991 resultados para Dental casting technique


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Objects viewed through transparent sheets with residual non-parallelism and irregularity appear shifted and distorted. This distortion is measured in terms of angular and binocular deviation of an object viewed through the transparent sheet. The angular and binocular deviations introduced are particularly important in the context of aircraft windscreens and canopies as they can interfere with decision making of pilots especially while landing, leading to accidents. In this work, we have developed an instrument to measure both the angular and binocular deviations introduced by transparent sheets. This instrument is especially useful in the qualification of aircraft windscreens and canopies. It measures the deviation in the geometrical shadow cast by a periodic dot pattern trans-illuminated by the distorted light beam from the transparent test specimen compared to the reference pattern. Accurate quantification of the shift in the pattern is obtained by cross-correlating the reference shadow pattern with the specimen shadow pattern and measuring the location of the correlation peak. The developed instrument is handy to use and computes both angular and binocular deviation with an accuracy of less than +/- 0.1 mrad (approximate to 0.036 mrad) and has an excellent repeatability with an error of less than 2%. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769756]


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One problem with dental microwear analyses of museum material is that investigators can never be sure of the diets of the animals in question. An obvious solution to this problem is to work with live animals. Recent work with laboratory primates has shown that high resolution dental impressions can be obtained from live animals. The purpose of this study was to use similar methods to begin to document rates and patterns of dental microwear for primates in the wild. Thirty-three Alouatta palliata were captured during the wet season at Hacienda La Pacifica near Canas, Costa Rica. Dental impressions were taken and epoxy casts of the teeth were prepared using the methods of Teaford and Oyen (1989a). Scanning electron micrographs were taken of the left mandibular second molars at magnifications of 200x and 500x. Lower magnification images were used to calculate rates of wear, and higher magnification images were used to measure the size and shape of microwear features. Results indicate that, while basic patterns of dental microwear are similar in museum samples and samples of live, wild-trapped animals of the same species, ecological differences between collection locales may lead to significant intraspecific differences in dental microwear. More importantly, rates of microwear provide the first direct evidence of differences in molar use between monkeys and humans.


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The Boyadjian et al dental wash technique provides, in certain contexts, the only chance to analyze and quantify the use of plants by past populations and is therefore an important milestone for the reconstruction of paleodiet. With this paper we present recent investigations and results upon the influence of this method on teeth. A series of six teeth from a three thousand years old Brazilian shellmound (Jabuticabeira II) was examined before and after dental wash. The main focus was documenting the alteration of the surfaces and microstructures. The status of all teeth were documented using macrophotography, optical light microscopy, and atmospheric Secondary Electron Microscopy (aSEM) prior and after applying the dental wash technique. The comparison of pictures taken before and after dental wash showed the different degrees of variation and damage done to the teeth but, also, provided additional information about microstructures, which have not been visible before. Consequently we suggest that dental wash should only be carried out, if absolutely necessary, after dental pathology, dental morphology and microwear studies have been accomplished. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the cohesive strength of composite using self-etching adhesive systems (SE) in the lubrication of instruments between layers of composite. The specimens were made by using a Teflon (R) device. SE were used at the interface to lubricate the instruments: Group 1(G1) - control group, no lubricant was used; Group 2(G2) -Futurabond (R) M; Group 3(G3) - Optibond (R) All-In-One; Group 4(G4) - Clearfil (R) SE Bond; Group 5(G5) - Futurabond (R) NR; Group 6(G6) - Adper (R) SE Plus; Group 7(G7) - One Up Bond (R) F. Specimens were submitted to the tensile test to evaluate the cohesive strength. Data were submitted to the ANOVA and Tukey tests. ANOVA showed a value of p = 0.00. The average means (SD): G2 = 11.33(+/-3.44) a, G3 = 15.36(+/-4.06) ab, G4 = 18.9(+/-4.72) bc, G7 = 19.62(+/-4.46) bc, G5 = 21.02(+/-5.09) bc, G6 = 23.39(+/-4.17) cd, and G1 = 28.49(+/-2.89) d. All SE decreased the cohesive strength of the composite, except for Adper (R) SE Plus.


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The present study was designed to evaluate the metallurgical properties of an experimental, low-cost copper-zinc-aluminum-nickel alloy for dental castings. Some specimens were subjected to heat treatment after induction casting. The extent of corrosion was determined by measuring weight loss of specimens stored in a sodium sulfite solution. In the as-cast specimens, tests demonstrated the presence of three phases: the first consisted of copper-zinc-aluminum, the second was similar but lower in copper and aluminum, and the third consisted of an intermetallic compound of manganese-nickel-phosphorus. After heat treatment, the first phase remained relatively constant, the second was converted to Cu3Al, and the third increased in volume. The weight loss from the as-cast specimens was eight times that of the heat-treated specimens. It was concluded that the heat treatment substantially changed the microstructure and improved the corrosion resistance of the experimental alloy.


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OBJETIVO: a ancoragem óssea é fundamental para o sucesso do tratamento de algumas más oclusões, pois permite a aplicação de forças contínuas, diminui o tempo de tratamento e independe da colaboração do paciente. MÉTODOS: o propósito desse trabalho foi comparar, por meio de modelos dentários, a perda de ancoragem após a retração inicial de caninos superiores entre dois grupos. O grupo A utilizou o mini-implante enquanto o grupo B utilizou o Botão de Nance. Para todos os pacientes foram realizados dois modelos (M1 e M2). Os primeiros modelos foram realizados ao início (M1), e os outros ao final da retração inicial de canino (M2). RESULTADOS: todas as medidas foram tabuladas e submetidas à análise estatística. Para verificar o erro sistemático intraexaminador foi utilizado o teste t pareado. Na determinação do erro casual utilizou-se o cálculo de erro proposto por Dahlberg. Para comparação entre as fases Início e Após, foi utilizado o teste t pareado. Para a comparação entre os grupos de mini-implante e Botão de Nance, foi utilizado o teste t de Student para medidas independentes. em todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: ao se medir e comparar em modelos dentários a perda de ancoragem dos molares após a retração inicial de canino utilizando-se dois sistemas de ancoragem distintos (Mini-implante e Botão de Nance), pôde-se observar a inexistência de diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos.


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The authors studied linear alterations processed on copper-aluminum casten MOD blocks, obtained from two expansion techniques (termic and hygroscopic by immersion). UNITERMS: Investment expansion. Thermic expansion. Hygroscopic expansion. Casten Technique.


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Being the surface roughness a fundamental property in the fit of the castings, it was determined the roughness of 5 high-copper casting alloys, according to the heating over their melting temperature. That way, the specimens made with smooth plastic in the shape of a rectangular plate, 2 mm x 7 mm x 11 mm were invested into a cristobalite investment. After heating and elimination on the plastic, the molds were filled by 3 g of molten alloy, casted in a electrical casting machine at the casting temperature at 25 degrees C and 50 degrees C overheating. The surface roughness was measured in a roughness analyser, Talysurf. As a result, it was verified that there is a variation of surface roughness among the alloys tested, and the heating of the alloys until 50 degrees C over the melting temperature does not interfere in the roughness.


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It was evaluated the castability of four copper-aluminium alloy according the melting casting method used. The specimens were made using polyester mesh screen, with 11 x 11 filaments of 0.26 mm thick, fixed along of two adjacent edges in wax bar, with the sprue attached at their junction. The alloys were in an electrical casting machine and a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. The castability values were obtained by the percentage of completed segments of the resulting cast alloy screen. It was verified that the use of the electrical casting machine produced higher castability values to the copper-aluminium alloys than those produced by a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch.


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It was evaluated the Vickers hardness of five high-copper casting alloys, in their original package form and after casting, according to the casting method used. That way, ten ingots, supplied by the manufacturers of each alloy, were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished, numerated and submitted to Vickers hardness test at load of 200 g during 30 seconds. Afterwards the numerated ingots were removed from the acrylic resin and five of those were cast in an electrical casting machine and the other five in a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. The specimens obtained were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished and submitted to Vickers hardness test. As a result it was verified that there is a variation of hardness among the alloys tested, and the use of the electrical casting machine produced lower hardness values than those produced when used the centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. Also, there is a decrease of hardness of the cast alloys when they are tested in their original form and after casting.


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The authors looked for the verification of the fatigue of retentive clasps utilized on the removable partial denture. According to this, it was idealized and built on assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasp for a pattern tooth, manufactured on cobalt-chromium which has all the preparation normally utilized to the correct confection of this type of prosthesis. It was utilized three different commercial alloys based on cobalt-chromium: L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent; L3-Duracron. It was utilized the T clasp of Roach, with was tested upon three different proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7;E2-2.0 and E3-2.3 and was casted through two casting techniques: F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene. The clasps were tested on the machine, which allowed the reading of the number of insertion and removal cycles made until fatigue appeared. The obtained results were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) L3 (Duracrom) obtained the best results followed by L1 (Biosil) and finally L3 (Steldent); b) among the analyzed thickness, the best results were obtained by E3, followed by E2 and after this E1; c) form the casting techniques, F2 gave us the best results.


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The authors tested the T clasp of Roach in three differents proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7; E2-2.0 and E3-2.3, with a constant length of 15 mm. These clasps were casted with three cobalt-chromium alloys (L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent and L3-Duracrom), through two casting techniques (F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene). The fatigue of the clasps were verified by using and assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasps for a pattern which were obtained from a premolar, prepared in a surveyor. This machine detect the fatigue of the clasps and count the number of cycles of insertion and removal realized. The obtained results of the interaction between the analysed factors, were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) the interaction of factors, Alloy x Thickness, Alloy x Casting Technique and Thickness x Casting Technique did not change the order of effects that the factors showed separately but gave rise to effects of different magnitude for any observed sense; b) the simultaneous interaction of the factors Alloy x Thickness x Casting Technique confirmed the superiority of the L3 alloy, the thickness E3 and the F2 casting technique.


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Difficulties in sterilizing impressions by traditional methods have led to chemical disinfection as an alternative, and some studies have shown that disinfectants may adversely affect impressions. PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of disinfection methods on the dimensional stability of 6 elastomeric materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Impression materials were submitted to the following treatments: immersion in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes, immersion in 2% glutaraldehyde solution for 30 minutes, and no immersion (control). After treatments, impressions were poured, and respective stone casts were measured with a Nikon Profile projector and compared with the master model. RESULTS: The elastomeric materials had different reproduction capacities, and the disinfecting treatments did not differ from the control.


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Despite careful procedures, master stone dies may be damaged during laboratory procedures. The dentist routinely adjusts castings because the marginal fit of casting is not as accurate as on the dies. PURPOSE: This study evaluated the technique of internal adjustment of castings with use of duplicated stone dies and a disclosing agent to improve marginal fit discrepancy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-two nickel-chromium copings were fabricated and simulated standard clinical and laboratory procedures with 2 variables: tooth preparation convergence angles of 6 and 18 degrees, with or without internal relief. Master stone dies and their duplicates were selected for coping construction and internal adjustment, respectively. A specimen positioning device was coupled with a Toolmakers microscope to allow reproducibility of measurements. Each coping was evaluated at 8 locations of its marginal perimeter, before and after internal adjustment. RESULTS: Marginal fit discrepancy of copings were significantly reduced with an internal adjustment technique (mean > 52%) for all experimental groups. Tooth preparations with greater convergence and internally relieved castings recorded a better marginal fit. CONCLUSION: The casting internal adjustment technique with use of duplicated stone dies and a disclosing agent substantially reduced marginal fit discrepancy.


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The accuracy of impressions that transfer the relationship of the implant to the metal framework of the prosthesis continues to be a problem. This study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the transfer process under variable conditions with regard to implant analog angulations, impression materials, and techniques. Replicas (n = 60) of a metal matrix (control) containing four implants at 90°, 80°, 75°, and 65° in relation to the horizontal surface were obtained by using three impression techniques: T1 - indirect technique with conical copings in closed trays; T2 - direct technique with square copings in open trays; and T3 - square copings splinted with autopolymerizing acrylic resin; and four elastomers: P-polysulfide; I-polyether; A-addition silicone; and Z-condensation silicone. The values of the implant analog annulations were assessed by a profilometer to the nearest 0.017°, then submitted to analysis of variance for comparisons at significance of 5% (P < .05). For implant analog at 90°, the material A associated with T2 and material Z with T3 behaved differently (P < .05) from all groups. At 80°, all materials behaved differently (P < .01) with T1. At 75°, when T1 was associated, materials P and A showed similar behavior, as well as materials I and Z; however, P and A were different from I and Z (P < .01). When T3 was associated, all experimental groups behaved differently among them (P < .01). At 65°, the materials P and Z behaved differently (P < .01) from the control group with T1, T2, and T3; the materials I and A behaved differently from the control group (P < .01) when T1 and T2, respectively, were associated. The more perpendicular the implant analog annulation is in relation to the horizontal surface, the more accurate the impression. The best materials were material I and A and the most satisfactory technique was technique 3.