997 resultados para Dietary cation-anion


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Two experiments were carried out with twenty-four male weaned Holstein calves to verify the influence of different dietary cation-anion concentrate and roughage proportions on calves metabolism. In the first experiment, calves were fed rations with -100, +200 and +400 mEq cation-anion balance/kg of dry matter, containing 60% of roughage and 40% of concentrate. In the second experiment, calves (117.6±20.8 kg average weight) received rations with similar dietary cation-anion balance but in diets of 40% roughage and 60% concentrate. As the dietary cation-anion balance became more positive, there was a quadratic response of blood pH in both diets with 60 and 40% roughage. A linear increase following increased dietary cation-anion balance was observed on bicarbonate concentration, carbon dioxide tension, carbon dioxide partial pressure and urine pH on both experiments, while anion gap decreased linearly. Blood urea nitrogen and base excess increased quadratically according to increased dietary cation-anion balance on 60% roughage, whereas those same parameters showed a linear increase on 40% roughage. Growing ruminant metabolism both in cationic and anionic diets was modified when the roughage:concentrate ratio was altered.


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A new soft-chemical transformation of layered perovskite oxides is described wherein K2O is sequentially extracted from the Ruddlesden-Popper (R-P) phase, K2La2Ti3O10 (I), yielding novel anion-deficient KLa2Ti3O9.5 (II) and La2Ti3O9 (III). The transformation occurs in topochemical reactions of the R-P phase I with PPh4Br and PBu4Br (Ph = phenyl; Bu = n-butyl). The mechanism involves the elimination of KBr accompanied by decomposition of PR4+ (R = phenyl or n-butyl) that extracts oxygen from the titanate. Analysis of the organic products of decomposition reveals formation of Ph3PO, Ph3P, and Ph-Ph for R = phenyl, and Bu3PO, Bu3P along with butane, butene, and octane for R = butyl. The inorganic oxides II and III crystallize in tetragonal structures (II: P4/mmm, a = 3.8335(1) angstrom, c = 14.334(1) angstrom; III: /4/ mmm, a = 3.8565(2) angstrom, c = 24.645(2) angstrom) that are related to the parent R-P phase. II is isotypic with the Dion-Jacobson phase, RbSr2Nb3O10, while III is a unique layered oxide consisting of charge-neutral La2Ti3O9 anion-deficient perovskite sheets stacked one over the other without interlayer cations. Interestingly, both II and III convert back to the parent R-P phase in a reaction with KNO3. While transformations of the R-P phases to other related layered/three-dimensional perovskite oxides in ion-exchange/metathesis/dehydration/reduction reactions are known, the simultaneous and reversible extraction of both cations and anions in the conversions K2La2Ti3O10 reversible arrow KLa2Ti3O9.5 reversible arrow La2Ti3O9 is reported here for the first time.


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In tropical climates the heat is one of the major constraints to production of broilers and is responsible for inducing a high mortality, especially in the finishing phase. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the thermal conditioning early (TC) and feed formulation using dietary electrolytes (DE). Therefore, the electrolyte balance of K+Na-Cl was set at 350 mEq/kg and electrolyte ratio (K+Cl)/Na) in the 3:1 program PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr). A total of 300 Cobb 500 1-dold male broiler chicks was randomly allocated to 24 floor pens with six replicates per treatment in a 2x2 factorial arrangement (with and without TC and with and without DE). Dietary treatments consisted: (T1) a traditional diet without TC; (T2) traditional diet with TC; (T3) with the application of dietary electrolyte and without TC and (T4) application of dietary electrolyte with TC. The thermal conditioning was conducted at 5 d of age (36°C for 24 h), only half of the batch (150 birds). After this period, all birds were transferred to boxes of 1.5 x3m (12 birds / box), with wood shavings reused as litter. Chicks were exposed to acute stress (36°C) for 8 h at the age 36, in all treatments, being electronically monitored the temperature and humidity of the microclimate of the birds. Feed and water were provided ad libitum, even during periods of stress. Were measured performance data (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) and mortality rate. The early thermal conditioning (T2) and effect of dietary electrolytes (T3) were effective to minimize the mortality of broilers subjected to acute heat stress with a significant difference (P<0.05), without prejudice on broiler performance. The results also showed that there was a more favorable effect when applied dietary electrolytes and thermal conditioning simultaneously (treatment T4). However, for the treatment none of these strategies has been applied (T1), the mortality rate was 83% over that in which they were applied (T4). It was concluded from this study that both techniques: the thermal conditioning early as the dietary electrolytes are efficacious in minimize the damaging effects caused by heat broiler.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of early age thermal conditioning (TC) and dietary electrolyte balances (DEB) to minimize the effect of heat stress. A total of 240 Cobb 500 1-d-old male broiler chicks was randomly allocated to 24 floor pens with six replicates per treatment in a 2x2 factorial arrangement (with and without TC and with and without DEB). Dietary treatments consisted: (T1) a traditional diet without TC; (T2) traditional diet with TC; (T3) with the application of dietary electrolyte and without TC and (T4) application of dietary electrolyte with TC. The thermal conditioning was conducted at 5 d of age (36°C for 24 h), only half of the batch (120 birds). After this period, all birds were transferred to boxes of 1.5 x 3m (10 birds / box), with wood shavings reused as litter. Chicks were exposed to chronic heat stress (32°C) for 6 h from 35 to 39 d of age, in all treatments, being electronically monitored the temperature and humidity of the microclimate of the birds. Feed and water were provided ad libitum, even during periods of stress. Were measured performance data (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) and mortality rate. Data were subjected to ANOVA using the GLM procedures of SAS. The results of this study demonstrated no interaction effects of all evaluated parameters (performance and mortality). Therefore, no synergism occurred when both strategies (TC and DEB) were applied. Only the first week there was prejudice on broiler performance with the application of the TC and apparently the technique of early age thermal conditioning no improve the resistance of broilers to chronic heat stress. On the other hand, DEB had significantly favorable effects (P<0.05) on performance and minimized mortality immediately after application of the TC.


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L’objectif général des travaux présentes dans cette thèse de doctorat était d’établir la relation entre l’alimentation et la composition du lait des vaches laitières, en mettant l’emphase sur les teneurs en matières grasses (TMG), sur l’urée du lait et sur l’efficience d’utilisation de l’azote. Pour la TMG, c’est principalement la relation entre cette teneur et la différence alimentaire cations-anions (DACA) qui a été investiguée. Une base de données de 2 142 troupeaux québécois a été utilisée et la relation entre la composition de la ration, incluant la DACA, et la TMG du lait a été déterminée à l’aide de régressions multiples. Il a été possible de prédire entre 32 et 66 % de la variation de la TMG du lait en fonction du stade de lactation. Malgré plusieurs interactions trouvées, une augmentation de la DACA, une supplémentation avec de l’acide palmitique et une distribution des aliments en ration totale mélangée ont eu une relation positive avec la TMG du lait, tandis qu’une augmentation de la proportion de concentrés dans la ration a eu un effet négatif. Les modèles développés ont montré l’importance de la gestion de l’alimentation sur la TMG du lait. En plus, ils ont démontré l’intérêt de considérer la DACA dans la formulation de rations chez la vache laitière. Dans une deuxième étude, la même base des données a été utilisée pour identifier les facteurs nutritionnels qui peuvent faire varier la teneur en urée du lait. Contrairement à ce qui est mentionné dans la littérature, tant des corrélations positives et que négatives entre les teneurs en urée du lait et en protéines des rations à l’intérieur des troupeaux sur une période de 36 mois ont été obtenues. Pour mieux comprendre ces relations, les résultats de performances et d’alimentation de 100 troupeaux avec des corrélations positives (r > 0,69) et de 100 troupeaux avec des corrélations négatives (r < -0,44) entre la teneur en urée du lait et en protéine brute de la ration ont été comparés. Les résultats n’ont pas montré de différences entre les deux groupes ni pour la composition de la ration, ni pour l’urée du lait. Ces résultats ne permettent pas d’identifier le meilleur contexte pour l’utilisation de la teneur en urée du lait comme un outil de gestion de l’alimentation. Ces observations soulèvent des questions sur la validité de l’utilisation des statistiques d’alimentation provenant de la base de données utilisée pour des évaluations nutritionnelles plus spécifiques. Considérant les résultats du projet précédent, le dernier projet visait à mieux comprendre les caractéristiques des fermes avec différentes efficiences d’utilisation de l’azote en utilisant des données plus fiables. Ainsi, 100 fermes laitières au Québec ont été visitées pour recueillir les données de production, de consommation d’aliments et de gestion de leur troupeau. Ces fermes ont été divisées en quatre groupes par une analyse en grappes selon leur efficience d’utilisation de l’azote. La comparaison entre les groupes a montré que les fermes dans les groupes avec une plus haute efficience d’utilisation d’azote ont une production laitière moyenne par vache plus élevée. Pour les stratégies d’alimentation, les fermes plus efficientes donnent plus d’énergie, mais moins de protéines brutes que les fermes des groupes moins efficients. Les résultats ont également montré l’importance de la prise alimentaire des vaches sur l’efficience d’utilisation de l’azote puisque les fermes des groupes avec la plus grande efficience étaient également celles avec la plus faible prise alimentaire. Aussi, les résultats n’ont pas permis d’établir clairement la relation entre la teneur en urée du lait et l’efficience de l’utilisation de l’azote. En effet, des valeurs différentes pour l’urée du lait étaient obtenues entre le groupe plus efficient et le moins efficient, mais la faible ampleur de variation de l’efficience d’utilisation de l’azote des groupes intermédiaires n’a pas permis d’observer de différences pour l’urée du lait. Finalement, outre une réduction des risques de pollution, les fermes des groupes plus efficaces pour l’utilisation de l’azote étaient également celles avec la marge sur les coûts d’alimentation par les vaches plus élevées. Par conséquent, il y a aussi un intérêt économique à améliorer l’efficience de l’utilisation de l’azote sur les fermes.


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Various metal salts (Na, K, Rb, and NH4) of monochloro acetic acid were prepared and the Cl-35 nuclear quadrupole resonance frequencies were measured at room temperature. A comparative study of nuclear quadrupole resonance frequencies of monochloro acetic acid and its metal salts is carried out. The frequency shifts obtained in the respective metal chloroacetates are used to estimate the changes in the ionicity of C-Cl bond. Further, the changes in the ionicity of C-Cl bond were used to estimate the percentage of intra-molecular charge transfer between respective cation-anion of the metal salts of chloro acetic acid. The nuclear quadrupole resonance frequency is found to decrease with increasing ionicity of the alkali metal ion.


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The compounds (het)(PtCl6)2H(2)O 1, (het)(HgI4).H2O 2 (het = 2-(alpha-hydroxyethyl)thiamine) and (hpt)(Hg2Br6) 3 (hpt = 2-(alpha-hydroxypropyl)thiamine) have been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography in order to study the influence of the anion and molecular conformation on the formation of supramolecular architectures that adsorb anionic species. Both het and hpt molecules adopt the usual S conformation for C2-substituted thiamine but differ from the F conformation for C2-free thiamine derivatives. Two types of characteristic ligand-anion complexation are observed, being of the forms C(6')-H...anion...thiazolium-ring (in 1 and 2) and N(4'1)-H...anion...thiazolium-ring (in 3). The reaction of het with PtCl62- or HgI42- gives a 1-D double-chain in 1, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded het chains, which are cross-linked by anions through hydrogen bonding and anion...aromatic-ring interactions, or a cationic 3-D framework in 2 formed by the stacking of hydrogen-bonded sheets with anion-and-water-filled channels. In the case of 3, hydrogen-bonded hpt dimers and HgBr62- anions form alternate cation-anion columns. A comparison with the cases of C2-free thiamine-anion complexes indicates that the change in molecular conformation results in novel supramolecular assemblies in 1 and 2 and an analogous architecture in 3, which also depends on the nature of the anions.


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Crystal structures of two examples of an important class of ionic liquids, 1,3-dimethylimidazolium and 1,2,3-triethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The anion in the 1,3-dimethylimidazolium example (mp 22 degreesC), adopts an unusual cis-geometry constrained by bifurcated cation-anion C-H...O hydrogen-bonds from the imidazolium cation to the anion resulting in the formation of fluorous layers within the solid-state structure. In contrast, in the 1,2,3-triethylimidazolium salt (mp 57 degreesC), the ions are discretely packed with only weak C-H...O contacts between the ions close to the van der Waals separation distances, and with the anion adopting the twisted conformation observed for all other examples from the limited set of organic bis( trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide crystal structures. The structures are discussed in terms of the favorable physical properties that bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide anions impart in ionic liquids.


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Durante o processo de assimilação e uso dos alimentos, diferentes respostas metabólicas podem ser desenvolvidas pelo organismo dos animais. Estas respostas são fruto da integração de mecanismos complexos, que envolvem os sistemas neuro-endócrino e o funcionamento dos órgãos, sendo influenciadas pela dieta, espécie animal, idade, condição fisiológica e composição corporal. Este trabalho enfoca a importância fisiológica e os métodos de estudo das respostas pós-prandiais aos carboidratos, bem como as alterações fisiológicas conseqüentes ao balanço eletrolítico da dieta. A quantidade, estrutura química e processamento industrial do amido determinam boa parte da resposta pós-prandial de glicose e insulina de cães. em gatos, outros mecanismos parecem ser mais importantes, como a ingestão de aminoácidos. A fibra alimentar também altera a resposta pós-prandial ao alimento, devendo ser consideradas sua quantidade, solubilidade e fermentabilidade no desenvolvimento das dietas. Os métodos de estudo destas respostas incluem avaliação das respostas glicêmica e insulínca pós-prandiais, teste endovenoso de tolerância à glicose e à arginina. O clâmp euglicêmico apresenta-se também como ferramenta de estudo, no entanto revela informações mais relacionadas ao animal do que à dieta. A compreensão do conjunto de alterações metabólicas aos carboidratos é importante no estudo do controle da saciedade, composição corporal e inúmeras doenças degenerativas e endócrinas. A concentração e relação entre os macro-elementos da dieta (Na, Cl, K, P, Ca, Mg e S) e dos aminoácidos sulfurados (metionina, cistina e taurina) interferem em inúmeras funções orgânicas, como a cardiovascular, neuromuscular, metabolismo ósseo, renal e pulmonar, refletindo-se no equilíbrio hidro-eletrolítico e ácido-básico orgânicos. de importância prática para cães e gatos encontram-se a relação destes nutrientes com cardiopatias, nefropatias, osteodistrofias e urolitíases. A relação entre os macro-elementos é estabelecida em mmol/kg de matéria seca da dieta, calculando-se seu balanço cátion-ânion (excesso de bases ou ânions dietéticos não determinados). Suas repostas orgânicas são medidas, dentre outros métodos, pela hemogasimetria, balanço hídrico, mensuração do volume dos espaços extracelular e vascular, supersaturação e pH urinários.


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Studies for the food development of formulations for pets, look for key components to maintaining healthy way of life and safety of products, including these, elements capable of preventing the risk of certain metabolic disorders associated with diet. Feline urinarytract disorders, highlights the urolithiasis, have high incidence in clinical series. Studies linking dietary factors such as ingredients, digestibility and chemical composition, changing the volume, density and pH of urine and consequent induction training for urolithiasis. A highly significant correlation between the mineral composition of the diet and urine pH of cats began to be studied, using the association between the cation-anion balance of the diet (DCAB) and regulation of acid-base balance of the body. The DCAB can be defined as the difference between the total fixed anions and cations present in the diet, important tool for estimating the urinary pH and to determine the range of pH that favors the food used, thereby linking the trigger and the prevention of struvite and calcium oxalate urolithiasis in the urinary tract of cats. Thus, this review aims to clarify the effects of the nutritional composition of diet on urine pH in cats.


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A systematic study of the interactions between water and alkyl methyl imidazolium chloride ionic liquids at 298.2 K, based on activity coefficients estimated from water activity measurements in the entire solubility range, is presented. The results show that the activity coefficients of water in the studied ILs are controlled by the hydrophilicity of the cation and the cation-anion interaction. To achieve a deeper understanding on the interactions between water and the ILs, COSMO-RS and FTIR spectroscopy were also applied. COSMO-RS was used to predict the activity coefficient of water in the studied ionic liquids along with the excess enthalpies, suggesting the formation of complexes between three molecules of water and one IL molecule. On the basis of quantum-chemical calculations, it is found that cation-anion interaction plays an important role upon the ability of the IL anion to interact with water. The changes in the peak positions/band areas of OH vibrational modes of water as a function of IL concentration were investigated, and the impact of the cation on the hydrogen-bonding network of water is identified and discussed.


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The structure of the 1:1 proton-transfer compound of 4-chloroaniline with 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid (DCPA), viz. C6H7ClN+ C8H3Cl2O4-, has been determined at 130 K. The non-planar hydrogen phthalate anions and the 4-chloroanilinium cations form two-dimensional O-H...O and N-H...O hydrogen-bonded substructures which have no peripheral extension. Between the sheets there are weak \p--\p associations between alternating cation--anion aromatic ring systems [shortest centroid separation, 3.735(4)A].


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In the structure of the 1:1 proton-transfer compound of 1,10-phenanthroline with 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid, C12H9N2+ C8H3Cl2O4-, determined at 130 K, the 1,10-phenanthroline cation and the hydrogen 4,5-dichlorophthalate anion associate through a single N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bond giving discrete units which have no extension except through a number of weak cation C-H...O(anion) associations and weak cation--anion aromatic ring pi-pi interactions [minimum centroid separation, 3.6815(12)A]. The anions are essentially planar [maximum deviation 0.214(1)A (a carboxyl O)] with the syn-related H atom of the carboxyl group forming a short intramolecular O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bond.


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The structures of the anhydrous 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid (DCPA) with the monocyclic heteroaromatic Lewis bases 2-aminopyrimidine, 3-(aminocarboxy) pyridine (nicotinamide) and 4-(aminocarbonyl) pyridine (isonicotinamide), namely 2-aminopyrimidinium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate C4H6N3+ C8H3Cl2O4- (I), 3-(aminocarbonyl) pyridinium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate C6H7N2O+ C8H3Cl2O4- (II) and the unusual salt adduct 4-(aminocarbonyl) pyridinium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate 2-carboxymethyl-4,5-dichlorobenzoic acid (1/1/1) C6H7N2O+ C8H3Cl2O4-.C9H6Cl2O4 (III) have been determined at 130 K. Compound (I) forms discrete centrosymmetric hydrogen-bonded cyclic bis(cation--anion) units having both R2/2(8) and R2/1(4) N-H...O interactions. In compound (II) the primary N-H...O linked cation--anion units are extended into a two-dimensional sheet structure via amide-carboxyl and amide-carbonyl N-H...O interactions. The structure of (III) reveals the presence of an unusual and unexpected self-synthesized methyl monoester of the acid as an adduct molecule giving one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded chains. In all three structures the hydrogen phthalate anions are