12 resultados para Didacticism


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Vilho Helanen (1899 1952) was a right-wing opinion leader in interwar Finland. But following the Second World War, the political situation in the country changed dramatically, and Helanen lost his job as well as his influential social station. He began to write detective fiction, and between 1946 and 1952 published seven novels (one had already been published in 1941). The novels protagonist is Kaarlo Rauta, a lawyer who acts as a private investigator. This doctoral dissertation analyzes the Rauta series from three different points of view. It investigates the extent to which the author s life and his strong political background appears in the series. The study also situates the series within Finnish society during and after the war. Finally, the study examines the Rauta series in terms of the genre conventions of detective fiction, that is, the study compares the Rauta series with other Finnish crime fiction and international crime fiction written during the 1940s. The Iron and The Cross Spider uses the term citizenship education when analyzing how Helanen implicitly continued his political teaching when writing crime fiction. The series includes a didactic register, which instructs the middle class in appropriate behaviour and manners, and the social roles entailed by gender. A special area of focus in this didacticism are norms of correct masculinity and femininity. The study devotes specific attention to the status of character in the series. The masculine detective and his beautiful wife are prominent, as is the fictive community and the tensions that criss-cross it. After the war, the Rauta series takes on a positive tone. Men can earn their place in society by fighting at the front, and after the war a homosocial bond exists between all the former soldiers. Women are shut out of the war experience. The detective hero has served in the war, but he is physically and psychologically untouched by it. The community is threatened by artists and immoral bohemians, but not the working class. Artists have affairs outside of marriage and abnormal sexual habits. The members of the upper class are also described as immoral in the series. Sadistic sexuality is often characteristic of the criminals, who are mostly femme fatales in the fashion of hard-boiled detective stories and film noir. Also, strong feelings have a negative connotation in the series, and showing them is forbidden behaviour. Men become criminals when they are insufficiently masculine or when they have not carried out their duty by fighting in the war. Helanen portrayed the communists, his political opponents from the 1930s, as criminals in his post-war series, but they were not openly represented as Russians or communists. Instead, Helanen used the cross spider as their symbol, a symbol which the readers of the time would recognize.


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Perceber a leitura como prática social, histórica e cultural a partir da evolução e das variações textuais construídas e exercidas junto à sociedade é o primeiro caminho para discutir os reflexos dos processos da leitura.Revisando a história da leitura, em autores como Fischer, Chartier e Manguel, busca-se uma imersão na construção da leitura ao longo de alguns séculos. Ao comparar os usos e as apropriações da leitura ao longo da história da escrita percebe-se que o indivíduo é fator determinante nas práticas da utilização da tecnologia. Tendo como objeto de estudo dois grupos de alunos de pós-graduação do Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase, onde pela primeira vez foi inserida a tecnologia digital como ferramenta didática, observa-se, com esse trabalho, uma nova experimentação da leitura. Dessa forma, o tablet como suporte de leitura é ferramenta pontual na observação in loco, de forma que a própria sala de aula é local de observação. Para as práticas metodológicas buscou-se na pesquisa empírica de observação não participante e participante meios de perceber o cotidiano dos alunos e professores inseridos em tal prática. Formado por diversas ações culturais e oriundo de uma educação tradicional, encontra-se um indivíduo proveniente da exclusão digital, que está sendo inserido constantemente num processo de inclusão digital, de forma frágil, mas reforçado pelas práticas do consumo e de marketing.Leitores cercados por leituras efêmeras e fragmentadas estão imersos numa era em que a concepção de quantidade é sobreposta à qualidade levando a um questionamento quanto às diversas leituras ou a procedência dos textos. De forma que até mesmo as relações sociais são estimuladas pela multisensorialidade midiática, encontra-se a tela como espaço de escrita e de leitura, mas essa não garante uma efetiva imersão tecnológica, mas um processo cognitivo que tenta inserir no cotidiano dos indivíduos o letramento digital.


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Resumo I - O presente Relatório de Estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Estágio do Ensino Especializado (EEE) do Mestrado em Ensino da Música da Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, ramo de especialização em Canto. Incide sobre a Prática Pedagógica desenvolvida com três alunos de Canto da Escola de Música do Conservatório Nacional (EMCN), no ano letivo de 2012/2013, em diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento vocal, adolescentes, ou tendo saído há pouco tempo da adolescência. Nesta secção, encontram-se enumeradas as principais linhas pedagógicas seguidas, assim como os principais motivos das opções tomadas. Descreve-se também a forma como foi organizado e planeado o trabalho técnico e musical desenvolvido com os alunos, adequado à fase de desenvolvimento físico e vocal de cada um, além do conjunto de atividades escolares realizadas, as quais tiveram como finalidade promover o seu desenvolvimento artístico.


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Le roman sentimental est un des genres les plus lus, les plus traduits et les plus diffusés. Malgré sa mauvaise réputation, il est étonnant de constater le nombre de ces romans vendus, tous pays confondus. Dans les Antilles, ce phénomène est particulièrement palpable : la présence, et la réception de ces œuvres témoignent de l’engouement pour le genre. Notre étude a pour objectif de dégager d’un corpus sentimental antillais les aspects les plus significatifs. Nous analyserons, d’une part, le schéma narratif élaboré en marge de celui proposé par le roman sentimental classique et, d’autre part, l’esthétique du quotidien mise en place pour créer un sentiment d’appartenance chez le lectorat. Il nous sera ainsi possible de mettre en évidence le discours socioculturel propre à ce genre et plus spécifiquement aux femmes antillaises. Par ailleurs, cette recherche postule que l'appropriation des invariants romanesques et l'élaboration d'une visée didactique participent à l'intégration du roman sentimental antillais dans la sphère des littératures « sérieuses ». Enfin, ce mémoire défend l’idée selon laquelle l’écriture romanesque des auteures étudiées contribue au projet littéraire antillais de réappropriation identitaire.


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Alors que la critique soutient souvent que le didactisme dans la littérature québécoise pour la jeunesse est chose du passé, l’analyse sociocritique, dans le présent mémoire, de plusieurs romans pour adolescents publiés après 1980 montre plutôt qu’il y subsiste et que les thèmes (conflits entre parents et adolescents, famille, sexualité) et les formes (narration ou focalisation à partir du point de vue de personnages adolescents) souvent invoqués par la critique pour prouver sa disparition constituent précisément les dimensions d’un didactisme d’un nouveau genre. Les personnages adolescents des romans analysés proposent des portraits de parents, des jugements sur des modèles familiaux et des citations de conseils sur la sexualité qui peuvent tous être considérés comme des stratégies didactiques. En plus de mettre de l’avant certaines valeurs, ces discours tenus par les adolescents constituent un métadidactisme qui réinscrit dans les œuvres elles-mêmes la relation, qui est au cœur même de la définition de la littérature jeunesse, entre un adulte détenteur de savoir et un jeune considéré comme un être en formation.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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The present thesis studies the appropriate education of the literary gender based in an approach of trans-disciplinary teaching. The main objectives will be to survey the degree of trans-disciplinarity of the literary reading in classrooms and to propose the literary reading as an alternative of trans-disciplinary teaching. The theoretical contributions, which sustain the lines of central argument of this thesis, are related to the critical theories on the epistemological and methodological crisis in the speech of the modernity; the emergency of an emerging paradigm under the optics of the speech of the post-modernity; the theories concerned to curriculums and their interrelations with the school teaching; the theories of the complexity and of the inter and trans-disciplinarity; theories of the reading and of the literature, more precisely the literary semiology and the aesthetics of the acceptance; theories about the pedagogic mediation starting from presupposed and trans-disciplinary principles. The methodological foundations, of the type inter and trans-disciplinary, which anchor the approach of the study is related to a line of qualitative analyses applied the teaching-learning situation accomplished during the data collection during the empiric stage of the research. The analyzed corpus is composed of episodes originated from the classes with literary texts accomplished in the months of June and December of 2005, under the orientation of a complex and trans-disciplinary didacticism. The involved subjects are students in the age group of 9 and 13 years of age from a public school in the county of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, in the State of Pernambuco. Starting from the discoveries found during the research, so much bibliographical, as that of the field, it is possible to conclude, among other things, that the literary reading, when mediated accordingly in the classroom, is a trans-disciplinary object of high degree, because the literary reading can allow and make it possible to the real reader, through a necessary process of speculation on life and its unfolding, solid reflection around the individual and collective occurrences so much in simpler instances as in more complex ones


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This paper presents an evaluation of the curriculum subjects of the Biological Sciences course in the University of the State of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Nova Xavantina campus, Brazil. The research was carried out by means of a self-assessment instrument, aimed at searching learners' and educators' points of view. The questionnaires were given in the first, third and seventh semesters, in which students were asked to assess pedagogical aspects regarding professors and their didacticism, as well as the subject matters being taught; in addition, they were invited to evaluate themselves as learners. The data was analyzed using statistical parameters, in order to measure teaching performance, and, subsequently, professors were given the opportunity to express their concepts about the students' assessment. The average value of the overall Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.923±0.001, a significant value considering that alpha varies between 0 and 1, which proves the questionnaire to be reliable. The hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) does not permit teaching performance to be associated with professors' qualification or workload.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to analise the relevance of the pedagogical coordinator as a mediator subject of the instructor formation within the school context. Thus, I seek to comprehend the functions that this coordinator may develop at school, affirming the contributions of dialogue and writing as instances of the resignification of the teaching practice. In this sense, the meetings of the HTPC(Collective Pedagogical Working Hours) are relevant spaces of the teaching practice. This qualitative investigation is the result of a bibliographic research, about the theoretical production, in the field of the education, that aims the thematic of the pedagogical coordinator and his functions at school. I've considered the articles located at the “Anais” of the ENDIPE(National Meeting of Didacticism and Teaching Practice) clipping the years of 2004,2006 and 2010, in the subject of teacher training, just like some bibliographic productions. I also introduce a teacher's report that helps to comprehend the HTPCs meetings as important spaces of experiences exchanges between the teachers, contributing to the quality of education offered


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This book is a synthesizing reflection on the Holocaust commemoration, in which space becomes a starting point for discussion. The author understands space primarily as an amalgam of physical and social components, where various commemorative processes may occur. The first part of the book draws attention to the material aspect of space, which determines its character and function. Material culture has been a long ignored and depreciated dimension of human culture in the humanities and social sciences, because it was perceived as passive and fully controlled by human will, and therefore insignificant in the course of social and historical processes. An example of the Nazi system perfectly illustrates how important were the restrictions and prohibitions on the usage of mundane objects, and in general, the whole material culture in relation to macro and micro space management — the state, cities, neighborhoods and houses, but also parks and swimming pools, factories and offices or shops and theaters. The importance of things and space was also clearly visible in exploitative policies present in overcrowded ghettos and concentration and death camps. For this very reason, when we study spatial forms of Holocaust commemoration, it should be acknowledged that the first traces, proofs and mementoes of the murdered were their things. The first "monuments" showing the enormity of the destruction are thus primarily gigantic piles of objects — shoes, glasses, toys, clothes, suitcases, toothbrushes, etc., which together with the extensive camps’ space try to recall the scale of a crime impossible to understand or imagine. The first chapter shows the importance of introducing the material dimension in thinking about space and commemoration, and it ends with a question about one of the key concepts for the book, a monument, which can be understood as both object (singular or plural) and architecture (sculptures, buildings, highways). However, the term monument tends to be used rather in a later and traditional sense, as an architectural, figurative form commemorating the heroic deeds, carved in stone or cast in bronze. Therefore, the next chapter reconstructs this narrower line of thinking, together with a discussion about what form a monument commemorating a subject as delicate and sensitive as the Holocaust should take on. This leads to an idea of the counter-monument, the concept which was supposed to be the answer to the mentioned representational dilemma on the one hand, and which would disassociate it from the Nazi’s traditional monuments on the other hand. This chapter clarifies the counter-monument definition and explains the misunderstandings and confusions generated on the basis of this concept by following the dynamics of the new commemorative form and by investigating monuments from the ‘80s and ‘90s erected in Germany. In the next chapter, I examine various forms of the Holocaust commemoration in Berlin, a city famous for its bold, monumental, and even controversial projects. We find among them the entire spectrum of memorials – big, monumental, and abstract forms, like Peter Eisenman’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe or Daniel Liebeskind’s Jewish Museum Berlin; flat, invisible, and employing the idea of emptiness, like Christian Boltanski’s Missing House or Micha Ullman’s Book Burning Memorial; the dispersed and decentralized, like Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock’s Memory Places or Gunter Demnig’s Stumbling Blocks. I enrich descriptions of the monuments by signaling at this point their second, extended life, which manifests itself in the alternative modes of (mis)use, consisting of various social activities or artistic performances. The formal wealth of the outlined projects creates a wide panorama of possible solutions to the Holocaust commemoration problems. However, the discussions accompanying the building of monuments and their "future life" after realization emphasize the importance of the social component that permeates the biography of the monument, and therefore significantly influences its foreseen design. The book also addresses the relationship of space, place and memory in a specific situation, when commemoration is performed secretly or remains as unrealized potential. Although place is the most common space associated with memory, today the nature of this relationship changes, and is what indicates popularity and employment of such terms as Marc Augé’s non-places or Pierre Nora’s site of memory. I include and develop these concepts about space and memory in my reflections to describe qualitatively different phenomena occurring in Central and Eastern European countries. These are unsettling places in rural areas like glades or parking lots, markets and playgrounds in urban settings. I link them to the post-war time and modernization processes and call them sites of non-memory and non-sites of memory. Another part of the book deals with a completely different form of commemoration called Mystery of memory. Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre in Lublin initiated it in 2000 and as a form it situates itself closer to the art of theater than architecture. Real spaces and places of everyday interactions become a stage for these performances, such as the “Jewish town” in Lublin or the Majdanek concentration camp. The minimalist scenography modifies space and reveals its previously unseen dimensions, while the actors — residents and people especially related to places like survivors and Righteous Among the Nations — are involved in the course of the show thanks to various rituals and symbolic gestures. The performance should be distinguished from social actions, because it incorporates tools known from religious rituals and art, which together saturate the mystery of memory with an aura of uniqueness. The last discussed commemoration mode takes the form of exposition space. I examine an exhibition concerning the fate of the incarcerated children presented in one of the barracks of the Majdanek State Museum in Lublin. The Primer – Children in Majdanek Camp is unique for several reasons. First, because even though it is exhibited in the camp barrack, it uses a completely different filter to tell the story of the camp in comparison to the exhibitions in the rest of the barracks. For this reason, one experiences immersing oneself in all subsequent levels of space and narrative accompanying them – at first, in a general narrative about the camp, and later in a specifically arranged space marked by children’s experiences, their language and thinking, and hence formed in a way more accessible for younger visitors. Second, the exhibition resigns from didacticism and distancing descriptions, and takes an advantage of eyewitnesses and survivors’ testimonies instead. Third, the exhibition space evokes an aura of strangeness similar to a fairy tale or a dream. It is accomplished thanks to the arrangement of various, usually highly symbolic material objects, and by favoring the fragrance and phonic sensations, movement, while belittling visual stimulations. The exhibition creates an impression of a place open to thinking and experiencing, and functions as an asylum, a radically different form to its camp surrounding characterized by a more overwhelming and austere space.