976 resultados para Digital radiography systems
During the last two decades screen-film (SF) systems have been replaced by digital X-ray systems. The advent of digital technologies brought a number of digital solutions based on different detector and readout technologies. Improvements in technology allowed the development of new digital technologies for projection radiography such as computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR). The large number of scientific papers concerning digital X-ray systems that have been published over the last 25 years indicates the relevance of these technologies in healthcare. There are important differences among different detector technologies that may affect system performance and image quality for diagnostic purposes. Radiographers are expected to have an effective understanding of digital X-ray technologies and a high level of knowledge and awareness concerning the capabilities of these systems. Patient safety and reliable diagnostic information are intrinsically linked to these factors. In this review article - which is the first of two parts - a global overview of the digital radiography systems (both CR and DR) currently available for clinical practice is provided.
Developments in digital detector technologies have been taking place and new digital technologies are available for clinical practice. This chapter is intended to give a technical state-of-the-art overview about computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR) detectors. CR systems use storage-phosphor image plates with a separate image readout process and DR technology converts X-rays into electrical charges by means of a readout process using TFT arrays. Digital detectors offer several advantages when compared to analogue detectors. The knowledge about digital detector technology for use in plain radiograph examinations is thus a fundamental topic to be acquired by radiology professionals and students. In this chapter an overview of digital radiography systems (both CR and DR) currently available for clinical practice is provided.
Advances in digital technology led to the development of digital x-ray detectors that are currently in wide use for projection radiography, including Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR). Digital Imaging Systems for Plain Radiography addresses the current technological methods available to medical imaging professionals to ensure the optimization of the radiological process concerning image quality and reduction of patient exposure. Based on extensive research by the authors and reference to the current literature, the book addresses how exposure parameters influence the diagnostic quality in digital systems, what the current acceptable radiation doses are for useful diagnostic images, and at what level the dose could be reduced to maintain an accurate diagnosis. The book is a valuable resource for both students learning the field and for imaging professionals to apply to their own practice while performing radiological examinations with digital systems.
This in vivo study evaluated the dissociation quality of maxillary premolar roots combining variations of vertical and horizontal angulations by using X-ray holders (Rinn -XCP), and made a comparison between two types of intraoral radiography systems - conventional film (Kodak Insight, Rochester, USA) and digital radiography (Kodak RVG 6100, Kodak, Rochester, USA). The study sample was comprised of 20 patients with a total of 20 maxillary premolars that were radiographed, using the paralleling angle technique (GP), with a 20º variation of the horizontal angle (GM) and 25º variation of the horizontal angle combined with 15º vertical angle (GMV). Each image was independently analyzed by two experienced examiners. These examiners assigned a score to the diagnostic capability of root dissociation and the measurement of the distance between the apexes. Statistical data was derived using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, Friedman and T test. The means of the measured distances between buccal and lingual root apexes were greater for the GMV, which ranged from 2.3 mm to 3.3 mm. A statistically significant difference was found between GM and GMV when compared to GP with p < 0.01. An established best diagnostic dissociation roots image was found in the GMV. These results support the use of the anterior X-ray holders which offer a better combined deviation (GMV) to dissociate maxillary premolar roots in both radiography systems.
Objectives: The diagnosis of caries lesions is still a matter of concern in dentistry. The diagnosis of dental caries by digital radiography has a number of advantages over conventional radiography; however, this method has not been explored fully in the field of paediatric dentistry. This in vitro research evaluated the accuracy of direct digital radiography compared with visual inspection and conventional radiography in the diagnosis of occlusal caries lesions in primary molars. Methods: 50 molars were selected and evaluated under standardized conditions by 2 previously calibrated examiners according to 3 diagnostic methods (visual inspection, conventional radiography and direct digital radiography). Direct digital radiographs were obtained with the Dixi3 system (Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland) and the conventional radiographs with InSight film (Kodak Eastman Co., Rochester, NY). The images were scored and a reference standard was obtained histologically. The interexaminer reliability was calculated using Cohen`s kappa test and the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of the methods were calculated. Results: Examiner reliability was good. For lesions limited to the enamel, visual inspection showed significantly higher sensitivity and accuracy than both radiographic methods, but no significant difference was found in specificity. For teeth with dentinal caries, no significant differences were found for any parameter when comparing visual and radiographic evaluation. Conclusions: Although less accurate than the visual method for detecting caries lesions confined to the enamel, the direct digital radiographic method is as effective as conventional radiographic examination and visual inspection of primary teeth with occlusal caries when the dentine is involved. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2010) 39, 362-367. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/22865872
Esta tese pretende contribuir para o estudo e análise dos factores relacionados com as técnicas de aquisição de imagens radiológicas digitais, a qualidade diagnóstica e a gestão da dose de radiação em sistema de radiologia digital. A metodologia encontra-se organizada em duas componentes. A componente observacional, baseada num desenho do estudo de natureza retrospectiva e transversal. Os dados recolhidos a partir de sistemas CR e DR permitiram a avaliação dos parâmetros técnicos de exposição utilizados em radiologia digital, a avaliação da dose absorvida e o índice de exposição no detector. No contexto desta classificação metodológica (retrospectiva e transversal), também foi possível desenvolver estudos da qualidade diagnóstica em sistemas digitais: estudos de observadores a partir de imagens arquivadas no sistema PACS. A componente experimental da tese baseou-se na realização de experiências em fantomas para avaliar a relação entre dose e qualidade de imagem. As experiências efectuadas permitiram caracterizar as propriedades físicas dos sistemas de radiologia digital, através da manipulação das variáveis relacionadas com os parâmetros de exposição e a avaliação da influência destas na dose e na qualidade da imagem. Utilizando um fantoma contraste de detalhe, fantomas antropomórficos e um fantoma de osso animal, foi possível objectivar medidas de quantificação da qualidade diagnóstica e medidas de detectabilidade de objectos. Da investigação efectuada, foi possível salientar algumas conclusões. As medidas quantitativas referentes à performance dos detectores são a base do processo de optimização, permitindo a medição e a determinação dos parâmetros físicos dos sistemas de radiologia digital. Os parâmetros de exposição utilizados na prática clínica mostram que a prática não está em conformidade com o referencial Europeu. Verifica-se a necessidade de avaliar, melhorar e implementar um padrão de referência para o processo de optimização, através de novos referenciais de boa prática ajustados aos sistemas digitais. Os parâmetros de exposição influenciam a dose no paciente, mas a percepção da qualidade de imagem digital não parece afectada com a variação da exposição. Os estudos que se realizaram envolvendo tanto imagens de fantomas como imagens de pacientes mostram que a sobreexposição é um risco potencial em radiologia digital. A avaliação da qualidade diagnóstica das imagens mostrou que com a variação da exposição não se observou degradação substancial da qualidade das imagens quando a redução de dose é efectuada. Propõe-se o estudo e a implementação de novos níveis de referência de diagnóstico ajustados aos sistemas de radiologia digital. Como contributo da tese, é proposto um modelo (STDI) para a optimização de sistemas de radiologia digital.
Digital X-ray detector technologies provide several advantages when compared with screen-film (SF) systems: better diagnostic quality of the radiographic image, increased dose efficiency, better dynamic range and possible reduction of radiation exposure to the patient. The transition from traditional SF systems to digital technology-based systems highlights the importance of the discussion around technical factors such as image acquisition, themanagement of patient dose and diagnostic image quality. Radiographers should be aware of these aspects concerning their clinical practice regarding the advantages and limitations of digital detectors. Newdigital technologies require an up-to-date of scientific knowledge concerning their use in projection radiography. This is the second of a two-part review article focused on a technical overview of digital radiography detectors. This article provides a discussion about the issues related to the image acquisition requirements and advantages of digital technologies, the management of patient dose and the diagnostic image quality.
The characterization of physical properties of digital imaging systems requires the determination and measurement of detectors’ physical performance. Those measures such as modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectra (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) provide objective evaluations of digital detectors’ performance. To provide an MTF, NPS, and DQE calculation from raw-data images it is necessary to implement a method that is undertaken by two major steps: (1) image acquisition and (2) quantitative measure determination method. In this chapter a comprehensive description about a method to provide the measure of performance of digital radiography detectors is provided.
Once in a digital form, a radiographic image may be processed in several ways in order to turn the visualization an act of improved diagnostic value. Practitioners should be aware that, depending on each clinical context, digital image processing techniques are available to help to unveil visual information that is, in fact, carried by the bare digital radiograph and may be otherwise neglected. The range of visual enhancement procedures includes simple techniques that deal with the usual brightness and contrast manipulation up to much more elaborate multi-scale processing that provides customized control over the emphasis given to the relevant finer anatomical details. This chapter is intended to give the reader a practical understanding of image enhancement techniques that might be helpful to improve the visual quality of the digital radiographs and thus to contribute to a more reliable and assertive reporting.
Digital radiography in the inspection of welded pipes to be installed under deep water offshore gas and oil pipelines, like a presalt in Brazil, in the paper has been investigated. The aim is to use digital radiography for nondestructive testing of welds as it is already in use in the medical, aerospace, security, automotive, and petrochemical sectors. Among the current options, the DDA (Digital Detector Array) is considered as one of the best solutions to replace industrial films, as well as to increase the sensitivity to reduce the inspection cycle time. This paper shows the results of this new technique, comparing it to radiography with industrial films systems. In this paper, 20 test specimens of longitudinal welded pipe joints, specially prepared with artificial defects like cracks, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, and porosities and slag inclusions with varying dimensions and in 06 different base metal wall thicknesses, were tested and a comparison of the techniques was made. These experiments verified the purposed rules for parameter definitions and selections to control the required digital radiographic image quality as described in the draft international standard ISO/DIS 10893-7. This draft is first standard establishing the parameters for digital radiography on weld seam of welded steel pipes for pressure purposes to be used on gas and oil pipelines.
Conventional radiography, using industrial radiographic films, has its days numbered. Digital radiography, recently, has taken its place in various segments of products and services, such as medicine, aerospace, security, automotive, etc. As well as the technological trend, the digital technique has brought proven benefits in terms of productivity, sensitivity, the environment, tools for image treatment, cost reductions, etc. If the weld to be inspected is on a serried product, such as, for example, a pipe, the best option for the use of digital radiography is the plane detector, since its use can reduce the length of the inspection cycle due to its high degree of automation. This work tested welded joints produced with the submerged arc process, which were specially prepared in such a way that it shows small artificial cracks, which served as the basis forcomparing the sensitivity levels of the techniques involved. After carrying out the various experiments, the digital meth odshowed the highest sensitivity for the image quality indicator (IQI) of the wire and also in terms of detecting small discontinuities, indicating that the use of digital radiography using the plane detector had advantages over the conventional technique (Moreira et al. Digital radiography, the use of plane detectors for the inspection of welds in oil pipes and gas pipes.9th COTEQ and XXV National Testing Congress for Non Destructive Testing and Inspection; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil and Bavendiek et al. New digital radiography procedure exceeds film sensitivity considerably in aerospace applications. ECNDT; 2006; Berlin). The works were carried out on the basis of the specifications for oil and gas pipelines, API 5L 2004 edition (American Petroleum Institute. API 5L: specification for line pipe. 4th ed. p. 155; 2004) and ISO 3183 2007 edition (International Organization for Standardization, ISO 3183. Petroleum and gas industries - steel pipes for pi pelines transportation systems. p. 143; 2007). © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
To date the hospital radiological workflow is completing a transition from analog to digital technology. Since the X-rays digital detection technologies have become mature, hospitals are trading on the natural devices turnover to replace the conventional screen film devices with digital ones. The transition process is complex and involves not just the equipment replacement but also new arrangements for image transmission, display (and reporting) and storage. This work is focused on 2D digital detector’s characterization with a concern to specific clinical application; the systems features linked to the image quality are analyzed to assess the clinical performances, the conversion efficiency, and the minimum dose necessary to get an acceptable image. The first section overviews the digital detector technologies focusing on the recent and promising technological developments. The second section contains a description of the characterization methods considered in this thesis categorized in physical, psychophysical and clinical; theory, models and procedures are described as well. The third section contains a set of characterizations performed on new equipments that appears to be some of the most advanced technologies available to date. The fourth section deals with some procedures and schemes employed for quality assurance programs.
Objectives. The objectives of this study were to assess the accuracy of working length determination using 3 electronic apex locators and direct digital radiography and to compare the results with those obtained using the visual method (control measurement). Study design. Twenty extracted human maxillary premolars were selected: 17 two-rooted and 3 single-rooted (total of 37 canals). Working length was measured using electronic apex locators Elements Diagnostic, Root ZX, and Just II. Subsequently, teeth were positioned in the alveolar bone of a dry skull and submitted to direct digital radiography. A variation of +/- 1 mm was considered as acceptable. Results were analyzed using the Wilcoxon and the chi(2) tests. Results. Results presented an accuracy of 94.6% for Elements Diagnostic, 91.9% for Root ZX, 73.0% for Just II, and 64.9% for direct digital radiography when considering the margin of +/- 1 mm in relation to the control measurement. Comparisons with the actual control measurements resulted in accuracy results of 13.51%, 13.51%, 10.10%, and 2.70%, respectively. Conclusions. Root ZX and Elements Diagnostic are more accurate in determining working length when compared with Just II and Schick direct digital radiography. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;111:e44-e49)