950 resultados para Derivado semi-sintético
O câncer renal corresponde a aproximadamente 3% dos tumores malignos do adulto, sendo a terceira malignidade urológica mais comum. Os tratamentos sistêmicos disponíveis para pacientes portadores de carcinoma renal avançado são, via de regra, pouco eficazes e sem um impacto definido na sobrevida. Portanto, torna-se imperioso que novos agentes e/ou estratégias terapêuticas para esta enfermidade sejam desenvolvidas. O derivado das epipodolofilotoxinas, etoposide, tem sido utilizado com sucesso no tratamento de vários tipos de tumores sólidos e hematológicos. Este agente exerce a sua ação antitumoral através da inibição da enzima nuclear topoisomerase II. Estudos recentes demonstraram que o efeito citotóxico in vitro deste agente é bem mais pronunciado quando as linhagens tumorais são expostas à droga por um tempo mais prolongado. Isto vem sendo confirmado em estudos clínicos, nos quais foi documentado um aumento significativo no percentual de respostas tumorais objetivas em pacientes com câncer avançado tratados com etoposide em doses repetidas diárias de forma continuada, comparativamente a pacientes que receberam pulsos de doses altas da droga a intervalos mais longos. Infelizmente, estudos iniciais com etoposide não revelaram uma atividade antitumoral significativa em pacientes com câncer renal avançado. Por esta razão, os estudos preliminares explorando o potencial terapêutico de seu análogo teniposide nesta doença também não receberam a devida atenção na literatura. Entretanto, este análogo possui potenciais vantagens terapêuticas em relação ao etoposide, uma vez que apresenta um tempo de retenção intracelular mais prolongado em linhagens de tumores sólidos in vitro. Estas observações nos estimularam a reconsiderar o estudo do potencial citotóxico do teniposide em modelos experimentais de câncer renal avançado. Nesta dissertação, foram estudados vários protocolos de administração de teniposide em linhagens de câncer renal humano, uma vez que esta neoplasia carece de drogas ativas disponíveis no armamentário terapêutico. Foram utilizadas as linhagens celulares RXF-393, A-498 e TK-10, as quais foram incubadas com teniposide em concentrações pré-determinadas e tempos de incubação variáveis. Além disto, foram feitos experimentos em que protocolos de administração de teniposide como agente único foram comparados a protocolos em que o mesmo foi combinado com agentes que bloqueiam a ação da glicoproteína P, responsável pelo efluxo ativo da droga do interior da célula tumoral. Além disso, foram também estudados protocolos incluindo a associação de teniposide com agentes que interferem com a síntese do DNA. Para os estudos de avaliação de citotoxicidade dos agentes quimioterápicos, os mesmos foram pré-incubados por 24 h na ausência ou presença do inibidor da DNA polimerase α afidicolina glicinada (0,2 µM) ou do inibidor da ribonucleotídeo redutase hidroxiuréia (200 µM) e após incubados por diferentes tempos de exposição com diluições seriadas de teniposide. Os efeitos citotóxicos foram avaliados através do método colorimétrico com sulforodamina B (SRB). Os protocolos de exposição prolongada das células ao teniposide mostraram um aumento significativo na sua citotoxicidade nas linhagens RXF-393, A-498 e TK-10, sugerindo que a citotoxicidade do teniposide é dependente de tempo de administração. Neste sentido, uma maior taxa de dano no DNA foi observada nas células expostas ao teniposide por tempos de administração mais prolongados. Curiosamente, os diferentes tempos de exposição ao teniposide não influenciaram de forma clara na formação de complexos DNA-topoisomerase II, nem nas medidas da atividade desta enzima. O uso concomitante de agentes moduladores da glicoproteína P como o verapamil, a ciclosporina A e o tamoxifeno não produziu potencialização do efeito antiproliferativo do teniposide. Por sua vez, os tratamentos com agentes que interferem na síntese de DNA, como a afidicolina glicinada ou a hidroxiuréia, potencializaram a citotoxicidade do teniposide em todas as linhagens estudadas, seguindo as características intrínsecas de cada linhagem. Em conclusão, os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação sugerem que o teniposide apresenta um maior efeito citotóxico em protocolos de administração prolongada em combinação com agentes inibidores da síntese de DNA. Frente a estes resultados iniciais, o teniposide será testado nos protocolos de administração acima mencionados em um painel contendo um maior número de linhagens tumorais in vitro. Uma vez confirmadas as observações acima descritas, serão iniciados estudos em modelos tumorais in vivo. Estes estudos servirão de base nas decisões quanto à reavaliação clínica do teniposide em ensaios de fase I em pacientes com neoplasias avançadas refratárias.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work it were developed synthetic and theoretical studies for clerodane-type diterpenes obtained from Croton cajucara Benth which represents one of the most important medicinal plant of the Brazil amazon region. Specifically, the majoritary biocompound 19-nor-clerodane trans-dehydrocrotonin (t-DCTN) isolated from the bark of this Croton, was used as target molecule. Semi-synthetic derivatives were obtained from t-DCTN by using the followed synthetic procedures: 1) catalytic reduction with H2, 2) reduction using NaBH4 and 3) reduction using NaBH4/CeCl3. The semi-synthetic 19-nor-furan-clerodane alcohol-type derivatives were denominated such as t-CTN, tCTN-OL, t-CTN-OL, t-DCTN-OL, t-DCTN-OL, being all of them characterized by NMR. The furan-clerodane alcohol derivatives t-CTN-OL and tCTN-OL were obtained form the semi-synthetic t-CTN, which can be isolated from the bark of C. cajucara. A theoretical protocol (DFT/B3LYP) involving the prevision of geometric and magnetic properties such as bond length and angles, as well as chemical shifts and coupling constants, were developed for the target t-DCTN in which was correlated NMR theoretical data with structural data, with satisfactory correlation with NMR experimental data (coefficients ranging from 0.97 and 0.99) and X-ray diffraction data. This theoretical methodology was also validated for all semi-synthetic derivatives described in this work. In addition, topological data from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) showed the presence of H-H and (C)O--H(C) intramolecular stabilized interactions types for t-DCTN e t-CTN, contributing to the understanding of the different reactivity of this clerodanes in the presence of NaBH4.
Electrical resistive heating (ERH) is a thermal method used to improve oil recovery. It can increase oil rate and oil recovery due to temperature increase caused by electrical current passage through oil zone. ERH has some advantage compared with well-known thermal methods such as continuous steam flood, presenting low-water production. This method can be applied to reservoirs with different characteristics and initial reservoir conditions. Commercial software was used to test several cases using a semi-synthetic homogeneous reservoir with some characteristics as found in northeast Brazilian basins. It was realized a sensitivity analysis of some reservoir parameters, such as: oil zone, aquifer presence, gas cap presence and oil saturation on oil recovery and energy consumption. Then it was tested several cases studying the electrical variables considered more important in the process, such as: voltage, electrical configurations and electrodes positions. Energy optimization by electrodes voltage levels changes and electrical settings modify the intensity and the electrical current distribution in oil zone and, consequently, their influences in reservoir temperature reached at some regions. Results show which reservoir parameters were significant in order to improve oil recovery and energy requirement in for each reservoir. Most significant parameters on oil recovery and electrical energy delivered were oil thickness, presence of aquifer, presence of gas cap, voltage, electrical configuration and electrodes positions. Factors such as: connate water, water salinity and relative permeability to water at irreducible oil saturation had low influence on oil recovery but had some influence in energy requirements. It was possible to optimize energy consumption and oil recovery by electrical variables. Energy requirements can decrease by changing electrodes voltages during the process. This application can be extended to heavy oil reservoirs of high depth, such as offshore fields, where nowadays it is not applicable any conventional thermal process such as steam flooding
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
Among the waste generated in the petrochemical industry water associated with oil production is the most important. It is considered one of the great challenges due to the presence of considered toxic chemicals present in this composition. The presence of these substances difficult to reuse the water associated with the enhanced recovery processes, so that prior to their reuse or disposal, treatment is necessary. This paper aimed to study the removal efficiency of chemical species: Ba2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Sr2+ and Zn2+, present in the composition of the water associated with oil production by electrocoagulation. The evaluation of removal of these chemical species was performed by laboratory tests using electrochemical batch reactors and continuous flow. Initial tests were performed with electrocoagulation of synthetic wastewater in batch reactor using iron electrode. Results of removal of Zn2+ and Ni2+ were 78 % and 59 % respectively. While the percentage of removed Ba2+ was 19 % by 30 minutes of treatment and by applying current of 1.10 A. The tests were performed on effluent batch reactor applying the electrochemical technique with stainless steel electrodes 304, the objective was to remove part of the dispersed oil and also of organic compounds in the effluent. Under the experimental conditions used, the maximum result was obtained TOG was 60 % and TOC was approximately 50 % compared to the initial concentration. In the experiments carried out in continuous reactor, with effluent semisynthetic, have been used electrodes of iron and aluminum and the results were 100 % removal of Cd2+, Cu2+, Cr3+ and Zn2+ and 77 % of Sr2+. These percentages were only attainable through the use of the iron electrode. However, when the electrode was replaced by aluminum, there was a reduction in the percentage of removal to 65 %, using the same flow rate and current. Therefore according to the results obtained using the iron electrode was more effective in removing these metals and the conditions of lower current and lower flow rate was satisfactory, as observed in the experimental design adopted
Avaliação da Biodegradação de Diferentes Tipos de Óleo Lubrificante em Meio Aquoso pela Norma Técnica L6.350 (CETESB, 1990), utiliza-se o processo respirométrico de Bartha e Pramer para acompanhar a biodegradação de diferentes tipos de óleo lubrificante automotivo adaptado ao meio aquoso. Para realização do experimento foram preparados um inóculo base e, posteriormente, um inóculo aquoso. Quatro tratamentos foram realizados em dois experimentos consecutivos: T1 (controle); T2 (óleo semi-sintético); T3 (óleo mineral); T4 (óleo usado). Dentre os resultados, obteve-se a seguinte ordem decrescente na produção de CO2 nos respirômetros: T4 > T2 > T3 > T1. Assim, o óleo lubrificante usado surgiu com maior biodegradabilidade, seguido do semisintético e do óleo mineral. Observou-se também que o lubrificante mineral apresentou maior período de adaptação comparado ao semisintético.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Electrical resistive heating (ERH) is a thermal method used to improve oil recovery. It can increase oil rate and oil recovery due to temperature increase caused by electrical current passage through oil zone. ERH has some advantage compared with well-known thermal methods such as continuous steam flood, presenting low-water production. This method can be applied to reservoirs with different characteristics and initial reservoir conditions. Commercial software was used to test several cases using a semi-synthetic homogeneous reservoir with some characteristics as found in northeast Brazilian basins. It was realized a sensitivity analysis of some reservoir parameters, such as: oil zone, aquifer presence, gas cap presence and oil saturation on oil recovery and energy consumption. Then it was tested several cases studying the electrical variables considered more important in the process, such as: voltage, electrical configurations and electrodes positions. Energy optimization by electrodes voltage levels changes and electrical settings modify the intensity and the electrical current distribution in oil zone and, consequently, their influences in reservoir temperature reached at some regions. Results show which reservoir parameters were significant in order to improve oil recovery and energy requirement in for each reservoir. Most significant parameters on oil recovery and electrical energy delivered were oil thickness, presence of aquifer, presence of gas cap, voltage, electrical configuration and electrodes positions. Factors such as: connate water, water salinity and relative permeability to water at irreducible oil saturation had low influence on oil recovery but had some influence in energy requirements. It was possible to optimize energy consumption and oil recovery by electrical variables. Energy requirements can decrease by changing electrodes voltages during the process. This application can be extended to heavy oil reservoirs of high depth, such as offshore fields, where nowadays it is not applicable any conventional thermal process such as steam flooding
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
A prática da troca de óleo lubrificante usado, particularmente óleos automotivos, representa um grave problema ambiental em função de sua natureza perigosa, do manuseio incorreto e do descarte indiscriminado no meio ambiente. A investigação quanto à remediação de áreas contaminadas por esse resíduo torna-se necessária, particularmente para solo de natureza argilosa. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a biorremediação de um solo argiloso contaminado por óleo lubrificante utilizando biorreatores de fase semi-sólida. Frascos tipo Erlenmeyer, contendo 20 g de solo contaminado com 3% (m/m) de óleo lubrificante, em triplicata, foram mantidos em temperatura e agitação constantes, segundo as seguintes estratégias de tratamento: (i) Bioestímulo com ajuste de nutrientes (BIOE); (ii) Bioaumento com adição de inóculo microbiano aclimatado (BIOA); (iii) Bioestímulo e adição de surfactante sintético Tween-80 (BIOES); (iv) Bioaumento, bioestímulo e surfactante sintético Tween-80 (BIOAS) e (iv) controle, com água destilada purificada (CONT). A eficiência de remoção do contaminante foi avaliada após 68 dias de tratamento por análises de evolução de CO2, redução de COT, decaimento de HTP, de n-alcanos e frações de hidrocarbonetos saturados, aromáticos e compostos polares. O tratamento BIOAS resultou na maior produção de CO2 acumulada (1247,0 mg.20g-1 de solo) seguida pelo tratamento BIOES (1077,6 mg.20g-1 de solo). Ao final do experimento, todos os tratamentos reduziram significativamente os teores de HTPs quando comparados ao controle (11,14,2%). Os tratamentos BIOAS e BIOES não apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto à redução de HTPs (42,03,7% e 37,46,3%, respectivamente). Tanto o bioestímulo quanto o bioaumento mostraram-se estratégias com potencial para aumentar a eficácia da biorremediação de solos argilosos, sendo que a adição de surfactante foi o fator mais importante, tendo aumentado significativamente a capacidade de remoção em ambas as estratégias. O uso de biorreatores em fase semi-sólida na biorremediação de solo argiloso contaminado com óleo lubrificante mostrou-se bastante promissor e tal estratégia pode ser aplicada em escala imediatamente superior
Copper is one of the most used metals in platingprocesses of galvanic industries. The presence of copper, a heavy metal, in galvanic effluents is harmful to the environment.The main objective of this researchwas the removal ofcopperfromgalvanic effluents, using for this purpose anionic surfactants. The removal process is based on the interaction between the polar head group of the anionic surfactant and the divalent copper in solution. The surfactants used in this study were derived from soybean oil (OSS), coconut oil (OCS), and sunflower oil (OGS). It was used a copper synthetic solution (280 ppm Cu+2) simulating the rinse water from a copper acid bath of a galvanic industry. It were developed 23and 32 factorial designs to evaluate the parameters that have influence in theremoval process. For each surfactant (OSS, OCS, and OGS), the independent variables evaluated were: surfactant concentration (1.25 to 3.75 g/L), pH (5 to 9) and the presence of an anionic polymer (0 to 0.0125 g/L).From the results obtained in the 23 factorial design and in the calculus for estimatingthe stoichiometric relationship between surfactants and copper in solution, it were developed new experimental tests, varying surfactant concentration in the range of 1.25 to 6.8 g/L (32 factorial design).The results obtained in the experimental designs were subjected to statistical evaluations to obtain Pareto charts and mathematical modelsfor Copper removal efficiency (%). The statistical evaluation of the 23 and 32factorial designs, using saponifiedcoconut oil (OCS), presented the mathematical model that best described the copper removal process.It can be concluded that OCS was the most efficient anionic surfactant, removing 100% of the copper present in the synthetic galvanic solution