963 resultados para Development time


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Observations of individual weight, duration of development and production of different stages of Tropodiaptomus incognitus are presented. The study is based on data gathered from Lake Chad in 1968.


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In Drosophila prosaltans reared on culture medium with caffeine (50-mu-g/ml, 100-mu-g/ml, 1000-mu-g/ml and 1500-mu-g/ml), fecundity decreased with increasing dosage. Other effects were (a) an approximately one day increase in development time of flies at 1000 and 1500-mu-g/ml, (b) a decrease of egg laying capacity, with increasing dosage and (c) a decrease of longevity when virgin males and females or mated males were analyzed. Mated treated females, however showed, in most experiments, greater longevity than the controls, thus suggesting a benefit of the partial blockage of reproduction caused by caffeine.


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Drosophila serido is considered to be a superspecies consisting of two species: D. serido, from Brazil and D. koepferae from Argentina and Bolivia. However this probably does not express the entire evolutionary complexity of its populations. Isofemale lines A95F3 (from Brazil) and B20D2 (from Argentina), at present representing, respectively, the first and second species, were analyzed for fertility and fecundity in pair-mating intracrosses and intercrosses, as well as for development time, banding patterns and asynapsis of polytene chromosomes in the isofemale lines and their hybrids.Although variations in experimental conditions resulted in some variability in the results, in general A95F3 fertility and fecundity were lower than in B20D2. Intercrosses of A95F3 females and B20D2 males showed lower fertility and fecundity than the reciprocal crosses, following more closely characteristics of the mother strains. This is in contrast to the results obtained by Fontdevilla et al. (An. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 81: 380-385, 1988) and may be due to the different geographic origin of D. serido strains they used in crosses to B20D2. This difference and others cited in the literature relative to aedeagus morphology, karyotype characteristics, inversion polymorphisms and reproductive isolation strongly indicate that A95F3 and D. serido from the State of Bahia, Brazil are not a single evolutionary entity, reinforcing the idea of greater complexity of the superspecies D. serido than is known today.The reproductive isolation mechanisms found operating between A95F3 and B20D2 were prezygotic and postzygotic, the latter included mortality at the larvae stage in both directions of crosses and sterility of male hybrids in intercrosses involving B20D2 females and A95F3 males. The two isofemale lines differed in egg-adult development time, which was also differently affected by culture medium composition.A95F3 and B20D2 also showed differences in the banding patterns of proximal regions of polytene chromosomes 2, 3 and X, a fixed inversion in chromosome 3 (here named 3t), apparently not described previously, and a high degree of asynapsis in hybrids.These observations, especially those related to reproductive isolation and chromosomal differentiation (including the karyotype, previously described, and the differentiation of banding patterns, described in this paper), as well as the extensive asynapsis observed in hybrids reinforces the distinct species status of A95F3 and B20D2 isofemale lines.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Larval development time is a critical factor in assessing the potential for larval transport, mortality. and subsequently, the connectivity of marine populations through larval exchange. Most estimates of larval duration are based on laboratory studies and may not reflect development times in nature. For larvae of the American lobster (Homarus americanus), temperature-dependent development times have been established in previous laboratory studies. Here, we used the timing of seasonal abundance curves for newly hatched larvae (stage 1) and the final plankonic instar (postlarva), coupled with a model of temperature-dependent development to assess development time in the field. We were unable to reproduce the timing of the seasonal abundance curves using laboratory development rates in our model. Our results suggest that larval development in situ may be twice as fast as reported laboratory rates. This will result in reduced estimates of larval transport potential, and increased estimates of instantaneous mortality rate and production.


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Verrallina funerea (Theobald) is a brackish water mosquito that is recognised as an important pest and vector in southeast Queensland, Australia. Immature development time and survival of Ve. funerea was defined in the laboratory in response to a range of temperatures (17-34 degrees C) and salinities (0-35 parts per thousand (p.p.t)). The expression of autogeny in this species was also assessed. Salinity only had a slight effect on mean development time from hatching to adult emergence (7.0-7.4 d at salinities of 0, 17.5 and 31.5 p.p.t) and survival was uniformly high (97.5-99.0%). Mean development times were shorter at 26, 29 and 32 degrees C (7.0, 6.8 and 6.8 d, respectively) and longest at 17 degrees C (12.2 d). The threshold temperature (t) was 5.8 degrees C and the thermal constant (K) was 142.9 degree-days above t. Survival to adulthood decreased from > 95% (at 17-29 degrees C) to 78% (at 32 degrees C) and 0% (at 34 degrees C). No expression of autogeny was observed. Immature development times of Ve. funerea, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) and Oc. procax (Skuse) were then determined under field conditions at Maroochy Shire. Following tide and rain inundation, cohorts of newly hatched larvae were monitored daily by dipping, and time until pupation was noted. Tidal inundation triggered hatching of Ve. funerea and Oc. vigilax larvae whereas Oc. procax larvae were found only after rain inundation. Estimates of Ve. funerea and Oc. vigilax field development times were similar (8-9 d) while Oc. procax development time was slightly longer (9-10 d). Based on these survey results, control activities targeting Ve. funerea must be initiated 4 d (if using Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis de Barjac) or 5 d (if using s-methoprene) after inundation. However, Casuarina glauca Sieber canopy and branchlets covering breeding habitats may present a problem for the penetration of such treatments.


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The authors would like to thank the RICS for their financial support of the project and the numerous respondents who gave so freely of their time. Part of the research was supported by a grant from the Hong Kong-Scotland Partners in Post-Doctoral Research Scheme sponsored by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and the Scottish Government (S-HKU701/13).


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(2004) Time to re-think rural development? EuroChoices Vol. 3 No. 2 pp.33-40


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Bigeyed bugs (Geocoris spp., Hemiptera: Geocoridae) are common predators in Australian agricultural crops yet the development and reproductive biology of Australian geocorids has not been described before. Here we present the effects of diet, temperature and photoperiod on the development and survival of Geocoris lubra Kirkaldy from egg to adult. Nymphal survival of G. lubra reared on live aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover) was very low but improved slightly on a diet of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) eggs. Development was faster and nymphal survival improved significantly at 27°C compared with 25°C. Further investigation at 27°C showed photoperiod influenced development time, but not survival of immature G. lubra. Development time was significantly longer at 10L:14D. Fecundity of first generation G. lubra was not affected by photoperiod, although egg viability was greater at 12L:12D.


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Two recently-distinguished species of Chthamalus (Cirripedia) are found on rocky shores in the north-eastern Atlantic: C. stellatus predominant on islands and headlands and C. montagui more abundant in bays. Larvae of the two species were produced in laboratory cultures to describe and compare the morphology and to allow identification in plankton samples. Nauplius larvae of C. stellatus are up to 30% larger than those of C. montagui. Differences in setation are minor. The two species are easily distinguishable from the size and shape of the cephalic shield. Chthamalus stellatus has a subcircular shield with longer body processes in later stages while C. montagui is more ovoid. The former develop more slowly in culture than the latter. Chthamalus stellatus larvae in a culture at 19 °C reached stage VI in 16 d compared to 11 d for larvae of C. montagui at the same temperature. The morphology and longer development time of C. stellatus larvae suggests adaptation to a more oceanic lifestyle and wider dispersal to reach more fragmented habitats than larvae of C. montagui. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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The simulation analysis is important approach to developing and evaluating the systems in terms of development time and cost. This paper demonstrates the application of Time Division Cluster Scheduling (TDCS) tool for the configuration of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee beaconenabled cluster-tree WSNs using the simulation analysis, as an illustrative example that confirms the practical applicability of the tool. The simulation study analyses how the number of retransmissions impacts the reliability of data transmission, the energy consumption of the nodes and the end-to-end communication delay, based on the simulation model that was implemented in the Opnet Modeler. The configuration parameters of the network are obtained directly from the TDCS tool. The simulation results show that the number of retransmissions impacts the reliability, the energy consumption and the end-to-end delay, in a way that improving the one may degrade the others.


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A long development time is needed from the design to the implementation of an AUV. During the first steps, simulation plays an important role, since it allows for the development of preliminary versions of the control system to be integrated. Once the robot is ready, the control systems are implemented, tuned and tested. The use of a real-time simulator can help closing the gap between off-line simulation and real testing using the already implemented robot. When properly interfaced with the robot hardware, a real-time graphical simulation with a "hardware in the loop" configuration, can allow for the testing of the implemented control system running in the actual robot hardware. Hence, the development time is drastically reduced. These paper overviews the field of graphical simulators used for AUV development proposing a classification. It also presents NEPTUNE, a multi-vehicle, real-time, graphical simulator based on OpenGL that allows hardware in the loop simulations