1000 resultados para Di Salvo, Anna -- Intervius
Entrevista amb Anna Di Salvo y Mirella Clausi
Trabalho de síntese apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, para discussão na prova de habilitação prevista no art° 58°do E.C.D.U.
Mode of access: Internet.
La tesi tratta della formulazione dell'assioma della scelta fatta da Zermelo e di alcune sue forme equivalenti. Inoltre si parlerà della sua storia, delle critiche che gli sono state mosse e degli importanti teoremi che seguono direttamente dall'assioma. Viene anche trattato il paradosso di Hausdorff che introduce il problema della misura e il paradosso di Banach-Tarscki.
Una sempre crescente quantità di informazione digitale viene condivisa tra miliardi di dispositivi connessi in ogni angolo del pianeta. Per riuscire a sfruttare una banda più ampia ed aumentare la velocità di trasmissione dei dati, i prossimi standard di telecomunicazioni wireless dovranno adoperare frequenze operative sempre più alte, cercando di rispettare stringenti specifiche in termini di affidabilità ed efficienza energetica. In generale, le prestazioni di un transistor dipenderanno dalle terminazioni a cui esso è collegato. In un setup di caratterizzazione e test, è possibile, tramite un metodo noto come load pull attivo, sintetizzare un determinato valore di impedenza ad uno o più piani di riferimento all'interno di un circuito. Questa strategia si basa in generale sulla manipolazione del rapporto tra onde entranti ed uscenti da un piano di riferimento del dispositivo. Se da una parte tecniche di load pull attivo a banda larga a radiofrequenza hanno ricevuto un notevole interesse sia commerciale che accademico, dall'altra le strategie per la sintesi di impedenze presenti al terminale di alimentazione dell'amplificatore, sono state meno investigate. Questo elaborato si propone di introdurre un algoritmo per il load pull attivo a banda base per amplificatori per applicazioni RF. Dopo un'introduzione sui modelli comportamentali degli amplificatori, è stato considerato il problema degli effetti di memoria. È stata poi descritta la tecnica per l'emulazione di impedenze. Dapprima, è stato considerato il caso lineare. Poi, tramite il design di un amplificatore di potenza per applicazioni a radio frequenza usato come device under test (DUT), sono stati affrontati due esempi in presenza di non linearità, verificando la correttezza della tecnica proposta tramite l'uso di simulazioni.
Little is known of cancer rehabilitation needs in Europe. EUROCHIP-3 organised a group of experts to propose a list of population-based indicators used for describing cancer rehabilitation across Europe. The aim of this study is to present and discuss these indicators. A EUROCHIP-3 expert panel reached agreement on two types of indicators. (a) Cancer prevalence indicators. These were proposed as a means of characterising the burden of cancer rehabilitation needs by time from diagnosis and patient health status. These indicators can be estimated from cancer registry data or by collecting data on follow-up and treatments for samples of cases archived in cancer registries. (b) Indicators of rehabilitation success. These include: return to work, quality of life, and satisfaction of specific rehabilitation needs. Studies can be performed to estimate these indicators in individual countries, but to obtain comparable data across European countries it will be necessary to administer a questionnaire to randomly selected samples of patients from population-based cancer registry databases. However, three factors complicate questionnaire studies: patients may not be aware that they have cancer; incomplete participation in surveys could lead to bias; and national confidentiality laws in some cases prohibit cancer registries from approaching patients. Although these studies are expensive and difficult to perform, but as the number of cancer survivors increases, it is important to document their needs in order to provide information on cancer control.
Hypertension is a heritable and major contributor to the global burden of disease. The sum of rare and common genetic variants robustly identified so far explain only 1%-2% of the population variation in BP and hypertension. This suggests the existence of more undiscovered common variants. We conducted a genome-wide association study in 1,621 hypertensive cases and 1,699 controls and follow-up validation analyses in 19,845 cases and 16,541 controls using an extreme case-control design. We identified a locus on chromosome 16 in the 5' region of Uromodulin (UMOD; rs13333226, combined P value of 3.6×10(-11)). The minor G allele is associated with a lower risk of hypertension (OR [95%CI]: 0.87 [0.84-0.91]), reduced urinary uromodulin excretion, better renal function; and each copy of the G allele is associated with a 7.7% reduction in risk of CVD events after adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and smoking status (H.R. = 0.923, 95% CI 0.860-0.991; p = 0.027). In a subset of 13,446 individuals with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) measurements, we show that rs13333226 is independently associated with hypertension (unadjusted for eGFR: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.004; after eGFR adjustment: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.003). In clinical functional studies, we also consistently show the minor G allele is associated with lower urinary uromodulin excretion. The exclusive expression of uromodulin in the thick portion of the ascending limb of Henle suggests a putative role of this variant in hypertension through an effect on sodium homeostasis. The newly discovered UMOD locus for hypertension has the potential to give new insights into the role of uromodulin in BP regulation and to identify novel drugable targets for reducing cardiovascular risk.
A new family of compounds is presented as potential carbon monoxide releasing molecules (CORMs). These compounds, based on tetrachlorocarbonyliridate(III) derivatives, were synthesized and fully characterized by X-ray diffraction, electrospray mass spectrometry, IR. NMR, and density functional theory calculations. The rate of CO release was studied via the myoglobin assay. The results showed that the rate depends on the nature of the sixth ligand, trans to CO, and that a significant modulation on the release rate can be produced by changing the ligand. The reported compounds are soluble in aqueous media, and the rates of CO release are comparable with those for known CORMs, releasing CO at a rate of 0.03-0.58 mu M min(-1) in a 10 mu M solution of myoglobin and 10 mu M of the complexes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to explore the diversity and selective signatures of duplication and deletion human copy number variants (CNVs), we sequenced 236 individuals from 125 distinct human populations. We observed that duplications exhibit fundamentally different population genetic and selective signatures than deletions and are more likely to be stratified between human populations. Through reconstruction of the ancestral human genome, we identify megabases of DNA lost in different human lineages and pinpoint large duplications that introgressed from the extinct Denisova lineage now found at high frequency exclusively in Oceanic populations. We find that the proportion of CNV base pairs to single nucleotide variant base pairs is greater among non-Africans than it is among African populations, but we conclude that this difference is likely due to unique aspects of non-African population history as opposed to differences in CNV load.
This book provides an independent and in-depth contribution on the status of bilateral economic exchanges and persistent trade barriers between the European Union and China. A second objective is to encourage a frank and open dialogue, based on a scientific evaluation and without prejudice, of the possibility of a preferential trade agreement between the two sides. The study, commissioned by the Foreign Trade Association, was carried out by CEPS, in cooperation with the World Trade Institute (WTI) at the University of Bern. Jacques Pelkmans, CEPS Senior Research Fellow, served as overall study leader and Joseph Francois, Managing Director and Professor of Economics at the World Trade Institute, led the WTI team.