933 resultados para Dendritic Cell-receptor


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Dendritic cells (DC) can produce Th-polarizing cytokines and direct the class of the adaptive immune response. Microbial stimuli, cytokines, chemokines, and T cell-derived signals all have been shown to trigger cytokine synthesis by DC, but it remains unclear whether these signals are functionally equivalent and whether they determine the nature of the cytokine produced or simply initiate a preprogrammed pattern of cytokine production, which may be DC subtype specific. Here, we demonstrate that microbial and T cell-derived stimuli can synergize to induce production of high levels of IL-12 p70 or IL-10 by individual murine DC subsets but that the choice of cytokine is dictated by the microbial pattern recognition receptor engaged. We show that bacterial components such as CpG-containing DNA or extracts from Mycobacterium tuberculosis predispose CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) DC to make IL-12 p70. In contrast, exposure of CD8alpha(+), CD4(+) and CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) DC to heat-killed yeasts leads to production of IL-10. In both cases, secretion of high levels of cytokine requires a second signal from T cells, which can be replaced by CD40 ligand. Consistent with their differential effects on cytokine production, extracts from M. tuberculosis promote IL-12 production primarily via Toll-like receptor 2 and an MyD88-dependent pathway, whereas heat-killed yeasts activate DC via a Toll-like receptor 2-, MyD88-, and Toll/IL-1R domain containing protein-independent pathway. These results show that T cell feedback amplifies innate signals for cytokine production by DC and suggest that pattern recognition rather than ontogeny determines the production of cytokines by individual DC subsets.


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The stimulation by Flk2-ligand (FL) of blast colony formation by murine bone marrow cells was selectively potentiated by the addition of regulators sharing in common the gp130 signaling receptor–leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M, interleukin 11, or interleukin 6. Recloning of blast colony cells indicated that the majority were progenitor cells committed exclusively to macrophage formation and responding selectively to proliferative stimulation by macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Reculture of blast colony cells initiated by FL plus LIF in cultures containing granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor plus tumor necrosis factor α indicated that at least some of the cells were capable of maturation to dendritic cells. The cells forming blast colonies in response to FL plus LIF were unrelated to those forming blast colonies in response to stimulation by stem cell factor and appear to be a distinct subset of mature hematopoietic stem cells.


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Thymocytes and thymic dendritic cell (DC) lineages develop simultaneously and may originate from a common intrathymic progenitor. Mice deficient for two growth factor receptor molecules [c-kit and the common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc)] lack all thymocytes including T cell progenitors. Despite this lack of pro-T cells, thymic DC compartments were identified in c-kit−γc− mice. Thus, c-kit- and γc-mediated signals are not essential to generate thymic DCs. In addition, pro-T cells do not appear to be obligatory progenitors of thymic DCs, because DC development is dissociated from the generation of thymocytes in these mice. Thymic DCs in c-kit−γc− mice are phenotypically and functionally normal. In contrast to wild-type mice, however, thymic DCs in c-kit−γc− and, notably, in RAG-2-deficient mice are CD8αneg/low, indicating that CD8α expression on thymic DCs is not independent of thymocytes developing beyond the “RAG-block.”


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Dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in regulating immune activation and responses to self. DC maturation is central to the outcome of antigen presentation to T cells. Maturation of DCs is inhibited by physiological levels of 1α,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1α,25(OH)2D3] and a related analog, 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne-26,27-hexafluoro-19-nor-vitamin D3 (D3 analog). Conditioning of bone marrow cultures with 10−10 M D3 analog resulted in accumulation of immature DCs with reduced IL-12 secretion and without induction of transforming growth factor β1. These DCs retained an immature phenotype after withdrawal of D3 analog and exhibited blunted responses to maturing stimuli (CD40 ligation, macrophage products, or lipopolysaccharide). Resistance to maturation depended on the presence of the 1α,25(OH)2D3 receptor (VDR). In an in vivo model of DC-mediated antigen-specific sensitization, D3 analog-conditioned DCs failed to sensitize and, instead, promoted prolonged survival of subsequent skin grafts expressing the same antigen. To investigate the physiologic significance of 1α,25(OH)2D3/VDR-mediated modulation of DC maturity we analyzed DC populations from mice lacking VDR. Compared with wild-type animals, VDR-deficient mice had hypertrophy of subcutaneous lymph nodes and an increase in mature DCs in lymph nodes but not spleen. We conclude that 1α,25(OH)2D3/VDR mediates physiologically relevant inhibition of DC maturity that is resistant to maturational stimuli and modulates antigen-specific immune responses in vivo.


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The transfusion of platelet concentrates (PCs) is widely used to treat thrombocytopenia and severe trauma. Ex vivo storage of PCs is associated with a storage lesion characterized by partial platelet activation and the release of soluble mediators, such as soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L), RANTES, and interleukin (IL)-8. An in vitro whole blood culture transfusion model was employed to assess whether mediators present in PC supernatants (PC-SNs) modulated dendritic cell (DC)-specific inflammatory responses (intracellular staining) and the overall inflammatory response (cytometric bead array). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was included in parallel cultures to model the impact of PC-SNs on cell responses following toll-like receptor-mediated pathogen recognition. The impact of both the PC dose (10%, 25%) and ex vivo storage period was investigated [day 2 (D2), day 5 (D5), day 7 (D7)]. PC-SNs alone had minimal impact on DC-specific inflammatory responses and the overall inflammatory response. However, in the presence of LPS, exposure to PC-SNs resulted in a significant dose associated suppression of the production of DC IL-12, IL-6, IL-1a, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1b and storage-associated suppression of the production of DC IL-10, TNF-a, and IL-8. For the overall inflammatory response, IL-6, TNF-a, MIP-1a, MIP-1b, and inflammatory protein (IP)-10 were significantly suppressed and IL-8, IL-10, and IL-1b significantly increased following exposure to PC-SNs in the presence of LPS. These data suggest that soluble mediators present in PCs significantly suppress DC function and modulate the overall inflammatory response, particularly in the presence of an infectious stimulus. Given the central role of DCs in the initiation and regulation of the immune response, these results suggest that modulation of the DC inflammatory profile is a probable mechanism contributing to transfusion-related complications.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) as sentinels of the immune system are important for eliciting both primary and secondary immune responses to a plethora of microbial pathogens. Cooperative stimulation of a complex set of pattern-recognition receptors, including TLR2 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors on DCs, acts as a rate-limiting factor in determining the initiation and mounting of the robust immune response. It underscores the need for ``decoding'' these multiple receptor interactions. In this study, we demonstrate that TLR2 and NOD receptors cooperatively regulate functional maturation of human DCs. Intriguingly, synergistic stimulation of TLR2 and NOD receptors renders enhanced refractoriness to TGF-beta- or CTLA-4-mediated impairment of human DC maturation. Signaling perturbation data suggest that NOTCH1-PI3K signaling dynamics assume critical importance in TLR2- and NOD receptor-mediated surmounting of CTLA-4- and TGF-beta -suppressed maturation of human DCs. Interestingly, the NOTCH1-PI3K signaling axis holds the capacity to regulate DC functions by virtue of PKC delta-MAPK-dependent activation of NF-kappa B. This study provides mechanistic and functional insights into TLR2-and NOD receptor-mediated regulation of DC functions and unravels NOTCH1-PI3K as a signaling cohort for TLR2 and NOD receptors. These findings serve in building a conceptual foundation for the design of improved strategies for adjuvants and immunotherapies against infectious diseases.


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Regulatory T (Treg) cells limit the onset of effective antitumor immunity, through yet-ill-defined mechanisms. We showed the rejection of established ovalbumin (OVA)-expressing MCA101 tumors required both the adoptive transfer of OVA-specific CD8(+) T cell receptor transgenic T cells (OTI) and the neutralization of Foxp3(+) T cells. In tumor-draining lymph nodes, Foxp3(+) T cell neutralization induced a marked arrest in the migration of OTI T cells, increased numbers of dendritic cells (DCs), and enhanced OTI T cell priming. Using an in vitro cytotoxic assay and two-photon live microscopy after adoptive transfer of DCs, we demonstrated that Foxp3(+) T cells induced the death of DCs in tumor-draining lymph nodes, but not in the absence of tumor. DC death correlated with Foxp3(+) T cell-DC contacts, and it was tumor-antigen and perforin dependent. We conclude that Foxp3(+) T cell-dependent DC death in tumor-draining lymph nodes limits the onset of CD8(+) T cell responses.


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Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1) is a multifunctional cytokine produced in high amounts by placental tissue. Inhibiting trophoblast invasion and suppressing inflammation through inhibition of macrophage activation, MIC-1 is thought to provide pleiotropic functions in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. So far, little is known about the decidual cell subsets producing MIC-1 and the effect of this cytokine on dendritic cells (DCs), which are known to play a distinct role in the development of pro-fetal tolerance in pregnancy.


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Human monocytes can be differentiated into immature dendritic cells (DCs) in the presence of serum and cytokines. One of the main functions of immature DCs is to capture and process antigens. Following maturation, they differentiate into antigen presenting cells. The role of complement in the differentiation process from monocytes towards immature DCs remains elusive. Here we demonstrate that complement 3 (C3) has a regulatory impact on the expression of specific DC surface molecules and DC-derived cytokine production during DC differentiation. We isolated human adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which were cultured in the presence of GM-CSF plus IL-4 in medium supplemented with normal human serum or C3 deficient serum. The lack of C3 during DC differentiation negatively impacted the expression of C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN, the antigen presenting molecules HLA-DR and CD1a, and the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86. Further, the spontaneous production of IL-6 and IL-12 was reduced in the absence of C3. Moreover, the maturation of immature DCs in response to LPS challenge was impaired in the absence of C3 as evidenced by reduced MHC-II, co-stimulatory molecule expression as well as modulated IL-12 and TNF-alpha production. Collectively, our results provide evidence for a novel role of C3 as a critical cofactor in human DC differentiation and maturation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To follow the fate of CD8+ T cells responsive to Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) infection, we generated an MHC I-restricted TCR transgenic mouse line against this pathogen. T cells from this line, termed PbT-I T cells, were able to respond to blood-stage infection by PbA and two other rodent malaria species, P. yoelii XNL and P. chabaudi AS. These PbT-I T cells were also able to respond to sporozoites and to protect mice from liver-stage infection. Examination of the requirements for priming after intravenous administration of irradiated sporozoites, an effective vaccination approach, showed that the spleen rather than the liver was the main site of priming and that responses depended on CD8α+ dendritic cells. Importantly, sequential exposure to irradiated sporozoites followed two days later by blood-stage infection led to augmented PbT-I T cell expansion. These findings indicate that PbT-I T cells are a highly versatile tool for studying multiple stages and species of rodent malaria and suggest that cross-stage reactive CD8+ T cells may be utilized in liver-stage vaccine design to enable boosting by blood-stage infections.


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The innate and adaptive immune responses of dendritic cells (DCs) to enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) infection were compared with DC responses to Shigella flexneri infection. EIEC triggered DCs to produce interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, whereas S. flexneri induced only the production of TNF-alpha. Unlike S. flexneri, EIEC strongly increased the expression of toll like receptor (TLR)-4 and TLR-5 in DCs and diminished the expression of co-stimulatory molecules that may cooperate to inhibit CD4(+) T-lymphocyte proliferation. The inflammation elicited by EIEC seems to be related to innate immunity both because of the aforementioned results and because only EIEC were able to stimulate DC transmigration across polarised Caco-2 cell monolayers, a mechanism likely to be associated with the secretion of CC chemokine ligands (CCL) 20 and TNF-alpha. Understanding intestinal DC biology is critical to unravelling the infection strategies of EIEC and may aid in the design of treatments for infectious diseases.


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Dengue is the most prevalent arboviral infection, affecting millions of people every year. Attempts to control such infection are being made, and the development of a vaccine is a World Health Organization priority. Among the proteins being tested as vaccine candidates in preclinical settings is the non-structural protein 1 (NS1). In the present study, we tested the immune responses generated by targeting the NS1 protein to two different dendritic cell populations. Dendritic cells (DCs) are important antigen presenting cells, and targeting proteins to maturing DCs has proved to be an efficient means of immunization. Antigen targeting is accomplished by the use of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against a DC cell surface receptor fused to the protein of interest. We used two mAbs (αDEC205 and αDCIR2) to target two distinct DC populations, expressing either DEC205 or DCIR2 endocytic receptors, respectively, in mice. The fusion mAbs were successfully produced, bound to their respective receptors, and were used to immunize BALB/c mice in the presence of polyriboinosinic: polyribocytidylic acid (poly (I:C)), as a DC maturation stimulus. We observed induction of strong anti-NS1 antibody responses and similar antigen binding affinity irrespectively of the DC population targeted. Nevertheless, the IgG1/IgG2a ratios were different between mouse groups immunized with αDEC-NS1 and αDCIR2-NS1 mAbs. When we tested the induction of cellular immune responses, the number of IFN-γ producing cells was higher in αDEC-NS1 immunized animals. In addition, mice immunized with the αDEC-NS1 mAb were significantly protected from a lethal intracranial challenge with the DENV2 NGC strain when compared to mice immunized with αDCIR2-NS1 mAb. Protection was partially mediated by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells as depletion of these populations reduced both survival and morbidity signs. We conclude that targeting the NS1 protein to the DEC205(+) DC population with poly (I:C) opens perspectives for dengue vaccine development.


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Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen presenting cells that represent an important link between innate and adaptive immunity. Danger signals such as toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists induce maturation of DC leading to a T-cell mediated adaptive immune response. In this study, we show that exogenous as well as endogenous inflammatory stimuli for TLR4 and TLR2 induce the expression of HIF-1alpha in human monocyte-derived DC under normoxic conditions. On the functional level, inhibition of HIF-1alpha using chetomin (CTM), YC-1 and digoxin lead to no consistent effect on MoDC maturation, or cytokine secretion despite having the common effect of blocking HIF-1alpha stabilization or activity through different mechanisms. Stabilization of HIF-1alpha protein by hypoxia or CoCl(2) did not result in maturation of human DC. In addition, we could show that TLR stimulation resulted in an increase of HIF-1alpha controlled VEGF secretion. These results show that stimulation of human MoDC with exogenous as well as endogenous TLR agonists induces the expression of HIF-1alpha in a time-dependent manner. Hypoxia alone does not induce maturation of DC, but is able to augment maturation after TLR ligation. Current evidence suggests that different target genes may be affected by HIF-1alpha under normoxic conditions with physiological roles that differ from those induced by hypoxia.


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Interactions between dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells control the decision between activation and tolerance induction. Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and its receptor TP have been suggested to regulate adaptive immune responses through control of T cell-DC interactions. Here, we show that this control is achieved by selectively reducing expansion of low-avidity CD4(+) T cells. During inflammation, weak tetramer-binding TP-deficient CD4(+) T cells were preferentially expanded compared with TP-proficient CD4(+) T cells. Using intravital imaging of cellular interactions in reactive peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), we found that TXA2 led to disruption of low- but not high-avidity interactions between DCs and CD4(+) T cells. Lack of TP correlated with higher expression of activation markers on stimulated CD4(+) T cells and with augmented accumulation of follicular helper T cells (TFH), which correlated with increased low-avidity IgG responses. In sum, our data suggest that tonic suppression of weak CD4(+) T cell-DC interactions by TXA2-TP signaling improves the overall quality of adaptive immune responses.


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As well as inducing a protective immune response against reinfection, acute measles is associated with a marked suppression of immune functions against superinfecting agents and recall antigens, and this association is the major cause of the current high morbidity and mortality rate associated with measles virus (MV) infections. Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells crucially involved in the initiation of primary and secondary immune responses, so we set out to define the interaction of MV with these cells. We found that both mature and precursor human DCs generated from peripheral blood monocytic cells express the major MV protein receptor CD46 and are highly susceptible to infection with both MV vaccine (ED) and wild-type (WTF) strains, albeit with different kinetics. Except for the down-regulation of CD46, the expression pattern of functionally important surface antigens on mature DCs was not markedly altered after MV infection. However, precursor DCs up-regulated HLA-DR, CD83, and CD86 within 24 h of WTF infection and 72 h after ED infection, indicating their functional maturation. In addition, interleukin 12 synthesis was markedly enhanced after both ED and WTF infection in DCs. On the other hand, MV-infected DCs strongly interfered with mitogen-dependent proliferation of freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. These data indicate that the differentiation of effector functions of DCs is not impaired but rather is stimulated by MV infection. Yet, mature, activated DCs expressing MV surface antigens do give a negative signal to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation and thus contribute to MV-induced immunosuppression.