10 resultados para Devic`s


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La neuromielitis óptica (NMO) o enfermedad de Devic es un trastorno autoinmune, inflamatorio y desmielinizante, que afecta principalmente al nervio óptico y la médula espinal. El cuadro clínico está caracterizado por dolor de tipo neuropático, patrón de pérdida de la visión y aparición de fenómenos visuales positivos, como fosfenos inducidos por movimiento. En lesiones activas se ha demostrado que hay amplificación del dolor, esencialmente por acción excitatoria por niveles excesivos de glutamato. En las lesiones establecidas, la pérdida de los astrocitos representa la generalidad del cuadro. El dolor en la enfermedad de Devic es más frecuente y grave que en la esclerosis múltiple, y tiene un grave impacto en la vida cotidiana. Hay literatura que refiere resultados aislados con carbamazepina. En este caso clínico, se ve claramente el efecto analgésico con disminución de los espasmos dolorosos de carbamazepina y neuromoduladores + opioides fuertes en combinación con psicoterapia para disminuir niveles de ansiedad y depresión y lograr un manejo integral del dolor.


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Neuromyelitis optica has not been thoroughly studied in Brazilian patients following the discovery of NMO-IgG and its specific antigen aquaporin-4. In this study we aimed to describe the clinical NMO-IgG immunological status and neuroimaging characteristics of recurrent neuromyelitis optica in a series Brazilian patients. We undertook a retrospective study of 28 patients with recurrent neuromyelitis optica, according to 1999 Wingerchuk`s diagnostic criteria. Data on NMO-IgG status, clinical features, and MRI findings were analyzed. Three men and 25 women were evaluated. Median age at onset of disease was 26 years (range 7-55); median time of follow-up was 7 years (range 2-14). The mean time elapsed between the first and the second attack was 17 months (median 8.5; range 2-88). NMO-IgG was detected in 18 patients (64.3%). Four patients died due to respiratory failure. Most patients presented with cervical (36%) and cervical-thoracic myelitis (46.4%). Holocord lesion was the most common pattern of involvement (50%) on the axial plane. We did not find a statistical association between myelitis extension and NMO-IgG result. Our series of Brazilian patients showed a younger age of onset than previously reported. In our series, in contrast to previous reports, there was no correlation between the extension of myelitis and NMO-IgG positivity.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) or Devic's disease is a rare inflammatory and demyelinating autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by recurrent attacks of optic neuritis (ON) and longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM), which is distinct from multiple sclerosis (MS). The guidelines are designed to provide guidance for best clinical practice based on the current state of clinical and scientific knowledge. SEARCH STRATEGY: Evidence for this guideline was collected by searches for original articles, case reports and meta-analyses in the MEDLINE and Cochrane databases. In addition, clinical practice guidelines of professional neurological and rheumatological organizations were studied. RESULTS: Different diagnostic criteria for NMO diagnosis [Wingerchuk et al. Revised NMO criteria, 2006 and Miller et al. National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) task force criteria, 2008] and features potentially indicative of NMO facilitate the diagnosis. In addition, guidance for the work-up and diagnosis of spatially limited NMO spectrum disorders is provided by the task force. Due to lack of studies fulfilling requirement for the highest levels of evidence, the task force suggests concepts for treatment of acute exacerbations and attack prevention based on expert opinion. CONCLUSIONS: Studies on diagnosis and management of NMO fulfilling requirements for the highest levels of evidence (class I-III rating) are limited, and diagnostic and therapeutic concepts based on expert opinion and consensus of the task force members were assembled for this guideline.


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This work presents the functional characterisation of a protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) catalytic subunit obtained by genetic engineering and its conjugation to magnetic particles (MPs) via metal coordination chemistry for the subsequent development of assays for diarrheic lipophilic marine toxins. Colorimetric assays with free enzyme have allowed the determination of the best enzyme activity stabiliser, which is glycerol at 10%. They have also demonstrated that the recombinant enzyme can be as sensitive towards okadaic acid (OA) (LOD=2.3μg/L) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1) (LOD=15.2μg/L) as a commercial PP2A and, moreover, it has a higher operational stability, which makes possible to perform the protein phosphatase inhibition assay (PPIA) with a lower enzyme amount. Once conjugated to MPs, the PP2A catalytic subunit still retains its enzyme activity and it can also be inhibited by OA (LOD=30.1μg/L).


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Radioterapia é uma importante alternativa de tratamento curativo em pacientes com câncer do pulmão não de pequenas células. Entretanto, pulmões são muito sensíveis à radiação e isto aumenta a importância em se delimitar o volume a ser irradiado com precisão. Ultimamente, a tomografia por emissão de pósitron (PET) e a tomografia computadorizada (TC) são feitas de forma combinada, e a literatura sugere que seu impacto no planejamento da radioterapia é significativo. Ao se utilizar exames de PET/TC no planejamento da radioterapia é importante reconhecer e adaptar-se às diferenças entre os equipamentos de diagnóstico e de tratamento. Este texto discute alguns dos problemas técnicos que devem ser resolvidos quando se incorpora PET no planejamento radioterápico.


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La neuromielitis óptica, también conocida como síndrome de Devic, es una enfermedad que combina la neuritis óptica y la mielitis transversa. Hace unos años era considerada una forma de esclerosis múltiple; sin embargo, realmente es una enfermedad diferente, con características clínicas, imágenes, serología e inmunopatología propias. El presente artículo presenta el caso de una mujer de 29 años con un cuadro clínico que inicia en el quinto mes de postparto, con pérdida progresiva de la fuerza en miembros inferiores, asociada a pérdida de la agudeza visual bilateral. El objetivo es hacer, mediante el estudio de caso, una revisión amplia de esta enfermedad, poco común, mediada por un proceso inmune y desmielinizante. Para ello, se resumen los parámetros epidemiológicos más importantes y se presentan las posibilidades diagnósticas y terapéuticas disponibles actualmente.


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Background and purposes: Anti-aquaporin 4 antibodies are specific markers for Devics disease. This study aimed to test if this high specificity holds in the context of a large spectrum of systemic autoimmune and non-autoimmune diseases. Methods: Anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies (NMO-IgG) were determined by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on mouse cerebellum in 673 samples, as follows: group I (clinically defined Devic's disease, n = 47); group II [ inflammatory/demyelinating central nervous system (CNS) diseases, n = 41]; group III (systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases, n = 250); group IV (chronic or acute viral diseases, n = 35); and group V (randomly selected samples from a general clinical laboratory, n = 300). Results: MNO-IgG was present in 40/47 patients with classic Devic's disease (85.1% sensitivity) and in 13/22 (59.1%) patients with disorders related to Devic's disease. The latter 13 positive samples had diagnosis of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (n = 10) and isolated idiopathic optic neuritis (n = 3). One patient with multiple sclerosis and none of the remaining 602 samples with autoimmune and miscellaneous diseases presented NMO-IgG (99.8% specificity). The autoimmune disease subset included five systemic lupus erythematosus individuals with isolated or combined optic neuritis and myelitis and four primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS) patients with cranial/peripheral neuropathy. Conclusions: The available data clearly point to the high specificity of anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies for Devic's disease and related syndromes also in the context of miscellaneous non-neurologic autoimmune and non-autoimmune disorders.


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Vols. 1-2, 3-4 paged continuously.


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Accompanied by "Supplément ... Ce supplément est suivi d'un dictionnaire étymologique de tous les mots d'origine orientale, par Marcel Devic." (2 p. l., iv, 375 p., 1 l., 84 p., 1 l. 33 cm.) Published: Paris [etc.] Hachette et cie, 1897.