974 resultados para Differentiated bodies. Stigmata. Postdramatic Theatre. Performance. Frida Kahlo


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The dissertation intends to develop an investigation on the artistic existence in human beings with different bodies in society at different historical moments. In this regard and based on this scenario, the study develops a description of the stigmas production and how they are established, spread and interfere with the sociability among human beings regarded as normal and those with different bodies. Regarding the scenic arts, the text describes about the participation of artists with different bodies in the scene, specifically the freak show and postdramatic theater. The text also investigates aspects of the biography and the work of mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which underpin methodological proceedings and produce contribution to the creative process of performance Kahlo em mim Eu e(m) Kahlo , which is to investigate the practice of the scene in this dissertation


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The dissertation intends to develop an investigation on the artistic existence in human beings with different bodies in society at different historical moments. In this regard and based on this scenario, the study develops a description of the stigmas production and how they are established, spread and interfere with the sociability among human beings regarded as normal and those with different bodies. Regarding the scenic arts, the text describes about the participation of artists with different bodies in the scene, specifically the freak show and postdramatic theater. The text also investigates aspects of the biography and the work of mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which underpin methodological proceedings and produce contribution to the creative process of performance Kahlo em mim Eu e(m) Kahlo , which is to investigate the practice of the scene in this dissertation


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The dissertation intends to develop an investigation on the artistic existence in human beings with different bodies in society at different historical moments. In this regard and based on this scenario, the study develops a description of the stigmas production and how they are established, spread and interfere with the sociability among human beings regarded as normal and those with different bodies. Regarding the scenic arts, the text describes about the participation of artists with different bodies in the scene, specifically the freak show and postdramatic theater. The text also investigates aspects of the biography and the work of mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which underpin methodological proceedings and produce contribution to the creative process of performance Kahlo em mim Eu e(m) Kahlo , which is to investigate the practice of the scene in this dissertation


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Imagens de um corpo de mulher: (re)criações na obra de arte de Clarice Lispector e Frida Kahlo é uma pesquisa de ordem literária e filosófica, que tem como objetivo encontrar um corpo de mulher através da análise de parte da produção literária de Clarice Lispector e plástica de Frida Kahlo, experimentada também pela pesquisadora no exercício desta escrita acadêmica. Com o método comparativo, esta dissertação propõe apresentar zonas fronteiriças entre a plasticidade e a textualidade, tanto da palavra, quanto da imagem. Tendo como ponto de interseção o corpo, há uma escritora que pinta e uma pintora que escreve: neste duplo deslocamento, vislumbram-se cruzamentos das quais insurgem corporalidades cuja constância é estar em transformação. Nos processos criativos das duas artistas pesquisadas, são tênues os limiares entre vida e arte. Coloca-se em questão o conceito de representação, já há muito tempo em crise, e possibilita o uso do termo (re)criação. No livro Água Viva, de Clarice Lispector, uma personagem-pintora realiza uma metaescrita, discutindo as limitações e os alcances do próprio ato de escrever. Nos quadros de Frida Kahlo, é recorrente a presença de uma figura corpórea marcada por procedimentos cirúrgicos, fruto da condição enferma que acompanhou a artista por toda sua trajetória. Cada uma, a seu modo e a partir de seu próprio corpo vivente, produziu (re)criações que implicam, em suas obras de arte, o leitor e o fruidor, inclusive a pesquisadora. Diante desse panorama, destacam-se os imbricamentos entre a Literatura e a Pintura, assim como entre a Arte e a Filosofia. Este trânsito não só aponta, mas também gera corpos poético-conceituais. A cintilação destes encontros, pois, é o devir aqui estudado um corpo de mulher por vir


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Partindo da noção de interdisciplinaridade, este trabalho se centra na questão de gênero comparando formas diferentes do discurso narrativo, particularmente, em imagens e em textos autobiográficos produzidos por três mulheres artistas de diversas procedências, como a coreana Hye Seok Rha, a brasileira Tarsila do Amaral, e a mexicana Frida Kahlo. O trabalho investiga aspectos em comum e divergentes da linguagem utilizada pelas mulheres artistas, enquanto procura responder questões sobre a auto-representação feminina e as narrativas de cunho pessoal de autoria feminina. Sob esse ângulo, faz-se incursões teóricas em duas direções: uma relacionada com a questão dos gêneros artísticos, e a outra, com o ato de criar das mulheres como possibilidade de saírem da invisibilidade histórica a que foram submetidas durante séculos, tanto no terreno das artes plásticas quanto no da literatura. Desta forma, evidencia-se a existência de relações interdisciplinares que situam o presente trabalho no terreno da literatura comparada.


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Entre los años 30 y 40 del siglo pasado, México vio surgir de las cenizas de la revolución mexicana, una figura singular. Frida Kahlo es descrita hasta la fecha de hoy, por el imaginario social – en sus pinturas, en sus fotografías – como una mujer que ha marcado una época y se ha convertido en un símbolo de luchas, y esto se extiende hasta la contemporaneidad. Se ha creado en torno a la pintora mexicana, varias imágenes sociales que se describen en el juego dialógico entre sus obras y sus interlocutores. Teniendo por referencia estas afirmaciones, la investigación aquí presentada ha tomado como procedimiento realizar un análisis de seis cartas escritas por Frida a sus interlocutores amados/amantes – tres hombres con los que estuvo involucrada, emocionalmente, durante diferentes períodos de su vida – y, como objetivo, hacer un mapeo de los ethé construidos por ella en enunciados en los cuales ella "pinta" verbalmente una imagen de sí misma que se revela en las opciones léxicas elegidas para hablar de amor, de traición, de amistad, de dolor y de su estar en el mundo. Por lo tanto, hemos refinado una imagen estética e ideológica de Frida Kahlo que se cubre de pasionalidades distintas y de diversos grados dialógicos. Hay, en el recorte temporal y axiológico que hicimos para esta investigación, una mujer de naturaleza amante y que transformó ese amor en el tono de sus enfrentamientos con los interlocutores con quienes estuvo involucrada emocionalmente. Nuestro análisis está anclado en los postulados teóricos del Análisis Dialógico del Discurso (ADD), cuyo teórico base es el filósofo ruso Mikhail Bakhtin (2003, 2009, 2013) – sobre todo cuando se trata de estilo – y en la teoría de la enunciación de Maingueneau (2008, 2005) y Charaudeau (2006) – en lo que se refiere al ethos discursivo. Esta investigación se inserta en el área de Lingüística Aplicada y tiene un enfoque cualitativo-interpretativo.


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Escogí trabajar la biografía de Frida buscando respuestas a mi vida, justificaciones al dolor humano, las rupturas, la muerte. Ella perteneció a una época cargada de sentidos, exhuberante en motivos y quehaceres, personajes, culturas, rabias y desafíos, y yo estoy en otra que me ha arrancado con violencia los porqués y me tiene colgada del punto con el que concluye el signo de interrogación de mi existencia, ambas profundamente dolorosas.He leído sobre ella "en búsqueda" como cuando abro la Biblia en los Salmos, me recorro la ira de Job, la historia de Ruth, Salomé o Magdalena, como leo a Sor Juana, Juana de Ibarbourou o Dulce María Loynás, igual los cuentos cortos de Cortázar o las "Cotidianas" de Benedetti y también cuando nada más necesito ver la luna o quedarme quieta, sin preguntas, frente a mi imagen tan propia y tan ajena.


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This study examines the relationship between aesthetic and moral dimensions of postdramatic performance (PdP) with specific reference to two case studies: The Power of Theatrical Madness (1984) by Jan Fabre; and Inferno (2008) by Romeo Castellucci. These two cases were selected based on Lehmann's (1999/2006) "Postdramatic Theatre" theoretical framework by identifying various aspects of PdP: text, space, time, body and media. There are three primary objectives in this research project: (1) to examine if the selected works of PdP have moral functions; (2) identify these moral functions; and (3) establish a suitable framework to examine and assess the moral significance of the selected works.


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This thesis investigates Theatre for Young People (TYP) as a site of performance innovation. The inquiry is focused on contemporary dramaturgy and its fieldwork aims to identify new dramaturgical principles operating in the creation and presentation of TYP. The research then seeks to assess how these new principles contribute to Postdramatic Theatre theory. This research inquiry springs from an imperative based in practice: Young people under 25 years have a literacy based on online hypertextual experiences which take the reader outside the frames of a dramatic narrative and beyond principles such as linearity, dramatic unity, teleology and resolution. As a dramaturg and educator I wanted to understand the new ways that young people engage in cultural products, to identify and utilize the new principles of dramaturgy that are now in evidence. My research examines how two playwright/directors approach their work and the new principles that can be identified in their dramaturgy. The fieldwork is scoped into two case studies: the first on TJ Eckleberg working in Australian Theatre for Young People and the second on Kristo Šagor working in German Children’s and Young People’s Theatre (KJT). These case studies address both types of production dramaturgy - the dramaturgy emergent through process in devised performance making, and that emergent in a performance based on a written playscript. On Case Study One the researcher, as participant observer, worked as production dramaturg on a large scale, site specific performance, observing the dramaturgy in process of its director and chief devisor. On Case Study Two the researcher, as observer and analyst, undertook a performance analysis of three playscripts and productions by a contemporary German playwright and director. Utilizing participant observation, reflective practice and grounded analysis the case studies have identified two new principles animating the dramaturgy of these TYP practitioners, namely ‘displacement’ and ‘installation.’ Taking practice into theory, the thesis concludes by demonstrating how displacement and installation contribute to Postdramatic Theatres “arsenal of expressive gestures which serve as theatres response to changed social communication under the conditions of generalized communication technologies” (Lehmann, H.-T., 2006, p.23). This research makes an original contribution to knowledge by evidencing that the principles of Postdramatic Theory lie within the practice of contemporary Theatre for Young People. It also contributes valuable research to a specialized, often overlooked terrain, namely Dramaturgy in Theatre for Young People, presented here with a contemporary, international and intercultural perspective.


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Compass Points: The Locations, Landscapes and Coordinates of Identities' the Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (ADSA) Conference 2012 was held at Queensland University of Technology, July 3-6 2012. The Conference was sponsored by the Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (ADSA), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Ian Potter Foundation, Arts Queensland, La Boite Theatre Company and Queensland Theatre Company. The papers selected for this collection represent a small sample of the scope, depth and diversity of scholarship presented at the conference - they cover a range of genres, cultures and contexts in contemporary performance making from autobiography, to playwrighting, to public space performance and beyond. The papers collected have been peer-reviewed to Australia’s Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) standards - each has been subject to two blind reviews, followed by acceptance, rejection or revision, and editing of accepted papers - by colleagues from Australasia and overseas. The review process for the conference publication was separate from the review process for acceptance of abstracts for the actual conference presentations. The conference convenors, Bree Hadley and Caroline Heim, edited the collection, and would like to thank all those who gave their time to advise on the peer review process and act as reviewers - Tom Burvill, Christine Comans, Sean Edgecomb, Angela Campbell, Natalie Lazaroo, Jo Loth, Meg Mumford, Ulrike Garde, Laura Ginters, Andre Bastian, Sam Trubridge, Delyse Ryan, Georgia Seffrin, Gillian Arrighi, Rand Hazou, Rob Pensalfini, Sue Fenty-Studham, Mark Radvan, Rob Conkie, Kris Plummer, Lisa Warrington, Kate Flaherty, Bryoni Tresize, Janys Hayes, Lisa Warrington, Teresa Izzard, Kim Durban, Veronica Kelly, Adrian Keirnander, James Davenport, Julie Robson and others. We, and the authors, appreciate the rigour and care with which peers have approached the scholarship presented here. This collection was published in final form on July 3rd 2012, the first day of the ADSA Conference 2012.


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In this paper, Bree Hadley discusses The Ex/centric Fixations Project, a practice-led research project which explores the inadequacy of language as a technology for expressing human experiences of difference, discrimination or marginalisation within mainstream cultures. The project asks questions about the way experience, memory and the public discourses available to express them are bound together, about the silences, failures and falsehoods embedded in any effort to convey human experience via public discourses, and about how these failures might form the basis of a performative writing method. It has, to date, focused on developing a method that expresses experience through improvised, intertextual and discontinous collages of language drawn from a variety of public discourses. Aesthetically, this method works with what Hans Theis Lehmann (Postdramatic Theatre p. 17) calls a “textual variant” of the postdramatic “in which language appears not as the speech of characters – if there are still definable characters at all – but as an autonomous theatricality” (Ibid. 18). It is defined by what Lehmann, following Julia Kristeva, calls a “polylogue”, which presents experience as a conflicted, discontinuous and circular phenomenon, akin to a musical fugue, to break away from “an order centred on one logos” (Ibid. 32). The texts function simultaneously as a series of parts, and as wholes, interwoven voices seeming almost to connect, almost to respond to each other, and almost to tell – or challenging each other’s telling – of a story. In this paper, Hadley offers a performative demonstration, together with descriptions of the way spectators respond, including the way their playful, polyvocal texture impacts on engagement, and the way the presence or non-presence of performing bodies to which the experiences depicted can be attached impacts on engagement. She suggests that the improvised, intertextual and experimental enactments of self embodied in the texts encourage spectators to engage at an emotional level, and make-meaning based primarily on memories they recall in the moment, and thus has the potential to counter the risk that people may read depictions of experiences radically different from their own in reductive, essentialised ways.


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This study focuses on trends in contemporary Australian playwrighting, discussing recent investigations into the playwrighting process. The study analyses the current state of this country’s playwrighting industry, with a particular focus on programming trends since 1998. It seeks to explore the implications of this current theatrical climate, in particular the types of work most commonly being favoured for production. It argues that Australian plays are under-represented (compared to non-Australian plays) on ‘mainstream’ stages and that audiences might benefit from more challenging modes of writing than the popular three-act realist play models. The thesis argues that ‘New Lyricism’ might fill this position of offering an innovative Australian playwrighting mode. New Lyricism is characterised by a set of common aesthetics, including a non-linear narrative structure, a poetic use of language and magic realism. Several Australian playwrights who have adopted this mode of writing are identified and their works examined. The author’s play Floodlands is presented as a case study and the author’s creative process is examined in light of the published critical discussions about experimental playwriting work.