890 resultados para Dental caries – Prevention and control
Objective: Tooth decay is one of the more common diseases of childhood. Several studies recommend that early preventive measures must be implemented since the first years of life and continue throughout childhood and adolescence. The aim of the this study was to present results of a preventive dental program considering oral health maintenance, dental caries experience and the prevalence of dental caries relation with follow-up compliance visits. Material end method: Intraoral and interproximal radiographic exams were performed on 171 patients participants of a preventive dental program. Data regarding age, gender, previous caries experience and the frequency at which the patients attended return visits were obtained from the records. The data were analyzed statistically by the McNemar test, with the level of significance set at 1%. Result: Clinical and radiographic examination revealed that most children participating in the program had sound teeth (77.2 and 84.8%, respectively). The past dental history of the dental caries from patients included in this study showed statistical relevance when associated with the present dental caries experience and a statistical relationship was found from the absence of compliance to clinical visits and the dental caries presence. Conclusion: The preventive strategy had a positive influence on oral health maintenance in the children examined. Previous caries experience and the lack of compliance with return visits influenced the clinical oral condition of the children during participation in the preventive program.
Lapsen karieshoidon kustannuskertymän muutokset ja karieshoidon toimintakäytäntöjen yhteys kustannuksiin Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli mitata terveyskeskuksessa hoidettavien lasten karieshoidon kumulatiivisia kustannuksia ja verrata niitä kahden erilaisen toimintatavan välillä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin lasten hampaiden terveyttä. Tutkimus tehtiin julkisen palvelutuottajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Kemin ja Tornion terveyskeskusten suun terveydenhuollon potilaskertomuksista. Kemin kohortit 1980, 1983 ja 1986 (n = 600) ja Tornion kohortit 1980 ja 1992 (n = 400) edustivat perinteistä ja Kemin kohortit 1989, 1992 ja 1995 (n = 600) uutta toimintatapaa työnjaon ja ehkäisyn ajoituksen suhteen. Kohortteja ja kaupunkeja verrattiin hampaiden terveyden (dmft/DMFT = 0 ja dmft ja DMFT keskiarvot 5 ja 12 vuoden iässä) ja voimavarojen käytön suhteen. Panoskäyttö johdettiin käyntimäärien avulla laskennallisen työajan kautta. Kustannuskertymät muodostettiin käyttämällä henkilöstömenoista laskettuja suorittajakohtaisia yksikkökustannuksia. Panoskäytön ja yksikkökustannusten kautta muodostettiin kustannuskertymät. Kustannusten ja terveysvaikutusten suhteita arvioitiin kustannus-vaikuttavuusanalyysissä. Suuhygienistien työpanosta hyödyntävällä varhaisen ehkäisyn toimintamallilla saavutettiin vähäisemmin kustannuksin alle kouluiässä parempi ja kouluiässä yhtä hyvä hammasterveys kuin perinteisellä, enemmän hammaslääkärien työpanokseen perustuvalla tavalla. Karieksen hoitoon liittyvien käyntien määrä oli nuorimmissa syntymävuosikohorteissa pienempi kuin vanhimmissa kohorteissa. Käynnit hammaslääkärissä vähenivät eniten. Toimintatavalla oli merkittävä vaikutus lapsen karieshoidon kokonaiskustannuksiin. Herkkyysanalyysin mukaan karieshoidon kustannukset olivat työnjakoa hyödyntämällä kolmanneksen pienemmät, kuin jos hoidon suorittajana olisi ollut ainoastaan hammaslääkäri-hoitaja työpari. Lasten karieshoidon kustannusvaikuttavuus kohentui molemmissa terveyskeskuksissa nuoremmissa kohorteissa vanhempiin verrattuna. Suun terveydenhuollon potilaskertomuksia olisi hyödynnettävä toiminnan kehittämisessä. Varhaisen ehkäisyn avulla voitaisiin kaikkien suun terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiden työpanos kohdentaa kustannustehokkaasti.
This thesis evaluated in vivo and in vitro enamel permeability in different physiological and clinical conditions by means of SEM inspection of replicas of enamel surface obtained from polyvinyl siloxane impressions subsequently later cast in polyether impression ma-terial. This technique, not invasive and risk-free, allows the evaluation of fluid outflow from enamel surface and is able to detect the presence of small quantities of fluid, visu-alized as droplets. Fluid outflow on enamel surface represents enamel permeability. This property has a paramount importance in enamel physiolgy and pathology although its ef-fective role in adhesion, caries pathogenesis and prevention today is still not fully under-stood. The aim of the studies proposed was to evaluate enamel permeability changes in differ-ent conditions and to correlate the findings with the actual knowledge about enamel physiology, caries pathogenesis, fluoride and etchinhg treatments. To obtain confirmed data the replica technique has been supported by others specific techniques such as Ra-man and IR spectroscopy and EDX analysis. The first study carried out visualized fluid movement through dental enamel in vivo con-firmed that enamel is a permeable substrate and demonstrated that age and enamel per-meability are closely related. Examined samples from subjects of different ages showed a decreasing number and size of droplets with increasing age: freshly erupted permanent teeth showed many droplets covering the entire enamel surface. Droplets in permanent teeth were prominent along enamel perikymata. These results obtained through SEM inspection of replicas allowed innovative remarks in enamel physiology. An analogous testing has been developed for evaluation of enamel permeability in primary enamel. The results of this second study showed that primary enamel revealed a substantive permeability with droplets covering the entire enamel sur-face without any specific localization accordingly with histological features, without changes during aging signs of post-eruptive maturation. These results confirmed clinical data that showed a higher caries susceptibility for primary enamel and suggested a strong relationship between this one and enamel permeability. Topical fluoride application represents the gold standard for caries prevention although the mechanism of cariostatic effect of fluoride still needs to be clarified. The effects of topical fluoride application on enamel permeability were evaluated. Particularly two dif-ferent treatments (NaF and APF), with different pH, were examined. The major product of topical fluoride application was the deposition of CaF2-like globules. Replicas inspec-tion before and after both treatments at different times intervals and after specific addi-tional clinical interventions showed that such globule formed in vivo could be removed by professional toothbrushing, sonically and chemically by KOH. The results obtained in relation to enamel permeability showed that fluoride treatments temporarily reduced enamel water permeability when CaF2-like globules were removed. The in vivo perma-nence of decreased enamel permeability after CaF2 globules removal has been demon-strated for 1 h for NaF treated teeth and for at least 7 days for APF treated teeth. Important clinical consideration moved from these results. In fact the caries-preventing action of fluoride application may be due, in part, to its ability to decrease enamel water permeability and CaF2 like-globules seem to be indirectly involved in enamel protection over time maintaining low permeability. Others results obtained by metallographic microscope and SEM/EDX analyses of or-thodontic resins fluoride releasing and not demonstrated the relevance of topical fluo-ride application in decreasing the demineralization marks and modifying the chemical composition of the enamel in the treated area. These data obtained in both the experiments confirmed the efficacy of fluoride in caries prevention and contribute to clarify its mechanism of action. Adhesive dentistry is the gold standard for caries treatment and tooth rehabilitation and is founded on important chemical and physical principles involving both enamel and dentine substrates. Particularly acid etching of dental enamel enamel has usually employed in bonding pro-cedures increasing microscopic roughness. Different acids have been tested in the litera-ture suggesting several etching procedures. The acid-induced structural transformations in enamel after different etching treatments by means of Raman and IR spectroscopy analysis were evaluated and these findings were correlated with enamel permeability. Conventional etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (H3PO4) for 30 s and etching with 15 % HCl for 120 s were investigated. Raman and IR spectroscopy showed that the treatment with both hydrochloric and phosphoric acids induced a decrease in the carbonate content of the enamel apatite. At the same time, both acids induced the formation of HPO42- ions. After H3PO4 treatment the bands due to the organic component of enamel decreased in intensity, while in-creased after HCl treatment. Replicas of H3PO4 treated enamel showed a strongly reduced permeability while replicas of HCl 15% treated samples showed a maintained permeability. A decrease of the enamel organic component, as resulted after H3PO4 treatment, involves a decrease in enamel permeability, while the increase of the organic matter (achieved by HCl treat-ment) still maintains enamel permeability. These results suggested a correlation between the amount of the organic matter, enamel permeability and caries. The results of the different studies carried out in this thesis contributed to clarify and improve the knowledge about enamel properties with important rebounds in theoretical and clinical aspects of Dentistry.
Aims. This study aimed to investigate the dental caries status and salivary properties in 3- to 15-year-old children/adolescents. Methods. The sample was split in two groups: asthma group (AG), composed of 65 patients who attended Public Health Service; asthma-free group (AFG), composed of 65 nonasthmatic children/adolescents recruited in two public schools. Stimulated salivary samples were collected for 3 min. Buffering capacity and pH were ascertained in each salivary sample. A single trained and calibrated examiner (kappa = 0.98) performed the dental caries examination according to WHO criteria. Results. The AFG showed salivary flow rate (1.10 +/- 0.63 mL/min) higher (P = 0.002) than AG (0.80 +/- 0.50 mL/min). An inverse relationship was observed between asthma severity and salivary flow rate (Phi coefficient, r phi: 0.79, P = 0.0001). Children with moderate or severe asthma showed an increased risk for reduced salivary flow rate (OR: 17.15, P < 0.001). No association was observed between drug use frequency (P > 0.05) and drug type (P > 0.05) with salivary flow rate. Buffering capacity was similar in both groups. No significant differences were encountered in dental caries experience between AFG and AG groups. Conclusions. Although asthma can cause reduction in flow rate, the illness did not seem to influence dental caries experience in children with access to proper dental care.
Ubicada en el centro del país, Río Cuarto pertenece a las cuencas lecheras más importantes del país, localizadas en las provincias de Córdoba, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires. Córdoba, con una producción promedio anual de 2,4 mil millones de litros, contribuye con un 25 por ciento a la producción nacional que según informe de la Secretaría de Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación (2006) ha alcanzado los 9.000 millones de litros al año, ubicándose en segundo lugar después de Santa Fe. La mastitis bovina es responsable de las mayores pérdidas económicas dentro del rodeo lechero, debido a los elevados costos de la terapia antibiótica, al retiro del animal del circuito productivo, y a las consecuencias negativas ocasionadas en la reproducción. Diferentes estrategias se han desarrollado en el país y el mundo, tendientes a minimizar los problemas ocasionados por la enfermedad. De ellos, la desinfección pre y post-ordeñe y la terapia con antibióticos al secado, son los métodos de control más ampliamente utilizados. Las terapias con antibióticos, formuladas para uso intramamario, frecuentemente resultan ineficientes para prevenir o eliminar las infecciones crónicas producidas por S. aureus, principal agente causal de la enfermedad. A ello se suma el aumento en la frecuencia de cepas resistentes a los antibióticos, por lo que existen presiones cada vez mayores por parte de los entes reguladores para limitar el uso de los mismos en el ganado. La ineficacia de estos procedimientos para reducir la tasa de nuevas infecciones ha orientado la investigación hacia la búsqueda de métodos de control alternativos basados en el desarrollo de vacunas, inmunomoduladores o sustancias naturales, como un enfoque racional para controlar infecciones en animales utilizados en la producción de alimentos, o bien a la aplicación de medidas preventivas. El presente proyecto aborda el tema de la prevención de la mastitis bovina a través del estudio de una cepa de BL con propiedades probióticas en ensayos de inoculación in vivo en glándulas mamarias de bovinos para su futura aplicación en la prevención de la mastitis bovina. En particular se propone a) Determinar la capacidad de las BL seleccionada como potencial probiótico, a partir del aislamiento realizado por nuestro grupo de investigación y de otras previamente caracterizadas en el CERELA, para adherirse y colonizar el canal del pezón de la ubre, b) Profundizar en el estudio de los mecanismos involucrados en el efecto (benéfico o adverso) de la administración local de BL en el canal del pezón de la glándula mamaria y c) Estudiar las condiciones físico-químicas para la obtención de biomasa de BL y sustancias antagónicas. El proyecto sentará las bases para, en un futuro cercano, realizar el diseño de un producto a base de probióticos lo cual será un importante aporte socio-comunitario a la prevención de la mastitis bovina de altísima incidencia. El desarrollo de un producto con estas características permitirá la articulación con el sector productivo.
Strategic Framework and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis C in NI (PDF 182 KB)
2004 - 2007
Prevention and Control Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) National Clinical Guideline No. 2  Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA PDF 1MB Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA (Summary) PDF 389KB Click here to download the Presentation at the Launch of the 2nd National Clinical Guideline Prevention and Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)PDF 1.04MB Â
This booklet provides nurseries and childcare settings with comprehensive infection prevention and control advice.It includes simple, practical and easily understood guidance on the day-to-day implementation of good infection prevention and control practices, as well as specific actions to take in the event of outbreaks of infection.Areas covered include suitable childcare premises, hand hygiene, immunisation, decontamination, toys, personal items, toilets, nappy changing, laundry, food hygiene and pets.The booklet includes illustrations, diagrams, a glossary and key points to remember in each section to ensure the advice is easy for all staff to understand and pass on to others.It also provides contact details for each of the Health and Social Care early years teams in Northern Ireland.
Little research has been conducted to date on the role of primary health care (PHC) in the prevention of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs). The present article is a theoretical study of the principle of primum non nocere and aims to promote reflection on the role of PHC in HCAI prevention with emphasis on practical recommendations. The indirect and direct roles of PHC in HCAI prevention are debated in light of this guiding principle. With respect to the indirect role of PHC, we discuss the issues of hospital-centrism and ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. The article outlines a number of challenges faced by health services related to PHC’s direct role in HCAI prevention, highlights seven key components of HCAI prevention programmes within the PHC sphere and provides practical recommendations for HCAI control and prevention.
The Division of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control works to reduce tobacco use and the toll of tobacco-caused disease and death by preventing youth from starting, helping Iowans to quit, and preventing exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death for Iowans, taking the lives of more than 4,400 adults each year. Estimated annual health care costs in Iowa directly related to tobacco use now total $1 billion.
Last year’s UN high level meeting sought to galvanise the international community into scaling up its response to the escalating global burden of non-communicable diseases. With resources tight, D Chisholm and colleagues examine which interventions should be given priority for action and investment
A synbiotic is a formulation containing both probiotics and prebiotics. This study aims to evaluate the effect of supplementation with a synbiotic containing Enterococcus faecium strain E1707 (NCIMB 10415) in preventing or controlling diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal signs in boarded canine radiotherapy patients. A double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled clinical trial was carried out in 21 adult dogs undergoing radiotherapy and boarded for a duration period of 2 to 3 weeks to treat their cancers. Dogs were randomly divided between two groups: A and B, the synbiotic and placebo group, respectively. The content of the sachets was added to the food once daily. Faecal score was assessed daily, and dogs were also monitored for the development of diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal signs such as weight loss, reduced appetite and vomiting. The results from descriptive statistics seem to favour group B, however these findings were not validated with inferential statistics due to insufficient statistical sample power. Because of this, it is not possible to make conclusions about the benefits of synbiotic as supportive treatment for dogs undergoing radiotherapy. All results should be considered to be preliminary, until they are elucidated by further animal inclusion.