972 resultados para Desempenho mecânico


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With the objective to promote sustainable development, the fibres found in nature in abundance, which are biodegradable, of low cost in comparison to synthetic fibres are being used in the manufacture of composites. The mechanical behavior of the curauá and pineapple leaf fibre (PALF) composites in different proportions, 25% x 75% (P1), 50% x 50% (P2) e 75% x 25% (P3) were respectively studied, being initially treated with a 2% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Mechanical analyses indicated that with respect to studies of traction, for the combination of P1 and P3, better results of 22.17 MPa and 16.98 MPa, were obtained respectively, which are higher than that of the combination P2. The results of the same pattern were obtained for analysis of bending resistance where P1 is 1.21% and P3 represents 0.96%. In the case of resistance to bending, best results were obtained for the combination P1 at 49.07 MPa. However, when Young's modulus values were calculated, the values were different to the pattern of the results of other tests, where the combination P2 with the value of 4.06 GPa is greater than the other combinations. This shows that the PALF had a greater influence in relation to curauá fibre. The analysis of the results generally shows that in combinations of two vegetable fibers of cellulosic origin, the fiber which shows higher percentage (75%) is the best option than to the composition of 50%/50%. In the meantime, according to the results obtained in this study, in the case where the application should withstand bending loads, the better composition would be 50%/50%


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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After concluding the main phase of commercial exploration of latex (about 30 years ago), rubber wood plantations can be utilized as an alternative source of wood for sawmills and other wood based products with more aggregate value; tendency already confirmed in countries of southeastern Asia. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the influence of dynamic modulus of elasticity veneers on the mechanical performance in the bending of plywood made from Hevea brasiliensis. For this study, rubber tree veneers were sorted in three classes of dynamic modulus of elasticity: low (from 4887-7323 MPa), medium (from 8200-8948 MPa) and high (from 10979-13010 MPa). Panels were produced according to five treatments with different veneer classes and arrangements. Results showed significant effect of the treatments in the mechanical performance in the bending of panels. Panels with better mechanical performance were produced exclusively with medium and high dynamic modulus of elasticity. Panels made with low modulus of elasticity veneers presented lower mechanical performance even when combined with high modulus of elasticity veneers.


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Population growth experienced in major cities, allied to society s need of infra-structure, especially ones related to habitational demands, increases the consumption of construction materials. As a consequence, consumption of natural resources itself. Thus, due to this process, concrete is one of the most produced materials in civil construction. This is also due to the great diversity of its application, easiness in its execution and adequate mechanical performance, as well as low production costs. Following the same tendencies in construction development, the ceramic industry has intensified the production of porcelain ceramic tiles and floors. These are achieved by a fine finishing and receive polishing at the end of the fabrication process. This work researched the use of porcelain residues in polishing for the production of concrete. All of which; due to economical and environmental issues. This process aims to prove adequate destiny for this type of residue, due to environmental issues, incorporating it to the concrete itself; all of which provides economy in consumption of the materials that constitute concrete. Thus, the main characteristics of concrete were investigated through the inclusion of different concentration of the porcelain residue as additional trait element. The residue rates incorporated to the trait varied from 10% to 50% in relation to the cement mass, in the traits with plastic additives and without plastic additives. It is observed that the inclusion of porcelain residue produced a meaningful alteration in the consistency of fresh concrete. This residue has a fine granulometry and it considerably absorbed the water used in the concrete spreading, influencing the way this material is dealt with. Thus, the value of cement striking decreases with the increase of residues present in trait. The maximal incorporation of the residue was of 50%, massively, for the same factor water/initial cement. The use of residues in concrete results in an 40% increase in the compression resistance. It is also proportional to residue concentration of porcelain in the trait. The microstructure was also favored once porosity and concrete absorption decreases with the use of this residue. The parameters demonstrate the quality and durability of the concrete produced with this residue. The use of porcelain residue in concrete composition has not produced meaningful thermal behavior changes. Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity have been maintained basically constant


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The aim of this work is the numerical simulation of the mechanical performance of concrete affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction or RAA, reported by Stanton in 1940. The RAA has aroused attention in the context of Civil Engineering from the early 80, when they were reported consequences of his swelling effect in concrete structures, including cracking, failure and loss of serviceability. Despite the availability of experimental results the problem formulation still lacks refinement so that your solution remains doubtful. The numerical simulation is important resource for the assessment of damages in structures caused by the reaction, and their recoveries The tasks of support of this work were performed by means of the finite element approach, about orthotropic non-linear formulation, and, thermodynamic model of deformation by RAA. The results obtained revealed that the swelling effect of RAA induced decline of the mechanical performance of concrete by decreasing the margin of safety prior to the material failure. They showed that the temperature influences, exclusively, the kinetics of the reaction, so that the failure was the more precocious the higher the temperature of the solid mass of concrete


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A reciclagem de plásticos tem sido uma possibilidade interessante para minimizar o problema de destino dos resíduos plásticos. O polipropileno (PP) está entre os tipos de polímeros de maior consumo, portanto a reutilização deste material tem possibilitado o desenvolvimento de estudos de grande relevância científica e social. Este polímero apresenta excelente relação custo/benefício, além de ser facilmente conformável e exibir propriedades mecânicas que o torna útil em várias aplicações. Entretanto, esse material ao ser queimado gera produtos que agem como combustíveis de modo que, para alguns usos, boa resistência à chama é necessária. Isso pode ser obtido pela adição de retardante de chama, que tem o propósito de aumentar a resistência desse material à ignição e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir a velocidade de propagação da chama. O hidróxido de alumínio, ou simplesmente hidrato de alumina, é o agente retardante de chama mais utilizado no mercado, pois, age também como supressor de fumaça e não libera gases tóxicos durante a queima. No entanto, para tais propriedades, altas concentrações de alumina hidratada são necessárias. Isto causa deterioração nas propriedades físicas dos materiais, por não ter caráter reforçante. As fibras naturais possuem boa capacidade de reforço quando combinadas adequadamente com polímeros. Apresentando também vantagens como baixo custo, baixa densidade, biodegradabilidade e na combustão não emana gases tóxicos. Neste trabalho, misturas contendo alumina hidratada e fibras de coco foram incorporadas ao polipropileno com o objetivo de se encontrar um balanço adequado de propriedades para utilização deste compósito com características de resistência à chama e desempenho mecânico. Os compósitos foram moldados por compressão a quente e caracterizados por IV, DRX, MEV, testes mecânicos e de inflamabilidade. Foi observado aumento no módulo de elasticidade dos compósitos em geral, bem como aumento na resistência a tenacidade do compósito PP/fibra de coco em relação ao PP puro. Os resultados indicaram a eficiência da alumina hidratada como antichama, em todos os compósitos, exceto PP/F, classificando os materiais como V-0 segundo a norma internacional UL 94V.


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Neste trabalho, materiais compósitos de matriz poliéster reforçados por fibras curtas de sisal, por resíduo de madeira e por sistema híbrido sisal/resíduo de madeira, dispostos aleatoriamente foram produzidos, utilizando-se o menor nível possível de processamento tecnológico nas etapas produtivas, com vistas a se produzir um compósito tecnicamente viável a pequenos produtores. A matriz de poliéster utilizada foi a tereftálica pré-acelerada com naftenato de cobalto e curada a temperatura ambiente com peróxido de metil-etil-cetona (MEK) em diferentes proporções em relação à resina, 0,33%, 1,66%, 3,33% e 5,00% em volume, de forma a se avaliar a influência deste nas propriedades mecânicas. As fibras de sisal foram cortadas manualmente nos comprimentos de 5, 10 e 15mm e utilizadas da maneira como adquiridas, sem tratamento superficial. O resíduo de madeira utilizado foi o pó de lixadeira da madeira maçaranduba. Os compósitos foram fabricados por moldagem manual, sem pressão e a temperatura ambiente. Foram fabricados corpos de prova de matriz pura, compósitos reforçados por sisal, variando-se o comprimento das fibras, compósitos reforçados por pó de maçaranduba e compósitos de reforço híbrido, sisal/pó de madeira, em diferentes proporções entre os constituintes. As propriedades mecânicas foram avaliadas por ensaios de tração e impacto charpy e as superfícies de fratura geradas foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura de modo a se correlacionar os aspectos de fratura com as propriedades mecânicas. Foi determinada a massa específica de cada série de corpos de prova fabricada, bem como a fração volumétrica dos reforços nos compósitos. Os resultados demonstraram que com o aumento do comprimento da fibra de sisal a resistência à tração e ao impacto dos compósitos foi incrementada, alcançando, o compósito com fibras de sisal de 15 mm, o melhor desempenho mecânico dentre as séries testadas. Por outro lado, a heterogeneidade granulométrica do pó de maçaranduba teve efeito negativo sobre as propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos. Os compósitos híbridos sisal/pó de madeira com maior teor de fibras, alcançaram 80% do desempenho obtido para os compósitos de fibras de sisal.


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate Pinus’ glued laminated timber (glulam) beams and steel reinforced glulam beams, using PU mono-component adhesive in lamination step and epoxy adhesive to bond steel bars. The mechanical performance was verified through bending test, and the adopted method based on homogenized section, to considerate the differences between wood and steel mechanical properties. The homogenization section method proved itself effective in obtaining the stiffness of the parts in MLCA. The stiffness of reinforced beams increased 91% in comparison with glulam beams, differing only 5.5 % from value of stiffness calculated


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The polymer matrix composite materials are being used on a large scale in the most different industrial fields such as aerospace, automotive, oil, among others, since the industrial perspectives is currently working with materials which have a good mechanical performance at high service life and cost / benefit. Thus, the determination of the mechanical properties is indispensable for the characterization of waste resulting in greater expansion of this type of material. Thus, this work will be obtained three plates laminated with tereftálica polymeric matrix reinforced by a bidirectional woven E-glass and kevlar both industrially made, where the plates are manufactured by manual lamination process (hand lay-up), all laminates have five enhancement layers, the first hybrid laminate will consist of bidirectional woven E-glass fiber, kevlar fiber interspersed with layers, is formed by the second bidirectional woven kevlar fiber at the ends of the laminate (two layers), and in the center the glass fiber fabric (three layers), the third plate is composed of only the bidirectional woven E-glass fiber. Then were prepared specimens (CP) by standard, to determine the mechanical properties of tensile and bending in three points. After fabrication of the specimens, they were immersed in oil and seawater. After that, there was a comparison of the mechanical properties for the test condition in the dry state. Showing that there was a considerable increase in the properties studied because the effect of hybridization in laminates.


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Population growth experienced in major cities, allied to society s need of infra-structure, especially ones related to habitational demands, increases the consumption of construction materials. As a consequence, consumption of natural resources itself. Thus, due to this process, concrete is one of the most produced materials in civil construction. This is also due to the great diversity of its application, easiness in its execution and adequate mechanical performance, as well as low production costs. Following the same tendencies in construction development, the ceramic industry has intensified the production of porcelain ceramic tiles and floors. These are achieved by a fine finishing and receive polishing at the end of the fabrication process. This work researched the use of porcelain residues in polishing for the production of concrete. All of which; due to economical and environmental issues. This process aims to prove adequate destiny for this type of residue, due to environmental issues, incorporating it to the concrete itself; all of which provides economy in consumption of the materials that constitute concrete. Thus, the main characteristics of concrete were investigated through the inclusion of different concentration of the porcelain residue as additional trait element. The residue rates incorporated to the trait varied from 10% to 50% in relation to the cement mass, in the traits with plastic additives and without plastic additives. It is observed that the inclusion of porcelain residue produced a meaningful alteration in the consistency of fresh concrete. This residue has a fine granulometry and it considerably absorbed the water used in the concrete spreading, influencing the way this material is dealt with. Thus, the value of cement striking decreases with the increase of residues present in trait. The maximal incorporation of the residue was of 50%, massively, for the same factor water/initial cement. The use of residues in concrete results in an 40% increase in the compression resistance. It is also proportional to residue concentration of porcelain in the trait. The microstructure was also favored once porosity and concrete absorption decreases with the use of this residue. The parameters demonstrate the quality and durability of the concrete produced with this residue. The use of porcelain residue in concrete composition has not produced meaningful thermal behavior changes. Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity have been maintained basically constant


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O aumento nos rejeitos industriais e a contínua produção de resíduos causam muitas preocupações no âmbito ambiental. Neste contexto, o descarte de pneus usados tem se tornado um grande problema por conta da pequena atenção que se dá à sua destinação final. Assim sendo, essa pesquisa propõe a produção de uma mistura polimérica com polipropileno (PP), a borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM) e o pó de pneu (SRT). A Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta (MSR), coleção de técnicas estatísticas e matemáticas úteis para desenvolver, melhorar e optimizar processos, foi aplicada à investigação das misturas ternárias. Após o processamento adequado em extrusora de dupla rosca e a moldagem por injeção, as propriedades mecânicas de resistência à tração e resistência ao impacto foram determinadas e utilizadas como variáveis resposta. Ao mesmo tempo, a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi usada para a investigação da morfologia das diferentes misturas e melhor interpretação dos resultados. Com as ferramentas estatísticas específicas e um número mínimo de experimentos foi possível o desenvolvimento de modelos de superfícies de resposta e a otimização das concentrações dos diferentes componentes da mistura em função do desempenho mecânico e além disso com a modificação da granulometria conseguimos um aumento ainda mais significativo deste desempenho mecânico.


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Neste trabalho foram investigados os comportamentos térmico e mecânico e as características morfológicas de amostras de policarbonato de bisfenol-A (PC) com cristalinidade induzida por exposição ao vapor de solvente. A técnica de indução de cristalização foi empregada em três amostras de policarbonato de bisfenol-A de diferentes massas molares. Filmes vazados a partir de soluções de PC em clorofórmio e amostras moldadas por compressão foram expostos a um ambiente contendo vapor de acetona. Os filmes foram expostos por diferentes períodos de tempo e analisados em equipamentos de Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura, Microscopia Óptica com luz polarizada e Espectroscopia na Região do Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier, para caracterizar a indução de cristalinidade. A indução de cristalinidade foi confirmada e a fase cristalina apresentou estrutura esferulítica. As amostras de maior massa molar mostraram maior teor de cristalinidade. O desempenho mecânico das amostras cristalinas de policarbonato mostrou diferenças, com a mudança de seu comportamento mecânico de dúctil para frágil, independente da massa molar