II/I (Cu) redox processes. All complexes show ligand-centered reductions at low potential. Electrochemistry in a mixed water/DMF solvent only elicited metal-centered responses from the Co and Fe complexes. Remarkably, all complexes show antiproliferative activity against the SK-N-MC neuroepithelioma cell line similar to (HPKIH) or significantly greater than that of the (HPKBH) ligand which suggests a mechanism that does not only involve the redox activity of these complexes. In fact, we suggest that the complexes act as lipophilic transport shuttles that allow entrance to the cell and enable the delivery of both the ligand and metal which act in concert to inhibit proliferation.
There has been much interest in the development of iron (Fe) chelators for the treatment of cancer. We developed a series of di-2-pyridyl ketone thiosemicarbazone (HDpT) ligands which show marked and selective antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we assessed chemical and biological properties of these ligands and their Fe complexes in order to understand their marked activity. This included examination of their solution chemistry, electrochemistry, ability to mediate redox reactions, and antiproliferative activity against tumor cells. The higher antiproliferative efficacy of the HDpT series of chelators relative to the related di-2-pyridyl ketone isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPKIH) analogues can be ascribed, in part, to the redox potentials of their Fe complexes which lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species. The most effective HDpT ligands as antiproliferative agents possess considerable lipophilicity and were shown to be charge neutral at physiological pH, allowing access to intracellular Fe pools.
An unusual copper(II) complex [Cu(L1a)2Cl2] CH3OH H2O H3O+Cl (1a) was isolated from a solution of a novel tricopper(II) complex [Cu3(HL1)Cl2]Cl3 2H2O (1) in methanol, where L1a is 3-(2-pyridyl)triazolo [1,5-a]-pyridine, and characterized with single crystal X-ray diffraction study. The tricopper(II) complex of potential ligand 1,5-bis(di-2-pyridyl ketone) carbohydrazone (H2L1) was synthesized and physicochemically characterized, while the formation of the complex 1a was followed by time-dependant monitoring of the UV–visible spectra, which reveals degradation of ligand backbone as intensity loss of bands corresponding to O?Cu(II) charge transfer
Ten new copper(II) complexes of five potential bisthiocarbohydrazone and biscarbohydrazone ligands were synthesized and physico-chemically characterized. The spectral and magnetic studies of compounds are consistent with the formation of asymmetric di-, tri- or tetranuclear copper(II) complexes of deprotonated forms of respective ligands. The variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements of all complexes showantiferromagnetic interactions between the Cu(II) centers, in agreement with very broad powder EPR spectra. However, frozen solution EPR spectral studies are found in contradiction with the solid-state magnetic studies and indicate that the complexes are not very stable in solutions; the possible fragmentations of complexes are found in agreement with MALDI MS results. The EPR spectral simulation of most of the compounds is in agreement with the presence of two uncoupled Cu(II) species in solution.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden kreuzkonjugierte organische Verbindungen basierend auf Diazafluorenmethyliden- sowie Dipyridylmethyliden-Bausteinen synthetisiert, die zum einen photoredoxaktive Metallfragmente komplexieren können und zum anderen erweiterte π-konjugierte Pfade auf der Grundlage von Alkineinheiten ermöglichen. Das kreuzkonjugierte Motiv wurde über die Kupplung von Alkineinheiten an halogenierte Methyliden-Einheiten, den so genannten Dibromolefinen, zugänglich gemacht. Zur Synthese von Dibromolefinen wurden verschiedene Methoden untersucht. Literaturbekannte Methoden wie die Wittig-Reaktion und ihre Modifikationen sowie die Corey-Fuchs-Reaktion konnten für die Diazafluoreneinheit nicht erfolgreich angewendet werden. Bei einer mikrowellenunterstützten Reaktion konnte sowohl ausgehend von Diazafluoren-9-on als auch von Di-2-pyridylketon eine Dibromolefinierung (55 % und 65 %) erreicht werden. Die Eignung der Mikrowellenstrahlung für Dibromolefinierungsreaktionen nach Corey und Fuchs wurde weiterhin an verschiedenen Aldehyden und Ketonen untersucht. In den meisten Fällen konnten gute bis sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Durch die erfolgreiche Synthese von Dibromolefinen über Mikrowellensynthese wurde die Realisierung von diversen π-konjugierten Systemen möglich. Dies erfolgte exemplarisch durch die Kupplung der Alkine 5-Ethinyl-2,2’-bipyridin, 1-(Ferrocenylethinyl)-4-(ethinyl)benzol, Tri(tolyl)propin sowie der TIPS- und TMS-Acetylene. Neben der Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten zur Funktionalisierung von Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteinen zeigte sich zudem, dass sogar räumlich anspruchsvolle Verbindungen wie die geminale angeordneten voluminösen Tri(tolyl)propinyl-Substituenten an der Doppelbindung erfolgreich synthetisiert werden können. Die Koordinationseigenschaften der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen konnten durch Umsetzungen der Diazafluoren- und Dipyridylverbindungen mit PdCl2 und [RuCl2(bpy)2] erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Herstellung von Funktionsmaterialien eignen sich die Endiin-Strukturmotive aufgrund von diversen Variationsmöglichkeiten wie Koordination von Übergangsmetallen sowie Funktionalisierung der Peripherie gut. Dadurch können die elektronischen Eigenschaften wie die Absorption oder elektrochemische Potentiale der Verbindungen modifiziert werden. Die UV/Vis-Spektren der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen zeigen, dass Absorptionen in längerwelligen Bereichen durch Verlängerung des Konjugationspfades gesteuert werden können. Zudem lassen sich weitere photophysikalische Eigenschaften wie MC-, LC-, LMCT- oder MLCT-Übergänge durch Koordination von Metallen generieren. Die elektrochemischen Potentiale der Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteine konnten durch Anbindung von verschiedenen Substituenten beeinflusst werden. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Reduktionswellen im Vergleich zu denen der Ketone zu niedrigeren Potentialen verschieben, wenn Alkine an die Dipyridylmethyliden- und Diazafluorenmethyliden-Bausteine geknüpft wurden. Zudem konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Signale nicht immer reversibel sind. Insbesondere die Dipyridylverbindungen zeichneten sich durch irreversible Reduktionswellen aus. Die Realisierung von π-konjugierten Systemen gelang auch mit cyclischen kohlenstoffbasierten Verbindungen. Über das separat synthetisierte 2,2’-Diethinyltolan konnte eine cyclische Verbindung, ein dehydroannulen-radialenisches System, erfolgreich hergestellt werden. Die Koordination von redoxaktiven Metallzentren wie [Ru(bpy)2] konnte für diese Verbindung ebenfalls erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Die elektronische Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Metallzentrum und dem dehydroannulenischen System könnte sowohl über theoretische Methoden (zeitabhängige Dichtefunktionaltheorie) als auch experimentell wie z. B. über transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie untersucht werden. Diese zukünftig durchzuführenden Untersuchungen können Aufschluss über die Ladungstransferraten und -dauer geben. Im Hinblick auf die Realisierung von Modellverbindungen für molekulare Drähte wurden lineare Systeme basierend auf der Diazafluoreneinheit synthetisiert. Zur Synthese von derartigen Systemen war es zunächst notwendig, die Dibromolefine unsymmetrisch zu alkinylieren. Die unsymmetrische Substitution gestaltete sich als Herausforderung, da eine Einfachkupplung mit einem Acetylen nicht möglich war. In den meisten Fällen wurden zweifach substituierte Spezies mit den identischen Alkinen erhalten. Die besten Ausbeuten konnten durch die konsekutive Zugabe von TIPS-Acetylen und darauffolgend TMS-Acetylen in die Reaktionsmischung erhalten werden. Offenbar spielt der räumliche Anspruch des Erstsubstituenten in diesem Zusammenhang eine Rolle. Die selektive Entschützung der unterschiedlich silylierten Verbindungen erfolgte mit K2CO3 in MeOH/THF (1:1). Die oxidative Homokupplungsreaktion erfolgte ohne Isolierung der entschützten Spezies, da diese instabil ist und zur Polymerisation neigt. Aufgrund der Instabilität der entschützten Spezies sowie möglichen Nebenreaktionen waren die Ausbeuten sowohl bei der TIPS-geschützten Verbindung als auch bei der TTP-geschützten Verbindung gering. Versuche, lineare Systeme von dipyridylbasierten Verbindungen zu erhalten, schlugen fehl. Die π-konjugierten Systeme lassen aufgrund der effektiven Überlappung der beteiligten π-Orbitale hohe Ladungsträgermobilitäten vermuten. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisierten Verbindungen könnten mit Schwefelverbindungen die Anbindung an Elektroden zulassen, worüber die Leitfähigkeiten der Verbindungen gemessen werden könnten.
El cisplatí, PtCl2(NH3)2, ha estat una de les drogues més utilitzades en la quimioteràpia del càncer des del descobriment de la seva activitat. Però degut a la seva alta toxicitat i greus efectes secundaris, s'han sintetitzat nous compostos amb la finalitat de reduir aquests inconvenients. En aquest sentit, el treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat la síntesi i caracterització de tretze complexos de Pt(II) amb la finalitat d'estudiar llur activitat antitumoral. Aquests complexos presenten unes característiques estructurals comunes: geometria cis, dos lligands làbils de tipus clorur i un lligand diaminoquelatant derivat dels àcids d,l-2,3-diaminopropiònic (Hdap) i d,l-2,4-diaminobutíric (Hdab). S'han dissenyat unes estratègies sintètiques a partir de les quals els lligands han estat funcionalitzats amb diferents grups de tipus éster, aminoàcid i peptídic: Etdap·2HCl, Etdab·2HCl, [(dap-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2)·2CF3COOH], essent Metala= éster metílic de L-alanina, phe= L-fenilalanina, Mettrp= éster metílic del L-triptofà. Aquests lligands diaminoquelatants s'han utilitzat per sintetitzar els corresponents complexos de Pt(II): PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dab-phe), PtCl2(dap-Mettrp), PtCl2(dab-Mettrp), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2). A través de diferents tècniques i assaigs biològics (dicroisme circular, electroforesi en gel d'agarosa, microscopia de forces atòmiques, citometria de flux, assaigs de proliferació cel·lular) s'ha pogut demostrar l'activitat antitumoral d'aquests compostos. A través de la tècnica de dicroisme circular (DC) s'ha pogut demostrar que els lligands lliures no interaccionen covalentment amb el DNA de Calf Thymus i no modifiquen l'estructura secundària de la doble hèlix. En canvi, els respectius complexos han demostrat tenir capacitat per interaccionar amb el DNA i modificar la seva estructura secundària. Els complexos PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab) i PtCl2(dab-phe) mostren un comportament similar al cisplatí, generant adductes cis-bifuncionals que distorcionen la doble hèlix de forma no desnaturalitzant amb obertura de la doble cadena. Els complexos PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) quan interaccionen amb el DNA generen un canvi en la conformació del DNA de la forma B a la forma C, produint-se un augment de la curvatura de l'hèlix per rotació de les bases nitrogenades. En aquests estudis s'ha comprovat que l'estructura del complex influeix en l'efecte generat sobre l'estructura secundària de l'àcid nucleic. En primer lloc, existeix una diferència en el comportament en funció del tamany del lligand diaminoquelatant, de manera que els complexos amb el lligand (dab) provoquen un efecte més remarcable. També s'observa aquest canvi de comportament al passar dels complexos que tenen el grup funcional esterificat als que el tenen protonat. D'aquesta manera, s'observa un major efecte sobre l'estructura secundària del DNA en aquells complexos que tenen el lligand diaminoquelatant de tres metilens (dab) i amb el grup carboxilat terminal protonat. Per tal de modelitzar la interacció d'aquests complexos amb el DNA, s'ha estudiat la interacció d'aquests compostos de Pt(II) amb 5'-GMP a través de RMN-1H, observant la variació dels senyals corresponents al H8 de 5'-GMP. Així s'ha pogut demostrar que aquests compostos interaccionen amb la 5'-GMP a través d'un enllaç covalent Pt-N7, de la mateixa manera a com interacciona el cisplatí. A través d'electroforesi en gel d'agarosa i microscopia de forces atòmiques (AFM) s'ha pogut determinar l'efecte que generen els lligands lliures i els respectius complexos de Pt(II) sobre l'estructura terciària del plasmidi pBR322. Els lligands provoquen un augment de l'agregació de les molècules de DNA i un lleuger augment de la compactació de l'estructura terciària. Aquests resultats s'atribueixen a la capacitat d'aquests compostos a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb el DNA. Els corresponents complexos de Pt(II) provoquen un augment de l'agregació i una important compactació, degut per una banda a la capacitat de l'àtom de Pt a interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA, i per altra banda, a la capacitat del lligand a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb l'àcid nucleic. Finalment s'ha estudiat l'activitat citotòxica d'aquests complexos de Pt(II) en diferents línies cel·lulars: A431 (línia de carcinoma epidermoide), HeLa (línia de carcinoma de coll d'úter) i HL-60 (línia promielocítica de leucèmia). Els complexos moderadament solubles en aigua, PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe) i PtCl2(dab-phe), han demostrat ser actius. L'activitat depèn de la concentració de complex, del temps d'incubació i de la línia cel·lular. Per temps d'incubació alts i concentracions de complex elevades s'observa la màxima activitat. Els complexos de l'alanina, PtCl2(dap-ala) i PtCl2(dab-ala), són els que mostren més activitat, mentre que els compostos de la fenilalanina són els menys actius, degut probablement a la voluminositat del lligand, la qual pot impedir o dificultar el transport del compost a través de la membrana cel·lular. L'activitat citotòxica dels complexos insolubles en aigua, PtCl2(Etdap) i PtCl2(Etdab), queda bloquejada per l'elevada concentració de DMSO (12%) necessària per solubilitzar els compostos. Aquests resultats permeten deduir que la presència d'un 12% de DMSO anul·la l'activitat d'aquests complexos, ja que el DMSO pot coordinar-se amb el Pt ocupant les posicions làbils del complex i evitant que es pugui coordinar amb el DNA. Els assaigs de proliferació cel·lular del complex PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) i del pèptid lliure ASTTTNYT-NH2 han demostrat que ambdós compostos són actius. Tot i això, l'activitat del complex és superior a la del pèptid lliure, ja que el Pt pot interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA i augmentar l'efecte citotòxic. Per tant, el complex presenta un lligand portador biològicament actiu que pot transportar el metall a través de la membrana cel·lular i facilitar així la seva interacció amb el DNA. A través de la tècnica de citometria de flux s'ha comprovat que en tots els casos la mort cel·lular produïda pels complexos ha estat per apoptosi. Per últim, s'ha sintetitzat i caracteritzat un complex trinuclear de Pt(II), {[Pt(Me2Bpy)2][PtCl2(Me2Bpy)]2}, essent Me2Bpy= 4,4'-dimetil-2,2'-dipiridil. La resolució de la seva estructura per difracció de Raig-X ha permès determinar l'existència d'una interacció intramolecular Pt-Pt de 3.474 Å.
Gallium-sulphide supertetrahedral clusters as building blocks of covalent organic-inorganic networks
The synthesis and characterisation of novel covalent organic-inorganic architectures containing organically-functionalised supertetrahedra is described. The structures of these unique materials consist of one-dimensional zigzag chains or of honeycomb-type layers, in which gallium-sulfide supertetrahedral clusters and dipyridyl ligands alternate.
Xylella fastidiosa is the etiologic agent of a wide range of plant diseases, including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a major threat to citrus industry. The genomes of several strains of this phytopathogen were completely sequenced, enabling large-scale functional studies. DNA microarrays representing 2,608 (91.6%) coding sequences (CDS) of X. fastidiosa CVC strain 9a5c were used to investigate transcript levels during growth with different iron availabilities. When treated with the iron chelator 2,2`-dipyridyl, 193 CDS were considered up-regulated and 216 were considered down-regulated. Upon incubation with 100 mu M ferric pyrophosphate, 218 and 256 CDS were considered up- and down-regulated, respectively. Differential expression for a subset of 44 CDS was further evaluated by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Several CDS involved with regulatory functions, pathogenicity, and cell structure were modulated under both conditions assayed, suggesting that major changes in cell architecture and metabolism occur when X. fastidiosa cells are exposed to extreme variations in iron concentration. Interestingly, the modulated CDS include those related to colicin V-like bacteriocin synthesis and secretion and to functions of pili/fimbriae. We also investigated the contribution of the ferric uptake regulator Fur to the iron stimulon of X. fastidiosa. The promoter regions of the strain 9a5c genome were screened for putative Fur boxes, and candidates were analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that Fur is not solely responsible for the modulation of the iron stimulon of X fastidiosa, and they present novel evidence for iron regulation of pathogenicity determinants.
The synthesis and characterization of ruthenium compounds of the type [RuCl2(P)2(N-N)] [(P)2 = (PPh3) 2, dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butano; dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane; N-N = 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′dipyridyl (5,5′-mebipy) or 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′dipyridyl (4,4′-mebipy)] are described. The complexes were characterized using elemental analysis, UV-Vis and infrared spectroscopies, cyclic voltammetry, and X-ray crystallography. In vitro evaluation of the complexes, using the MTT methodology, revealed their cytotoxic activities in a range of 5.4-15.7 μM against the MDA-MB-231 breast tumor cells and showed that, in this case, they are more active than the reference metallodrug cisplatin. The in vitro antimycobacterial activities of the complexes had their Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MTB cell growth measured, by the REMA method. The MICs for these complexes were found to be between 12.5 and 25.0 μg/mL. The results are comparable with the second line drug cycloserine (MIC = 12.5-50.0 μg/mL), commonly used in the treatment of TB. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The scope of my research project is to produce and characterize new crystalline forms of organic compounds, focusing the attention on co-crystals and then transferring these notions on APIs to produce co-crystals of potential interest in the pharmaceutical field. In the first part of this work co-crystallization experiments were performed using as building blocks the family of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids HOOC-(CH2)n-COOH, with n= 2-8. This class of compounds has always been an object of study because it is characterized by an interesting phenomenon of alternation of melting points: the acids with an even number of carbon atoms show a melting point higher than those with an odd one. The acids were co-crystallized with four dipyridyl molecules (formed by two pyridine rings with a different number of bridging carbon atoms) through the formation of intermolecular interactions N•••(H)O. The bases used were: 4,4’-bipyridine (BPY), 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (BPA), 1,2-(di-4-pyridyl)ethylene (BPE) and 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)propane (BPP). The co-crystals obtained by solution synthesis were characterized by different solid-state techniques to determine the structure and to see how the melting points in co-crystals change. In the second part of this study we tried to obtain new crystal forms of compounds of pharmaceutical interest. The APIs studied are: O-desmethylvenlafaxine, Lidocaine, Nalidixic Acid and Sulfadiazine. Each API was subjected to Polymorph Screening and Salt/Co-crystal Screening experiments to identify new crystal forms characterized by different properties. In a typical Salt/Co-crystal Screening the sample was made to react with a co-former (solid or liquid) through different methods: crystallization by solution, grinding, kneading and solid-gas reactions. The new crystal forms obtained were characterized by different solid state techniques (X-ray single crystal diffraction, X-ray powder diffraction, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Evolved gas analysis, FT-IR – ATR, Solid State N.M.R).
We present steady-state absorption and emission spectroscopy and femtosecond broadband photoluminescence up-conversion spectroscopy studies of the electronic relaxation of Os(dmbp)3 (Os1) and Os(bpy)2(dpp) (Os2) in ethanol, where dmbp is 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-biypridine, bpy is 2,2′-biypridine, and dpp is 2,3-dipyridyl pyrazine. In both cases, the steady-state phosphorescence is due to the lowest 3MLCT state, whose quantum yield we estimate to be ≤5.0 × 10–3. For Os1, the steady-state phosphorescence lifetime is 25 ns. In both complexes, the photoluminescence excitation spectra map the absorption spectrum, pointing to an excitation wavelength-independent quantum yield. The ultrafast studies revealed a short-lived (≤100 fs) fluorescence, which stems from the lowest singlet metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer (1MLCT) state and decays by intersystem crossing to the manifold of 3MLCT states. In addition, Os1 exhibits a 50 ps lived emission from an intermediate triplet state at an energy 2000 cm–1 above that of the long-lived (25 ns) phosphorescence. In Os2, the 1MLCT–3MLCT intersystem crossing is faster than that in Os1, and no emission from triplet states is observed other than the lowest one. These observations are attributed to a higher density of states or a smaller energy spacing between them compared with Os1. They highlight the importance of the energetics on the rate of intersystem crossing.
In the facultative anaerobe Escherichia coli, the transcription factor FNR (fumarate nitrate reduction) regulates gene expression in response to oxygen deprivation. To investigate how the activity of FNR is regulated by oxygen availability, two mutant proteins, DA154 and LH28-DA154, which have enhanced in vivo activity in the presence of oxygen, were purified and compared. Unlike other previously examined FNR preparations, the absorption spectrum of LH28-DA154 had two maxima at 324 nm and 419 nm, typical of iron-sulfur (Fe-S)-containing proteins. Consistent with these data, metal analysis showed that only the LH28-DA154 protein contained a significant amount of iron and acid-labile sulfide, and, by low temperature EPR spectroscopy, a signal typical of a [3Fe-4S]+ cluster was detected. The LH28-DA154 protein that contained the Fe-S cluster also contained a higher proportion of dimers and had a 3- to 4-fold higher apparent affinity for the target DNA than the DA154 protein. In agreement with this, we found that when the LH28-DA154 protein was treated with an iron chelator (alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl), it lost its characteristic absorption and the apparent affinity for DNA was reduced 6-fold. However, increased DNA binding and the characteristic absorption spectrum could be restored by in vitro reconstitution of the Fe-S center. DNA binding of the LH28-DA154 protein was also affected by the redox state of the Fe-S center, since protein exposed to oxygen bound 1/10th as much DNA as the protein reduced anaerobically with dithionite. The observation that DNA binding is enhanced when the Fe-S center is reduced indicates that the redox state of the Fe-S center affects the DNA-binding activity of this protein and suggests a possible mechanism for regulation of the wild-type protein.
Forty strains of Flavobacterium psychrophilum were tested for the production of siderophores using the universal Chrome Azurol S (CAS) assay. The majority of the strains (85%) were CAS positive (CAS+) and some (15%) were CAS negative (CAS−). The cryptic plasmid pCP1 was carried by all positive strains and was lacking from negative strains. While a weak catechol reaction was detectable in CAS+ culture supernatants, the CAS reaction was, to some extent, heat sensitive, questioning whether the positive reaction was caused only by siderophores. The ability to grow in vitro under iron-restricted conditions did not correlate with the CAS reactivity, as growth of both CAS+ and CAS− strains was similarly impaired under iron restriction induced by 2,2 dipyridyl. Suppressed growth under these conditions was restored by addition of FeCl3, haemoglobin and transferrin for both CAS+ and CAS− strains.