868 resultados para Dichotic listening


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The assumption that ignoring irrelevant sound in a serial recall situation is identical to ignoring a non-target channel in dichotic listening is challenged. Dichotic listening is open to moderating effects of working memory capacity (Conway et al., 2001) whereas irrelevant sound effects (ISE) are not (Beaman, 2004). A right ear processing bias is apparent in dichotic listening, whereas the bias is to the left ear in the ISE (Hadlington et al., 2004). Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging data (Scott et al., 2004, submitted) show bilateral activation of the superior temporal gyrus (STG) in the presence of intelligible, but ignored, background speech and right hemisphere activation of the STG in the presence of unintelligible background speech. It is suggested that the right STG may be involved in the ISE and a particularly strong left ear effect might occur because of the contralateral connections in audition. It is further suggested that left STG activity is associated with dichotic listening effects and may be influenced by working memory span capacity. The relationship of this functional and neuroanatomical model to known neural correlates of working memory is considered.


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The current study was designed to test for the effect of lateralized attention on prospective memory performance in a dichotic listening task. The practice phase of the experiment consisted of a semantic decision task during which the participants were presented with different words on either side via headphones. Depending on the experimental condition the participants were required to focus on the words presented on the left or right side and to decide if these words were abstract or concrete. Thereafter, the participants were informed about the prospective memory task. They were instructed to press a distinct key whenever they hear a word which denotes an animal in the same task later during the experiment. The participants were explicitly informed that the prospective memory cues could appear on either side of the headphones. This was followed by a retention interval which was filled with unrelated tasks. Next, the participants performed the prospective memory task. The results revealed more prospective hits for the attended side. The finding suggests that noticing a prospective memory cue is not an automatic process but requires attention.


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We investigated the effects of angry prosody, varying focus of attention, and laterality of presentation of angry prosody on peripheral nervous system activity. Participants paid attention to either their left or their right ear while performing a sex discrimination task on dichotically presented pseudo-words. These pseudo-words were characterized by either angry or neutral prosody and presented stereophonically (anger/neutral, neutral/anger, or neutral/neutral, for the left/right ear, respectively). Reaction times and physiological responses (heart period, skin conductance, finger and forehead temperature) in this study were differentially sensitive to the effects of anger versus neutral prosody, varying focus of attention, and laterality of presentation of angry prosody.


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Objectives: Interference between a target and simultaneous maskers occurs both at the cochlear level through energetic masking and more centrally through informational masking (IM). Hence, quantifying the amount of IM requires a strict control of the energetic component. Presenting target and maskers on different sides (i.e., dichotically) reduces energetic masking but provides listeners with important lateralization cues that also drastically reduce IM. The main purpose of this study (Experiment 1) was to evaluate a "switch" manipulation aiming at restoring most of the IM despite dichotic listening. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate the source of the difficulty induced by this switching dichotic condition.

Design: In Experiment 1, the authors presented 60 normal-hearing young adults with a detection task in which a regularly repeating target was embedded in a randomly varying background masker. The authors evaluated spatial masking release induced by three different dichotic listening conditions in comparison with a diotic baseline. Dichotic stimuli were presented in either a nonswitching or a switching condition. In the latter case, the presentation sides of dichotic target and maskers alternated several times throughout 10 sec sequences. The impact of the number of switches on IM was investigated parametrically, with both pure and complex tone sequences. In Experiment 2, the authors compared performance of 13 young, normal-hearing listeners in a monotic and dichotic version of the rapidly switching condition, using pure-tone sequences.

Results: When target and maskers switched rapidly within sequences, IM was significantly stronger than in nonswitching dichotic sequences and was comparable with the masking effect induced by diotic sequences. Furthermore, Experiment 2 suggests that rapidly switching target and maskers prevent listeners from relying on lateralization cues inherent to the dichotic condition, hence preserving important amounts of IM.

Conclusions: This paradigm thus provides an original tool to isolate IM in signal and maskers having overlapping spectra.


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Les personnes non-voyantes montrent dans les différents aspects de leurs vies qu’elles sont capables de s’adapter à la privation visuelle en utilisant les capacités intactes comme l’ouï ou le toucher. Elles montrent qu’elles peuvent bien évoluer dans leur environnement en absence de vision et démontrent même des fois des habiletés supérieures à celles des personnes voyantes. La recherche de ces dernières décennies s’est beaucoup intéressée aux capacités adaptatives des non-voyants surtout avec l’avènement des nouvelles techniques d’imagerie qui ont permis d’investiguer des domaines qui ne l’étaient pas ou l’étaient difficilement avant. Les capacités supérieures des non voyants dans l’utilisation plus efficace des informations auditives et tactiles semblent avoir leur base neuronale dans le dans le cortex visuel désafférenté, qui continu à être fonctionnel après la privation sensorielle et s’en trouve recruté pour le traitement de stimulations dites intermodales : auditives, tactiles et même montre une implication dans des processus de plus haut niveau, comme la mémoire ou le langage. Cette implication fonctionnelle intermodale résulte de la plasticité du cortex visuel c'est-à-dire sa capacité à changer sa structure, sa fonction et d’adapter ses interactions avec les autres systèmes en l’absence de vision. La plasticité corticale n’est pas exclusive au cortex visuel mais est un état permanent de tout le cerveau. Pour mesurer l’activité du cortex visuel des non voyants, une mesure d’excitabilité de ses neurones consiste à mesurer le temps de recouvrement de l’onde N1 en potentiels évoqués, qui est plus rapide chez les non voyants dans la modalité auditive. En effet, les réponses en potentiels et champs évoqués ont été utilisés en EEG/MEG pour mettre en évidence des changements plastiques dans le cortex visuel des non-voyants pour le traitement de stimuli dans les modalités auditives et tactiles. Ces réponses étaient localisées dans les régions postérieures chez les non voyants contrairement aux contrôles voyants. Un autre type de réponse auditive a reçu moins d’intérêt dans la recherche concernant la réorganisation fonctionnelle en relation avec la privation sensorielle, il s’agit de la réponse auditive oscillatoire (Auditory Steady-State Response ASSR). C’est une réponse qui a l’avantage d’osciller au rythme de stimulation et d’être caractérisé par une réponse des aires auditives étiquetée à la fréquence de stimulation. Cette étiquette se présente sous la forme qu’un pic d’énergie spectrale important qui culmine aux fréquences présentes dans la stimulation. Elle a également l’avantage d’être localisée dans les régions auditives primaires, de là tout changement de localisation de cette réponse chez des non voyants en faveur des régions visuelles pourrait être considéré comme une évidence de la réorganisation fonctionnelle qui s’opère après une privation sensorielle précoce. Le but de cette thèse est donc d’utiliser la réponse oscillatoire à l’écoute des sons modulés en amplitude (MA) pour mettre en évidence les corrélats de la réorganisation fonctionnelle dans le cortex visuel des non-voyants précoces. La modulation de la réponse auditive dans les régions visuelles nous permettra de montrer qu’une réorganisation est possible chez les non-voyants pour ce traitement intermodal. La première étude est une validation du paradigme expérimental «frequency tagged sounds». Il s’agit de montrer qu’une tâche de détection de changement dans la stimulation, permet de moduler la réponse ASSR aux sons modulés en amplitude en vue de l’utiliser dans les études chez les non voyants et dans les conditions d’une privation visuelle transitoire (avec les yeux bandés). Un groupe de sujets voyants ont réalisé une tâche de détection de changement dans la stimulation les yeux ouverts dans deux conditions : écoute active qui consiste à détecter un changement dans la fréquence porteuse de la modulation en appuyant avec l’index droit sur un bouton de réponse et une condition d’écoute passive. Les sons étaient présentés en écoute monaurale et dichotique. Les résultats ont montré une différence significative à l’occurrence du changement dans la stimulation en écoute dichotique seulement. Les schémas de plus grande réponse controlatérale et de suppression binaurale décrit dans la littérature ont été confirmés. La deuxième étude avait pour but de mettre en évidence une réorganisation rapide de la réponse ASSR chez un groupe de sujets voyants dans les conditions de privation visuelle transitoire de courte durée, par bandage des yeux pendant six heures. Le même protocole expérimental que la première étude a été utilisé en écoute active seulement. Les résultats montrent que dans ces conditions une modulation de la réponse corticale en écoute dichotique dans les régions visuelles est possible. Ces sources d’activité occipitale adoptent une propriété du cortex auditif qui est le battement binaural, c'est-à-dire l’oscillation de la réponse ASSR à la différence des fréquences présentées dans chaque oreille. Cet effet est présent chez la moitié des sujets testés. La représentation corticale des sources occipitales évolue durant la période de privation et montre un déplacement des sources d’activité dans la direction antéropostérieure à la fin de la période de privation. La troisième étude a permis de comparer le traitement de la réponse ASSR dans un groupe de non-voyants congénitaux à un groupe de voyants contrôles, pour investiguer les corrélats de la réorganisation fonctionnelle de cette réponse après une privation sensorielle de longue durée c'est-à-dire chez des non voyants congénitaux. Les résultats montrent des différences significatives dans la représentation spectrale de la réponse entre les deux groupes avec néanmoins des activations temporales importantes aussi bien chez les non voyants que chez les contrôles voyants. Des sources distribuées ont été localisées dans les régions associatives auditives dans les deux groupes à la différence des non voyants où il y avait en plus l’implication des régions temporales inférieures, connues comme étant activées par la vision des objets chez les voyants et font partie de la voie visuelle du quoi. Les résultats présentés dans le cadre de cette thèse vont dans le sens d’une réorganisation rapide de la réponse auditive oscillatoire après une privation visuelle transitoire de courte durée par l’implication des régions visuelles dans le traitement de la réponse ASSR par l’intermédiaire du démasquage de connections existantes entre le cortex visuel et le cortex auditif. La privation visuelle de longue durée, elle conduit à des changements plastiques, d’une part intra modaux par l’extension de l’activité aux régions temporales supérieures et médianes. D’autre part, elle induit des changements inter modaux par l’implication fonctionnelle des régions temporales inférieures visuelles dans le traitement des sons modulés en amplitude comme objets auditifs alors qu’elles sont normalement dédiées au traitement des objets visuels. Cette réorganisation passe probablement par les connections cortico-corticales.


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This review highlights the importance of right hemisphere language functions for successful social communication and advances the hypothesis that the core deficit in psychosis is a failure of segregation of right from left hemisphere functions. Lesion studies of stroke patients and dichotic listening and functional imaging studies of healthy people have shown that some language functions are mediated by the right hemisphere rather than the left. These functions include discourse planning/comprehension, understanding humour, sarcasm, metaphors and indirect requests, and the generation/comprehension of emotional prosody. Behavioural evidence indicates that patients with typical schizophrenic illnesses perform poorly on tests of these functions, and aspects of these functions are disturbed in schizo-affective and affective psychoses. The higher order language functions mediated by the right hemisphere are essential to an accurate understanding of someone's communicative intent, and the deficits displayed by patients with schizophrenia may make a significant contribution to their social interaction deficits. We outline a bi-hemispheric theory of the neural basis of language that emphasizes the role of the sapiens-specific cerebral torque in determining the four-chambered nature of the human brain in relation to the origins of language and the symptoms of schizophrenia. Future studies of abnormal lateralization of left hemisphere language functions need to take account of the consequences of a failure of lateralization of language functions to the right as well as the left hemisphere.


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Bottom-up processes can interrupt ongoing cognitive processing in order to adaptively respond to emotional stimuli of high potential significance, such as those that threaten wellbeing. However it is vital that this interference can be modulated in certain contexts to focus on current tasks. Deficits in the ability to maintain the appropriate balance between cognitive and emotional demands can severely impact on day-to-day activities. This fMRI study examined this interaction between threat processing and cognition; 18 adult participants performed a visuospatial working memory (WM) task with two load conditions, in the presence and absence of anxiety induction by threat of electric shock. Threat of shock interfered with performance in the low cognitive load condition; however interference was eradicated under high load, consistent with engagement of emotion regulation mechanisms. Under low load the amygdala showed significant activation to threat of shock that was modulated by high cognitive load. A directed top-down control contrast identified two regions associated with top-down control; ventrolateral PFC and dorsal ACC. Dynamic causal modeling provided further evidence that under high cognitive load, top-down inhibition is exerted on the amygdala and its outputs to prefrontal regions. Additionally, we hypothesized that individual differences in a separate, non-emotional top-down control task would predict the recruitment of dorsal ACC and ventrolateral PFC during top-down control of threat. Consistent with this, performance on a separate dichotic listening task predicted dorsal ACC and ventrolateral PFC activation during high WM load under threat of shock, though activation in these regions did not directly correlate with WM performance. Together, the findings suggest that under high cognitive load and threat, top-down control is exerted by dACC and vlPFC to inhibit threat processing, thus enabling WM performance without threat-related interference.


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O transtorno do processamento auditivo é uma entidade clínica que pode estar associado a diversos distúrbios da comunicação humana, entre estes o distúrbio de aprendizagem. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com e sem distúrbio de aprendizagem nos testes de Fala com Ruído e Escuta Dicótica de Dígitos e Verbal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Participaram 40 escolares, de ambos os gêneros, com faixa etária de 8 a 12 anos, divididos em dois grupos: GI: composto por 20 escolares com diagnóstico de distúrbio de Aprendizagem e GII: composto por 20 escolares com bom desempenho escolar, pareados segundo gênero, faixa etária e escolaridade com GI. Foram realizadas avaliações audiológicas básicas e Testes de Dicótico de Dígitos, Dissílabos Alternados (SSW) e Fala com Ruído. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo transversal com corte histórica. RESULTADOS: Os escolares de GI apresentaram desempenho inferior ao dos escolares de GII, nos testes Dicótico de Dígitos e Dissílabos Alternados e desempenho sem diferença estatisticamente significante no Teste de fala com Ruído. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem que o grupo de escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem apresenta desempenho inferior em relação ao grupo sem dificuldades, refletindo dificuldades no processamento das informações auditivas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Research on semantic processing focused mainly on isolated units in language, which does not reflect the complexity of language. In order to understand how semantic information is processed in a wider context, the first goal of this thesis was to determine whether Swedish pre-school children are able to comprehend semantic context and if that context is semantically built up over time. The second goal was to investigate how the brain distributes attentional resources by means of brain activation amplitude and processing type. Swedish preschool children were tested in a dichotic listening task with longer children’s narratives. The development of event-related potential N400 component and its amplitude were used to investigate both goals. The decrease of the N400 in the attended and unattended channel indicated semantic comprehension and that semantic context was built up over time. The attended stimulus received more resources, processed the stimuli in more of a top-down manner and displayed prominent N400 amplitude in contrast to the unattended stimulus. The N400 and the late positivity were more complex than expected since endings of utterances longer than nine words were not accounted for. More research on wider linguistic context is needed in order to understand how the human brain comprehends natural language. 


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Talk is the foundation for thought and understanding, and the key to literacy learning. Research demonstrates that powerful meta-cognitive strategies can be taught to help students self-monitor their comprehension when reading print and digital texts. This paper provides a repertoire of motivating speaking and listening tips to develop the meta-cognitive thinking of students in the elementary years.


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In my work with secondary school students who have disengaged from mainstream classrooms, I have often been surprised at the ways they enthusiastically engage with the projects on offer. They have demonstrated that, in apparent contradiction of their classroom behaviour, they still maintain hope in achieving a positive outcome from education. In a long-running schools-university project employing a “students-as-researchers” approach to investigating educational disadvantage, “at-risk” students have produced high quality results. Naturally, I wanted to know what it was about this sort of pedagogy that seemed to work for them. In this chapter, then, I outline the project and discuss some reasons for disengagement. I then address the features of the project that the participants themselves have identified as being instrumental in their re-engagement with formal education. Finally, I consider how these features may be transposed to maintaining the educational engagement of at-risk students in mainstream classrooms.


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Climate change and human activity are subjecting the environment to unprecedented rates of change. Monitoring these changes is an immense task that demands new levels of automated monitoring and analysis. We propose the use of acoustics as a proxy for the time consuming auditing of fauna, especially for determining the presence/absence of species. Acoustic monitoring is deceptively simple; seemingly all that is required is a sound recorder. However there are many major challenges if acoustics are to be used for large scale monitoring of ecosystems. Key issues are scalability and automation. This paper discusses our approach to this important research problem. Our work is being undertaken in collaboration with ecologists interested both in identifying particular species and in general ecosystem health.


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The requirement to monitor the rapid pace of environmental change due to global warming and to human development is producing large volumes of data but placing much stress on the capacity of ecologists to store, analyse and visualise that data. To date, much of the data has been provided by low level sensors monitoring soil moisture, dissolved nutrients, light intensity, gas composition and the like. However, a significant part of an ecologist’s work is to obtain information about species diversity, distributions and relationships. This task typically requires the physical presence of an ecologist in the field, listening and watching for species of interest. It is an extremely difficult task to automate because of the higher order difficulties in bandwidth, data management and intelligent analysis if one wishes to emulate the highly trained eyes and ears of an ecologist. This paper is concerned with just one part of the bigger challenge of environmental monitoring – the acquisition and analysis of acoustic recordings of the environment. Our intention is to provide helpful tools to ecologists – tools that apply information technologies and computational technologies to all aspects of the acoustic environment. The on-line system which we are building in conjunction with ecologists offers an integrated approach to recording, data management and analysis. The ecologists we work with have different requirements and therefore we have adopted the toolbox approach, that is, we offer a number of different web services that can be concatenated according to need. In particular, one group of ecologists is concerned with identifying the presence or absence of species and their distributions in time and space. Another group, motivated by legislative requirements for measuring habitat condition, are interested in summary indices of environmental health. In both case, the key issues are scalability and automation.


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Objectives: This paper provides an example of a mental health research partnership underpinned by empowerment principles that seeks to foster strength among community organizations to support better outcomes for consumers, families and communities. It aims to raise awareness among researchers and service providers that empowerment approaches to assist communities to address mental health problems are not too difficult to be practical but require long-term commitment and appropriate support. Methods: A collaborative research strategy that has become known as the Priority Driven Research (PDR) Partnership emerged through literature review,consultations, Family Wellbeing Program delivery with community groups and activities in two discrete Indigenous communities. Progress to date on three of the four components of the strategy is described. Results: The following key needs were identified in a pilot study and are now being addressed in a research-based implementation phase: (i) gaining two-way understanding of perspectives on mental health and promoting universal awareness; (ii) supporting the empowerment of carers, families, consumers and at-risk groups through existing community organizations to gain greater understanding and control of their situation; (iii) developing pathways of care at the primary health centre level to enable support of social and emotional wellbeing as well as more integrated mental health care; (iv) accessing data to enable an ongoing process of analysis/sharing/planning and monitoring to inform future activity. Conclusion: One of the key learnings to emerge in this project so far is that empowerment through partnership becomes possible when there is a concerted effort to strengthen grassroots community organizations. These include social health teams and men’s and women’s groups that can engage local people in an action orientation. Key words: Aboriginal, empowerment, Indigenous, mental health.