982 resultados para Diametro mesio-distal


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Em 60 modelos de gesso ortodônticos foram medidas as larguras mésio-distais dos dentes, de segundo molar a segundo molar, em ambos os arcos, utilizando um paquímetro digital modificado. Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar o valor médio para a largura de cada dente e observar a presença de dimorfismo sexual, em indivíduos brasileiros leucodermas, com a média de idade de 16,03 anos (25 do sexo masculino e 35 do sexo feminino), não tratados ortodonticamente e portadores de oclusão normal, apresentando no mínimo quatro das seis chaves de oclusão, conforme descrito por ANDREWS. Os valores das médias individuais dos dentes estudados foram utilizados para a elaboração de uma tabela, correspondentes aos arcos superior e inferior. Superior Medida S 7 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 Média 10,01 10,11 6,72 7,17 7,99 6.85 8,87 Inferior Medida I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 Média 10,29 11,19 7,14 7,23 6,93 5,98 5,43 Os dentes dos indivíduos do sexo masculino apresentaram maior largura mésio-distal em relação aos do sexo feminino. Esta diferença encontra-se representada abaixo, em porcentagens. Superior Medida S 7 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 % 5,94 5,16 3,32 4,84 7,61 3,85 6,72 Inferior Medida I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 % 4,66 5,48 5,01 5,81 8,52 4,78 5,08


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The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the tensile bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system to three different dentinal substrates. Primary molar teeth that had been recently exfoliated (RE), with unknown time of exfoliation (UT), and extracted due to prolonged retention (PR) were used for this investigation. Ten primary molar teeth of each group were cut in the middle following the mesio-distal direction, creating a total of twenty specimens per group. The specimens were included in acrylic resin and had a flat dentin surface exposed. The self-etching adhesive system was applied to this surface and a 3-millimeter high cone with diameter of 2 mm in the adhesion area was constructed using composite resin. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37ºC for 24 hours. Fifteen specimens of each substrate were used for the tensile bond test (n = 15) and 5 had the interface analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data was examined by one-way ANOVA and presented no significant differences between groups (p = 0.5787). The mean values obtained for RE, UT and PR were 18.39 ± 9.70, 19.41 ± 7.80, and 23.30 ± 9.37 MPa, respectively. Any dentinal substrates of primary teeth studied are safe for tensile bond strength tests with adhesive systems.


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Objectif: L'objectif primaire de cette étude était d'évaluer la validité, la fiabilité et la reproductibilité des mesures dentaires obtenues sur les modèles digitaux iTero (Align Technology, San Jose, Californie) et Unitek TMP Digital (3M, Monrovia, Californie) en comparaison avec celles obtenues sur les modèles de plâtre (gold standard). L'objectif secondaire était de comparer les deux différents matériaux à empreinte (l'alginate et le polyvinylsiloxane-PVS) afin de déterminer si le choix du matériau affectait la précision des mesures. Méthodes: Le premier volet de l'étude impliquait les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero, obtenus à partir de 25 paires de modèles de plâtre choisis de façon randomisée et provenant de la pratique privée d'un des co-auteurs. Des empreintes d'alginate et de PVS ont été prises sur les modèles de plâtre et numérisées par le scanner Unitek. Les modèles ont ensuite été numérisés avec le scanner iTero. Le deuxième volet de l'étude cherchait à comparer les modèles digitaux iTero (numérisation intra-orale) avec les modèles de plâtre (empreintes d'alginate et de PVS) obtenus à partir de 25 patients de la clinique d'orthodontie de l'Université de Montréal ayant besoin d'un traitement orthodontique. Dans les deux volets de l'étude, deux auteurs ont pris les mesures suivantes sur les différents modèles: largeur mésio-distale de chaque dent de la première molaire à l'autre première molaire, le périmètre d'arcade, les distances intermolaire et intercanine, le surplomb vertical et le surplomb horizontal. Les ratios et excès Bolton 6 et 12, l'espace requis et les différentiels d'espace au maxillaire et à la mandibule, ont été calculés. Résultats: La fiabilité (ICC) entre les modèles digitaux (Unitek et iTero) et les modèles de plâtre était bonne à excellente pour toutes les mesures [ICC=0,762–0,998], et la fiabilité entre les deux matériaux à empreinte était excellente [ICC=0,947–0,996]. Dans les deux volets de l'étude, les mesures faites sur les modèles iTero étaient généralement plus grandes que celles faites sur les modèles de plâtre. Les plus grandes différences moyennes pour la comparaison iTero-plâtre étaient trouvées au niveau de l'espace disponible au maxillaire et à la mandibule (systématiquement plus grande pour cette variable), soit 2,24 mm et 2,02 mm respectivement dans le premier volet, et 1,17 mm et 1,39 mm respectivement dans le deuxième volet. Les différences étaient considérées cliniquement non significatives pour toutes les variables. La reproductibilité intra-examinateur était bonne à excellente pour les modèles de plâtre et les modèles digitaux, à l'exception du différentiel d'espace à la mandibule pour les modèles Unitek [ICC=0,690-0,692]. La reproductibilité inter-examinateur était bonne à excellente pour les modèles de plâtre et les modèles digitaux dans les deux volets de l'étude, mais acceptable à modérée pour les modèles Unitek au niveau des analyses Bolton 6 et 12, et des différentiels d'espace au maxillaire et à la mandibule [ICC=0,362-0,548]. Conclusions: La précision et la fiabilité des mesures dentaires faites sur les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero étaient cliniquement acceptables et reproductibles en comparaison avec les celles faites sur les modèles de plâtre. Le choix de matériel à empreinte entre l'alginate et le PVS n'affectait pas la précision des mesures. Cette étude semble démontrer que les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero, utilisés avec leur logiciel respectif, sont une alternative fiable et reproductible aux modèles de plâtre pour le diagnostic et l’analyse des modèles orthodontiques.


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Objective. To evaluate the periapical repair after root canal treatment in the teeth of dogs using CT and conventional radiography and to compare these findings with the gold standard microscopic evaluation. Study design. The animals were divided into three groups according to endodontic treatment performed: Group 1, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth without apical periodontitis; Group 2, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis; and Group 3, endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis using calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing. Group 4 consisted of teeth with apical periodontitis not submitted to root canal treatment and Group 5 consisted of healthy teeth without periapical disease. Radiographic, tomographic, and microscopic evaluations were performed by blind examiners. At 180 days experimental time, CT and radiographic measurements of periapical disease were compared with the gold standard microscopic measurement using intraclass correlation coefficient. Intergroup comparisons considering different methods of periapical lesions measurement or different clinical protocols of root canal treatment were performed by Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunn. Integrity of lamina dura, presence of radiolucent areas, and presence of root resorption were analyzed by Fisher`s exact test. Results. There was discontinuity of the lamina dura and CPD in all teeth from Groups 2, 3, and 4 evaluated by tomography and radiography 45 days after CPD induction. Radiographically, 180 days after root canal treatment, there was no periapical lesion in teeth from Groups 1 and 3, different from groups 2 and 4 (p < .05). The highest reduction in the CPD size was observed on Group 3 (p < .05). According to the tomographic results, there was decrease of the size of the CPD on Group 3 but not on Groups 2 or 4. However, in all groups the periapical lesions presented larger mesio-distal extension if compared with radiography, both 45 days after CPD induction and 180 days after root canal treatment. At 180 days, CT measurements were closely related to microscopic results (ICC = 0.95) differently from radiographic evaluation (ICC = 0.86). Conclusion. CT Scan evaluation of periapical repair following root canal treatment provided similar information than that obtained by microscopic analysis, whereas radiographic evaluation underestimated the size do periapical lesion. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108:796-805)


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A finite element analysis was carried out to study the role of prefabricated threaded split shaft post (Flexi-Post) on dentinal stress in pulpless tooth. Three dimensional plane strain model of mesio-distal section of a human maxillary central incisor without restoration was analysed with the MSC/NASTRAN (MacNeal/ Schwendler) general purpose finite analysis program was executed on a microcomputer. The model as discretized into 48.954 axisymmetric finite elements defined by 10.355 nodes. Each element was assigned unique elastic properties to represent the materials modeled. Homogeneity, isotropy and linear elasticity were assume for all material. A simulation of static load of 100N was applied to the incisal edge of the post; vertical. Maximal principal stresses and von Mises equivalent stress were calculated. Using the element analysis model employed in this study, the following can be concluded concerning threaded split shaft post (Flexi-Post): Maximum principal stresses in dentin were located at cervical place and at the post apex. The apical threads of the post not redirecting stresses away from the root.


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Background: Although there are several studies that show the prevalence and diameter of accessory root canals in the furcation area, there is a scarceness of studies that observe the trajectory and different types of cavo-interradicular canals. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of the different morphologic types of accessory canals in the furcation region in an attempt to show their trajectories.Methods: Forty submerged mandibular third molars were used, which were extracted and decalcified so that the microtomy procedure in the mesio-distal axial plane could be performed, obtaining semiserial sections with thicknesses of 5 mu m. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and observed under optical microscopy.Results: All of the morphologic types were found, whereas the proper accessory canals, type-A canals, were present in 10% of the specimens. The most prevalent canals were the sealed ones (type D), with a prevalence of 87.5%, followed by the blind ones (type B), with a prevalence of 75%. The loop accessory canals (type C), observed in only 5% of the teeth, were the least prevalent ones.Conclusions: Different morphologic types of accessory canals were found in the furcation area of submerged mandibular molars. The histologic method was effective to show the canal trajectories.


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This study determined the size of aluminum oxide particles used in an air abrasion system that is able to remove carious dentin tissue with maximum preservation of sound structure. Thirty extracted and carious-free third molars were used in this study. The dentin sample was obtained by sectioning the middle of the crown longitudinal to the long axis of the tooth in a mesio-distal direction. One half of the crown corresponded to the sound dentin group (SD), while the other half was used to develop artificial caries, constituting the, carious dentin group (CD). The specimens were air abraded for 15 seconds. The SD and CD groups were each randomly divided into three subgroups (N=10) according to the particle diameter employed (27, 50 and 125 pm). The prepared cavity was perpendicularly cut in half, and the profiles of all hemi-fragments were observed using SEM microscopy. The cavity measurements were made using a modified cephalometric analysis. The 27, 50 and 125 pun aluminum oxide particles did not present selectivity in the removal of carious dentin. However, when using the air abrasive technique for carious dentin treatment, the use of 27 and 50 pun aluminum oxide particles is recommended, due to their capacity to remove less sound tissue than the 125 pun particles.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to histologically evaluate the healing of surgically created Class II furcation defects treated using an autogenous bone (AB) graft with or without a calcium sulfate (CS) barrier. Methods: The second, third, and fourth mandibular premolars (P2, P3, and P4) of six mongrel dogs were used in this study. Class II furcation defects (5 mm in height × 2 mm in depth) were surgically created and immediately treated. Teeth were randomly divided into three groups: group C (control), in which the defect was filled with blood clot; group AB, in which the defect was filled with AB graft; and group AB/CS, in which the defect was filled with AB graft and covered by a CS barrier. Elaps were repositioned to cover all defects. The animals were euthanized 90 days post-surgery. Mesio-distal serial sections were obtained and stained with either hematoxylin and eosin or Masson's trichrome. Histometric, using image-analysis software, and histologic analyses were performed. Linear and area measurements of periodontal healing were evaluated and calculated as a percentage of the original defect. Percentage data were transformed into arccosine for statistical analysis (analysis of variance; P<0.05). Results: Periodontal regeneration in the three groups was similar. Regeneration of bone and connective tissue in the furcation defects was incomplete in most of the specimens. Statistically significant differences were not found in any of the evaluated parameters among the groups. Conclusion: Periodontal healing was similar using surgical debridement alone, AB graft, or AB graft with a CS barrier in the treatment of Class II furcation defects.


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The objective of this study was to measure the thickness of the hybrid layer (HLT), length of resin tags (RTL) and bond strength (BS) in the same teeth, using a self-etching adhesive system Adper Prompt L Pop to intact dentin and to analyze the correlation between HLTand RTL and their BS. Ten human molars were used for the restorative procedures and each restored tooth was sectioned in mesio-distal direction. One section was submitted to light microscopy analysis of HLT and RTL (400x). Another section was prepared and submitted to the microtensile bond test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surfaces were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to determine the failure pattern. Correlation between HLT and RTL with the BS data was analyzed by linear regression. The mean values of HLT, RTL and BS were 3.36 microm, 12.97 microm and 14.10 MPa, respectively. No significant relationship between BS and HLT (R2= 0.011, p>0.05) and between BS and RTL (R2= 0.038) was observed. The results suggested that there was no significant correlation between the HLT and RTL with the BS of the self-etching adhesive to dentin.


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Objective: To analyze the effects of thermal cycling on the microtensile shear bond strength of a self-etching and a conventional pit and fissure sealants to dental enamel. Material and Method: Twenty-four healthy human molars extracted for orthodontic reasons, were sectioned in the mesio-distal direction and divided into two groups (n=24) according to the sealant to be applied: GI - conventional sealant Climpro (3M/ESPE) and GII - self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (Premier Dental). The sealants were applied on flattened enamel in matrixes 1 mm in diameter, in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. After this, half the samples of both groups were submitted to 500 thermal cycles in 30s baths at temperatures between 5 and 55°C. Forty-eight hours after the samples were made, the microtensile shear test was performed in an Instron 4411 test machine, with a stainless steel wire with a cylindrical cross section of 0.2mm in diameter at a constant speed of 0.5mm/s. The bond strength values were submitted to ANOVA for 2 factors and the fracture patterns were examined under an optical microscope at 65X magnification. Results: Thermal cycling did not influence the bond strength of the two sealants. The conventional sealant Climpro presented a statistically higher microtensile shear bond strength (11.72MPa, 11.34MPa with and without cycling, respectively) than the self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (5.92MPa, 5.02MPa with and without cycling, respectively). Fracture pattern analysis showed the occurrence of 100% of adhesive failures for Enamel Loc, while the conventional sealant Climpro presented 95% of adhesive failures and 5% of mixed failures. Conclusion: The conventional sealant presented higher microtensile shear bond strength to dental enamel in comparison with the self-etching sealant. Thermal cycling did not affect the bond strength of the sealants used in this study. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of the presence or absence of adjacent teeth on the level of the mesial and distal alveolar bony crest following healing at sites where implants were installed immediately into extraction sockets. Material and methods: Six Labrador dogs were used. In the right side of the mandible, full-thickness flaps were elevated, and the second, third, and fourth premolars and first molars were extracted. In the left side of the mandible, endodontic treatments of the mesial roots of the third and fourth premolars as well as of the first molars were performed. Full-thickness flaps were elevated, the teeth were hemi-sected, and the distal roots were removed. The second premolars were extracted as well. Subsequently, implants were bilaterally installed with the implant shoulder flush with the buccal bony crest. Implants were placed in the center of the alveoli, but at the fourth premolars, they were placed toward the lingual bony plate of the alveoli. After 3 months of healing, the animals were euthanized and histological sections of the sites prepared. Results: Larger bony crest resorption was observed at the test compared with the control sites, both at the bucco-lingual and mesio-distal aspects. The differences between test and controls for the coronal level of osseointegration were smaller than those for resorption. When data from all mesial and distal sites facing an adjacent tooth were collapsed and compared with those opposing an edentulous zone, lower bony crest resorption and deeper residual marginal defects were found at the sites with neighboring teeth. Conclusion: The extraction of teeth adjacent to a socket into which implants were installed immediately after tooth extraction caused more alveolar bone resorption both for the bucco-lingual and at the mesio-distal aspects compared with sites adjacent to a maintained tooth. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)