988 resultados para Design for Assembly (DFA)
The desire to conquer markets through advanced product design and trendy business strategies are still predominant approaches in industry today. In fact, product development has acquired an ever more central role in the strategic planning of companies, and it has extended its influence to R&D funding levels as well. It is not surprising that many national R&D project frameworks within the EU today are dominated by product development topics, leaving production engineering, robotics, and systems on the sidelines. The reasons may be many but, unfortunately, the link between product development and the production processes they cater for are seldom treated in depth. The issue dealt with in this article relates to how product development is applied in order to attain the required production quality levels a company may desire, as well as how one may counter assembly defects and deviations through quantifiable design approaches. It is recognized that product verifications (tests, inspections, etc.) are necessary, but the application of these tactics often result in lead-time extensions and increased costs. Modular architectures improve this by simplifying the verification of the assembled product at module level. Furthermore, since Design for Assembly (DFA) has shown the possibility to identify defective assemblies, it may be possible to detect potential assembly defects already in the product and module design phase. The intention of this paper is to discuss and describe the link between verifications of modular architectures, defects and design for assembly. The paper is based on literature and case studies; tables and diagrams are included with the intention of increasing understanding of the relation between poor designs, defects and product verifications.
The technologies and methodologies of assembly design and evaluation in the early design stage are highly significant to product development. This paper looks at a promising technology to mix real components (e.g. physical prototypes, assembly tools, machines, etc.) with virtual components to create an Augmented Reality (AR) interface for assembly process evaluation. The goal of this paper is to clarify the methodologies and enabling technologies of how to establish an AR assembly simulation and evaluation environment. The architecture of an AR assembly system is proposed and the important functional modules including AR environment set-up, design for assembly (DFA) analysis and AR assembly sequence planning in an AR environment are discussed in detail.
An experimental laboratory was designed and assembled at the Botanical Institute of So Paulo, Brazil, in order to research atmosphere-plant interactions through the use of a system of fumigation chambers. A system of three ""closed"" fumigation chambers was designed to be used inside or outside the laboratory. The system was built to be used with a single pollutant or a mix of them. The innovation in this system is to allow chemical reactions inside the chambers that simulate atmospheric chemistry, especially photochemical processes involving high levels of ozone. Assessment of the performance and applicability of the system was based on the response of Nicotiana tabacum Bel W3 exposed to ozone produced alternatively by a generator and inside the chamber by reactions of its precursors. The results showed that the system can be well applied to the study of atmospheric chemistry interactions and the effects on plants.
It is known that despite companies’ efforts to improve the quality of their products, design and assembly defects results in large repair costs both in terms of repair and providing feedback to the origin of the defect. The purpose of this paper is to study these types of defects and the defect rates in design and assembly. The paper presents a web based questionnaire answered by 29 companies. The result shows that the defect rate (defects per product) spanned from 0.01 to 10. Also, design and assembly defects covered 46%, 23% respectively, of all occurred defects. A case study is also presented, performed at a company who recently implemented a modular architecture. In this company, defects from 5 700 integrated product architectures are compared with defects from 431 modular architectures. The average defect rate increased by 21.5% – from 0.65 to 0.79 – when a more modular architecture has been implemented. Furthermore, the study showed that the assembly defects have decreased while the design defects increased. The results presented in this paper will also support the development of the MPV (Module Property Verification) method which is briefly described.
The integrated system of design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) and internet based collaborative design are presented to support product design, manufacturing process, and assembly planning for axial eccentric oil-pump design. The presented system manages and schedules group oriented collaborative activities. The design guidelines of internet based collaborative design & DFMA are expressed. The components and the manufacturing stages of axial eccentric oil-pump are expressed in detail. The file formats of the presented system include the data types of collaborative design of the product, assembly design, assembly planning and assembly system design. Product design and assembly planning can be operated synchronously and intelligently and they are integrated under the condition of internet based collaborative design and DFMA. The technologies of collaborative modelling, collaborative manufacturing, and internet based collaborative assembly for the specific pump construction are developed. A seven-security level is presented to ensure the security of the internet based collaborative design system.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli soveltaa valmistusystävällisen ja kokoonpanon huomioivan suunnittelun(DFMA) periaatteita ajavalle ruuvipurkaimelle valmistuskustannusten alentamiseksi. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään valmistusystävällisen suunnittelun periaatteita. Yhtä tarkemmin noudatettua DFMA-menetelmää esitellään hieman enemmän. Teoriassa käsitellään myös valmistuskustannusten laskentaa, lähinnä hitsauksen ja koneistuksen osalta. Ruuvipurkaimen rakenteeseen perehdyttiin tekemällä siitä 3D-malli. Purkaimen valmistuskustannukset selvitettiin ja kustannusten painopisteet määritettiin. Niiden pohjalta valittiin kohteet joihin paneuduttiin ja joihin sovellettiin DFMA:n periaatteita. Ruuvipurkaimen valmistettavuuden parantamisessa saavutettiin tavoite, 10 % kustannussäästö valmistuskustannuksissa. Valmistettavuutta saatiin paremmaksi DFMA-menetelmiä soveltaen ja sitä kautta tuli kustannussäästöjä. Ostokomponenttien toimittajakartoituksella saatiin myös kustannuksia karsittua. Käytetty DFMA-menetelmä hieman sovellettuna oli tälle tuotteelle toimiva vaihtoehto. Jatkamalla valmistusystävällistä suunnittelua kalleimmille osille, saataisiin enemmän kustannussäästöjä mihin tässä työssä päästiin.
Palonrajoittimet ovat tuotteita, jotka estävät tulen ja savun leviämisen palo-osastosta toiseen ja mahdollistavat ihmisten turvallisen ulospääsyn palotilanteessa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli vähentää suorakulmaisten palonrajoittimien valmistuskustannuksia niiden valmistettavuutta kehittämällä. Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään valmistettavuutta ja kokoonpantavuutta kehittäviä menetelmiä DFM:ää (Design for Manufacturability) ja DFA:ta (Design for Assembly) sekä palonrajoittimien ja ohutlevytuotteiden erityispiirteitä. Käytännön osuudessa esitellään tutkimusta varten valmistetut kolme kehitettävää palonrajoitinta, joita vertaillaan myös kilpaileviin tuotteisiin. Tuotteista analysoidaan osamääriä, materiaalikustannuksia ja työaikoja. Palonrajoittimien ongelmakohtia olivat muun muassa liittäminen ja kokoonpantavuus. Työssä esitetään keinoja palonrajoitinten valmistusystävälliseen suunnitteluun ja uusi moduloitu tuoteperhemalli, jolla vähennetään varsinkin valmistuksesta aiheutuvia kiinteitä kustannuksia. Lisäksi työssä esitetään alustava runkoratkaisumalli uudelle tuoteperheelle.
Yrityksen harkitessa tuotteidensa kokoonpanon automatisoinnin implementointia, tulee automatisoitavan tuotteen kokoonpanon soveltuvuutta automaattiseen kokoonpanoon tutkia yksityiskohtaisesti. Tällöin mahdollisten investointien päätöksenteon tueksi suoritetaan usein automatisoinnin toteutettavuustutkimus. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on arvioida tutkittavan tuotteen soveltuvuutta uuteen prosessiin, sekä arvioida ehdotetun järjestelmän suorituskykyä ja kannattavuutta. Ideaali tilanteessa yritys aloittaa tuotteen automatisoinnin toteutettavuustutkimuksen jo tuotteen tuotesuunnitteluvaiheessa, jolloin suuri osa tuotteet automatisointiin liittyvistä ongelmista voidaan havaita ja eliminoida mahdollisimman aikaisessa vaiheessa. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Abloy Oy:n uuden avainpesätuotteen lukkosylinterin kokoonpanon automatisoinnin toteutettavuutta ja kannattavuutta. Työ toteutettiin tuotteen tuotesuunnittelunprosessin loppuvaiheessa, jolloin tuotteen kokoonpanon automatisointia vaikeuttaviin ominaisuuksiin voitiin vielä puuttua. Tutkimus perustui tuotteen soveltuvuuden tutkimisen osalta pääosin Geoffrey Boothroydin DFA -metodin periaatteisiin. Automaattisen kokoonpanon kannattavuutta tutkittiin yhteistyössä eurooppalaisten automaatiovalmistajien kanssa. Tutkimuksen avulla tuotteen kokoonpantavuutta pystyttiin parantamaan. Koonpantavuutta parannettiin yhdistämällä osa pienistä osista yhdeksi isommaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Lisäksi tuotteen kokoonpantavuutta edistettiin suunnittelemalla kokoonpanojigi kokoonpanon helpottamiseksi. Tuotteen automaattiselle kokoonpanolle löydettiin kaksi potentiaalista konseptia joiden pohjalta projektia aiotaan jatkaa tuotteen kokoonpanon automatisoimiseksi.
The present dissertation relates to methodologies and technics about industrial and mechanical design. The author intends to give a complete idea about the world of design, showing the theories of Quality Function Deployment and TRIZ, of other methods just like planning, budgeting, Value Analysis and Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Design for Assembly and Manufactoring, etc., and their applications to five concrete cases. In these cases there are also illustrated design technics as CAD, CAS, CAM; Rendering, which are ways to transform an idea into reality. The most important object of the work is, however, the birth of a new methodology, coming up from a comparison between QFD and TRIZ and their integration through other methodologies, just like Time and Cost Analysis, learned and skilled during an important experience in a very famous Italian automotive factory.
Eine effiziente Gestaltung von Materialbereitstellungsprozessen ist eine entscheidende Voraussetzung für die Sicherstellung einer hohen Verfügbarkeit von Materialien in der Montage. Die Auswahl adäquater Bereitstellungsstrategien muss sich stets an den Anforderungen des Materialbereitstellungsprozesses orientieren. Die Leistungsanforderungen an eine effektive Materialbereitstellung werden maßgeblich durch den Montageprozess determiniert. Diesen Leistungsanforderungen ist eine passgenaue Materialbereitstellungsstrategie gegenüberzustellen. Die Formulierung der Leistungsanforderungen kann dabei in qualitativer oder quantitativer Form erfolgen. Allein die Berücksichtigung quantitativer Daten ist unzureichend, denn häufig liegen zum Zeitpunkt der Planung weder belastbare quantitative Daten vor, noch erscheint der Aufwand zu deren Ermittlung angemessen. Zudem weisen die herkömmlichen Methoden, die im Rahmen der Auswahl von Materialbereitstellungsstrategien häufig eingesetzt werden, den Nachteil auf, dass eine Nichterfüllung einer bestimmten Leistungsanforderung durch eine besonders gute Erfüllung einer anderen Leistungsanforderung kompensiert werden kann (Zeit vs. Qualität). Um die Auswahl einer Materialbereitstellungsstrategie unter Berücksichtigung qualitativer und quantitativer Anforderungen durchführen zu können, eignet sich in besonderer Weise die Methode des Fuzzy Axiomatic Designs. Diese Methode erlaubt einen Abgleich von Anforderungen an den Materialbereitstellungsprozess und der Eignung unterschiedlicher Materialbereitstellungsstrategien.
The chaperone/usher pathway assembles surface virulence organelles of Gram-negative bacteria, consisting of fibers of linearly polymerized protein subunits. Fiber subunits are connected through 'donor strand complementation': each subunit completes the immunoglobulin (Ig)-like fold of the neighboring subunit by donating the seventh β-strand in trans. Whereas the folding of Ig domains is a fast first-order process, folding of Ig modules into the fiber conformation is a slow second-order process. Periplasmic chaperones separate this process in two parts by forming transient complexes with subunits. Interactions between chaperones and subunits are also based on the principle of donor strand complementation. In this study, we have performed mutagenesis of the binding motifs of the Caf1M chaperone and Caf1 capsular subunit from Yersinia pestis and analyzed the effect of the mutations on the structure, stability, and kinetics of Caf1M-Caf1 and Caf1-Caf1 interactions. The results suggest that a large hydrophobic effect combined with extensive main-chain hydrogen bonding enables Caf1M to rapidly bind an early folding intermediate of Caf1 and direct its partial folding. The switch from the Caf1M-Caf1 contact to the less hydrophobic, but considerably tighter and less dynamic Caf1-Caf1 contact occurs via the zip-out-zip-in donor strand exchange pathway with pocket 5 acting as the initiation site. Based on these findings, Caf1M was engineered to bind Caf1 faster, tighter, or both faster and tighter. To our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt to rationally design an assembly chaperone with improved chaperone function.
Controlling the morphology of self-assembled peptide nanostructures, particularly those based on amyloid peptides, has been the focus of intense research. In order to exploit these structures in electronic applications, further understanding of their electronic behavior is required. In this work, the role of peptide morphology in determining electronic conduction along self-assembled peptide nanofilament networks is demonstrated. The peptides used in this work were based on the sequence AAKLVFF, which is an extension of a core sequence from the amyloid b peptide. We show that the incorporation of a non-natural amino acid, 2-thienylalanine, instead of phenylalanine improves the obtained conductance with respect to that obtained for a similar structure based on the native sequence, which was not the case for the incorporation of 3-thienylalanine. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the morphology of the self-assembled structures, which can be controlled by the solvent used in the assembly process, strongly affects the conductance, with larger conduction obtained for a morphology of long, straight filaments. Our results demonstrate that, similar to natural systems, the assembly and folding of peptides could be of great importance for optimizing their function as components of electronic devices. Hence, sequence design and assembly conditions can be used to control the performance of peptide based structures in such electronic applications.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG