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Health consumers worldwide obtain nutrition information from various sources; however, the sources Trinidadians and Tobagonians accessed were unclear. This cross-sectional, descriptive study ascertained from which sources Trinidadians and Tobagonians obtained nutrition information. Participants (n = 845) were surveyed with questions regarding demographics and nutrition information sources. Nearly 100% agreed nutrition information was important. Persons 18-64 years old mainly accessed print media (p<0.01) and ≥ 65years old predominantly accessed the non-print media. Significantly more tertiary educated people, ≥ 35 years old, retrieved information from print media (p=0.001), health care professionals (p=0.001), food labels (p=0.006), and non-print media (p=0.03) when compared to those < 35 years with similar education. Tertiary educated people (67%), selected the Internet when compared to those with without tertiary education (33%) (p<0.001). Knowing the nutrition information sources accessed, dietitians will be able to provide consistent, accurate, age specific nutrition information and promote healthy eating among Trinidadians and Tobagonians.


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This descriptive study examined whether discharge planning ensures that food and nutrition services are provided to older adults following hospital discharge. The questionnaire was distributed to discharge planning professionals in 11 South Florida hospitals. Of the 84 respondents (88% response rate), most were female nurse case managers. Almost all reported job barriers including excessive patient loads, too many responsibilities, and limited community services. While physicians, registered nurses, social workers, physical therapists, were deemed "very important" in discharge planning,registered dietitians were not, and almost half consulted them infrequently, if at all. Over 84% said nutrition-related medical conditions/factors, "strongly influenced" discharge planning. Many did not have adequate information about nutrition-related community resources, eg, home delivered meals, food stamps, outpatient registered dietitians. Therewere no universal approaches in meeting the nutrition needs in 6 case scenarios. More communication among community services and hospitals is needed.


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It has been estimated that one in four adults have sedentary lifestyles. In addition there appears to be an increase in obesity across the life span. It is of great importance to the health of this nation to understand how to promote more active lifestyles through the identification of lifestyle behaviors of active individuals and potential predictors of physical activity (PA). Seven hundred and seventy-seven college students were surveyed to investigate the relationship between nutrition related variables (i.e., dietary restraint, nutrition knowledge, food choice and body weight concerns) and PA. In this study, over half of the students reported doing 30 minutes of moderate intensity PA daily. Vigorously active males and females chose low fat foods more often than the less active group. Exercisers and non-exercisers had similar nutrition knowledge. The results of this study suggest that students who are more active are more conscience about making healthier food choices.


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Television (TV) reaches more people than any other medium which makes it an important source of health information. Since TV ads often offer information obliquely, this study investigated implied health messages found in food and nutrition TV ads. The goals were to determine the proportion of food and nutrition ads among all TV advertising and to use content analysis to identify their implied messages and health claims. A randomly selected sample of TV ads were collected over a 28-day period beginning May 8, 1987. The sample contained 3547 ads; 725 (20%) were food-related. All were analyzed. About 10% of food-related TV ads contained a health claim. Twenty-five representative ads of the 725 food ads were also reviewed by 10 dietitians to test the reliability of the instrument. Although the dietitians agreed upon whether a health claim existed in a televised food ad, their agreement was poor when evaluating the accuracy of the claim. The number of food-related ads dropped significantly on Saturday, but the number of alcohol ads rose sharply on Saturday and Sunday. Snack ads were shown more often on Thursday, but snack commercials were also numerous on Saturday morning and afternoon, as were cereal ads. Ads for snack foods accounted for the greatest proportion of ads (20%) while fast food accounted for only 7%. Alcohol constituted about 9% of all food and nutrition ads.


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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and impaired or threatened nutritional status seem to be closely related. It is now known that AIDS results in many nutritional disorders including anorexia, vomiting, protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), nutrient deficiencies, and gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic dysfunction (1-7, 8). Reversibly, nutritional status may also have an impact on the development of AIDS among HIV-infected people. Not all individuals who have tested antibody positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) have developed AIDS or have even shown clinical symptoms (9, 10). A poor nutritional status, especially PEM, has a depressing effect on immunity which may predispose an individual to infection (11). It has been proposed that a qualitatively or quantitatively deficient diet could be among the factors precipitating the transition from HIV-positive to AIDS (12, 13). The interrelationship between nutrition and AIDS reveals the importance of having a multidisciplinary health care team approach to treatment (11), including having a registered dietitian on the medical team. With regards to alimentation, the main responsibility of a dietitian is to inform the public concerning sound nutritional practices and encourage healthy food habits (14). In individuals with inadequate nutritional behavior, a positive, long-term change has been seen when nutrition education tailored to specific physiological and emotional needs was provided along with psychological support through counseling (14). This has been the case for patients with various illnesses and may also be true in AIDS patients as well. Nutritional education specifically tailored for each AIDS patient could benefit the patient by improving the quality of life and preventing or minimizing weight loss and malnutrition (15-17). Also, it may influence the progression of the disease by delaying the onset of the most severe symptoms and increasing the efficacy of medical treatment (18, 19). Several studies have contributed to a dietary rationale for nutritional intervention in HIV-infected and AIDS patients (2, 4, 20-25). Prospective, randomized clinical research in AIDS patients have not yet been published to support this dietary rationale; however, isolated case reports show its suitability (3). Furthermore, only nutrition intervention as applied by a medical team in an institution or hospital has been evaluated. Research is lacking concerning the evaluation of nutritional education of either non-institutionalized or hospitalized groups of persons who are managing their own food choice and intake. This study compares nutrition knowledge and food intakes in HIV-infected individuals prior to and following nutrition education. It was anticipated that education would increase the knowledge of nutritional care of AIDS patients and lead to better implementation of nutrition education programs.


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A CURRENT EXAMINATION OF DIETARY INTAKES OF FIBER, CALCIUM, IRON, AND ZINC AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO BLOOD LEAD LEVELS IN U.S. CHILDREN AGED 1-5 YEARS Stephanie Ann Melchert, M.S. University of Nebraska, 2010 Adviser: Kaye Stanek Krogstrand The effect of lead on the health and well-being of those exposed has been well documented and many efforts have been made to reduce exposure of lead to the United States population. Despite these efforts, many studies have documented cognitive impairments and behavioral problems in children with even low levels of lead in their blood. Previous studies have suggested that a proper diet may have a role in the prevention of elevated blood lead levels in children. The objective of this study was to determine if there was an inverse correlation of blood lead levels (BLL) in children to their dietary intakes of fiber, calcium, iron, and zinc considering low levels of lead exposure. This study examined 1019 children in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted from 2005-2006. Data were analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlations to correlate continuous variables to BLL in children and independent samples t-tests were used to compare mean blood lead levels of categorical variables. Results indicate that BLL in children is significantly correlated with and weight, recumbent length/standing height, dietary fiber intake and continine, a marker of cigarette smoke exposure. BLL was not significantly correlated with calcium, iron, zinc, or vitamin C. A significant difference was found in the mean BLL of children who took supplements, lived in smoking homes, as well as those who lived in homes built before 1978. Overall, this study shows that children living in homes built before 1978 remain at greater risk for lead exposure, and adequate dietary fiber intake may provide benefits to children who are exposed to lead.


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Objective: To determine current food handling practices, knowledge and beliefs of primary food handlers with children 10 years old and the relationship between these components. Design: Surveys were developed based on FightBac!™ concepts and the Health Belief Model (HBM) construct. Participants: The majority of participants (n= 503) were females (67%), Caucasians (80%), aged between 30 to 49 years old (83%), had one or two children (83%), prepared meals all or most of the time (76%) and consumed meals away from home three times or less per week (66%). Analysis: Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rho) (p<0.05 and one-tail) and Chi-square were used to examine frequency and correlations. Results: Few participants reached the food safety objectives of Healthy People 2010 for safe food handling practices (79%). Mixed results were reported for perceived susceptibility. Only half of the participants (53-54%) reported high perceived severity for their children if they contracted food borne illness. Most participants were confident of their food handling practices for their children (91%) and would change their food handling practices if they or their family members previously experienced food poisoning (79%). Participants’ reasons for high self-efficacy were learning from their family and independently acquiring knowledge and skills from the media, internet or job. The three main barriers to safe food handling were insufficient time, lots of distractions and lack of control of the food handling practices of other people in the household. Participants preferred to use food safety information that is easy to understand, has scientific facts, causes feelings of health-threat and has lots of pictures or visuals. Participants demonstrate high levels of knowledge in certain areas of the FightBac!TM concepts but lacked knowledge in other areas. Knowledge and cues to action were most supportive of the HBM construct, while perceived susceptibility was least supportive of the HBM construct. Conclusion: Most participants demonstrate many areas to improve in their food handling practices, knowledge and beliefs. Adviser: Julie A. Albrecht


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A Qualitative Analysis of Youth Feedback of Nutrition School Enrichment Kits in Lincoln, NE Richard A. Losey, M.S. University of Nebraska, 2010 Advisor: Wanda M. Koszewski The qualitative analysis of the responses given by students participating in classrooms that used the Nutrition Education Program‟s (NEP) school enrichment kits was the primary focus of this research. Data was collected from the participants in written form. Three major themes appeared during analysis of the data, healthy eating habits, cleanliness and change. The theme of healthy eating habits is comprised of the following sub-themes: breakfast, nutrients, label reading, Food Guide Pyramid/MyPyramid and healthy snacks. Cleanliness is comprised of hand washing and food safety sub-themes. The change theme is made up of change in healthy eating habits, change in cleanliness and change in both healthy eating habits and cleanliness. The data suggests that participating students have made or intend to make changes regarding healthy eating habits and cleanliness, which is the goal of nutrition education. The students‟ responses indicate that the NEP school enrichment kits are effective in increasing the knowledge of students and promoting healthy lifestyle changes.


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Little information is available related to adolescent calcium intake and relationships with injuries they might suffer from sport participation. To determine calcium intake of high school athletes, to assess their self reported injury rates, and to examine the relationship between the two over a 12 month period of time. Participants received a questionnaire at their school and completed it anywhere they found convenient. Adolescent athletes in the Lincoln Public School system (n=43) that participated in at least one sport in the past year. Four age groups participated in the study with sixteen year olds having a significantly higher calcium intake at 1297 mg that of fourteen year olds. A variety of sports were represented with largest number of respondents participating in baseball/or softball at (55%). The next most played sport was basketball at (18%). Median total diet calcium was 1144.5 mg with a mean of 1182 mg + 567 mg. For the frequency of injuries that caused a missed practice or game in the past year, ankle injuries were the most common (25%). Knee injuries were the second most common (17%), followed closely by hand injuries (8%). Mean total diet calcium of athletes with five or more injuries that caused a missed practice or game was significantly higher at 1966 mg (P<.05) than athletes mean diet calcium with zero, one, two, and three injuries. Total milk calcium of those who reported three injuries that resulted in broken or fractured bones or dislocated joints was significantly higher (P<.05) at 1286 mg of total milk calcium than those who reported having zero, one, or two breaks or fractures. Athletes with higher calcium intakes have a higher number of reported injuries. This may be the result of increased vigorous activity which leads to increased calorie and calcium consumption. More importantly, this increased activity leads to an increased chance of injury. The greater calcium intake correlated with greater number of injuries may also be because of third parties advising the athletes who get injured to drink more milk and get more calcium in their diets because they have been injuries already.


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Background Diabetes is a global epidemic. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most prevalent consequences of diabetes. Nutrition is considered a modifiable risk factor for CVD, particularly for individuals with diabetes; albeit, there is little consensus on the role of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for arterial health for persons with or without diabetes. In this study, we examined the association of macronutrients with arterial pulse pressure (APP), a surrogate measure of arterial health by diabetes status and race. Methods Participants were 892 Mexican Americans (MA), 1059 Black, non-Hispanics (BNH) and 2473 White, non-Hispanics (WNH) with and without diabetes of a weighted sample from the National Nutrition and Health Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008. The cross-sectional analysis was performed with IBM-SPSS version 18 with the complex sample analysis module. The two-year sample weight for the sub-sample with laboratory values was applied to reduce bias and approximate a nationally, representative sample. Arterial stiffness was assessed by arterial pulse pressure (APP). Results APP was higher for MA [B = 0.063 (95% CI 0.015 to 0.111), p = 0.013] and BNH [B = 0.044 (95% CI 0.006 to 0.082), p = 0.018] than WNH, controlling for diabetes, age, gender, body mass index (BMI), fiber intake, energy intake (Kcal) and smoking. A two-way interaction of diabetes by carbohydrate intake (grams) was inversely associated with APP [B = -1.18 (95% CI -0.178 to -0.058), p = 0.001], controlling for race, age, gender, BMI, Kcal and smoking. BNH with diabetes who consumed more mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) than WNH with diabetes had lower APP [B = -0.112 (95%CI-0.179 to -0.045), p = 0.003] adjusting for saturated fatty acids, Kcal, age, gender, BMI and smoking. Conclusion Higher MUFA and carbohydrate intake for persons with diabetes reflecting lower APP may be due to replacement of saturated fats with CHO and MUFA. The associations of APP with diabetes, race and dietary intake need to be confirmed with intervention and prospective studies. Confirmation of these results would suggest that dietary interventions for minorities with diabetes may improve arterial health.


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Diabetes is a world-wide epidemic associated with multiple environmental factors. Prolonged television viewing (TV) time has been related to increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in several studies. TV viewing has been positively associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors, lower energy expenditure, over-eating high-calorie and high-fat foods. The objective of this study was to assess the associations of hours of TV viewing with dietary quality, obesity and physical activity for three ethnic minorities with and without type 2 diabetes. Diet quality and physical activity were inversely related to prolonged TV viewing. African Americans and participants with type 2 diabetes were more likely to watch more than 4 hours of TV per day as compared to their counterparts. Diet quality was inversely associated with physical activity level. Future studies are needed to establish the risk factors of prolonged TV watching in adult populations for the development of diabetes or diabetes-related complications. Although strategies to reduce TV watching have been proven effective among children, few trials have been conducted in adults. Intervention trials aimed at reducing TV viewing targeting people with type 2 diabetes may be beneficial to improve dietary quality and physical activity, which may reduce diabetes complications.


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Objective. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the associations of lifestyle medical advice and non-HDL cholesterol control of a nationally representative US sample of adults with hypercholesterolemia by race/ethnicity. Methods. Data were collected by appending sociodemographic, anthropometric, and laboratory data from two cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (2007-2008 and 2009-2010). This study acquired data from male and female adults aged ≥ 20 years (N = 11,577), classified as either Mexican American (MA), (), other Hispanic (OH) (), Black non-Hispanic (BNH) (), or White non-Hispanic (WNH) (). Results. Minorities were more likely to report having received dietary, weight management, and exercise recommendations by healthcare professionals than WNH, adjusting for confounders. Approximately 80% of those receiving medical advice followed the recommendation, regardless of race/ethnicity. Of those who received medical advice, reporting “currently controlling or losing weight” was associated with lower non-HDL cholesterol. BNH who reported “currently controlling or losing weight” had higher non-HDL cholesterol than WNH who reported following the advice. Conclusion. The results suggest that current methods of communicating lifestyle advice may not be adequate across race/ethnicity and that a change in perspective and delivery of medical recommendations for persons with hypercholesterolemia is needed.


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Background. Lack of adherence to dietary and physical activity guidelines has been linked to an increase in chronic diseases in the United States (US). The aim of this study was to assess the association of lifestyle behaviors with self-rated health (SRH). Methods. This cross-sectional study used self-reported data from Living for Health Program ( 1,701) which was conducted from 2008 to 2012 in 190 health fair events in South Florida, US. Results. Significantly higher percent of females as compared to males were classified as obese (35.4% versus 27.0%), reported poor/fair SRH (23.4% versus 15.0%), and were less physically active (33.9% versus 25.4%). Adjusted logistic regression models indicated that both females and males were more likely to report poor/fair SRH if they consumed 2 servings of fruits and vegetables per day (, 95% CI 1.30–3.54; , 95% CI 1.12–7.35, resp.) and consumed mostly high fat foods (, 95% CI 1.03–2.43; , 95% CI 1.67–2.43, resp.). The association of SRH with less physical activity was only significant in females (, 95% CI 1.17–2.35). Conclusion. Gender differences in health behaviors should be considered in designing and monitoring lifestyle interventions to prevent cardiovascular diseases.


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Background and aims: The current study evaluates following a special diet with diet quality and comorbidities (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity) in four racial/ethnic groups diagnosed with prediabetes or “at risk for diabetes”. Methods and results: This is a cross-sectional analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), 2007- 2008 and 2009-2010. Sample weights were used to achieve a representative sample. Data were available for N = 2666 adults, aged ≥20 years (508 Mexican American, 294, Other Hispanic, 616 Black non-Hispanic, and 1248 White non-Hispanic) who were medically diagnosed with either prediabetes or “at risk for diabetes”. Those reporting following a special diet had greater odds of meeting saturated fat guidelines (


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How children rate vegetables may be influenced by the preparation method. The primary objective of this study was for first grade students to be involved in a cooking demonstration and to taste and rate vegetables raw and cooked. First grade children of two classes (N= 52: 18 boys and 34 girls (approximately half Hispanic) that had assented and had signed parental consent participated in the study. The degree of liking a particular vegetable was recorded by the students using a hedonic scale of five commonly eaten vegetables tasted first raw (pre-demonstration) and then cooked (post-demonstration). A food habit questionnaire was filled out by parents to evaluate their mealtime practices and beliefs about their child’s eating habits. Paired sample t-tests revealed significant differences in preferences for vegetables in their raw and cooked states. Several mealtime characteristics were significantly associated with children’s vegetable preferences. Parents who reported being satisfied with how often the family eats evening meals together were more likely to report that their child eats adequate vegetables for their health (p=0.026). Parents who stated that they were satisfied with their child’s eating habits were more likely to report that their child was trying new foods (p<.001). Cooking demonstrations by nutrition professionals may be an important strategy that can be used by parents and teachers to promote vegetable intake. It is important that nutrition professionals provide guidance to encourage consumption of vegetables for parents so that they can model the behavior of healthy food consumption to their children.