817 resultados para Design Practice


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Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a well-recognized approach to the design of interactive computing systems that supports everyday and professional lives of people. To that end, the HCD approach put central emphasis on the explicit understanding of users and context of use by involving users throughout the entire design and development process. With mobile computing, the diversity of users as well as the variety in the spatial, temporal, and social settings of the context of use has notably expanded, which affect the effort of interaction designers to understand users and context of use. The emergence of the mobile apps era in 2008 as a result of structural changes in the mobile industry and the profound enhanced capabilities of mobile devices, further intensify the embeddedness of technology in the daily life of people and the challenges that interaction designers face to cost-efficiently understand users and context of use. Supporting interaction designers in this challenge requires understanding of their existing practice, rationality, and work environment. The main objective of this dissertation is to contribute to interaction design theories by generating understanding on the HCD practice of mobile systems in the mobile apps era, as well as to explain the rationality of interaction designers in attending to users and context of use. To achieve that, a literature study is carried out, followed by a mixed-methods research that combines multiple qualitative interview studies and a quantitative questionnaire study. The dissertation contributes new insights regarding the evolving HCD practice at an important time of transition from stationary computing to mobile computing. Firstly, a gap is identified between interaction design as practiced in research and in the industry regarding the involvement of users in context; whereas the utilization of field evaluations, i.e. in real-life environments, has become more common in academic projects, interaction designers in the industry still rely, by large, on lab evaluations. Secondly, the findings indicate on new aspects that can explain this gap and the rationality of interaction designers in the industry in attending to users and context; essentially, the professional-client relationship was found to inhibit the involvement of users, while the mental distance between practitioners and users as well as the perceived innovativeness of the designed system are suggested in explaining the inclination to study users in situ. Thirdly, the research contributes the first explanatory model on the relation between the organizational context and HCD; essentially, innovation-focused organizational strategies greatly affect the cost-effective usage of data on users and context of use. Last, the findings suggest a change in the nature of HCD in the mobile apps era, at least with universal consumer systems; evidently, the central attention on the explicit understanding of users and context of use shifts from an early requirements phase and continual activities during design and development to follow-up activities. That is, the main effort to understand users is by collecting data on their actual usage of the system, either before or after the system is deployed. The findings inform both researchers and practitioners in interaction design. In particular, the dissertation suggest on action research as a useful approach to support interaction designers and further inform theories on interaction design. With regard to the interaction design practice, the dissertation highlights strategies that encourage a more cost-effective user- and context-informed interaction design process. With the continual embeddedness of computing into people’s life, e.g. with wearable devices and connected car systems, the dissertation provides a timely and valuable view on the evolving humancentered design.


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La pratique du design industriel dans la province canadienne de l’Alberta est en pleine croissance. Ses activités sont principalement concentrées à Edmonton et à Calgary, qui sont les plus grandes villes de la province. On y trouve des studios de design de renom, des communautés de design complexes et des programmes universitaires de design bien établis. Cependant, la pratique du design industriel albertaine est sous-développée en comparaison avec celle du reste du Canada et il y a peu de recherches et de documentation sur le design industriel en Alberta. Dans ce projet de mémoire, la pratique du design industriel en Alberta a été explorée depuis une approche historique. Pour pallier le manque de documentation, la collecte de données a été faite par une recherche qualitative, des entretiens narratifs et une recherche quantitative statistique. Une base d’information historique sur le design industriel albertain a été établie puis située par rapport au développement de la pratique du design industriel ailleurs au Canada. Les facteurs, événements et tendances dans l’histoire de la pratique du design industriel en Alberta ont été identifiés. De plus, le développement de la pratique du design industriel de l’Alberta a été comparé à celui du Québec et de l’Ontario. Les retombées de cette étude indiquent que la pratique du design industriel en Alberta présente quatre domaines de spécialisations distincts se développant depuis les années 1980. La pratique du design industriel en Alberta est sous-développée en comparaison à celui du Québec et de l’Ontario, mais elle peut devenir plus compétitive, au niveau canadien, avec plus de soutien gouvernemental, de meilleures relations avec l’industrie manufacturière et les institutions académiques, une communauté de design plus unifiée et en portant une plus grande attention aux domaines les plus prometteurs de l’industrie. Ces informations supportent une meilleure compréhension de la pratique du design industriel en Alberta et pourront informer les praticiens, enseignants et administrateurs du domaine du design industriel dans la province. Finalement, le mémoire servira de base à d’autres projets de recherche sur les changements potentiels dans la pratique du design industriel en Alberta et l’étude du design canadien et des industries de design régionales.


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This paper describes a study of the use of immersive Virtual reality technologies in the design of a new hospital. It uses Schön’s concept of reflective practice and video-based methods to analyse the ways design teams approach and employ a full scale 3D immersive environment – a CAVE – in collaborative design work. The analysis describes four themes relating to reflective practice occurring in the setting: orienting to the CAVE technology itself, orienting to the representation of the specific design within the CAVE, activities accounting for, or exploring alternatives within the design for the use and users of the space, and more strategic interactions around how to best represent the design and model to the client within the CAVE setting. The analysis also reveals some unique aspects of design work in this environment. Perhaps most significantly, rather than enhancing or adding to an existing understanding of design through paper based or non-immersive digital representations, it is often acting to challenge or surprise the participants as they experience the immersive, full scale version of their own design.


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The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has leaded to a change in the way the subjects are taught. One of the more important aspects of the EHEA is to support the autonomous study of the students. Taking into account this new approach, the virtual laboratory of the subject Mechanisms of the Aeronautical studies at the Technical University of Madrid is being migrated to an on-line scheme. This virtual laboratory consist on two practices: the design of cam-follower mechanisms and the design of trains of gears. Both practices are software applications that, in the current situation, need to be installed on each computer and the students carry out the practice at the computer classroom of the school under the supervision of a teacher. During this year the design of cam-follower mechanisms practice has been moved to a web application using Java and the Google Development Toolkit. In this practice the students has to design and study the running of a cam to perform a specific displacement diagram with a selected follower taking into account that the mechanism must be able to work properly at high speed regime. The practice has maintained its objectives in the new platform but to take advantage of the new methodology and try to avoid the inconveniences that the previous version had shown. Once the new practice has been ready, a pilot study has been carried out to compare both approaches: on-line and in-lab. This paper shows the adaptation of the cam and follower practice to an on-line methodology. Both practices are described and the changes that has been done to the initial one are shown. They are compared and the weak and strong points of each one are analyzed. Finally we explain the pilot study carried out, the students impression and the results obtained.


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The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has leaded to a change in the way the subjects are taught. One of the more important aspects of the EHEA is to support the autonomous study of the students. Taking into account this new approach, the virtual laboratory of the subject Mechanisms of the Aeronautical studies at the Technical University of Madrid is being migrated to an on-line scheme. This virtual laboratory consist on two practices: the design of cam-follower mechanisms and the design of trains of gears. Both practices are software applications that, in the current situation, need to be installed on each computer and the students carry out the practice at the computer classroom of the school under the supervision of a teacher. During this year the design of cam-follower mechanisms practice has been moved to a web application using Java and the Google Development Toolkit. In this practice the students has to design and study the running of a cam to perform a specific displacement diagram with a selected follower taking into account that the mechanism must be able to work properly at high speed regime. The practice has maintained its objectives in the new platform but to take advantage of the new methodology and try to avoid the inconveniences that the previous version had shown. Once the new practice has been ready, a pilot study has been carried out to compare both approaches: on-line and in-lab. This paper shows the adaptation of the cam and follower practice to an on-line methodology. Both practices are described and the changes that has been done to the initial one are shown. They are compared and the weak and strong points of each one are analyzed. Finally we explain the pilot study carried out, the students impression and the results obtained.


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This paper carries the rather weighty title of "Evolution of Design Practice at the Iowa State Highway Commission for the Determination of Peak Discharges at .Bridges and Culverts." Hopefully, this evolving process will lead to a more precise definition of a peak rate of runoff for a selected recurrence interval at a particular site. In this paper the author will relate where the Highway Commission has been, is now, and will be going in this art of hydrology. He will then offer some examples at a few sites in Iowa to illustrate the use of the various methods. Finally, he will look ahead to some of the pitfalls still lying in wait for us.


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This study explores the ongoing pedagogical development of a number of undergraduate design and engineering programmes in the United Kingdom. Observations and data have been collected over several cohorts to bring a valuable perspective to the approaches piloted across two similar university departments while trialling a number of innovative learning strategies. In addition to the concurrent institutional studies the work explores curriculum design that applies the principles of Co-Design, multidisciplinary and trans disciplinary learning, with both engineering and product design students working alongside each other through a practical problem solving learning approach known as the CDIO learning initiative (Conceive, Design Implement and Operate) [1]. The study builds on previous work presented at the 2010 EPDE conference: The Effect of Personality on the Design Team: Lessons from Industry for Design Education [2]. The subsequent work presented in this paper applies the findings to mixed design and engineering team based learning, building on the insight gained through a number of industrial process case studies carried out in current design practice. Developments in delivery also aligning the CDIO principles of learning through doing into a practice based, collaborative learning experience and include elements of the TRIZ creative problem solving technique [3]. The paper will outline case studies involving a number of mixed engineering and design student projects that highlight the CDIO principles, combined with an external industrial design brief. It will compare and contrast the learning experience with that of a KTP derived student project, to examine an industry based model for student projects. In addition key areas of best practice will be presented, and student work from each mode will be discussed at the conference.


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For most people design is a mystery. The products of design are integrated into our daily lives to the point that design has become invisible to us. However. what is subsumed in design practice is a creative problem-solving process that is applicable as a teaching strategy as well as a method for teaching the subject of design. The purpose of this study was to inquire into the current classroom practice of Ontario Visual Arts and Technological Education teachers, understand the goals of Ontario government curriculum developers, and explore the position held by the professional design community on secondary school design education. Data for this study were collected from: (a) a textual analysis of 4 Ministry curriculum documents; (b) interviews with JO stakeholders; (c) unobtrusive observations and informal conversations conducted at 7 secondary school open house events; and (d) observation of 2 sessions of an AQ course for Design and Technology. The research design modeled the design process and was divided into 2 parts: a discovery or problem-finding phase and a discussion or problem-solving phase. The results showed that design is misunderstood and misused; it has become lost between visual arts and technology where neither program holds responsibility for its delivery; students mistake working on computers for design practice; and while there is a desire within the professional community to have a voice in secondary school design education. there is no forum for participation. The technology-driven paradigm shift taking place in society today calls for a new framework for tellching and practicing dcsign. Further research is required; howcvcr. in the meantime. secondary school educators might benefit from professional development and classroom support from the professional dcsign community.


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Sustainable design is fundamentally a subset of good design.The description of good design will eventually include criteria for the creation of a healthy environment and energy efficiency. These goals will be achieved by an emergent paradigm of design practice:integration.At every level design interests will come together to facilitate common goals for the creation of a rewarding present and a healthy future. Interdisciplinary design teams will flourish. Inter-accommodating and fluidly communicating political structures will grow. Coalescing social values and economic forces will propel integrated strategies. Unique and innovative solutions will increasingly become the objective. One eventual outcome of this integrated or sustainable design practice will be the development of buildings that produce more energy than they consume.


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Les défis associés au phénomène du vieillissement démographique de la population se manifestent sous plusieurs formes et à de nombreux égards. Il y a des questions générales comme celles qui touchent l’économique et d’autres, plus spécifiques et situées, comme celles des modalités assurant des services et des soins adéquats aux personnes vulnérables. Par exemple, le colloque « La qualité de l’expérience des usagers et des proches : vers la personnalisation des soins et des services sociaux », programmé dans le cadre des Entretiens Jacques Cartier à l’automne 2014, s’était donné comme objectif d’examiner l’expérience personnelle des usagers relativement aux prestations de soins de santé et à l’organisation des services sociaux. L’origine de ces réflexions réside dans la nécessité de trouver un meilleur équilibre des pouvoirs dans les relations d’aide ou la prestation de soin. Cette problématique sous-entend l’idée de rendre les usagers capables d’un certain contrôle par l’adoption d’approches permettant aux professionnels de faire des ajustements personnalisés. Cette thèse de doctorat s’inscrit directement dans le prolongement de cette problématique. La recherche vise à examiner les conditions en mesure de rendre possible, dans les Centres d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD), un rapport au monde catégorisé par ce que le sociologue Laurent Thévenot nomme le régime de la familiarité. Le régime de la familiarité fait référence aux réalités où l’engagement des personnes se déploie dans l’aisance. Autrement dit, ce régime d’engagement correspond à un rapport au milieu où la personne est en mesure de déployer ses habitudes, d’habiter le moment et de se sentir chez elle. Comme le montre Thévenot, ce type d’engagement commande la conception d’un monde qui offre aux personnes la possibilité d’articuler les modalités de leurs actions sur des repères qui font sens personnellement pour eux. Ainsi, l’objet de la recherche consiste à mieux comprendre la participation du design à la conception d’un milieu d’hébergement capable d’accueillir ce type d’engagement pragmatique. Les orientations associées à la conception de milieux d’hébergement capables de satisfaire de telles exigences correspondent largement aux ambitions qui accompagnent le développement des approches du design centrées sur l’usager, du design d’expériences et plus récemment du design empathique. Cela dit, malgré les efforts investis en ce sens, les capacités d’appropriation des usagers restent un problème pour lequel les réponses sont précaires. La thèse interroge ainsi le fait que les développements des approches de design, qui ont fait de l’expérience des usagers une préoccupation de premier plan, sont trop souvent restreints par des questions de méthodes et de procédures. Le développement de ces connaissances se serait fait au détriment de l’examen précis des savoir-être également nécessaires pour rendre les designers capables de prendre au sérieux les enjeux associés aux aspirations de ces approches. Plus spécifiquement, la recherche précise les qualités de l’expérience des établissements dont le design permet l’engagement en familiarité. L’enquête s’appuie sur une analyse des jugements posés par des équipes d’évaluation de la qualité du milieu de vie des CHSLD présents sur le territoire Montréalais. L’analyse a mené à la caractérisation de cinq qualités : l’accueillance, la convivialité, la flexibilité, la prévenance et la stabilité. Finalement, sous la forme d’un essai réflexif, un tableau de savoir-être est suggéré comme manière de rendre les designers capables de mettre en œuvre des milieux d’hébergement présentant les qualités identifiées. Cet essai est également l’occasion du développement d’un outil réflexif pour une pédagogie et une pratique vertueuse du design.


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Modern organisms are adapted to a wide variety of habitats and lifestyles. The processes of evolution have led to complex, interdependent, well-designed mechanisms of todays world and this research challenge is to transpose these innovative solutions to resolve problems in the context of architectural design practice, e.g., to relate design by nature with design by human. In a design by human environment, design synthesis can be performed with the use of rapid prototyping techniques that will enable to transform almost instantaneously any 2D design representation into a physical three-dimensional model, through a rapid prototyping printer machine. Rapid prototyping processes add layers of material one on top of another until a complete model is built and an analogy can be established with design by nature where the natural lay down of earth layers shapes the earth surface, a natural process occurring repeatedly over long periods of time. Concurrence in design will particularly benefit from rapid prototyping techniques, as the prime purpose of physical prototyping is to promptly assist iterative design, enabling design participants to work with a three-dimensional hardcopy and use it for the validation of their design-ideas. Concurrent design is a systematic approach aiming to facilitate the simultaneous involvment and commitment of all participants in the building design process, enabling both an effective reduction of time and costs at the design phase and a quality improvement of the design product. This paper presents the results of an exploratory survey investigating both how computer-aided design systems help designers to fully define the shape of their design-ideas and the extent of the application of rapid prototyping technologies coupled with Internet facilities by design practice. The findings suggest that design practitioners recognize that these technologies can greatly enhance concurrence in design, though acknowledging a lack of knowledge in relation to the issue of rapid prototyping.