889 resultados para Denture retention


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Statement of problem. The oral mucosa has been reported to show a variety of changes in subjects with diabetes mellitus.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to compare diabetic and nondiabetic subjects wearing complete dentures with regard to salivary flow, salivary buffering capacity, denture retention, and oral mucosal lesions.Material and methods. Sixty subjects, 30 with and 30 without a diagnosis of diabetes, were matched for gender, race, and age. Salivary flow, salivary buffering capacity, glycemia, blood pressure, presence of mucosal lesions, denture retention, use of medications, and behavioral factors (controlled or uncontrolled diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking) reported by the subjects, were evaluated. For the salivary buffering capacity test, 1 mL of saliva was pipetted into a test tube containing 3 mL 0.005 N of hydrochloric acid, and the pH was measured with indicator strips. Group differences were statistically analyzed using the Student t test and the Mann-Whitney test for quantitative variables and the chi-square test for qualitative variables (alpha = .05).Results. Mean (SD) salivary flow was 1.14 (0.87) mL/min in the nondiabetic subjects and 0.95 (0.61) mL/min in the diabetic subjects. Evaluation of self-reported denture retention revealed no significant difference between groups. Denture retention was observed in 66.7% (20/30) of the control group and in 50% (15/30) of the diabetic group. The prevalence of mucosal lesions was 90% (27/30) in the control group and 83.3% (25/30) in the diabetic group. Salivary buffering capacity was 5.80 (0.85) in the control group and 5.26 (0.83) in the diabetic group (P = .017).Conclusions. Within the limitations of this study, no significant differences were observed in salivary flow, denture retention, or oral lesions in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects.


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Foi avaliado o possível efeito de tratamentos superficiais em pinos de fibra de carbono lisos, quando comparados aos pinos serrilhados, na retenção à resina composta empregada na confecção de núcleos de preenchimento. Foram utilizados cinqüenta pinos de fibra de carbono, divididos em cinco grupos: os quatro primeiros grupos eram constituídos por pinos do tipo liso, cujas superfícies foram tratadas, e o último grupo por dez pinos do tipo serrilhado. Foram desenvolvidas matrizes de resina acrílica com um leito ajustado para conter o pino, com um alargamento na porção coronária para posterior preenchimento com resina composta. Após o tratamento superficial, todos os pinos receberam camadas de primer, foram secos e então ajustados à matriz de resina, colocando-se a resina composta autopolimerizável na porção coronária para um núcleo de preenchimento de 3 mm. As amostras foram submetidas a termociclagem e armazenadas em água destilada por uma semana. Os espécimes foram testados por meio de ensaios mecânicos de tração, à velocidade de 0,5 mm/min, até o deslocamento do conjunto ou a fratura da resina do núcleo. As conclusões foram as seguintes: a) o tratamento superficial nos grupos tratados por meio de jateamento (Grupo A), pontas diamantadas marcadoras de profundidade para facetas laminadas (Grupo C) e alteração da morfologia da extremidade coronária (Grupo D) conferiu aos pinos lisos valores de retenção comparáveis aos dos pinos serrilhados (Grupo E) nos ensaios de tração, porém sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre estes grupos; b) os pinos tratados por meio de pontas diamantadas de granulação média (Grupo B) obtiveram valores de retenção menores que os demais grupos.


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The mucosa that covers the residual ridges of edentulous patients may present some distortion or displacement when occlusal loading is applied in complete dentures. This distortion and movement of the denture can result in acceleration of residual ridge resorption and loss of retention and stability. The aim of this study was to analyze the pattern of upper complete denture movement related to underlying mucosa displacement. A sample of 10 complete denture wearers was randomly selected, which had acceptable upper and lower dentures and normal volume and resilience of residual ridges. The kinesiographic instrument K6-I Diagnostic System was used to measure denture movements, according to the method proposed by Maeda et al.7, 1984. Denture movements were measured under the following experimental conditions: (A) 3 maximum voluntary clenching cycles and (B) unilateral chewing for 20 seconds. The results showed that under physiological load, oral mucosa distortion has two distinct phases: a fast initial displacement as load is applied and a slower and incomplete recovery when load is removed. Intermittent loading such as chewing progressively reduces the magnitude of the denture displacement and the recovery of the mucosa is gradually more incomplete.


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The technique presented in this article presents a protocol for treatment that reduces the time required for the fabrication and placement of an implant supported prosthesis. It also offers improved patient comfort at a lower cost when compared to conventional technology.


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Aim: There is little information considering the framework association between cast clasps and attachments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the retention strength of frameworks match circumferential clasps and extra resilient attachment cast in three different alloys (cobalt-chromium, nickel-chromium titanium and commercially pure titanium), using two undercut (0.25 and 0.75 mm) and considering different period of time (0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years). Methods: Using two metallic matrices, representing a partially edentulous mandibular right hemiarch with the first molar crown, canine root and without premolars, 60 frameworks were fabricated. Three groups (n = 20) of each metal were cast and each group was divided into two subgroups (n = 10), corresponding the molar undercut of 0.25 mm and 0.75 mm. The nylon male was positioned at the matrix and attached to the acrylic resin of the prosthetic base. The samples were subjected to an insertion and removal test under artificial saliva environment. Results: The data were analyzed and compared with ANOVAs and Tukey's test at 95% of probability. The groups cast in cobaltchromium and nickel-chromium-titanium had the highest mean retention strength (5.58 N and 6.36 N respectively) without significant difference between them, but statistically different from the group cast in commercially pure titanium, which had the lowest mean retention strength in all the periods (3.46 N). The association frameworks using nickel-chromium-titanium and cobalt-chromium could be used with 0.25 mm and 0.75 mm of undercut, but the titanium samples seems to decrease the retention strength, mainly in the 0.75 mm undercut. The circumferential clasps cast in commercially pure titanium used in 0.75 mm undercuts have a potential risk of fractures, especially after the 2nd year of use. Conclusion: This in vitro study showed that the framework association between cast clasp and an extra resilient attachment are suitable to the three metals evaluated, but strongly suggest extra care with commercially pure titanium in undercut of 0.75 mm. Clinical significance: Frameworks fabricated in Cp Ti tend to decrease in retentive strength over time and have a potential risk of fracture in less than 0.75 mm of undercut.


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Objective: The prevalence of wearing and fracture of complete dentures was evaluated among edentulous patients treated in two dental schools in Brazil. Background: Acceptance and wearing of complete dentures are related to adaptive behaviour of edentulous patients. However, one reason that could interfere with the wearing dentures is their potential to fracture, which is still a common complication in denture rehabilitation practice. Material and methods: Two hundred and twenty-four edentulous patients rehabilitated with complete dentures from 2000 to 2005 in Araçatuba and Araraquara Dental School, University of State of São Paulo, were assessed in 2006 and 2007 to answer a questionnaire about wearing and fracture of their dentures. Statistical analysis were performed using Epi Info software and chi-squared test to compare maxillary and mandibular data (α = 0.05). Results: Almost 26% of the patients did not wear their dentures, and among the remainder, the majority wore the maxillary denture. About 30% of the dentures were fractured, with higher prevalence in the maxillary arch (p = 0.003). Conclusions: Discontinuation of wearing dentures was quite high, especially considering the treatment which was carried out in university clinics. Prevalence of fractures was also high, greater for the maxillary denture, and was one of the main reasons for non-wearing of complete dentures. © 2011 The Gerodontology Society and John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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This study deals with the development of the retentive forces of double crowns intraorally measured. Twenty-five combined fixed-removable prostheses with a total of 84 double crowns were included in the study. The intraoral measurement was performed at 72 defined measuring points directly adjacent to the double crowns of the dentures. The measurement was performed 4-6 weeks (baseline), 6 months (recall 1), and 18 months (recall 2) after the insertion of the restoration. A specifically designed measuring device was used. The median values for the single measuring points reached 4.705 N at the baseline, 5.190 N after 6 months, and 3.740 N after 18 months. The measured values were analyzed according to differences between the median retention forces at the three defined points in time. The statistical analysis of the median values showed no statistical difference for the retention force change after 6 months but for the decrease until the second recall (Mann-Whitney test). The retention force per denture was calculated by a summation of the single measuring points. At the baseline, 12.9 N was reached. The forces did only decrease slightly and were not statistically significant. The results indicate that retention force values of double crowns, measured intraorally at the patient, do not relevantly change clinically within the first 1.5 years. Within the limitations of this study, it can be stated that wear does not influence the retentive forces of double crowns within the first 18 months. After this period the retention force should be still sufficient for denture retention.


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Visto que indicadores de prognóstico são uma ferramenta importante para a seleção de pacientes a serem tratados com prótese total, este estudo investigou a influência da forma e da resiliência do rebordo alveolar mandibular sobre a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais. Noventa e três pacientes desdentados portadores de próteses totais superior e inferior compuseram a amostra. Os dados foram coletados quanto a forma e resiliência do rebordo mandibular. As próteses foram avaliadas para a retenção e estabilidade utilizando-se uma ferramenta objetiva e reproduzível. As associações entre as características clínicas do rebordo alveolar mandibular e retenção e estabilidade das próteses foram analisados por meio dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher (α = 0.05). Observou-se associação significativa entre a forma do rebordo e a estabilidade da prótese (p <0,05), enquanto que a resiliência foi associada significativamente com a retenção (p <0,001). Baseando-se nos resultados, a resiliência e forma do rebordo mandibular influenciaram, respectivamente, a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais.


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O uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível é uma alternativa viável para eliminar a estrutura metálica que pode interferir na estética sem perder retenção e estabilidade. Os magnetos podem ser recomendados para pacientes com perda de tecido periodontal, desde que eles diminuam a transmissão de forças ao dente remanescente. O objetivo deste relato de caso clínico foi apresentar uma alternativa de tratamento protético para dentes pilares comprometidos periodontalmente e descrever as vantagens e desvantagens do uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível sobre os pontos de vista funcionais, biológicos e estéticos.


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Os sistemas de retenção utilizados em próteses totais sobre implante (sobredentaduras) tem sido discutidos ao longo das últimas décadas a fim de se obter uma padronização a respeito do tratamento clínico desses pacientes. Considerando o importante papel da estabilidade das próteses para a eficiência mastigatória, bem como para elaboração do plano de tratamento adequado, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade das próteses implantossuportadas e/ou implantorretidas, utilizando para isso um estudo in vitro que simulou a força de mordida. Materiais e Métodos: Foram testadas quatro tipo diferentes de próteses totais: 1) G1 Prótese Total Removível Convencional; 2) G2 - Próteses Total Removível sobre Implantes (Overdenture), retida pelo sistema ERA; 3) G3 Prótese Total Removível sobre Implantes (Overdenture), retida pelo sistema de Barra com clipes e Encaixes - ORCE; e 4) G4 - Prótese Total Fixa sobre Implantes, seguindo o protocolo Brånemark e utilizando o sistema de barras-distais da marca Neodent. Cada grupo foi submetido ao carregamento em pontos específicos, localizados sobre os elementos 16 (F=300N), 26 (F=300N) e na região anterior 11/21(F=100N). A aferição da estabilidade foi feita através da mensuração do deslocamento vertical da prótese durante o a aplicação da força e a distância do local do carregamento, sobre os elementos 16, 26 e na região anterior, nos elementos 11 e 21. Os dados passaram no teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e foram submetidos à análise de variância ANOVA e à comparação múltipla através do teste de Bonferroni (p<0.05) Resultados: O tipo de sistema utilizado influenciou na movimentação vertical da prótese na região posterior contralateral à aplicação de força, sendo a movimentação vertical G1 > G2 > G3 ≥ G4. Na movimentação vertical da prótese nos dentes anteriores, quando a força foi aplicada nos dentes posteriores (rotação para posterior), a movimentação vertical foi de G1 > G2 > G3 ≥ G4. Durante a rotação para posterior, quando a força foi aplicada nos dentes anteriores (rotação para anterior) e a movimentação medida nos dentes posteriores, o comportamento foi de G1 > G2 > G3 > G4. Conclusão: Em duas das três situações testadas não houve diferença estatística entre a movimentação vertical entre o G3 e o G4, sugerindo que a estabilidade da overdenture retida por barra com clipes e encaixes se comportou, em relação a estabilidade, semelhante a prótese fixa sobre implantes.


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Objective: Transitional implants are indicated for cases in which immediate loading is counter-indicated because a healing period is necessary for osseointegration of the definitive implants. These provisional implants were developed to support an implant-supported fixed prosthesis or overdenture to provide retention, stability, and support. The aim of this article was to conduct a literature review on transitional implants to highlight the characteristics of the transitional implants and their advantages, indications, and contraindications, including the level of osseointegration of such implants according to the functional period. Method and Materials: The present literature review was based on the OldMedline and Medline databases from 1999 to 2010 using the key words "transitional implants" and "temporary implants." Fourteen articles were found: 11 clinical studies or techniques and three histologic and histomorphometric studies. Results: The transitional immediate prostheses were worn by completely and partially edentulous patients. Advantages of transitional implants include complete denture retention, stability, and support; maintenance of chewing, phonetics, and patient comfort; protection of bone grafts; vertical stop during healing period; easy and fast surgical and prosthetic procedures; lower cost in comparison to the definitive implant; and reestablishment of esthetics. The success of transitional implants as conservative treatment for conventional immediate loading is a reality if correctly indicated. Conclusion: Transitional implants are a provisional treatment alternative for completely and partially edentulous patients. However, additional studies are required to evaluate the level of remodeling and repair of the transitional implants under loading. (Quintessence Int 2011; 42: 19-24)


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The authors looked for the verification of the fatigue of retentive clasps utilized on the removable partial denture. According to this, it was idealized and built on assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasp for a pattern tooth, manufactured on cobalt-chromium which has all the preparation normally utilized to the correct confection of this type of prosthesis. It was utilized three different commercial alloys based on cobalt-chromium: L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent; L3-Duracron. It was utilized the T clasp of Roach, with was tested upon three different proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7;E2-2.0 and E3-2.3 and was casted through two casting techniques: F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene. The clasps were tested on the machine, which allowed the reading of the number of insertion and removal cycles made until fatigue appeared. The obtained results were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) L3 (Duracrom) obtained the best results followed by L1 (Biosil) and finally L3 (Steldent); b) among the analyzed thickness, the best results were obtained by E3, followed by E2 and after this E1; c) form the casting techniques, F2 gave us the best results.


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The authors tested the T clasp of Roach in three differents proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7; E2-2.0 and E3-2.3, with a constant length of 15 mm. These clasps were casted with three cobalt-chromium alloys (L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent and L3-Duracrom), through two casting techniques (F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene). The fatigue of the clasps were verified by using and assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasps for a pattern which were obtained from a premolar, prepared in a surveyor. This machine detect the fatigue of the clasps and count the number of cycles of insertion and removal realized. The obtained results of the interaction between the analysed factors, were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) the interaction of factors, Alloy x Thickness, Alloy x Casting Technique and Thickness x Casting Technique did not change the order of effects that the factors showed separately but gave rise to effects of different magnitude for any observed sense; b) the simultaneous interaction of the factors Alloy x Thickness x Casting Technique confirmed the superiority of the L3 alloy, the thickness E3 and the F2 casting technique.


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Due to gradual resorption of the edentulous ridge bone, removable prostheses often require denture base relines to improve fit and stability. This research evaluated the bond strength between one heat-cured acrylic resin (Lucitone 550®) and two hard chairside reline resins, after two different periods of storage in water (50 h and 30 days). The bond strength was evaluated using a tensile test. The mode of failure, adhesive or cohesive, was also recorded. The results submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that the highest tensile strengths were achieved with intact Lucitone 550® denture base resin in both periods of storage in water. After 50 h of storage in water, Duraliner II® reline material exhibited the highest bond strength to the denture base resin. After 30 days of storage in water, Duraliner II® reline resin demonstrated a significant reduction in adhesion, showing lower tensile bond strength than Kooliner® material. Both hard chairside reline materials failed adhesively across Lucitone 550® denture base resin, in both periods of time. © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd.