1000 resultados para Digital vaginal palpation


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Aim. To compare the measurements of women`s pelvic floor musculature strength (PFMS) during pregnancy and postpartum period. Background. Pregnancy and childbirth can have an influence on the muscles and pelvic floor and can cause morbidities of women`s genito-urinary tract. Design. A prospective cohort study. Methods. There were included 226 primigravidae women, attended by community health services in the city of Itapecerica da Serra, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The participants were followed in four stages: (1) within 12 weeks of pregnancy; (2) between 36-40 weeks of pregnancy; (3) within 48 hours after childbirth; (4) 42-60 days after childbirth. Data were collected from February 2007-August 2008. The pelvic floor musculature strength was evaluated by perineometry and digital vaginal palpation in stages 1, 2 and 4. The final sample included 110 women who completed all four stages of the study. Results. The pelvic floor musculature strength of the women did not change significantly during pregnancy or after delivery (anova: p = 0 center dot 78). In all three examined stages, a low-intensity pelvic floor musculature strength was prevalent (in mmHg: stage 1 = 15 center dot 9; stage 2 = 15 center dot 2, stage 4 = 14 center dot 7), with scores from 0-3 on the Oxford scale. The pelvic floor musculature strength did not differ in relation to maternal age, skin colour, conjugal status, dyspareunia, stool characteristics, type of delivery, or conditions of the perineum. An interaction between maternal nutritional state and newborn`s weight may affect the pelvic floor musculature strength (manova: p = 0 center dot 04). Conclusion. Pregnancy and childbirth did not reduce significantly pelvic floor musculature strength. The perineometry and digital vaginal palpation used to assess the pelvic floor musculature strength were well accepted by the women. Relevance to clinical practice. In clinical practice, digital vaginal palpation is effective for supporting the diagnosis of urinary, intestinal and sexual dysfunctions. Perineometry use is particularly important together with the performance of perineal exercises with biofeedback in the treatment these disorders.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Objective To evaluate the inter-rater reliability of the modified Oxford Grading Scale and the Peritron manometer. Design All participants were evaluated twice, first by one examiner and 30 days later by a second examiner. Measurements of vaginal squeeze pressure were compared with the results from the palpation test. Participants Nineteen women with a mean age of 23.7 years (range 21 to 28 years). Results Inter-rater reliability for vaginal palpation was fair (kappa = 0.33, 95% confidence interval 0.09 to 0.57). Using the Peritron manometer, the difference between examiners was less than 10 cmH(2)O in 11 of the 19 (58%) cases. The palpation test did not differentiate between weak, moderate, good and strong muscle contractions. This study found fair inter-rater reliability for the modified Oxford Grading Scale and moderate inter-rater reliability for the Peritron manometer. Conclusions The inter-rater reliability of vaginal squeeze pressure measurement using the Peritron manometer is acceptable and can be used in re-evaluations performed by different examiners in clinical practice. However, for research purposes, the ideal situation would be for a single examiner to assess and re-assess the subject. Vaginal palpation is important in the clinical assessment of correctness of a pelvic floor muscle contraction, but this study does not support the use of the modified Oxford Grading Scale as a reliable and valid method to measure and differentiate pelvic floor muscle strength. (C) 2010 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objectives. To compare pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength between women undergoing vaginal delivery, cesarean section, and nulliparae, investigating the factors associated with PFM strength, and observing the correlation between vaginal digital palpation and use of a perineometer. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted, including 31 women following vaginal delivery, 30 women following cesarean section, and 30 nulliparous women. PFM strength was measured by vaginal digital palpation and use of a perineometer. Multiple linear regression analysis with adjustment for covariables was used to compare the mean PFM strength and identify its associated factors. Results. The mean PFM strength of women undergoing vaginal delivery and cesarean section was 25.6 +/- 14.5 cmH(2)O and 39.6 +/- 22.0 cmH(2)O (p < 0.01, adjusted for covariables), respectively. A correlation was observed between measurements of PFM strength obtained by vaginal digital palpation and use of a perineometer (tau = 0.82; p < 0.01). The non-white race/ethnicity was negatively associated with PFM strength (coefficient: -10.2424; p = 0.02). Conclusions. A lower PFM strength was observed in women with a history of vaginal delivery compared to those undergoing cesarean section. Non-white race/ethnicity negatively affected PFM strength. Our data suggest that vaginal digital palpation may be used in clinical practice because of its expressive correlation with use of a perineometer.


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Introdução: Os exercícios de fortalecimento dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (EFMPP) são considerados a primeira intervenção no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE), porém os EFMPP são distintos, não existindo evidência sobre os parâmetros de treino. Objetivo: Identificar o protocolo e/ ou os parâmetros de treino dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (MPP) mais eficaz no tratamento da IUE feminina. Método: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada entre janeiro de 1992 a março de 2014 nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, web of Science e LILACS. Os artigos incluídos eram de língua inglesa, estudos experimentais, no qual comparavam EFMPP com o tratamento placebo, usual ou sem tratamento, com idade compreendida entre os 18 e os 65 anos e diagnóstico de IUE. Os critérios de exclusão abrangeram o diagnóstico de IUE desencadeada por fatores externos ao trato urinário inferior, grávidas, puérperas, prolapso ≥ 2 e outros tipos de IU. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica for realizada através da escala PEDro. Resultados: Sete artigos de elevada qualidade metodológica foram incluídos na presente revisão. A amostra foi constituída por 331 mulheres, com idade média de 44,4 anos, duração média das perdas urinárias de 64 meses e a gravidade da IUE variou entre ligeira a severa. Os programas de EFMPP eram distintos em relação aos parâmetros de treino dos MPP, sendo que alguns estudos incluíram o treino abdominal, supervisão e técnicas adjuvantes. A taxa de curada da quantidade de perda urinária variou entre 28,6 a 80%, enquanto a força dos MPP variou de 15,6% a 161,7%. Conclusão: Na presente revisão sistemática, os EFMPP combinados com palpação digital, biofeedback e cones vaginais parecem ser mais eficazes na redução da quantidade de perda urinária, comparado com os EFMPP isolados ou sem tratamento. Esta revisão permitiu igualmente identificar as 12 semanas de duração da intervenção, 10 repetições por série e diferentes posições, sendo os parâmetros de treino mais consistentes na redução dos sintomas.


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Introdução: Os exercícios de fortalecimento dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (EFMPP) são considerados a primeira intervenção no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE), porém os EFMPP são distintos, não existindo evidência sobre os parâmetros de treino. Objetivo: Identificar o protocolo e/ ou os parâmetros de treino dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (MPP) mais eficaz no tratamento da IUE feminina. Método: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada entre janeiro de 1992 a março de 2014 nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, web of Science e LILACS. Os artigos incluídos eram de língua inglesa, estudos experimentais, no qual comparavam EFMPP com o tratamento placebo, usual ou sem tratamento, com idade compreendida entre os 18 e os 65 anos e diagnóstico de IUE. Os critérios de exclusão abrangeram o diagnóstico de IUE desencadeada por fatores externos ao trato urinário inferior, grávidas, puérperas, prolapso ≥ 2 e outros tipos de IU. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica for realizada através da escala PEDro. Resultados: Sete artigos de elevada qualidade metodológica foram incluídos na presente revisão. A amostra foi constituída por 331 mulheres, com idade média de 44,4 anos, duração média das perdas urinárias de 64 meses e a gravidade da IUE variou entre ligeira a severa. Os programas de EFMPP eram distintos em relação aos parâmetros de treino dos MPP, sendo que alguns estudos incluíram o treino abdominal, supervisão e técnicas adjuvantes. A taxa de curada da quantidade de perda urinária variou entre 28,6 a 80%, enquanto a força dos MPP variou de 15,6% a 161,7%. Conclusão: Na presente revisão sistemática, os EFMPP combinados com palpação digital, biofeedback e cones vaginais parecem ser mais eficazes na redução da quantidade de perda urinária, comparado com os EFMPP isolados ou sem tratamento. Esta revisão permitiu igualmente identificar as 12 semanas de duração da intervenção, 10 repetições por série e diferentes posições, sendo os parâmetros de treino mais consistentes na redução dos sintomas.


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But: Cette étude a pour but de comparer : a)la morphologie du plancher pelvien (PP), du col vésical et du sphincter urogénital strié (SUS) par IRM et b) la fonction du PP par palpation digitale (PERFECT scheme) chez les femmes âgées continentes ou avec incontinence urinaire à l’effort (IUE) et mixte (IUM). Méthode: Les femmes ont appris à contracter correctement leur PP et la fonction de leur PP a été évaluée. Une séance d’IRM dynamique 3T a suivi. Résultats: 66 femmes ont participé à l’étude. Les groupes étaient similaires en âge, IMC, nombre d’accouchements vaginaux et d’hystérectomie. La validité et la fidélité des différentes mesures anatomiques utilisées ont été confirmées au début de cette étude. Afin de contrôler l’effet potentiel de la taille du bassin sur les autres paramètres, les femmes ont été appariées par la longueur de leur inlet pelvien. Les femmes avec IUM ont un PP plus bas et un support des organes pelviens plus faible, selon leurs ligne M, angle LPC/Ligne H et hauteur de la jonction urétro-vésicale (UV). Les femmes avec IUE ont un PP similaire à celui des continentes, mais présentent plus d’ouverture du col vésical et un angle UV postérieur plus large au repos que les autres groupes. Il n’y a aucune différence de morphologie du SUS entre les groupes. De plus, selon les résultats du PERFECT scheme, les femmes avec IU ont une force du PP plus faible que les continentes. Les femmes avec IUM montrent aussi une faible élévation des muscles du PP à la contraction. Les femmes avec IUE ont, quant à elle, un problème de coordination à la toux. Conclusion: Les déficits causant l’IUE et l’IUM sont différents, mais supportent tous le rationnel des exercices du PP pour le traitement de l’IUE et l’IUM. Ces résultats supportent le besoin de traitements de rééducation spécifiques aux déficits de chacun des types d’IU.


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Compararam-se as dificuldades transcirúrgicas e as complicações pós-operatórias das técnicas guilhotina (TG) e stripping (TS) para a neurectomia digital em eqüinos. Sob anestesia com halotano, quatro éguas tiveram os nervos digitais de um dos membros torácicos e um dos pélvicos submetidos à TG, enquanto os nervos digitais dos membros colaterais foram submetidos à TS. Os tempos cirúrgicos médios de TG e TS foram semelhantes. O comprimento médio do fragmento do nervo removido foi três vezes maior em TS (P<0,001). Independente da técnica utilizada, houve perda total da sensibilidade nos talões de todos os membros dentro dos quatro primeiros meses da cirurgia. Após 14 meses, houve retorno da sensibilidade em 37% dos membros em TG e 18,8% em TS (P=0,06). Ao exame de palpação para identificação de neuromas dolorosos, houve episódios de sensibilidade discreta em um maior número de cotos nervosos proximais operados com TS, 53,6% contra 6,4% dos operados com TG (P=0,003). Ambas as técnicas foram satisfatórias por não apresentarem maiores complicações durante ou após a cirurgia. Considerou-se que TG apresentou menor potencial para produzir reinervação e neuromas dolorosos.


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The aim of this study was to assess pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength and perception and its correlation with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). One hundred and one women were divided into two groups according to the presence (G1=51 patients) or absence (G2=50 patients) of SUI. Subjective [urine stream interruption test (UST), visual survey of perineal contraction and transvaginal digital palpation to assess pelvic muscle contraction] and objective evaluations of pelvic floor muscles in all patients were performed (vaginal manometry). During the UST, 25.5% of G1 patients and 80% of G2 patients were able to interrupt the urine stream (p<0.05). Digital evaluation of pelvic muscular contraction showed higher strength in G2 than in G1 patients (p<0.0001). Perineometer evaluation of PFM strength was significantly higher in the continent group (p<0.001). Pelvic floor muscle weakness in incontinent patients demonstrates the importance of functional and objective evaluation of this group of muscles.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the pelvic floor muscle strength of nulliparous and primiparous women.METHODS: A total of 100 women were prospectively distributed into two groups: Group 1 (G1) (n = 50) included healthy nulliparous women, and Group 2 (G2) (n = 50) included healthy primiparous women. Pelvic floor muscle strength was subjectively evaluated using transvaginal digital palpation. Pelvic floor muscle strength was objectively assessed using a portable perineometer. All of the parameters were evaluated simultaneously in G1 and were evaluated in G2 during the 20(th) and 36(th) weeks of pregnancy and 45 days after delivery.RESULTS: In G2, 14 women were excluded because they left the study before the follow-up evaluation. The median age was 23 years in G1 and 22 years in G2; there was no significant difference between the groups. The average body mass index was 21.7 kg/m(2) in G1 and 25.0 kg/m(2) in G2; there was a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.0004). In G2, transvaginal digital palpation evaluation showed significant impairments of pelvic floor muscle strength at the 36(th) week of pregnancy (p = 0.0006) and 45 days after vaginal delivery (p = 0.0001) compared to G1. Objective evaluations of pelvic floor muscle strength in G2 revealed a significant decrease 45 days after vaginal delivery compared to nulliparous patients.CONCLUSION: Pregnancy and vaginal delivery may cause weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.


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CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: There is uncertainty in the literature regarding the theory that obstetric events and pelvic floor injuries give rise to lower risk of subsequent urinary incontinence among women delivering via cesarean section than among women delivering vaginally. The objective of this study was to assess the two-year postpartum prevalence of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and the factors responsible for them. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study, conducted in a public university. METHODS: 220 women who had undergone elective cesarean section or vaginal childbirth two years earlier were selected. Their urinary incontinence symptoms were investigated, and their pelvic floor muscle dysfunction was assessed using digital palpation and a perineometer. RESULTS: The two-year urinary incontinence prevalences following vaginal childbirth and cesarean section were 17% and 18.9%, respectively. The only risk factor for pelvic floor muscle dysfunction was weight gain during pregnancy. Body mass index less than 25 kg/m2 and normal pelvic floor muscle function protected against urinary incontinence. Gestational urinary incontinence increased the risk of two-year postpartum urinary incontinence. CONCLUSION: Gestational urinary incontinence was a crucial precursor of postpartum urinary incontinence. Weight gain during pregnancy increased the subsequent risk of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, and elective cesarean section did not prevent urinary incontinence.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB