998 resultados para Depósitos de lodos


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En ese trabajo se estudia la concentración de elementos traza tóxicos en los depósitos de lodos (relaves) abandonados por la industria minera en Almería (España), los suelos del entorno próximo y las plantas que los colonizan y representan una vía de incorporación de dichos elementos en la cadena trófica. La industria minera antigua dejó toda una serie de instalaciones abandonadas en diferentes zonas de Andalucía, entre las que destacan por presentar altos contenidos en metales, los depósitos de residuos en forma de lodos generados en el proceso de flotación. En este estudio se trata el caso concreto de los depósitos de lodos de Mina La Solana (Almócita, Almería), donde se ha realizado una caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos y de los suelos de su entorno, en función al contenido en algunos elementos traza. Se han caracterizado muestras de las plantas que enraízan en dichos residuos para determinar la concentración que presentan en los mismos elementos traza. Los resultados muestran que los lodos presentan altos contenidos en Pb (concentración media 6800 ppm) y Zn (concentración media 22 000 ppm). Estos elementos no aparecen en forma soluble en agua, los test de lixiviación dan valores de concentración muy bajos (≤10 ppm de Pb y ≤ 2 ppm de Zn). De la misma forma se ha determinado una concentración alta de los mismos elementos en los restos vegetales, con un valor del Pb hasta los 210 ppm y 1300 ppm de Zn. Este hecho pone de manifiesto la capacidad de las plantas para alterar la movilidad de los elementos presentes en el sustrato donde enraízan estableciéndose una transferencia hacia la cadena trófica.


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Este artigo analisou os depósitos das universidades públicas paulistas no Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (Inpi) no período de 1995-2006, perfazendo 672 registros. Foram consideradas as seguintes: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Universidade Federal de São Carlos e Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Com os resultados obtidos verificou-se um avanço, mesmo que instável, do número de depósitos de patentes advindas das universidades e o adiantamento da Unicamp em relação às demais na quantidade de patentes depositadas, responsável por 60% do total de registros. Como conclusão vale destacar que o fortalecimento das políticas internas das universidades relacionadas à propriedade industrial acarretará maior índice de proteção das invenções acadêmicas, garantindo os direitos sobre a invenção, incentivando a realização de novas pesquisas e, através de mecanismos efetivos, viabilizando a transferência da tecnologia produzida nas universidades para o setor produtivo.


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Ensaios de sondagem e caminhamento elétrico têm sido realizados globalmente na avaliação de uma grande variedade de problemas em exploração mineral e hidrogeologia, bem como na caracterização de locais com risco de contaminação. A despeito da utilidade de ensaios geoelétricos em estudos hidrogeológicos e na caracterização de depósitos de resíduos desativados, um problema na utilização de sondagens elétricas ocorre em conseqüência da falta de espaço para aquisição de dados nessas áreas. Em áreas urbanas, isto constitui uma limitação importante devido à existência de construções, o que muitas vezes interrompe o desenvolvimento de ensaios de campo com arranjos de comprimentos adequados. Embora investigações rasas tendam a ser eficazes em caracterização geoambiental, a estimativa de parâmetros-chave pode depender da investigação de porções mais profundas. Entretanto, uma profundidade de investigação ligeiramente maior é obtida pelo arranjo dipolo-dipolo em comparação aos arranjos Schlumberger e Wenner de mesmo comprimento. Essa característica do arranjo dipolo-dipolo pode ser observada em vários estudos, mas provavelmente devido à tradição e à relação sinal-ruído, a grande maioria das sondagens elétricas é feita com os arranjos Schlumberger e Wenner.O arranjo dipolo-dipolo é mais utilizado em ensaios 2D. Até onde se sabe, essa maior capacidade de investigação em profundidade do arranjo dipolo-dipolo 1D não foi explorada em estudos geoambientais e nem em estudos hidrogeológicos em áreas urbanas. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de campo que ressaltam a utilidade de sondagens dipolo-dipolo na investigação de tais áreas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos químicos do solo e a disponibilidade de cádmio (Cd), cromo (Cr), níquel (Ni), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e arsênio (As), por meio da extração pelo DTPA,em conseqüência da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodos de esgoto centrifugados e de biodigestores, nas doses 0 (testemunha), 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1 e um tratamento adicional composto pela calagem superficial na dose 2 Mg ha-1. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em condições de campo, em área sob sistema plantio direto, durante 2003 e 2004. A aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria,lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado e de biodigestor, até a dose 8 Mg ha-1, assim como o calcário na dose 2 Mg ha-1, não trazem problemas de disponibilidade ao ambiente, com relação aos metais pesados Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Ni e As, quando aplicados sobre a superfície em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, no sistema plantio direto. A fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados às culturas da soja e aveia-preta foi nula, quando foram aplicadas doses de até 8 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, escória e lama cal sobre a superfície do solo, no sistema plantio direto


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Relata-se a freqüência de vegetais Bromeliaceae e de outros criadouros com plantas positivos para Aedes aegypti durante dois ciclos operacionais (tratamento focal) consecutivos no Município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, cujos períodos foram de 12 de novembro de 2000 a 9 de março de 2001 e 12 de março de 2001 a 15 de junho de 2001. O trabalho destaca as implicações epidemiológicas oriundas da crescente utilização dessas plantas para fins decorativos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper reports some research work that has been done to support Geological Survey's field work for the 1:50.000 Carta Geológica de Portugal, (sheets 19-C Figueira da Foz and 19-D Coimbra-Lousã). Its main purpose was to establish the age of some continental formations. At Cerâmica do Mondego, Ld.ª near Taveiro, two series were observed. The lower one is mainly pelitic, montmorillonite being predominant. It also includes some sandy beds and channel deposits with high energy sediments (conglomerate with limestone pebbles). The upper series lies unconformably upon the former, and there is a neat discontinuity surface between the two. It mainly consists of sands, kaolinite being the most abundant of the clay minerals. This seems to indicate an intensive weathering, an acid, well drained environment and transportation by quite high energy running waters. No fossils were recorded. Preliminary paleontological results are presented, along with some data concerning other localities (Aveiro, etc.). Fossils found in the lower series are: gastropoda (Bulimus gaudryi, TV. 15 bed), several vertebrates (TV. 18), fishes (TV. 19?) and plants (TV. 19-TV. 24). Vertebrata belong to the same fauna as that from Vizo, Aveiro, etc. The presence of mammals is most important as only a single tooth was previously Know in Europe (Southern France) in Late Cretaceous formations. Elsewhere there are some mammalian remains in Peru besides the rich assemblages found in the USA and Mongolia. Plants are representative of the «Debeya flora» well known at several localities in Beira Litoral province, in «Buçaco sandstones», and in Lisbon's «Basaltic Complex». The most important stratigraphical conclusion is that the lower series is Upper Campanian and/or Maastrichtian in age, and not Tertiary as sometimes it has been considered. As at Aveiro, «Bebeya flora» occurs in-beds somewhat higher than those with the Aveiro-Vizo-Taveiro vertebrate fauna. Correlation with other «Debeya flora» localities are now more clear. Data concerning Taveiro lower series, in the whole, point out to a rather warm (and moist?) environment in an occasionally (seasonally?) flooded region.


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This paper reports some research work that has been done to support Geological Survey's field work for the 1:50.000 Carta Geológica de Portugal, (sheets 19-C Figueira da Foz and 19-D Coimbra-Lousã). Its main purpose was to establish the age of some continental formations. At Cerâmica do Mondego, Lda. near Taveiro, two series were observed. The lower one is mainly pelitic, montmorillonite being predominant. It also includes some sandy beds and channel deposits with high energy sediments (conglomerate with limestone pebbles). The upper series lies unconformably upon the former, and there is a neat discontinuity surface between the two. It mainly consists of sands, kaolinite being the most abundant of the clay minerals. This seems to indicate an intensive weathering, an acid, well drained environment and transportation by quite high energy running waters. No fossils were recorded. Preliminary paleontological results are presented, along with some data concerning other localities (Aveiro, etc). Fossils found in the lower series are: gastropoda (Bulimus gaudryi, TV. 15 bed), several vertebrates (TV. 18), fishes (TV. 19?) and plants (TV. 19-TV. 24). Vertebrata belong to the same fauna as that from Vizo, Aveiro, etc. The presence of mammals is most important as only a single tooth was previously know in Europe (Southern France) in Late Cretaceous formations. Elsewhere there are some mammalian remains in Peru besides the rich assemblages found in the USA and Mongolia. Plants are representative of the «Debeya flora» well known at several localities in Beira Litoral province, in «Buçaco sandstones», and in Lisbon's «Basaltic Complex». The most important stratigraphical conclusion is that the lower series is Upper Campanian and/or Maastrichtian in age, and not Tertiary as sometimes it has been considered. As at Aveiro, «Bebeya flora» occurs in-beds somewhat higher than those with the Aveiro-Vizo-Taveiro vertebrate fauna. Correlation with other «Debeya flora» localities are now more clear. Data concerning Taveiro lower series, in the whole, point out to a rather warm (and moist?) environment in an occasionally (seasonally?) flooded region.


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In the southern part of Tagus basin, North of paleozoic rocks of Valverde-Senhor das Chagas (near Alcácer do Sal) horst, a marine transgression has been recognized, Upper Serravallian, and maybe Lower Tortonian in age. There are no earlier marine deposits, and no younger ones are known either. Paleozoic behaved as a barrier separating two basins, distinct at least since Middle Miocene until Upper Pleistocene. Until now, both were regarded as a single entity, the so-called «Sado basin» Southwards (Alvalade basin) there has been a single transgression. It was assummed that it was the same one as the former. Indeed it is not definitely so. Later transgression accounts for Esbarrondadoiro Formation, whose deposits have been ascribed to Tortonian or even to Middle Miocene. However they are Upper Messinian to Lower Zanclean. Esbarrondadoiro Formation is younger than Lower Member of Cacela Formation in Algarve and, with even stronger reason, than the upper-most well dated marine levels in Tagus basin. Age of Miocene units dealt with here has been based on small mammals found in marine sands.


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One of the most common characteristics of Portuguese littoral is the existence of a planed surface (the so-called "littoral platform"), situated at different altitudes and bordered from the inland by a straight relief, strongly contrasting with that planed surface. This one is generally covered with several outcrops of the so-called Plio-Pleistocene deposits. Till the eighties this platform has been interpreted as stable staircase of old marine levels, registering in a passive way the eustatic variations. The rigid step bordering it easterly should be a fossil cliff. However, our study has proved that many of these deposits have a continental origin. These continental deposits have fluvial or alluvial fan facies and they are lying above 40 meters. Marine deposits seem to be quite rare and they only occupy a small western area, beneath the altitude of 40 meters and developing into three different marine levels. There is a rigid step between the two kinds of deposits. We think that the clear geometric separation between these deposits together with this rigid step, indicates a tectonic origin. It seems that the sea must have touched only the western part of this surface, when neotectonic movements lowered it down. There are more evidences for neotectonic movements: a) there are faults (mainly inverse faults) affecting the higher deposits of this littoral platform; b) the same marine level seems to appear at different altitudes, developing an irregular pattern with a general trend dipping from the North to the South.


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This paper describes the palaeoweathering, cementation, clay minerals association and other closely related characteristics of central Portugal allostratigraphic Tertiary units (SLD's), that can be used for palaeoclimatic interpretation and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Lateral and vertical changes in palaeosols are of value for improving our understanding of the autocyclic and allocyclic controls on sediment acumulation in an alluvial basin, but they can also have stratigraphic importance. In some cases it is concluded that the geomorphological setting may have been more decisive than climatic conditions to the production of the palaeoweathering. During late Palaeogene (SLD7-8), surface and near-surface silicification were developed on tectonically stable land surfaces of minimal local relief under a semi-arid climate; groundwater flow was responsible for some eodiagenesis calcareous accumulations, with the neoformation of palygorskite. Conditions during the Miocene (SLD9-11) were favourable for the smectization of the metamorphic basement and arenization of granites. Intense rubefaction associated with basement conversion into clay (illite and kaolinite), is ascribed to internal drainage during late Messinian-Zanclean (SLD12). During Piacenzian (SLD13) intense kaolinization and hydromorphism are typical, reflecting a more humid and hot temperate climate and important Atlantic fluvial drainage. Later on (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?; SLD14). more cold and dry conditicns are interpreted, at the beginning of the fluvial incision sage. Silica cementation is identified in the upper Eocence-Oligocene ? (SLD18; the major period of silicification), middle to upper Miocene (SLD10)and upper Tortonian-Messinian (SLD11); these occurrences are compatible with either arid or semi-arid conditions and the establishment of a flat landscape upon which a silcrete was developed.


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In the Vila de Rei area (Central Portugal) the continental deposits of the Lower Tagus Tertiary Basin lay upon the pediment of the Portuguese Central Chain. Three conglomerate units are recorded from the base upwards, separated by regional or basinal unconformities; Conglomerados de Rio de Moinhos (RM); Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim (SA) and Conglomerados de Vila de Rei (VR). The first two units (RM and SA) have been sites of gold exploitation in huge open pit mines probably during Roman colonisation times. The contact of this units, on the Paleozoic basement or on the Paleogene unit Grés de Monsanto, is unconform, defining in both limits a large nondepositional and/or erosional hiatus. Those conglomerates seal the sedimentation of the Lower Tagus Tertiary Basin along its northern border. Taking into account the significance assigned to their basinal unconformity limits, the uplift of the Portuguese Central Chain, and the fact of this continental units yielded no fossils with chronostratigraphic significance, they have been considered ranging from Upper Miocene to the beginning of the Quaternary. Finally, a lithostraligraphic equivalence with the Neogenic units of the Bierzo and Duerna basins (NW of the Iberian Peninsula), where exploitations from Roman times are also evident, is presented.


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Recently had been discovery, in the area of the construction of the Carla Sacramento Athletics Stadium at Cruz de Pau (Seixal), a set of stopes and wells with characteristics of ancient Roman mining activities. The old mining works are incised in pliocene sandy formations with conglomeratic facies, where four preliminary samples were collected in a coarser level with subrounded pebbles. The heavy minerais of those samples were studied in accordance with the Heavy Mineral Concentrate Laboratory of the IGM. The previously mentioned facies has interesting gold percentages and the presence of grey (nodular) and classic monazite, xenotime, cassiterite, spinels s.l., ilmenite and rutile. The morphology of the gold grains as well as the heavy minerals shows two phases of transport; an initial fluvial phase and a secondary aeolian phase influenced their concentracion. The high percentage of toroid grains showing evidence of wind ablation, suggests that this was the main factor for reconcentration of the gold. The amount of gold particles obtained in the concentrates is considerable and in one sample, a grade of 3.2 ppm was calculated. The samples also have been analysed for Au + 34 elements by INAA and ICP-MS, the results of which show similar grades as previously obtained.


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Os A.A apresentam dois casos clínicos de tumores hepáticos associados ao torotraste, dois colangiocarcinomas, observados numa enfermaria de Medicina Interna de um hospital de Lisboa. É feito um comentário sobre o efeito nefasto das radiações ionizantes em geral sobre o organismo humano, particularizando os efeitos do torotraste. Comenta-se, ainda, o prolongado tempo de latência que existiu nestes dois casos, bem como o facto de, provavelmente, estarmos perante os últimos casos de tumores induzidos pelo torotraste.