950 resultados para Design de Comunicação e Novos Media


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Trabalho de Projecto de Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação Variante Novos Media e Práticas Web


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The present study seeks to thoroughly investigate and delineate the concept alongside the transformation of landscape as an aesthetic idea. On the one side it runs that nature perceived as landscape remains nothing else but granted, evident or 'natural'. On yet another side, and to some fairly significant extend, this thesis identifies landscape as a sheer idea and concept that is shaped and (re-)mediated in an ongoing process. The thesis examines the role of the observer and brings into agreement that every landscape is a produce of creative mental processes. In brief outline, this approach provides a framework for identifying landscape as being inextricably linked with media from the very beginning of their social and cultural inception. As glowing examples for the paradigmatic shift of the classical subjective vision model culminating in the emergence of a new prototype, the camera obscura, together with the panorama, fortify the prevailing argument that the mode of human sense perception is organised and determined by earlier acquainted recognitions. In this matter, as each and every medium strive after accomplishment, then this accomplishment is substantially determined by overwhelming historic, as well as thriving cultural circumstances. In conclusive terms, this study seeks to show how landscape counts as content of a representation, while simultaneously being a very own medium that specifically carries social, geological as well as historic knowledge. In fact, modern vision shall therefore never be bound to any single format or process, rather it will have to always undergo procedures aiming at reshaping the perceivable. Landscape is playing out its major characteristic, specifically that of being, in essence, a purely intellectual, virtual and synthetic product


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With the emergence and growing supply of mobile apps for museums it becomes relevant to study the importance of all the design aspects of those apps in order to provide users/visitors with a better museum experience. One of these aspects is User Interface (UI) which may condition the quality of the application experience as well as the museum experience, serving the function of intermediary. Since interface design must combine usability with appearance (Schlatter e Levinson, 2013) the design must always appeal to the user, representing also a potential source of distraction. Hence the concern of this dissertation is to understand how we can distribute the user's attention in a balanced way, between the application and the exhibition via the User Interface design. For better understanding of the issue – sharing the attention between the physical experience and the application - questions are addressed as: what represents a distraction during a visit to a museum and what comprises the attention process. Thus, it was possible to find some good and bad practice to design a good mobile UI which suits the visual criteria and does not require too much visitor’s attention, serving as a complement to the visit


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While taking paths from the archive to the new, this dissertation reflects on the resulting impacts of the introduction, massification and dissemination of digital technology, in the way we store and deal with information, inside the complex that we understand as culture. To this end, a theoretical investigation is performed in order to build a conceptual body from which concepts are drawn in order to effectuate a practical research. The theoretical research starts with an exordium in which the concept of the archive is deconstructed in order to identify it as a device of power and to analyse its transition from a technical analog object into a digital technology. Following this, a historical context is established, drawing on the evolution of power exercises and apparatuses, and a reading of the impacts of the present technological mediation on experience, knowledge cons¬truction and forms of control is developed. Finally, some hypotheses on the evolution of technology are formulated. The practical research materializes in the form of a digital platform which takes place in two moments: one of archive, the other of program. The first moment, of archive, con¬sists of a repository of projects dealing with the dissertation’s subject. The second moment, of program, is configured as a cultural program implemented through computer programs. These, in their execution, result in performances which, taking from the information col¬lected on the archive generate a new experience of that same information. To this effect, a framework was structured in order to have computational processes systematized in a way that the performances result in experiences with a potential for novelty, expression and reflection. Both theoretical and practical components of the research seek to address digital technology not as an end in itself, but as a factor that affects human experience and behaviour


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THE MAP AS A COLLABORATIVE MEDIUM FOR SPATIO-TEMPORAL VISUALIZATION This dissertation focuses on the relationship between maps and spatio-temporal data visualization. It is divided into two components: theoretical framework and practical approach. The study begins by questioning the role of the map in today’s digital society and particularly its role in visualization, and finishes with the conceptualization and development of an interactive dot map that visualizes data from Instagram and Twitter. Nowadays, geographic information is no longer produced just by experts, but also by ordinary people that are able to participate in data creation and exchange. The Web 2.0 lies in the heart of this change, where social media represent a significant tool for producing geotagged content, allowing its users to share their location and to spatially reference their publications. Furthermore, amateur mapmaking and neogeography have benefited from the emergence of several new devices that enable the creation of digital maps that are interactive, adaptable and easily shared on the Web. This study adopts a descriptive approach calling upon the diverse aspects of the map and its evolution as a medium for visualizing geotagged data, highlighting collaborative mapping as an emerging subject area that is of mandatory future research. Relevant projects are also analyzed in order to identify trends and different approaches for visualizing social media data in its spatial context, intended to support the project’s conceptualization, development and evaluation. The created map demonstrates how spatial knowledge and perception of place are now redefined by the contributions of individuals; it also shows how that activity produces new sources of geographic information, forcing the development of new techniques and approaches that allow an adequate exploration of content and visualization methods of the contemporary map


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Relatório de Actividade Profissional apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação – vertente de Novos Média e Práticas Web


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Desde finais da década de 50, com o aparecimento e progressiva disseminação da televisão pelas casas portuguesas (atualmente, numa parte significativa delas, existe em mais do que um compartimento); passando pelo computador, na década de 70; e, finalmente, a forma como, na década de 90, se iniciou o processo de distribuição do telemóvel, há toda uma história associada sobre a qual é importante refletir. No meio rural português, qual foi o caminho traçado pelos seus residentes até à “domesticação” (Berker, Hartmann, Punie, & Ward, 2005; Silverstone, Hirsch, & Morley, 1992) de cada um dos media – televisão, computador e telemóvel? Da utilização quase exclusiva em espaços públicos até à sua integração no espaço doméstico e nas dinâmicas familiares e sociais, houve um percurso percorrido quer pelos media, que vão sofrendo alterações constantes, quer pelos indivíduos que se vão adaptando a essas alterações, mas também exigindo que os primeiros se vão moldando às suas necessidades e exigências, fazendo, por isso, que nunca percam o epíteto de “novo”. A existência dos meios digitais tem ainda outras particularidades associadas: a sua presença diária e transversal em todos os contextos nos quais os indivíduos estão habitualmente inseridos – familiar, laboral/escolar e de lazer -, a ocorrência em todas as gerações familiares e, consequentemente, de um modo generalizado, em todas as idades. Os avós, os pais (e, ao mesmo tempo, filhos) e os filhos (e, ao mesmo tempo, netos) fazem uma utilização mais ou menos frequente, mas que não é inexistente, originando, por isso, a designação de gerações de ecrã. Interessa, pois, fazer o estudo dos usos e apropriações dos novos media pelas diferentes gerações, para uma análise intergeracional, mas, mais ainda, compreender as implicações que esses usos têm no meio rural, por ser fortemente considerado como uma zona em desvantagem quanto à proliferação dos media e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, quando comparada com a urbana. Apresenta-se uma análise e reflexão sobre o modo como os novos media penetraram no quotidiano de três gerações familiares (avós, pais e filhos) e na forma como estas, residentes no meio rural português, transformaram a apropriação dos media num ato contínuo. Esta análise e reflexão fundamentam-se no levantamento bibliográfico sobre a problemática e os dados empíricos obtidos através da aplicação de uma metodologia triangular: focus groups, diários e inquéritos por questionário.


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Design de Equipamento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Reflectir actualmente sobre os modos de distribuição e de produção de conteúdos é necessariamente reflectir também sobre novas audiências. A separação, possível nos novos media, dos conteúdos dos dispositivos que os suportam, introduziu uma variável nova na cadeia de valor dos media. Neste momento qualquer conteúdo digital pode estar presente em qualquer suporte. Se fizermos o exercício de recuar 20 anos podemos observar que os conteúdos existiam de acordo com determinada plataforma. O vídeo, por exemplo, era um conteúdo exclusivo para televisão. Os formatos de compressão vídeo e audio permitem neste momento que a sua distribuição por diversas plataformas seja possível. A descontextualização dos conteúdos dos seus suportes e dos seus locais de consumo habituais é uma realidade possibilitada pelos novos media. Neste sentido, a medição de audiências terá que acompanhar este processo de multiplicação de dispositivos. A convergência dos métodos de medição de audiências terá necessariamente que constituir o próximo passo no âmbito do mercado de audiências comerciais.


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El artículo forma parte de un monográfico de la revista dedicado a una televisión de calidad.- Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista


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Information technologies are used across all stages of the construction process, and are crucial in the delivery of large projects. Drawing on detailed research on a construction megaproject, we take a practice-based approach to examining the practical and theoretical tensions between existing ways of working and the introduction of new coordination tools in this paper. We analyze the new hybrid practices that emerge, using insights from actor-network theory to articulate the delegation of actions to material and digital objects within ecologies of practice. The three vignettes that we discuss highlight this delegation of actions, the “plugging” and “patching” of ecologies occurring across media and the continual iterations of working practices between different types of media. By shifting the focus from tools to these wider ecologies of practice, the approach has important managerial mplications for the stabilization of new technologies and practices and for managing technological change on large construction projects. We conclude with a discussion of new directions for research, oriented to further elaborating on the importance of the material in understanding change.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.