998 resultados para Delta-7-sterol Reductase
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a childhood fatal motor neuron disease caused by mutations in the Survival Motor Neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, currently without effective treatment. One possible therapeutic approach is the use of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to redirect the splicing of a paralogous gene, SMN2, to increase the production of functional SMN protein. A range of ASOs with different chemical properties is suitable for these applications, including a morpholino (MO) variant, which has a particularly excellent safety, and efficacy profile. We used a 25- nt MO oligomer sequence against the ISS-N1 region of SMN2 (HSMN2Ex7D(-10-34)) with superior efficacy to previously described sequences also in transgenic SMA Δ7 mice. The combined local and systemic administration of MO (bare or conjugated to octa-guanidine) is necessary to increase full-length SMN expression, leading to robust neuropathological features improvement and survival rescue. Additionally, several snRNA levels that are dysregulated in SMA mice could be restored by MO treatment. These results demonstrate that MO therapy is efficacious and can result in phenotypic rescue. These data provide important insights for the development of therapeutic strategies in SMA patients.
We recently put forth a model of a protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) light-harvesting complex operative during angiosperm seedling de-etiolation (Reinbothe, C., Lebedev, N., and Reinbothe, S. (1999) Nature 397, 80–84). This model, which was based on in vitro reconstitution experiments with zinc analogs of Pchlide a and Pchlide b and the two NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases (PORs), PORA and PORB, of barley, predicted a 5-fold excess of Pchlide b, relative to Pchlide a, in the prolamellar body of etioplasts. Recent work (Scheumann, V., Klement, H., Helfrich, M., Oster, U., Schoch, S., and Rüdiger, W. (1999) FEBS Lett. 445, 445–448), however, contradicted this model and reported that Pchlide b would not be present in etiolated plants. Here we demonstrate that Pchlide b is an abundant pigment in barley etioplasts but is rather metabolically unstable. It is rapidly converted to Pchlide a by virtue of 7-formyl reductase activity, an enzyme that had previously been implicated in the chlorophyll (Chl) b to Chl a reaction cycle. Our findings suggest that etiolated plants make use of 7-formyl reductase to fine tune the levels of Pchlide b and Pchlidea and thereby may regulate the steady-state level of light-harvesting POR-Pchlide comple
The last unidentified gene encoding an enzyme involved in ergosterol biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been cloned. This gene, designated ERG27, encodes the 3-keto sterol reductase, which, in concert with the C-4 sterol methyloxidase (ERG25) and the C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (ERG26), catalyzes the sequential removal of the two methyl groups at the sterol C-4 position. We developed a strategy to isolate a mutant deficient in converting 3-keto to 3-hydroxy-sterols. An ergosterol auxotroph unable to synthesize sterol or grow without sterol supplementation was mutagenized. Colonies were then selected that were nystatin-resistant in the presence of 3-ketoergostadiene and cholesterol. A new ergosterol auxotroph unable to grow on 3-ketosterols without the addition of cholesterol was isolated. The gene (YLR100w) was identified by complementation. Segregants containing the YLR100w disruption failed to grow on various types of 3-keto sterol substrates. Surprisingly, when erg27 was grown on cholesterol- or ergosterol-supplemented media, the endogenous compounds that accumulated were noncyclic sterol intermediates (squalene, squalene epoxide, and squalene dioxide), and there was little or no accumulation of lanosterol or 3-ketosterols. Feeding experiments in which erg27 strains were supplemented with lanosterol (an upstream intermediate of the C-4 demethylation process) and cholesterol (an end-product sterol) demonstrated accumulation of four types of 3-keto sterols identified by GC/MS and chromatographic properties: 4-methyl-zymosterone, zymosterone, 4-methyl-fecosterone, and ergosta-7,24 (28)-dien-3-one. In addition, a fifth intermediate was isolated and identified by 1H NMR as a 4-methyl-24,25-epoxy-cholesta-7-en-3-one. Implications of these results are discussed.
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to an inborn error of cholesterol metabolism, characterized by congenital malformations, dysmorphism of multiple organs, mental retardation and delayed neuropsychomotor development resulting from cholesterol biosynthesis deficiency. A defect in 3ß-hydroxysteroid-delta7-reductase (delta7-sterol-reductase), responsible for the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to cholesterol, causes an increase in 7-DHC and frequently reduces plasma cholesterol levels. The clinical diagnosis of SLOS cannot always be conclusive because of the remarkable variability of clinical expression of the disorder. Thus, confirmation by the measurement of plasma 7-DHC levels is needed. In the present study, we used a simple, fast, and selective method based on ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure 7-DHC in order to diagnose SLOS. 7-DHC was extracted serially from 200 µl plasma with ethanol and n-hexane and the absorbance at 234 and 282 nm was determined. The method was applied to negative control plasma samples from 23 normal individuals and from 6 cases of suspected SLOS. The method was adequate and reliable and 2 SLOS cases were diagnosed.
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to an inborn error of cholesterol metabolism, characterized by congenital malformations, dysmorphism of multiple organs, mental retardation and delayed neuropsychomotor development resulting from cholesterol biosynthesis deficiency. A defect in 3ß-hydroxysteroid-delta7-reductase (delta7-sterol-reductase), responsible for the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to cholesterol, causes an increase in 7-DHC and frequently reduces plasma cholesterol levels. The clinical diagnosis of SLOS cannot always be conclusive because of the remarkable variability of clinical expression of the disorder. Thus, confirmation by the measurement of plasma 7-DHC levels is needed. In the present study, we used a simple, fast, and selective method based on ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure 7-DHC in order to diagnose SLOS. 7-DHC was extracted serially from 200 µl plasma with ethanol and n-hexane and the absorbance at 234 and 282 nm was determined. The method was applied to negative control plasma samples from 23 normal individuals and from 6 cases of suspected SLOS. The method was adequate and reliable and 2 SLOS cases were diagnosed.
The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study has provided the first evidence implicating vitamin E in hormone synthesis. The effect of vitamin E on stereoidogenesis in testes and adrenal glands was assessed in growing rats using Affymetrix gene-chip technology. Dietary supplementation of rats with vitamin E (60 mg/kg feed) for a period of 429 days caused a significant repression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the uptake (low-density lipoprotein receptor) and de novo synthesis (for example, 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A synthase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase, and farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase) of cholesterol, the precursor of all steroid hormones. The present investigation indicates that dietary vitamin E may induce changes in stereoidogenesis by affecting cholesterol homeostasis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
All but two genes involved in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been cloned, and their corresponding mutants have been described. The remaining genes encode the C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (C-4 decarboxylase) and the 3-keto sterol reductase and in concert with the C-4 sterol methyloxidase (ERG25) catalyze the sequential removal of the two methyl groups at the sterol C-4 position. The protein sequence of the Nocardia sp NAD(P)-dependent cholesterol dehydrogenase responsible for the conversion of cholesterol to its 3-keto derivative shows 30% similarity to a 329-aa Saccharomyces ORF, YGL001c, suggesting a possible role of YGL001c in sterol decarboxylation. The disruption of the YGL001c ORF was made in a diploid strain, and the segregants were plated onto sterol supplemented media under anaerobic growth conditions. Segregants containing the YGL001c disruption were not viable after transfer to fresh, sterol-supplemented media. However, one segregant was able to grow, and genetic analysis indicated that it contained a hem3 mutation. The YGL001c (ERG26) disruption also was viable in a hem 1Δ strain grown in the presence of ergosterol. Introduction of the erg26 mutation into an erg1 (squalene epoxidase) strain also was viable in ergosterol-supplemented media. We demonstrated that erg26 mutants grown on various sterol and heme-supplemented media accumulate nonesterified carboxylic acid sterols such as 4β,14α-dimethyl-4α-carboxy-cholesta-8,24-dien-3β-ol and 4β-methyl-4α-carboxy-cholesta-8,24-dien-3β-ol, the predicted substrates for the C-3 sterol dehydrogenase. Accumulation of these sterol molecules in a heme-competent erg26 strain results in an accumulation of toxic-oxygenated sterol intermediates that prevent growth, even in the presence of exogenously added sterol.
The novel fatty acids 17-methyl-6(Z)-octadecenoic acid and 17-methyl-7(Z)-octadecenoic acid were identified for the first time in nature in the mollusk Siphonaria denticulata from Queensland, Australia. The principal fatty acids in the limpet were hexadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid, and (Z)-9-octadecenoic acid, while the most interesting series of monounsaturated fatty acids was a family of five nonadecenoic acids with double bonds at either Delta (7), Delta (9), Delta (11), Delta (12), or Delta (13). The novel compounds were characterized using a combination of GC-MS and chemical transformations, such as dimethyl disulfide derivatization. The first total syntheses for the two novel methyl-branched nonadecenoic acids are also described, and these were accomplished in four to five steps and in high yields.
A síndrome de Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLOS) é uma síndrome polimalformativa de transmissão autossómica recessiva causada por um défice metabólico da biossíntese do colesterol, que se caracteriza por dismorfias craniofaciais, anomalias congénitas de vários órgãos (salientando-se as do esqueleto e do aparelho urogenital), restrição de crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU), alterações comportamentais e atraso mental. É causada por mutações no gene DHCR7, que codifica para a enzima 7-dehidrocolesterol reductase, responsável pelo último passo da via metabólica da síntese do colesterol. A SLOS caracteriza-se por níveis diminuídos de colesterol e concentrações altas do seu precursor, 7-dehidrocolesterol, no sangue e tecidos. Procedeu-se a uma análise comparativa dos fenótipo e genótipo de quinze casos de SLOS de origem portuguesa, e são tecidas considerações quanto às dificuldades e limitações inerentes ao diagnóstico, e ao facto de esta doença hereditária do metabolismo dever ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial das situações de (i) hipocolesterolémia, (ii) RCIU e (iii) síndromes polimalformativas,(especialmente quando crianças com atraso de crescimento apresentam simultaneamente sindactilia do segundo e terceiro dedos do pé e microcefalia e/ou narinas antevertidas entre outras anomalias).
Li contents [Li] and isotopic composition (delta Li-7) of mafic minerals (mainly amphibole and clinopyroxene) from the alkaline to peralkaline Ilimaussaq plutonic complex, South Greenland, track the behavior of Li and its isotopes during magmatic differentiation and final cooling of an alkaline igneous system. [Li] in amphibole increase from < 10 ppm in Caamphiboles of the least differentiated unit to >3000 ppm in Na-amphiboles of the highly evolved units. In contrast, [Li] in clinopyroxene are comparatively low (<85 ppm) and do not vary systematically with differentiation. The distribution of Li between amphibole and pyroxene is controlled by the major element composition of the minerals (Ca-rich and Na-rich, respectively) and changes in oxygen fugacity (due to Li incorporation via coupled substitution with ferric iron) during magmatic differentiation. delta(7) Li values of all minerals span a wide range from + 17 to - 8 parts per thousand, with the different intrusive units of the complex having distinct Li isotopic systematics. Amphiboles, which dominate the Li budget of whole-rocks from the inner part of the complex, have constant delta Li-7 of + 1.8 +/- 2.2 parts per thousand (2 sigma, n = 15). This value reflects a homogeneous melt reservoir and is consistent with their mantle derivation, in agreement with published O and Nd isotopic data. Clinopyroxenes of these samples are consistently lighter, with Delta Li-7(amph-cpx). as large as 8 parts per thousand and are thus not in Li isotope equilibrium. These low values probably reflect late-stage diffusion of Li into clinopyroxene during final cooling of the rocks, thus enriching the clinopyroxene in 6 Li. At the margin of the complex delta(7) Li in the syenites increases systematically, from +2 to high values of + 14 parts per thousand. This, coupled with the observed Li isotope systematics of the granitic country rocks, reflects post-magmatic open-system processes occurring during final cooling of the intrusion. Although the shape and magnitude of the Li isotope and elemental profiles through syenite and country rock are suggestive of diffusion-driven isotope fractionation, they cannot be modeled by one-dimensional diffusive transport and point to circulation of a fluid having a high 67 Li value (possibly seawater) along the chilled contact. In all, this study demonstrates that Li isotopes can be used to identify complex fluid- and diffusion-governed processes taking place during the final cooling of such rocks. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Gene-chip technology was employed to study the effect of dietary vitamin E (VE) on gene expression in rat testes. Male albino rats were fed with either a diet deficient in VE or a standard diet containing VE. Differential gene expression was monitored at five individual time-points over a period of 14 months with all animals individually pro. led. Low VE intake resulted in the consistent upregulation of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase and GATA binding protein 4, both involved in testosterone synthesis. Cyclin D3, important in cell cycle progression and Wilms tumor 1, related to cancer development, were also up-regulated in the vitamin E deficient animals. This study demonstrates that low dietary VE intake has long-term effects on gene expression in the testes. Our data provides insights into the possible molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of vitamin E on the male reproductive organ.
The analysis of the IR carbonyl band of the 2-substituted N-methoxy-N-methylacetamides Y-CH(2)C(O)-N(OMe)Me (Y = F1, OMe 2, OPh 3, Cl 4), supported by B3LYP/6-311++G(3df, 3pd) calculations along with the NBO analysis for 1-4, indicated the existence of cis-gauche conformers i.e. (c) and (g) for 1 and 3, (c(1), c(2)) and (g(1), g(2)) for 2, and (c) and (g(1), g(2)) for 4. In the gas phase, the g conformer population prevails over the c one, for 1 and 3, the (c(1) + c(2)) population prevails over the (g(1) + g(2)) one for 2, and the (g(1) + g(2)) conformer population is more abundant than (c) one for 4. In n-hexane solution, the cis conformer is more abundant for 1-3. The occurrence of Fermi resonance in the nu(CO) region, in n-hexane, precludes the estimative of relative populations of the (c, g(1), g(2)) conformers for 4. The SCI-PCM calculations agree with the solvent effect on the nu(CO) band component relative intensities for 1-3. NBO analysis showed that the n(N) -> pi.(CO), orbital interaction is the main factor which stabilizes the gauche (g, g(1), g(2)) conformers for 1-4 into a larger extent relative to the cis (c, c(1), c(2)) ones. The n(y) -> pi(.)(Co,) sigma(C-Y) -> pi.(CO,) pi(CO) -> sigma(C-Y) and 7co orbital interactions still contribute, but into a minor extent for the stabilization of the gauche conformers relative to the cis ones. The existence of some pyramidalization at the nitrogen atom of the Weinreb amides 1-4 is responsible for the occurrence of Y(delta)-(4)center dot center dot center dot O(delta)-(9) and Y(delta)-(4)center dot center dot center dot N(delta)-(7) short contacts in the gauche (g, g(1), g(2)) conformers, which originates strong repulsive Coulombic interactions, acting in opposition to the large orbital stabilization of the gauche conformer with respect to the cis one. Therefore, a delicate balance of the Coulombic and orbital interactions seems to be responsible for the observed stabilization of the gauche (g, g(1), g(2)) and cis (c, c(1), c(2)) conformers, both in the gas phase and in the solution for 1-4. However, the cis conformer predominance, in non polar solvents, for the 2-substituted N-methoxy-N-methyl acetamides 1-3, bearing in a first raw (fluorine and oxygen) atoms, is in the opposite direction to the gauche conformer preference for the corresponding 2-substituted N,N-dialkyl-acetamides. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.