1000 resultados para Digital remix


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Ce travail a pour objet le found footage, analysé en tant que pratique de recyclage culturel et comme important mouvement cinématographique de notre époque. L’étude trace d’abord un parallèle entre la fabrication du film d’images trouvées et le processus de recyclage industriel. Ensuite, le travail aborde les influences artistiques de ce mouvement du cinéma expérimental initié dans les années 1960, qui s’intensifie de plus en plus depuis l’avènement des dernières technologies numériques. En dernier lieu, l’étude propose une mise au point sur le found footage à l’ère des technologies numériques, en analysant les causes et conséquences de la (re)montée du mouvement, et en tenant compte de sa présence qui se multiplie sur l’Internet, par le biais du mashup.


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The ‘Kookaburra’ case was a tragic and controversial copyright dispute, highlighting the need for copyright law reform by the Australian Parliament. In the Kookaburra case, a copyright action was brought by Larrikin Records against Men at Work’s song ‘Down Under’, alleging copyright infringement of the ‘Kookaburra’ song composed by Marion Sinclair. The dispute raised a host of doctrinal matters. There was disquiet over the length of the copyright term. There were fierce contests as to the copyright ownership of the ‘Kookaburra’ song. The litigation raised questions about copyright infringement and substantiality – particularly in relation to musical works. The ‘Kookaburra’ case highlighted frailties in Australia’s regime of copyright exceptions. The litigation should spur the Australian Law Reform Commission to make recommendations for law reform in its inquiry Copyright and the Digital Economy. This article provides a critical evaluation of the options of a defence for transformative use; a defence for fair use; and statutory licensing. The ‘Kookaburra’ case also examines the question of appropriate remedies in respect of copyright infringement. The conclusion considers the implications of the Kookaburra case for other forms of musical works – including digital sampling, mash-ups, and creative remixes. It finishes with an elegy for Greg Ham – paying tribute to the multi-instrumentalist for Men at Work.


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O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar a relação conceitual entre a Antropofagia e a Cultura do Remix, entender os conflitos no campo do direito autoral provocados pelas práticas de compartilhamento cultural, assim como analisar as políticas culturais desenvolvidas pelo Ministério da Cultura durante o Governo Lula, para adequar a legislação autoral à Cultura Digital. Tendo como ponto de partida o Manifesto Antropofágico de Oswald de Andrade, a pesquisa buscou compreender a metáfora criada pelo poeta brasileiro para investigar como esta foi apropriada ao longo do tempo, chegando ao século 21 no contexto digital. Como os antropófagos, os usuários da internet se apropriam da cultura em processos colaborativos de hibridação cultural. As práticas que surgiram com a digitalização da cultura ocorrem à revelia dos direitos do autor, explodindo a noção de autoria ao transformá-la num território compartilhado entre amadores e profissionais. Tal realidade impacta a forma como a indústria cultural opera, causando uma guerra pelos direitos autorais. Neste conflito, o Estado brasileiro, por meio do Ministério da Cultura, conquista uma posição de destaque internacional ao se lançar o desafio de elaborar, em conjunto com a sociedade, políticas culturais para adaptar as leis autorais à cultura digital.


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A dissertação procura mapear a produção de arte e vídeo que tocam questões relativas à interatividade, às novas tecnologias e à participação do espectador para a construção da obra. Parte da noção de rizoma, onde a obra é colocada em um contexto de rede, que atua se relacionando não somente com seus elementos, mas com toda uma história da produção videográfica


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This performance demonstrates the possibilities offered by new media and digital technology. Combining exceptional performers, live motion capture and stereoscopic projection, the dancers, choreographers, and interactive media artists extend themselves into space, transporting the audience to new environments. Motion capture markers on the performers' bodies connect their movement to the digital graphics which surround them, while the stereoscopic projection enlarges the performance space well beyond the physical dimensions of the stage.


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The borrowing and rearrangement of musical content, especially in the digital context, raises difficult questions for copyright law. There is significant community support for a loosening of the restrictions on the derivative (and particularly creative) use of copyright material. Law reform is called for. This paper discusses the possible introduction of a new exception to copyright infringement but notes that in the drafting of any such exception not only the economic rights but also the moral rights of the originating author need to be taken into account.


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This article presents data-rich findings of a comprehensive follow-up study on the patron-driven/demand-driven ebook acquisitions (DDA) plan chronicled in two prior articles from the DDA ebook plan's October 2011 inception. Into the third fiscal year, print vs. ebook usage preferences have begun to emerge, and the results broken out by discipline are presented.


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Presents a developing laboratory within History of Culture, subject taught in the Library and Archive Studies at UNESP (Marilia). The project is based upon the foundations of research line Information and Technology: students from the second under graduation year participate in the improving of 27 entries in Portuguese language Wikipedia. The aim is to capacitate for scientific reading and writing in digital media, habilitate for the information identification and recuperation and for the interpretation and understanding of formal and contents aspects and its reorganization. It includes activities of search, selection, remix and republishing of texts, images, audio and videos in the convergence of diverse hypertext information sources, supported by tutors with strategic abilities in digital environments. In this sense it was adhered to the international Wikipedia Foundation University Campus Ambassadors project. It’s also aimed to induce sharing and collaboration behaviors with the purpose of creating necessary habits for the informational empowerment in Brazil. As methodology is to optimize the work of individuals already trained in wiki culture and to create in within the subject information sharing programs with a more specialized bias, giving greater credibility to the digital environment. The environment syntaxes helps in the learning of the complementary skills of reading and writing and offers itself as an open repository from which information can be reused. It is, thus, an empowerment strategy in the search of autonomy and self reliance considering intersemiotic knowledge in the edition, visualization and understanding of information in the social web. A second step of a verifying research on the environment’s credibility after the consolidation and dissemination of the entries improvement work is proposed.


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La pratica del remix è al giorno d’oggi sempre più diffusa e un numero sempre più vasto di persone ha ora le competenze e gli strumenti tecnologici adeguati per eseguire operazioni un tempo riservate a nicchie ristrette. Tuttavia, nella sua forma audiovisiva, il remix ha ottenuto scarsa attenzione a livello accademico. Questo lavoro esplora la pratica del remix intesa al contempo come declinazione contemporanea di una pratica di lungo corso all’interno della storia della produzione audiovisiva – ovvero il riuso di immagini – sia come forma caratteristica della contemporaneità mediale, atto di appropriazione grassroots dei contenuti mainstream da parte degli utenti. La tesi si articola in due sezioni. Nella prima, l’analisi di tipo teorico e storico-critico è suddivisa in due macro-aree di intervento: da una parte il remix inteso come pratica, atto di appropriazione, gesto di riciclo, decontestualizzazione e risemantizzazione delle immagini mediali che ha attraversato la storia dei media audiovisivi [primo capitolo]. Dall’altra, la remix culture, ovvero il contesto culturale e sociale che informa l’ambiente mediale entro il quale la pratica del remix ha conosciuto, nell’ultimo decennio, la diffusione capillare che lo caratterizza oggi [secondo capitolo]. La seconda, che corrisponde al terzo capitolo, fornisce una dettagliata panoramica su un caso di studio, la pratica del fan vidding. Forma di remix praticata quasi esclusivamente da donne, il vidding consiste nel creare fan video a partire da un montaggio d’immagini tratte da film o serie televisive che utilizza come accompagnamento musicale una canzone. Le vidders, usando specifiche tecniche di montaggio, realizzano delle letture critiche dei prodotti mediali di cui si appropriano, per commentare, criticare o celebrare gli oggetti di loro interesse. Attraverso il vidding il presente lavoro indaga le tattiche di rielaborazione e riscrittura dell’immaginario mediale attraverso il riuso di immagini, con particolare attenzione al remix inteso come pratica di genere.


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Language is a unique aspect of human communication because it can be used to discuss itself in its own terms. For this reason, human societies potentially have superior capacities of co-ordination, reflexive self-correction, and innovation than other animal, physical or cybernetic systems. However, this analysis also reveals that language is interconnected with the economically and technologically mediated social sphere and hence is vulnerable to abstraction, objectification, reification, and therefore ideology – all of which are antithetical to its reflexive function, whilst paradoxically being a fundamental part of it. In particular, in capitalism, language is increasingly commodified within the social domains created and affected by ubiquitous communication technologies. The advent of the so-called ‘knowledge economy’ implicates exchangeable forms of thought (language) as the fundamental commodities of this emerging system. The historical point at which a ‘knowledge economy’ emerges, then, is the critical point at which thought itself becomes a commodified ‘thing’, and language becomes its “objective” means of exchange. However, the processes by which such commodification and objectification occurs obscures the unique social relations within which these language commodities are produced. The latest economic phase of capitalism – the knowledge economy – and the obfuscating trajectory which accompanies it, we argue, is destroying the reflexive capacity of language particularly through the process of commodification. This can be seen in that the language practices that have emerged in conjunction with digital technologies are increasingly non-reflexive and therefore less capable of self-critical, conscious change.