668 resultados para Desfecho clinico


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A leptospirose humana é uma doença infecciosa aguda de amplo espectro clínico e que cursa com alterações metabólicas e dislipidêmicas envolvendo colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs). Dentre os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na sua fisiopatologia encontram-se a inibição da enzima Na, K ATPase pela endotoxina GLP e a lipotoxicidade, ambos agravados pela redução dos níveis circulantes da albumina, molécula que exerce um papel fundamental na adsorção de moléculas lipídicas. Neste estudo observacional, determinamos as concentrações séricas de bilirrubina, creatinina e albumina e, pela técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta performance, a concentração sérica dos AGNEs de cadeia longa (C16: C18) de 27 pacientes com síndrome de Weil durante o período de internação hospitalar, dos quais cinco vieram a falecer. Verificamos correlações significantes (p<0,05) ao longo da internação hospitalar, nas concentrações séricas de marcadores bioquímicos de gravidade da doença (bilirrubina, creatinina e albumina), AGNEs, ácido oléico e ácido linoléico, e relação molar ácido oléico/ albumina, com r (Pearson) de -0,7981, -0,7699, 0,9014, -0,8795 -0,9816, -0,9694, -0,9821, respectivamente. A relação molar ácido oléico/ albumina e ácido oléico+ linoléico/albumina foi significantemente mais elevada nos pacientes que faleceram (p<0,001), retornando aos valores semelhantes aos do grupo controle nos pacientes que evoluíram para a cura. Na análise por Curva Roc, a relação molar ácido oléico/albumina se mostrou um bom teste preditivo, com valor de corte 0,705 associado com maior especificidade e sensibilidade prognóstica. Nossos resultados sugerem que a utilização parenteral da albumina humana em pacientes com leptospirose pode ser uma potente ferramenta terapêutica nos casos mais graves ao interferir positivamente no resgate do equilíbrio bioquímico das relações molares ácido oléico/ albumina e ácido oléico+linoléico/albumina.


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In the UK mortality from malignant mesothelioma (MM) is likely to more than double over the next 20 years and despite advances in surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment the overall prognosis for patients remains poor. A number of scoring systems based on assessment of clinicopathological features of patients with the disease have been developed but the search continues for further prognostic indicators. Angiogenesis, tumour necrosis (TN), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been linked with poor prognosis in some types of solid tumour and their relevance as prognostic factors in malignant mesothelioma is examined in this paper. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Populations in developed countries are ageing fast. The elderly have the greatest incidence of de-mentia, and thus the increase in the number of demented individuals, increases the immediate costs for the governments concerning healthcare and hospital treatment. Attention is being paid to disorders behind cognitive impairment with behavioural and psychological symptoms, which are enormous contributors to the hospital care required for the elderly. The highest dreams are in prevention; however, before discovering the tools for preventing dementia, the pathogenesis behind dementia disorders needs to be understood. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), a relatively recently discovered dementia disorder compared to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is estimated to account for up to one third of primary degenerative dementia, thus being the second most common cause of dementia in the elderly. Nevertheless, the impact of neuropathological and genetic findings on the clinical syndrome of DLB is not fully established. In this present series of studies, the frequency of neuropathological findings of DLB and its relation to the clinical findings was evaluated in a cohort of subjects with primary degenerative dementia and in a population-based prospective cohort study of individuals aged 85 years or older. α-synuclein (αS) immunoreactive pathology classifiable according to the DLB consensus criteria was found in one fourth of the primary degenerative dementia subjects. In the population-based study, the corresponding figure was one third of the population, 38% of the demented and one fifth of the non-demented very elderly Finns. However, in spite of the frequent discovery of αS pathology, its association with the clinical symptoms was quite poor. Indeed, the common clinical features of DLB, hypokinesia and visual hallucinations, associated better with the severe neurofibrillary AD-type pathology than with the extensive (diffuse neocortical) αS pathology when both types of pathology were taken into account. The severity of the neurofibrillary AD-type pathology (Braak stage) associated with the extent of αS pathology in the brain. In addition, the genetic study showed an interaction between tau and αS; common variation in the αS gene (SNCA) associated significantly with the severity of the neurofibrillary AD-type pathology and nominally significantly with the extensive αS pathology. Further, the relevance and temporal course of the substantia nigra (SN) degeneration and of the spinal cord αS pathology were studied in relation to αS pathology in the brain. The linear association between the extent of αS pathology in the brain and the neuron loss in SN suggests that in DLB the degeneration of SN proceeds as the αS pathology extends from SN to the neocortex instead of early destruction of SN seen in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Furthermore, the extent of αS pathology in the brain associated with the severity of αS pathology in the thoracic and sacral autonomic nuclei of the spinal cord. The thoracic αS pathology was more common and more severe compared to sacral cord, suggesting that the progress of αS pathology proceeds downwards from the brainstem towards the sacral spinal cord.


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O objetivo geral deste estudo foi: Verificar se a introdução dos princípios da teoria do conforto de Katherine Kolcaba na consulta de enfermagem para pacientes com IC sob cuidados paliativos a partir da sistematização da assistência utilizando as taxonominas NANDA-NOC-NIC promove maior conforto. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico aberto, tipo antes e depois, realizado em hospital federal localizado no Rio de Janeiro com amostra de 20 pacientes. Para avaliação do conforto, utilizou-se o questionário End of life comfort questionnaire patient e o resultado de enfermagem (NOC - Estado de Conforto). As avaliações do questionário ocorreram nas primeira, terceira e sexta consultas de enfermagem e o NOC em todas as consultas. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre os meses de novembro de 2012 e maio de 2013. Utilizou-se o programa SPSS 19.0 para análise dos dados. Foram utilizados os Testes Qui-Quadrado, Exato de Fisher e Mann-Whitney para verificar a associação dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem com o conforto aferido pelo questionário nos três tempos aplicados. Foi utilizado o Teste ANOVA (análise de variância) para avaliar a melhora na condição de conforto dos sujeitos através do questionário já descrito e também pela NOC Estado de Conforto verificada nas seis consultas. Como resultado encontrou-se três diagnósticos de enfermagem e duas intervenções de enfermagem relacionadas à maior conforto dos pacientes (p <0,05). Já associados ao menor conforto foram encontrados 08 diagnósticos e 12 intervenções. O conforto verificado pelo questionário e o resultado de enfermagem aumentaram significativamente (p <0,001) durante os 06 meses de acompanhamento. A aceitação da hipótese alternativa (a introdução dos princípios da teoria de Katherine Kolcaba na consulta de enfermagem está associada ao maior conforto dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca sob cuidados paliativos), se confirmou. O estudo contribuiu para reafirmar que quando se utiliza uma teoria de enfermagem para sustentar a prática/pesquisa da profissão, o desenvolvimento da sistematização da assistência se torna mais claro. A implementação da teoria faz com que o desfecho do cuidar em enfermagem se torne visível a outras profissões e à sociedade em geral.


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A review of medical records of 45 of 53 hospitalised patients with positive cultures for CTX-M type ESBL-producing Escherichia coli between 01 January and 31 May 2004 was conducted. The mean age of the population studied was 73.1 (+/-14.6) years and the majority (55.6%) had been under the care of the internal medicine or elderly care service. In the majority (77.8%) of instances the isolate was attributed to a clinical infection rather than colonisation and the commonest clinical specimen to yield the organism was urine, which was positive in 57.8% of patients. Acquisition of the organism was categorised as nosocomial in 68.9% of patients; in this subgroup, the median duration of inpatient stay prior to recovery of the organism was 24 (range 3-240) days. Haemodialysis-dependence was the most common of the comorbidities evaluated. The mean number of antibiotics prescribed per patient in the 30 days prior to first isolation of the organism was 1.7 (range 0-4). Furthermore, the mean number of antibiotic-days exposure per patient during this period was 13.9 (range 0-48). The most frequently received class of antibiotic was beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations. Of 35 infections, 26 (74.2%) were successfully treated. Overall 12 patients with infection died (34.3%); attributable mortality was presumed in seven (20%).


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Transplant glomerulopathy is a sign of chronic kidney allograft damage. It has a distinct morphology and is associated with poor allograft survival. We aimed to assess the prevalence and clinic-pathologic features of transplant glomerulopathy, as well as determine the functional and histological implications of its severity. We performed a single-centre retrospective observational study during an eight-year period. Kidney allograft biopsies were diagnosed and scored according to the Banff classification, coupled with immunofluorescence studies. The epidemiology, clinical presentation, outcomes (patient and graft survival) and anti-HLA alloantibodies were evaluated. Transplant glomerulopathy was diagnosed in 60 kidney transplant biopsies performed for clinical reasons in 49 patients with ABO compatible renal transplant and a negative T-cell complement dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch at transplantation. The estimated prevalence of transplant glomerulopathy was 7.4% and its cumulative prevalence increased over time. C4d staining in peritubular capillaries (27.6%) was lower than the frequency of anti-HLA antibodies (72.5%), the majority against both classes I and II. Transplant glomerulopathy was associated with both acute (mainly glomerulitis and peritubular capillaritis) and chronic histologic abnormalities. At diagnosis, 30% had mild, 23.3% moderate and 46.7% severe transplant glomerulopathy. The severity of transplant glomerulopathy was associated with the severity of interstitial fibrosis. Other histological features, as well as clinical manifestations and graft survival, were unrelated to transplant glomerulopathy severity.


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Tetrasomy, pentasomy, and hexasomy 8 (polysomy 8) are relatively rare compared to trisomy 8. Here we report on a series of 12 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), or myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) associated with polysomy 8 as detected by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In an attempt to better characterize the clinical and hematological profile of this cytogenetic entity, our data were combined with those of 105 published patients. Tetrasomy 8 was the most common presentation of polysomy 8. In 60.7% of patients, polysomy 8 occurred as part of complex changes (16.2% with 11q23 rearrangements). No cryptic MLL rearrangements were found in cases in which polysomy 8 was the only karyotypic change. Our study demonstrates the existence of a polysomy 8 syndrome, which represents a subtype of AML, MDS, and MPD characterized by a high incidence of secondary diseases, myelomonocytic or monocytic involvement in AML and poor overall survival (6 months). Age significantly reduced median survival, but associated cytogenetic abnormalities did not modify it. Cytogenetic results further demonstrate an in vitro preferential growth of the cells with a high level of aneuploidy suggesting a selective advantage for polysomy 8 cells.


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The tumour suppressor APC is the most commonly altered gene in colorectal cancer (CRC). Genetic and epigenetic alterations of APC may therefore be associated with dietary and lifestyle risk factors for CRC. Analysis of APC mutations in the extended mutation cluster region (codons 1276-1556) and APC promoter 1A methylation was performed on 185 archival CRC samples collected from participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk Study, with the aim of relating these to high quality seven-day dietary and lifestyle data collected prospectively. Truncating APC mutations (APC+) and promoter 1A methylation (PM+) were identified in 43% and 23% of CRCs analysed, respectively. Distal CRCs were more likely than proximal CRCs to be APC+ or PM+ (P = 0.04). APC+ CRCs were more likely to be moderately/well differentiated and microsatellite stable than APC- CRCs (P = 0.05 and 0.03). APC+ CRC cases consumed more alcohol than their counterparts (P = 0.01) and PM+ CRC cases consumed lower levels of folate and fibre (P = 0.01 and 0.004). APC+ or PM+ CRC cases consumedhigher levels of processed meat and iron from red meat and red meat products (P=0.007 and 0.006). Specifically, CRC cases harbouring GC to AT transition mutations consumed higher levels of processed meat (35 versus 24 g/day, P = 0.04) and iron from red meat and red meat products (0.8 versus 0.6 mg/day, P = 0.05). In a logistic regression model adjusted for age, sex and cigarette smoking status, each 19g/day (1SD) increment increase in processed meat consumption was associated with cases with GC to AT mutations (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.03-2.75). In conclusion, APC+ and PM+ CRCs may be influenced by diet and GC to AT mutations in APC are associated with processed meat consumption, suggesting a mechanistic link with dietary alkylating agents, such as N-nitroso compounds.


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Distal clavicle fracture associated with complete coracoclavicular ligament disruption represents an unstable injury, and osteosynthesis is recommended. This study was performed (1) to retrospectively analyse the clinico-radiological outcomes of two internal fixation techniques, and (2) to identify and analyse radiographic fracture patterns of fracture that are associated with this injury. Conclusions: Internal fixation of this fracture pattern is associated with a high union rate and favorable clinical outcomes with both techniques. A combination of distal radius plate and ligament reconstruction device resulted in stable fixation and significantly lower reoperation rates, and should be used when fracture geometry permits (Types 1 and 2).


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Resumo não disponível.


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Resumo não disponível.


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The aetiology of autoimmunes disease is multifactorial and involves interactions among environmental, hormonal and genetic factors. Many different genes may contribute to autoimmunes disease susceptibility. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes have been extensively studied, however many non-polymorphic MHC genes have also been reported to contribute to autoimmune diseases susceptibility. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of SLC11A1 gene in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Ninety-six patients with SLE, 37 with RA and 202 controls enrolled in this case-control study, were evaluated with regard to demographic, genetic, laboratorial and clinical data. SLE mainly affects females in the ratio of 18 women for each man, 88,3% of the patients aged from 15 to 45 years old and it occurs with similar frequency in whites and mulattos. The rate of RA between women and men was 11:1, with 77,1% of the cases occurring from 31 to 60 years. The genetic analysis of the point mutation -236 of the SLC11A1 gene by SSCP did not show significant differences between alleles/genotypes in patients with SLE or RA when compared to controls. The most frequent clinical manifestations in patients with SLE were cutaneous (87%) and joint (84.9%). In patients with RA, the most frequent out-joint clinical manifestation were rheumatoid nodules (13,5%). Antinuclear antibodies were present in 100% of the patients with SLE. There was no significant relation between activity of disease and presence of rheumatoid factor in patients with RA, however 55,6% of patients with active disease presented positive rheumatoid factor. Significant association between alleles/genotypes of point mutation -236 and clinical manifestations was not found


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)