999 resultados para Delta-winglets vortex generators


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Esta pesquisa visa a análise da contribuição de cinco variáveis de entrada e a otimização do desempenho termo-hidráulico de trocadores de calor com venezianas combinados com geradores de vórtices delta-winglets. O desempenho termohidráulico de duas geometrias distintas, aqui nomeadas por GEO1 e GEO2, foram avaliadas. Smoothing Spline ANOVA foi usado para avaliar a contribuição dos parâmetros de entrada na transferência de calor e perda de carga. Considerando aplicação automotiva, foram investigados números de Reynolds iguais a 120 e 240, baseados no diâmetro hidráulico. Os resultados indicaram que o ângulo de venezianas é o maior contribuidor para o aumento do fator de atrito para GEO1 e GEO2, para ambos os números de Reynolds. Para o número de Reynolds menor, o parâmetro mais importante em termos de transferência de calor foi o ângulo das venezianas para ambas as geometrias. Para o número de Reynolds maior, o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices posicionados na primeira fileira é o maior contribuidor para a tranfesferência de calor, no caso da geometria GEO1, enquanto que o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices na primeira fileira foi tão importante quanto os ângulos das venezianas para a geometria GEO2. Embora as geometrias analisadas possam ser consideradas como técnicas compostas de intensificação da transferência de calor, não foram observadas interações relevantes entre ângulo de venezianas e parâmetros dos geradores de vórtices. O processo de otimização usa NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) combinado com redes neurais artificiais. Os resultados mostraram que a adição dos geradores de vórtices em GEO1 aumentaram a transferência de calor em 21% e 23% com aumentos na perda de carga iguais a 24,66% e 36,67% para o menor e maior números de Reynolds, respectivamente. Para GEO2, a transferência de calor aumentou 13% e 15% com aumento na perda de carga de 20,33% e 23,70%, para o menor e maior número de Reynolds, respectivamente. As soluções otimizadas para o fator de Colburn mostraram que a transferência de calor atrás da primeira e da segunda fileiras de geradores de vórtices tem a mesma ordem de magnitude para ambos os números de Reynolds. Os padrões de escoamento e as características de transferência de calor das soluções otimizadas apresentaram comportamentos vi particulares, diferentemente daqueles encontrados quando as duas técnicas de intensificação de transferência de calor são aplicadas separadamente.


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A series of experiments was conducted on the use of a device to passively generate vortex rings, henceforth a passive vortex generator (PVG). The device is intended as a means of propulsion for underwater vehicles, as the use of vortex rings has been shown to decrease the fuel consumption of a vehicle by up to 40% Ruiz (2010).

The PVG was constructed out of a collapsible tube encased in a rigid, airtight box. By adjusting the pressure within the airtight box while fluid was flowing through the tube, it was possible to create a pulsed jet with vortex rings via self-excited oscillations of the collapsible tube.

A study of PVG integration into an existing autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) system was conducted. A small AUV was used to retrofit a PVG with limited alterations to the original vehicle. The PVG-integrated AUV was used for self-propelled testing to measure the hydrodynamic (Froude) efficiency of the system. The results show that the PVG-integrated AUV had a 22% increase in the Froude efficiency using a pulsed jet over a steady jet. The maximum increase in the Froude efficiency was realized when the formation time of the pulsed jet, a nondimensional time to characterize vortex ring formation, was coincident with vortex ring pinch-off. This is consistent with previous studies that indicate that the maximization of efficiency for a pulsed jet vehicle is realized when the formation of vortex rings maximizes the vortex ring energy and size.

The other study was a parameter study of the physical dimensions of a PVG. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the tube diameter and length on the oscillation characteristics such as the frequency. By changing the tube diameter and length by factors of 3, the frequency of self-excited oscillations was found to scale as f~D_0^{-1/2} L_0^0, where D_0 is the tube diameter and L_0 the tube length. The mechanism of operation is suggested to rely on traveling waves between the tube throat and the end of the tube. A model based on this mechanism yields oscillation frequencies that are within the range observed by the experiment.


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Experiments have been performed in a blowdown supersonic wind tunnel to investigate the effect of arrays of sub-boundary layer vortex generators placed upstream of a normal shock/ boundary layer interaction. The investigation makes use of a recovery shock wave and the naturally grown turbulent boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor. Experiments were performed at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 1.3 and a freestream Reynolds number of 28 × 106. Two types of vortex generators were investigated - wedge-shaped and arrays of counter-rotating vanes. It was found that at Mach 1.5 the vane-type VGs eliminated and the wedge-type VGs greatly reduced the separation bubble under the shock. When placed in the supersonic part of the flow both VGs caused a wave pattern consisting of a shock, re-expansion and shock. The re-expansion and double shocks are undesirable features since they equate to increased total pressure losses and hence increased -wave drag. Furthermore there are indications that the vortex intensity is reduced by the normal shock/ boundary layer interaction. When the shock was located directly over the VGs there was no re-expansion present, but the 'damping' effect of the shock on the vortex persisted. It appears that the vortices produced by the wedge-shaped VGs lift off the surface more rapidly. Similar results were observed at Mach 1.3, where the flow was unseparated.


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An experimental investigation has been undertaken in which vortex generators (VGs) have been employed to inhibit boundary-layer separation produced by the combined adversepressure- gradient of a terminal shock-wave and subsonic diffuser. This setup has been developed as part of a program to produce a more inlet relevant flow-field using a small-scale wind tunnel than previous studies. The resulting flow is dominated by large-scale separation, and as such, is thought to be a good test-bed for flow control. In this investigation, VGs have been added to determine their potential for shock-induced separation mitigation. In line with previous studies, it was observed that the application of VGs alone was not able to significantly alleviate separation overall, because enlarged corner separations was observed. Only when control of the corner separations using corner bleed was employed alongside centre-span control using VGs was a significant improvement in both wall pressure recovery (6% increase) and stagnation pressure recovery (2.4% increase) observed. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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To investigate whether vortex generators can be an effective form of passive flow control an experimental investigation has been conducted in a small-scale wind tunnel. With specific emphasis on supersonic inlet applications flow separation was initiated using a combined terminal shock wave and subsonic diffuser: a configuration that has been developed as a part of a program to produce a more inlet-relevant flowfield in a small-scale wind tunnel than previous studies. When flow control was initially introduced little overall flow improvement was obtained as the losses tended to be redistributed instead of removed. It became apparent that there existed a strong coupling between the center-span flow and the corner flows. As a consequence, only when flow control was applied to both the corner flows and center-span flow was a significant flow improvement obtained. When corner suction and center-span vortex generators were employed in tandem separation was much reduced and wall-pressure and stagnation pressure were notably improved. As a result, when applied appropriately, it is thought that vortex generators do have the potential to reduce the dependence on boundary-layer bleed for the purpose of separation suppression. Copyright © 2012 by Neil Titchener and Holger Babinsky. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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An experimental comparison of several vortex generator geometries was conducted at Mach 1.5, 1.8, and 2.5 to better understand downstream vortex development as a function of device shape and Mach number. The devices had heights less than that of the boundary-layer ("micro"-vortex generators) and were either vane-shaped or of the alternative microramp geometry. LDV was used to measure two components of velocity at several stations downstream of the devices. The velocity data were then fitted to a vortex model so that vortex parameters such as circulation, core radius, and trajectory were estimated. Mach number dependence was seen for all parameters. Vortex height and core radius both tended to decrease slightly with increasing Mach number. A critical vane angle for maximum circulation was observed and also decreased with increasing Mach number. Circulation was seen to scale with wall-friction velocity for Mach 1.5 and 1.8 but not 2.5. © 2012 by W.R. Nolan and H. Babinsky.


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The performance of supersonic engine inlets and external aerodynamic surfaces can be critically affected by shock wave / boundary layer interactions (SBLIs), whose severe adverse pressure gradients can cause boundary layer separation. Currently such problems are avoided primarily through the use of boundary layer bleed/suction which can be a source of significant performance degradation. This study investigates a novel type of flow control device called micro-vortex generators (µVGs) which may offer similar control benefits without the bleed penalties. µVGs have the ability to alter the near-wall structure of compressible turbulent boundary layers to provide increased mixing of high speed fluid which improves the boundary layer health when subjected to flow disturbance. Due to their small size,µVGs are embedded in the boundary layer which provide reduced drag compared to the traditional vortex generators while they are cost-effective, physically robust and do not require a power source. To examine the potential of µVGs, a detailed experimental and computational study of micro-ramps in a supersonic boundary layer at Mach 3 subjected to an oblique shock was undertaken. The experiments employed a flat plate boundary layer with an impinging oblique shock with downstream total pressure measurements. The moderate Reynolds number of 3,800 based on displacement thickness allowed the computations to use Large Eddy Simulations without the subgrid stress model (LES-nSGS). The LES predictions indicated that the shock changes the structure of the turbulent eddies and the primary vortices generated from the micro-ramp. Furthermore, they generally reproduced the experimentally obtained mean velocity profiles, unlike similarly-resolved RANS computations. The experiments and the LES results indicate that the micro-ramps, whose height is h≈0.5δ, can significantly reduce boundary layer thickness and improve downstream boundary layer health as measured by the incompressible shape factor, H. Regions directly behind the ramp centerline tended to have increased boundary layer thickness indicating the significant three-dimensionality of the flow field. Compared to baseline sizes, smaller micro-ramps yielded improved total pressure recovery. Moving the smaller ramps closer to the shock interaction also reduced the displacement thickness and the separated area. This effect is attributed to decreased wave drag and the closer proximity of the vortex pairs to the wall. In the second part of the study, various types of µVGs are investigated including micro-ramps and micro-vanes. The results showed that vortices generated from µVGs can partially eliminate shock induced flow separation and can continue to entrain high momentum flux for boundary layer recovery downstream. The micro-ramps resulted in thinner downstream displacement thickness in comparison to the micro-vanes. However, the strength of the streamwise vorticity for the micro-ramps decayed faster due to dissipation especially after the shock interaction. In addition, the close spanwise distance between each vortex for the ramp geometry causes the vortex cores to move upwards from the wall due to induced upwash effects. Micro-vanes, on the other hand, yielded an increased spanwise spacing of the streamwise vortices at the point of formation. This resulted in streamwise vortices staying closer to the wall with less circulation decay, and the reduction in overall flow separation is attributed to these effects. Two hybrid concepts, named “thick-vane” and “split-ramp”, were also studied where the former is a vane with side supports and the latter has a uniform spacing along the centerline of the baseline ramp. These geometries behaved similar to the micro-vanes in terms of the streamwise vorticity and the ability to reduce flow separation, but are more physically robust than the thin vanes. Next, Mach number effect on flow past the micro-ramps (h~0.5δ) are examined in a supersonic boundary layer at M=1.4, 2.2 and 3.0, but with no shock waves present. The LES results indicate that micro-ramps have a greater impact at lower Mach number near the device but its influence decays faster than that for the higher Mach number cases. This may be due to the additional dissipation caused by the primary vortices with smaller effective diameter at the lower Mach number such that their coherency is easily lost causing the streamwise vorticity and the turbulent kinetic energy to decay quickly. The normal distance between the vortex core and the wall had similar growth indicating weak correlation with the Mach number; however, the spanwise distance between the two counter-rotating cores further increases with lower Mach number. Finally, various µVGs which include micro-ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept “ramped-vane” are investigated under normal shock conditions at Mach number of 1.3. In particular, the ramped-vane was studied extensively by varying its size, interior spacing of the device and streamwise position respect to the shock. The ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the micro-ramp and the split-ramp. This significantly reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline where a larger ramped-vane with increased trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow at the centerline of separation region. The results from coarse-resolution LES studies show that the larger ramped-vane provided the most reductions in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuation compared to other devices downstream of the shock. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. Increased wall shear stress and pressure recovery were found with the larger ramped-vane in the baseline resolution LES studies which also gave decreased amplitudes of the pressure fluctuations downstream of the shock.


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An extensive range of conventional, vane-type, passive vortex generators (VGs) are in use for successful applications of flow separation control. In most cases, the VG height is designed with the same thickness as the local boundary layer at the VG position. However, in some applications, these conventional VGs may produce excess residual drag. The so-called low-profile VGs can reduce the parasitic drag associated to this kind of passive control devices. As suggested by many authors, low-profile VGs can provide enough momentum transfer over a region several times their own height for effective flow-separation control with much lower drag. The main objective of this work is to study the variation of the path and the development of the primary vortex generated by a rectangular VG mounted on a flat plate with five different device heights h = delta, h(1) = 0.8 delta, h(2) = 0.6 delta, h(3) = 0.4 delta and h(4) = 0.2 delta, where delta is the local boundary layer thickness. For this purpose, computational simulations have been carried out at Reynolds number Re = 1350 based on the height of the conventional VG h = 0.25m with the angle of attack of the vane to the oncoming flow beta = 18.5 degrees. The results show that the VG scaling significantly affects the vortex trajectory and the peak vorticity generated by the primary vortex.


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Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2010 by Sang Lee.


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Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.