991 resultados para Department of Geology, Oregon State University


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Sediments from five Leg 167 drill sites and three piston cores were analyzed for Corg and CaCO3. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy on benthic foraminifers was used to assign age models to these sedimentary records. We find that the northern and central California margin is characterized by k.y.-scale events that can be found in both the CaCO3 and Corg time series. We show that the CaCO3 events are caused by changes in CaCO3 production by plankton, not by dissolution. We also show that these CaCO3 events occur in marine isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 3, and 4 during Dansgaard/Oeschger interstadials. They occur most strongly, however, on the MIS 5/4 glaciation and MIS 2/1 deglaciation. We believe that the link between the northeastern Pacific Ocean and North Atlantic is primarily transmitted by the atmosphere, not the ocean. Highest CaCO3 production and burial occurs when the surface ocean is somewhat cooler than the modern ocean, and the surface mixed layer is somewhat more stable.


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In order to investigate the paleoceanographic record of dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, we have studied the relationship between three indices of foraminiferal dissolution and the concentration and accumulation of CaCO3, opal, and Corg in Core WEC8803B-GC51 (1.3°N, 133.6°W; 4410 m). This core spans the past 413 kyr of deposition and moved in and out of the lysoclinal transition zone during glacial-interglacial cycles of CaCO3 production and dissolution. The record of dissolution intensity provided by foraminiferal fragmentation, the proportion of benthic foraminifera, and the foraminiferal dissolution index consistently indicates that the past corrosion of pelagic CaCO3 in the central equatorial Pacific does not vary with the observed sedimentary concentration of CaCO3. Although there is a weak low-frequency variation (~100 kyr) in dissolution intensity, it is unrelated to sedimentary CaCO3 concentration. There are many shorter-lived episodes where high CaCO3 concentration is coincident with poor foraminiferal preservation, and where, conversely, low CaCO3 concentration is coincident with superb foraminiferal preservation. Spectral analyses indicate that dissolution maxima consistently lagged glacial maxima (manifest by the SPECMAP delta18O stack) in the 100-kyr orbital band. Additionally, there is no relationship between dissolution and the accumulation of biogenic opal or Corg or between dissolution and the burial ratio of Corg/CINorg (calculated from Corg and CaCO3). Because previous studies of this core strongly suggest that surface water productivity varied closely with CaCO3 accumulation, both the mechanistic decoupling of carbonate dissolution from CaCO3 concentration (and from biogenic accumulation) and the substantial phase shift between dissolution and global glacial periodicity effectively obscure any simple link between export production, CaCO3 concentration, and dissolution of sedimentary CaCO3.


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Proxy indicators of sea surface temperature and equatorial divergence based on radiolarian assemblage data, and of trade wind intensity based on eolian grain size data show similar aspects of variability during the late Pleistocene: All indicators fluctuate at higher frequencies than the 100,000-year glacial-interglacial cycle, display reduced amplitude variations since 300,000 years ago, exhibit a change in the record character at about 300,000 years ago (the mid-Brunhes climatic event), and have higher amplitude variations in sediments 300,000-850,000 years old. Time series analyses were conducted to determine the spectral character of each record (delta18O of planktonic foraminifer, sea surface temperature values, equatorial divergence indicators, and wind intensity indicators) and to quantify interrecord coherence and phase relationships. The record was divided at the 300,000-year clear change in climatic variability (nonstationarity). The delta18O-based time scale is better lower in the core so our spectral analyses concentrated on the interval from 402,000-774,000 years. The delta18O spectra show 100,000- and 41,000-year power in the younger portion, 0-300,000 years, and 100,000-, 41,000- and 23,000-year power in the older interval, all highly coherent and in phase with the SPECMAP average stacked isotope record. Unlike the isotope record the dominant period in both the eolian grain size and equatorial divergence indicators is 31,000 years. This period is also important in the sea surface temperature signal where the dominant spectral peak is 100,000 years. The 31,000-year spectral component is coherent and in phase between the eolian and divergence records, confirming the link between atmospheric and ocean surface circulation for the first time in the paleoclimate record. Since the 31,000-year power appears in independent data sets within this core and also appears in other equatorial records [J. Imbrie personal communication, 1987], we assume it to be real and representative of both a nonlinear response to orbital forcing, possibly a combination of orbital tilt and eccentricity, and some resonance phenomenon required to amplify the response at this period so that it appears as a dominant frequency component. The mid-Brunhes climatic event is an important aspect of these records, but its cause remains unknown.


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Shipboard whole-core squeezing was used to measure pore water concentration vs depth profiles of [NO3]-, O2 and SiO2 at 12 stations in the equatorial Pacific along a transect from 15°S to 11°N at 135°W. The [NO3]- and SiO2 profiles were combined with fine-scale resistivity and porosity measurements to calculate benthic fluxes. After using O2 profiles, coupled with the [NO3]- profiles, to constrain the C:N of the degrading organic matter, the [NO3]- fluxes were converted to benthic organic carbon degradation rates. The range in benthic organic carbon degradation rates is 7-30 ?mol cm**-2 y**-1, with maximum values at the equator and minimum values at the southern end of the transect. The zonal trend of benthic degradation rates, with its equatorial maximum and with elevated values skewed to the north of the equator, is similar to the pattern of primary production observed in the region. Benthic organic carbon degradation is 1-2% of primary production. The range of benthic biogenic silica dissolution rates is 6.9-20 µmol cm**-2 y**-1, representing 2.5-5% of silicon fixation in the surface ocean of the region. Its zonal pattern is distinctly different from that of organic carbon degradation: the range in the ratio of silica dissolution to carbon degradation along the transect is 0.44-1.7 mol Si mol C**-1, with maximum values occurring between 12°S and 2°S, and with fairly constant values of 0.5-0.7 north of the equator. A box model calculation of the average lifetime of the organic carbon in the upper 1 cm of the sediments, where 80 +/- 11% of benthic organic carbon degradation occurs, indicates that it is short: from 3.1 years at high flux stations to 11 years at low flux stations. The reactive component of the organic matter must have a shorter lifetime than this average value. In contrast, the average lifetime of biogenic silica in the upper centimeter of these sediments is 55 +/- 28 years, and shows no systematic variations with benthic flux.


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We have analyzed the major, trace, and rare earth element composition of surface sediments collected from a transect across the Equator at 135°W longitude in the Pacific Ocean. Comparing the behavior of this suite of elements to the CaCO3, opal, and Corg fluxes (which record sharp maxima at the Equator, previously documented at the same sampling stations) enables us to assess the relative significance of the various pathways by which trace elements are transported to the equatorial Pacific seafloor. The 1. (1) high biogenic source at the Equator, associated with equatorial divergence of surface water and upwelling of nutrient-rich water, and 2. (2) high aluminosilicate flux at 4°N, associated with increased terrigenous input from elevated rainfall at the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) of the tradewinds, are the two most important fluxes with which elemental transport is affiliated. The biogenic flux at the Equator transports Ca and Sr structurally bound to carbonate tests and Mn primarily as an adsorbed component. Trace elements such as Cr, As, Pb, and the REEs are also influenced by the biogenic flux at the Equator, although this affiliation is not regionally dominant. Normative calculations suggest that extremely large fluxes of Ba and P at the Equator are carried by only small proportions of barite and apatite phases. The high terrigenous flux at the ITCZ has a profound effect on chemical transport to the seafloor, with elemental fluxes increasing tremendously and in parallel with Ti. Normative calculations, however, indicate that these fluxes are far in excess of what can be supplied by lattice-bound terrigenous phases. The accumulation of Ba is greater than is affiliated with biogenic transport at the Equator, while the P flux at the ITCZ is only 10% less than at the Equator. This challenges the common view that Ba and P are essentially exclusively associated with biogenic fluxes. Many other elements (including Mn, Pb, As, and REEs) also record greater accumulation beneath the ITCZ than at the Equator. Thus, adsorptive scavenging by terrigenous paniculate matter, or phases intimately associated with them, appears to be an extremely important process regulating elemental transport to the equatorial Pacific seafloor. These findings emphasize the role of vertical transport to the sediment, and provide additional constraints on the paleochemical use of trace elements to track biogenic and terrigenous fluxes.


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We examined the flux of Al to sediment accumulating beneath the zone of elevated productivity in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, along a surface sediment transect at 135°W as well as downcore for a 650 kyr record at 1.3°N, 133.6°W. Across the surface transect, a pronounced, broadly equatorially symmetric increase in Al accumulation is observed, relative to Ti, with Al/Ti ratios reaching values 3-4 times that of potential detrital sources. The profile parallels biogenic accumulation and the modeled flux of particulate 234Th, suggesting rapid and preferential adsorptive removal of Al from seawater by settling biogenic particles. Normative calculations confirm that most Al is unsupported by the terrigenous fraction. The observed distributions are consistent with previous observations of the relative and absolute behavior of Al and Ti in seawater, and we can construct a reasonable mass balance between the amount of seawater-sourced Al retained in the sediment and the amount of seawater Al available in the overlying column. The close tie between Al/Ti and biogenic accumulation (as opposed to concentration) emphasizes that biogenic sedimentary Al/Ti responds to removal-transport phenomena and not bulk sediment composition. Thus, in these sediments dominated by the biogenic component, the bulk Al/Ti ratio reflects biogenic particle flux, and by extension, productivity of the overlying seawater. The downcore profile of Al/Ti at 1.3°N displays marked increases during glacial episodes, similar to that observed across the surface transect, from a background value near Al/Ti of average upper crust. The excursions in Al/Ti are stratigraphically coincident with maxima in both bulk and CaCO3 accumulation and the excess Al appears to not be preferentially affiliated with opaline or organic phases. Consistent with the similar behavioral removal of Al and 234Th, the latter of which responds to the total particle flux, the Al flux reflects carbonate accumulation only because carbonate comprises the dominant flux in these particular deposits. These results collectively indicate that (1) Al in biogenic sediment and settling biogenic particles is strongly affected by a component adsorbed from seawater. Therefore, the common tenet that Al is dominantly associated with terrestrial particulate matter, and the subsequent use of Al distributions to calculate the abundance and flux of terrestrial material in settling particles and sediment, needs to be reevaluated. (2) The Al/Ti ratio in biogenic sediment can be used to trace the productivity of the overlying water, providing a powerful new paleochemical tool to investigate oceanic response to climatic variation. (3) The close correlation between the Al/Ti productivity signal and carbonate maxima downcore at 1.3°N suggests that the sedimentary carbonate maxima in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean record increased productivity during glacial episodes.