965 resultados para Dental infections control


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The objective was to study knowledge, attitudes, practice (KAP) and needs regarding infection control measures using two cross-sectional surveys from 1999 and 2010 conducted in India. Both data collection instruments had only about 35 comparable variables in common. In 1999, there were 456 respondents (dentists) who completed a self-administered survey instrument compared to 272 respondents in 2010. Both the 1999 and 2010 samples were mutually independent with no overlap, had regional differences, and therefore, were not completely comparable for changes in KAP over time. While almost all respondents from both surveys felt that education in dental safety was needed and wanted mandatory dental safety curriculum in dental schools, severe inadequacies in dental safety knowledge, protection against immunizable diseases, and practice of universal precaution were noted. Data from the study demonstrated that there is a substantial opportunity to improve the knowledge, attitude and practice of dental infection control and occupational safety in India. Few respondents (27%) reported that the infectious disease status of a patient is always known and a significant number reported that they had the right to refuse care for patients of known infectious disease status. This indicates that Stigma in treating HIV/AIDS patients remains a concern, which in turn suggests that a stronger focus on educating dentists about dental safety and on stigma and infectious disease is needed. Information obtained from this study could be utilized for developing policies oriented towards increasing dental safety educational efforts, in both dental schools as curriculum, and for practicing dentists through professional updates or continuing dental education.^


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Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the autogenous demineralized dentin matrix (ADDM) on the third molar socket wound healing process in humans, using the guided bone regeneration technique and a polytetrafluoroethylene barrier (PTFE). Twenty-seven dental sockets were divided into three groups: dental socket (Control), dental socket with PTFE barrier (PTFE), and dental socket with ADDM slices associated to PTFE banier (ADDM + PTFE). The dental sockets were submitted to radiographic bone densitometry analysis and statistical analysis on the 15th, 30th, 60th and 90th days using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (p ≤ 0.05). The radiographic analysis of the ADDM + PTFE group showed greater homogeneity of bone radiopacity than the Control group and the PTFE group, during all the observation times. The dentin matrix gradually disappeared from the dental socket during the course of the repair process, suggesting its resorption during the bone remodeling process. It was concluded that the radiographic bone density of the dental sockets treated with ADDM was similar to that of the surrounding normal bone on the 90th day. The ADDM was biocompatible with the bone tissue of the surgical wounds of human dental sockets. The radiographic analysis revealed that the repair process was discreetly faster in the ADDM + PTFE group than in the Control and PTFE groups, although the difference was not statistically significant. In addition, the radiographic image of the ADDM + PTFE group suggested that its bone architecture was better than that of the Control and PFTE groups.


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In the past few years indications for the use of the air polishing technology have been expanded from supragingival use (airflow) to subgingival air polishing (perioflow) by the development of new low-abrasive glycine-based powders and devices with a subgingival nozzle. Several studies on the subgingival use of air polishing have been completed. On 7 June 2012, during the Europerio 7 Congress in Vienna, a consensus conference on mechanical biofilm management took place aiming to review the current evidence from the literature on the clinical relevance of the subgingival use of air polishing and to make practical recommendations for the clinician. Bernita Bush (Bern), Prof Johannes Einwag (Stuttgart), Prof Thomas Flemmig (Seattle), Carmen Lanoway (Munich), Prof Ursula Platzer (Hamburg), Prof Petra Schmage (Hamburg), Brigitte Schoeneich (Zurich), Prof Anton Sculean (Bern), Dr Clemens Walter (Basel), and Prof Jan Wennström (Gothenburg) discussed under the moderation of Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf and Christian Becker (both ADIC Association for Dental Infection Control) the available clinical studies to reach a consensus on available clinical evidence. This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the consensus conference and points to the clinical relevance of the findings for the dental practitioner.


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Espécies do gênero Acinetobacter são patógenos oportunistas que têm sido associados a várias infecções relacionadas à assistência em saúde acometendo principalmente, pacientes hospitalizados em centros de tratamento intensivo. A. baumannii , Acinetobacter genoespécie 3 e Acinetobacter genoespécie 13TU constituem o complexo A. baumannii e são consideradas as espécies de maior importância clínica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar em nível de espécie, avaliar o perfil de resistência e analisar a diversidade genética de 102 amostras de Acinetobacter spp. isoladas de hemoculturas de pacientes internados em quatro hospitais do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Após a utilização de duas técnicas moleculares, 87 (85,3%) amostras foram identificadas como A. baumannii, sete (6,9%) como A. genoespécie 3, duas (1,9%) A. genoespécie 13TU e seis (5,9%) não foram identificadas em nível de espécie. A maioria das amostras de A. baumannii apresentou caráter multirresistente mostrando percentuais de resistência acima de 70% para ceftazidima, cefotaxima e ciprofloxacina. A resistência aos carbapenêmicos variou de 59% a 91%. Foi encontrada uma grande variedade de antibiotipos entre as amostras de A. baumannii, sendo prevalente dois multirresistentes. Um deles, caracterizado pela sensibilidade apenas aos aminoglicosídeos, ocorreu em 20,7% das amostras e o outro observado em 14,9% das amostras , foi caracterizado pela resistência a todos os antimicrobianos testados. Através da PCR, foi observado que 77% das amostras de A. baumannii apresentaram produto de amplificação compatível com gene blaOXA-23-like e destas, 64 mostraram-se resistentes tanto a imipenem quanto a meropenem. Em contrapartida, todas as amostras de A. baumannii OXA-23 negativas mostraram-se sensíveis aos carbapenens. Em relação às amostras de A. genoespécie 3 e 13TU, foram observados baixos percentuais de resistência frente aos antimicrobianos testados e apenas uma amostra de Acinetobacter genoespécie 3 apresentou produto de amplificação compatível com gene blaOXA-23-like, sendo esta sensível aos carbapenens. Não foram detectados os genes blaOXA-40-like e blaOXA-58-like nas 102 amostras de Acinetobacter spp.. A análise do polimorfismo genético das amostras de A. baumannii por PFGE mostrou a presença de 35 clones distribuídos entre os hospitais. Um clone (designado A), presente em 32 amostras (36,9%), foi encontrado nos quatro hospitais, sendo prevalente em três. Em 93,8% das amostras do clone A foi detectado o gene blaOXA-23-like. A disseminação de um clone de A. baumannii multirresistente produtor de OXA-23 entre os hospitais estudados evidencia a importância de medidas de controle de infecções mais eficazes, visando minimizar a morbidade e a mortalidade causadas por este importante patógeno. Além disso, como outras espécies também podem estar associadas a infecções, destacamos a importância da identificação correta das amostras em nível de espécie, visando o conhecimento da patogenicidade, do perfil de resistência e dados epidemiológicos des outras espécies, principalmente as pertencentes ao complexo A. baumannii


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O presente estudo discute a questão da integração das vigilâncias em âmbito hospitalar (vigilância epidemiológica hospitalar e vigilância do controle de infecção hospitalar), analisando as possibilidades e impossibilidades dessa integração. Examina os aspectos histórico-políticos e as concepções teórico-práticas de organização dos serviços de vigilância hospitalar, buscando identificar as diferenças e semelhanças entre as duas vigilâncias. A análise inicial permitiu examinar em que medida os limites impostos pelas especificidades de cada vigilância contribuem para sua prática de forma desintegrada. Em seguida realizou-se pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas com grupos focais de profissionais que atuam na vigilância das infecções hospitalares e da vigilância epidemiológica em âmbito hospitalar. O material localizado nos grupos focais foi analisado utilizando-se categorias construídas a partir do próprio material. As vigilâncias hospitalares têm tentado encontrar formas de mudar suas práticas, buscando romper com os caminhos neutralizados, buscando uma aproximação entre as vigilâncias, pois havia muito conflito relacionado a questões técnicas advindas da formação diversificada entre os profissionais que atuam na área. Hoje a busca de novos caminhos foi possível pela mudança da percepção dos profissionais apenas, sem a imposição da gestão, ao perceberem a necessidade de reorganizar o serviço de vigilância hospitalar de forma horizontalizada, construindo um diagnóstico com múltiplos olhares/saberes, como práticas aliançadas com a transformação da realidade de sua unidade hospitalar. Alguns apontam a necessidade de se discutir um novo conceito para Vigilância Hospitalar, capaz de reconhecer além da vigilância das infecções hospitalares e vigilância epidemiológica, capaz de incluir também a vigilância ambiental, assim o conceito de vigilância em saúde no território hospitalar deve possibilitar uma visão mais ampla para a VH. Esta vem enfrentando dificuldades ao tentar reorganizar suas práticas, principalmente em sua infra-estrutura, e os recursos humanos têm sido o maior problema. Reconhecem que um serviço de VH requer normas, fluxos, protocolos, etc. para integrar suas práticas, o que exige construir a integração. Embora acreditem que a integração não deva começar pela mudança da estrutura do serviço, mas pelo processo de trabalho, esperam que, ao final dessa construção, seja criada uma regulamentação que proponha a integração das vigilâncias, efetivando a proposta.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the investigation of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the state of Sao Paulo and the main control measures undertaken.METHODS: This is a descriptive study of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the Southwestern region of the state from February to April 2009. Suspected and confirmed cases in humans and in non-human primates were evaluated. Entomological investigation in sylvatic environment involved capture at ground level and in the tree canopy to identify species and detect natural infections. Control measures were performed in urban areas to control Aedes aegypti. Vaccination was directed at residents living in areas with confirmed viral circulation and also at nearby cities according to national recommendation.RESULTS: Twenty-eight human cases were confirmed (39.3% case fatality rate) in rural areas of Sarutaia, Piraju, Tejupa, Avare, and Buri. The deaths of 56 non-human primates were also reported, 91.4% were Allouatta sp. Epizootics was confirmed in two non-human primates in the cities of Itapetininga and Buri. A total of 1,782 mosquitoes were collected, including Haemagogus leucocelaenus, Hg. janthinomys/capricornii, and Sabethes chloropterus, Sa. purpureus and Sa. undosus. Yellow fever virus was isolated from a group of Hg. Leucocelaenus from Buri. Vaccination was carried out in 49 cities, with a total of 1,018,705 doses. Nine serious post-vaccination adverse events were reported.CONCLUSIONS: The cases occurred between February and April 2009 in areas with no recorded yellow fever virus circulation in over 60 years. The outbreak region occurred outside the original recommended vaccination area with a high percentage of susceptible population. The fast adoption of control measures interrupted the human transmission within a month and the confirmation of viral circulation in humans, monkeys and mosquitoes. The results allowed the identification of new areas of viral circulation but further studies are required to clarify the dynamics of the spread of this disease.


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Biosecurity is currently a concern for all health-related services, including dentistry, since infection control has a relevant importance. In dental practice, health-related occupations have contact with a great number of individuals who are potentially capable to transmit pathogens. This study comprised a descriptive evaluation of the universal precaution measures for infection control adopted by dental practitioners working at public and private offices in the city of Araçatuba, SP. Data collection was performed by a quiz with questions about individual and collective protection equipments. The results showed that the use of caps was reported by 55% of the professionals working at the public sector and 90% for the private sector. The use of masks and gloves was reported by all professionals surveyed; nevertheless, glove change between patients was not reported by 40% of professionals working at the public sector. There were more flaws in public offices as to the use of protective barriers, since except for the use of gloves, gowns and masks, the frequency of use of those barriers was smaller than at private offices.


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A study of the prevalence, intensity and risk factors for soil-transmitted helminth infection was undertaken among school children aged 5-9 years attending a primary school in the fishing village in Peda Jalaripet, Visakhapatnam, South India. One hundred and eighty nine (92.6%) of 204 children were infected with one or more soil transmitted helminth parasites. The predominant parasite was Ascaris lumbricoides (prevalence of 91%), followed by Trichuris trichiura (72%) and hookworm (54%). Study of age-specific prevalence and intensity of infection revealed that the prevalence and intensity of A. lumbricoides infection was higher among younger children than older children. While aggregation of parasite infection was observed, hookworm infection was more highly aggregated than either A. lumbricoides or T. trichiura. Multivariate analysis identified parental occupation, child's age and mother's education as the potential risk factors contributing to the high intensity of A. lumbricoides infection. Children from fishing families with low levels of education of the mother had the highest intensity of A. lumbricoides infection. As the outcome of chemotherapy programs to control soil transmitted helminth infection is dependant on the dynamics of their transmission, there is a need for further studies to better define the role of specific factors that determine their prevalence, intensity and aggregation in different epidemiological settings. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The launch of the Centre of Research Excellence in Reducing Healthcare Associated Infection (CRE-RHAI) took place in Sydney on Friday 12 October 2012. The mission of the CRE-RHAI is to generate new knowledge about strategies to reduce healthcare associated infections and to provide data on the cost-effectiveness of infection control programs. As well as launching the CRE-RHAI, an important part of this event was a stakeholder Consultation Workshop, which brought together several experts in the Australian infection control community. The aims of this workshop were to establish the research and clinical priorities in Australian infection control, assess the importance of various multi-resistant organisms, and to gather information about decision making in infection control. We present here a summary and discussion of the responses we received.