870 resultados para Dimensões do comprometimento - Dimensions of commitment
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo definir, analisar e identificar por meio de um estudo de caso, as dimensões de comprometimento organizacional: afetivas, instrumental e normativa dos gestores do campus do Limoeiro do Norte, que estão em fase de estágio probatório e dos gestores do campus Fortaleza que já passaram desse estágio, traçar um comparativo e relacionar ambos os casos. Norteado por um modelo teórico de comprometimento organizacional abordado por Meyer e Allen (1991; 1997). Comprometimento no setor público neste estudo tem-se como unidade de análise duas instituições federais de educação, ciência e tecnologia. Como os gestores são, na maioria das vezes, responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de uma força de trabalho capaz e comprometida, sua atuação torna-se de fundamental importância no âmbito da educação, aliado a competência técnica e a vontade política de ações planejadas. De acordo com a pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa, foram aplicados questionários já testados e validados, contendo aspectos semi-estruturados, onde foi dividido em duas partes: a primeira, com seis itens, abordando as características pessoais e funcionais dos gestores do IFCE de cada campus estudado, e segunda, que possui dezoito itens divididos nas três dimensões do comprometimento organizacional: afetivo, instrumental e normativo, tudo baseado na escala de mensuração do comprometimento de Meyer e Allen (1997) modelo internacionalmente aceito e validado. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa apontaram que dos 35 gestores do campus Limoeiro do Norte o comprometimento organizacional que obteve maior média foi o afetivo. Os gestores estáveis do campus Fortaleza, também apontaram a dimensão afetiva com a maior média de comprometimento. Com isso os estudos balizam que não há uma possível relação com o fator tempo na instituição, uma vez que a maioria dos gestores do campus Fortaleza possui mais de uma década de atuação, enquanto os do campus Limoeiro do Norte, possuem menos de três anos na instituição. A maior parte dos pesquisados nos campi defendem uma forte relação na instituição, já se sentem de casa, o vínculo se estabelece pela presença de sentimentos, afeição e identificação, até mesmo pelo fato dos gestores permanecerem mais tempo no trabalho que na sua prápria casa, ele faz da organização um esteio do seu próprio lar. Conclui-se que os resultados não permitem afirmar que as dimensões do comprometimento estão relacionadas ao tempo de atuação dos gestores na instituição. / This paper aims to define, analyze and identify through a case study, the dimensions of organizational commitment: affective, continuance and normative managers campus of Castle Hayne, who are in their probationary period and the managers of Fortaleza campus who have passed this stage, draw a comparison and to relate both cases. Guided by a theoretical model of organizational commitment by Meyer and Allen (1991; 1997) approached. Commitment in the public sector in this study has as unit of analysis two federal institutions of science and technology education. As managers are, in most cases, responsible for developing a workforce capable and committed, its performance becomes very important in education, combined with technical competence and political will of planned actions. According to the descriptive and quantitative research, questionnaires were applied, tested and validated, containing aspects of semi-structured, which was divided into two parts: the first, with six items, addressing the personal and functional characteristics of the managers of each campus IFCE studied, and second, which has eighteen items divided into the three dimensions of organizational commitment: affective, continuance and normative, all based on a scale to measure the commitment of Meyer and Allen (1997) model is internationally accepted and validated. The results obtained in this research showed that the 35 managers of the Castle Hayne campus organizational commitment that was obtained more affective. Managers stable campus Fortaleza, also pointed to the affective dimension with the highest average commitment. With this guiding studies that there is a possible relationship with the time factor in the institution, since most managers campus Fortaleza has over a decade of operation, while the Castle Hayne campus, have less than three years in institution. Most of the campuses surveyed favor a strong relationship with the institution, already feel at home, the link is established by the presence of feelings, affection and identification, even by the fact that managers stay longer at work than at home, he is a mainstay of the organization of your own home. We conclude that the results do not allow us to state that the dimensions of commitment are related to time of performance of managers in the institution.
The purpose of this study was to examine the main and interactive effects of four dimensions of professional commitment on strain (i.e., depression, anxiety, perceived health status, and job dissatisfaction) for a sample of 176 law professionals. The study utilized a two-wave design in which professional commitment and strain were measured at Time 1 and strain was measured again at Time 2 (T2), 2 months later. A significant two-way interaction indicated that high affective commitment was related to less T2 job dissatisfaction only for lawyers with low accumulated costs. A significant four-way interaction indicated that high affective professional commitment was only related to fewer symptoms of T2 anxiety for lawyers with high normative professional commitment and both low limited alternatives and accumulated costs. A similar pattern of results emerged in regard to T2 perceived health status. The theoretical and practical implications of these results for career counselors are discussed.
This study examines the relationship of the types of organizational culture perceived in a business hotel with the nature of the link between individual and organization. This linkage between commitment and organizational culture has been little explored, both national and international, requiring more studies. Thus, the survey was conducted in Soleil Suite Hotel, located on the beach of Ponta Negra, city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The independent variable of the proposed model was represented by the types of organizational culture, while the dependent variable was represented by the four dimensions of commitment. It was used in addition to the correspondence analysis, the arithmetic mean, the Pearson s correlation and the simple regression analysis. The results indicated the existence of relationship of the types of organizational culture with the kind of commitment shown by the officials, where the cultures of Group and Innovative, capable of generating an environment dedicated to the work as a team, the development and professional growth of the employees, as well as the creativity and individual freedom of each one to try new things, encourage the dominance of the dimensions Affective, Affiliative and Normative of the tie person-organization
Refletir sobre a relação entre os festejos carnavalescos e o movimento folclorista implica admitir as diferenças de perspectivas na constituição desses campos. Observa-se, inicialmente, que os processos de institucionalização dos carnavais brincados no Rio de Janeiro entre os anos 1934 e 1937, configuram um campo cultural à parte do movimento folclorista que se efetiva no Brasil nas décadas seguintes. Enquanto as práticas carnavalescas se consolidaram na década de 1930, em mediação com a imprensa e com o poder público, ligadas às preocupações de forjar a nacionalidade, o movimento folclórico tenta se institucionalizar, com o mesmo propósito, e definir seu campo de atuação e objetos de pesquisas, entre as décadas de 40 e 60. Porém, o carnaval não é o cerne desse debate e tampouco manifestação que deva se integrar às tradições brasileiras.
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between organizational and professional commitment of project workers. We first present (1) role-conflict theory and exchange theory to establish the multiple dimensions of commitment (affective, continuance, and normative) and (2) social identity theory to support our argument for different foci of commitment—organization and profession. Building on these theoretical lenses, we present the literature review that compares organizational and professional commitment of project workers with respect to the three dimensions of commitment. Adopting a positivist approach and a sample of 141 project workers, we use Pearson’s correlation to identify the relationship between affective organizational and affective professional, continuance organizational and continuance professional, and normative organizational and normative professional commitment. We report significant correlation between affective organizational commitment and affective professional commitment of project workers. The correlations between continuance organizational commitment and continuance professional commitment and normative organizational commitment and normative professional commitment are moderate. We then discuss the implications of these findings for the project management profession.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between organizational and professional commitment of project workers. We first present (i) role–conflict theory, and exchange theory to establish the multiple dimensions of commitment—affective, continuance, and normative; and (ii). social–identity theory to support our argument for different foci of commitment—organization and profession. Building on these theoretical lenses, we present the literature review that compares organizational and professional commitment of project workers with respect to the 3 dimensions of commitment. Adopting a positivist approach and a sample of 141 project workers, we use Pearson’s correlation to identify the relationship between affective organizational and affective professional, continuance organizational and continuance professional, and normative organizational and normative professional commitment. We report significant correlation between affective organizational commitment and affective professional commitment of project workers. The correlations between continuance organizational commitment, and continuance professional commitment; and normative organizational commitment, and normative professional commitment are moderate. We then discuss the implications of these findings for the project management profession.
A recurring feature of modern practice is occupational stress of project professionals, with both debilitating effects on the people concerned and indirectly affecting project success. Previous research outside the construction industry has involved the use of a psychology perceived stress questionnaire (PSQ) to measure occupational stress, resulting in the identification of one stressor – demand - and three sub-dimensional emotional reactions in terms of worry, tension and joy. The PSQ is translated into Chinese with a back translation technique and used in a survey of young construction cost professionals in China. Principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are used to test the divisibility of occupational stress - little mentioned in previous research on stress in the construction context. In addition, structural equation modelling is used to assess nomological validity by testing the effects of the three dimensions on organizational commitment, the main finding of which is that lack of joy has the sole significant effect. The three-dimensional measurement framework facilitates the standardizing measurement of occupational stress. Further research will establish if the findings are also applicable in other settings and explore the relations between stress dimensions and other managerial concepts.
Teacher commitment has been found to be a critical predictor of teachers’ work performance, absenteeism, retention, burnout and turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’ motivation, achievement, attitudes towards learning and being at school (Firestone (1996). Educational Administration Quarterly, 32(2), 209–235; Graham (1996). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 45–47; Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27; Tsui & Cheng (1999). Educational Research and Evaluation, 5(3), 249–268). It is also a necessary ingredient to the successful implementation, adaptation or resistance reform agendas. Surprisingly, however, the relationship between teachers’ motivation, efficacy, job satisfaction and commitment, and between commitment and the quality of their work has not been the subject of extensive research. Some literature presents commitment as a feature of being and behaving as a professional (Helsby, Knight, McCulloch, Saunders, & Warburton (1997). A report to participants on the professional cultures of Teachers Research Project, Lancaster University, January). Others suggest that it fluctuates according to personal, institutional and policy contexts (Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27) and identify different dimensions of commitment which interact and fluctuate (Tyree (1996). Journal of Educational Research, 89(5), 295–304). Others claim that teachers’ commitment tends to decrease progressively over the course of the teaching career (Fraser, Draper, & Taylor (1998). Evaluation and Research in Education, 12 (2), 61–71; Huberman (1993). The lives of teachers. London: Cassell). In this research, experienced teachers in England and Australia were interviewed about their understandings of commitment. The data suggest that commitment may be better understood as a nested phenomena at the centre of which is a set of core, relatively permanent values based upon personal beliefs, images of self, role and identity which are subject to challenge by change which is socio-politically constructed.
The present study examined the associations among participant demographics, personality factors, love dimensions, and relationship length. In total, 16,030 participants completed an internet survey assessing Big Five personality factors, Sternberg’s three love dimensions (intimacy, passion, and commitment), and the length of time that they had been involved in a relationship. Results of structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that participant age was negatively associated with passion and positively associated with intimacy and commitment. In addition, the Big Five factor of Agreeableness was positively associated with all three love dimensions, whereas Conscientiousness was positively associated with intimacy and commitment. Finally, passion was negatively associated with relationship length, whereas commitment was positively correlated with relationship length. SEM results further showed that there were minor differences in these associations for women and men. Given the large sample size, our results reflect stable associations between personality factors and love dimensions. The present results may have important implications for relationship and marital counseling. Limitations of this study and further implications are discussed.
Apesar da pesquisa em confiança interorganizacional e sua relação com performance ter sido conduzida sob as perspectivas da Teoria de Custos de Transação, Teoria das Trocas Sociais e Canais de Marketing, três importantes lacunas na literatura requerem investigação. Primeiro, está em andamento um debate conceitual sobre a multi-dimensionalidade da confiança, e como ela deve ser operacionalizada e medida, e que se divide em três correntes de pensamento - um construto multidimensional definido por dimensões não dominantes, um construto baseado em duas dimensões dominantes (afetiva e calculativa), ou um construto unidimensional. Segundo, existe ambiguidade em como as dimensões da confiança são definidas, levando a artefatos de equivalência nas escalas e resultados contraditórios. Terceiro, as diferentes percepções que compradores e fornecedores podem ter em cada dimensão da confiança e seu impacto na performance logística ainda não estão claros. Esta pesquisa empírica examina a confiança nas relações entre compradores e fornecedores no setor de logística no Brasil, através de duas amostras e estudos independentes: um examina a percepção dos compradores e o outro examina a dos fornecedores. Em seguida, os dois estudos são comparados para determinar as diferentes perspectivas da confiança e as implicações na performance logística. A análise multivariada mostrou que a confiança parece estar presente nas relações interorganizacionais, e é a percepção do comprador que possui maior relação com a performance logística. Ao mesmo tempo, compradores percebem fornecedores de forma mais negativa nas dimensões mensuráveis (competência e performance), enquanto não foram encontradas diferenças nos aspectos sociais (honestidade e benevolência), o que pode ser resultado do ambiente e cultura pesquisados. As análises mostraram que, apesar da confiança poder ser definida como um construto multidimensional, ela deve ser operacionalizada como um construto unidimensional direcionado pela competência e credibilidade. Este estudo contribui para a prática sugerindo formas de aumentar a confiança interorganizacional para aumento da performance.
Worldwide reports about energy usage have noted the importance of the domestic energy consumption sector in the worldwide scenario. This fact motivated and supported the birth and spread of the so-called eco-feedback devices. Such devices provide information about individual or group energy consumption behavior with the goal of reducing the impact in the environment. Motivated by the body of work which questions the long term effectiveness of eco-feedback systems, this thesis focus on evaluating in-the-wild the long term usage of eco-feedback systems. We have conducted five long term studies with different eco-feedback systems designed to evaluate different dimensions in the design of eco-feedback plus two more focused short term studies aimed at studying concrete approaches. Our summary reports on the fact that the there is a novelty effect associated with ecofeedback systems in which the usage of these devices declines significantly after a month. We did not found evidence that the novelty effect is related to location or the type of information represented, nor that the decrease in the eco-feedback usage could lead to the consumption relapsing to values previous to the introduction of the eco-feedback. Our work has also generated other contributions related to the positioning of the feedback, using metaphors for representing the consumption and presenting information about the source of the energy in the feedback.
Fios de sutura de náilon (0, 3-0 e 4-0), poliéster trançado (0, 3-0 e 4-0) e polipropileno (0, 3-0 e 4-0) de 7 marcas comercializadas no Brasil, foram submetidos a análise de diâmetro, comprimento, resistência do encastoamento, resistência à tração do fio sem nó e resistência à tração do fio com nó, segundo metodologia padronizada pela Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT). Os resultados obtidos indicam que a maioria dos fios testados encontra-se dentro dos valores preconizados pela ABNT.
Objective – To correlate facial type measurements of Caucasian individuals with transverse dimensions of normal occlusion arches. Methods – Twenty-one pairs of dental models were selected according to the following inclusion criteria: presence of all permanent teeth from 1 st molar to 1 st molar; normal occlusion; no prosthetic crowns; no previous orthodontic treatment and 2 mm or less of crow- dings or spacings. The cephalometric measurements of lateral cephalometric X-ray of the same individuals were taken and tabulat ed. To evaluate the repetition of arch measurements, paired Student’s t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. The r elationship between the measurements was analysed by using the Pearson’s correlation. Results – The repetition of the measurements showed high correlation and no systematic error. In the comparison between the measurements, a moderate negative correlation was observed b et- ween facial axis angle and the measurements Upper and Lower 6-6, whereas a positive correlation was observed between dentition height and the latter. Conclusion – It was observed a negative correlation between facial axis angle and upper and lower inter-molar distance as well as a positive correlation between dentition height and upper and lower inter-molar distance.
Comunicación presentada en CIDUI 2010, Congreso Internacional Docencia Universitaria e Innovación, Barcelona, 30 junio-2 julio 2010.
While commitment is an important antecedent to customer retention, a broad consensus has yet to emerge on the impacts of constituent dimensions of commitment on loyalty in service relationships. This study explores the impacts of affective and continuance commitment on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty in a service context. Since affective commitment is more positive and governed by free choice, whereas continuance commitment is more the result of perceived economic and psychological benefits of being in a relationship, the results of this study suggest that emotional bonds with customers provide a more enduring source of loyalty as compared to economic incentives and switching costs.