987 resultados para Della Bella, Stefano, 1610-1664


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Resumen: Descripción: estudio de cuatro manos en distintas posiciones


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Resumen: Descripción: Virgen María, sentada de perfil, acunando en su regazo al Niño Jesús; en segundo término a la derch. una ventana da paso a un paisaje montañoso. Escena enmarcada en un óvalo


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The present 30 volumes seem to have remained with the Dukes of Leuchtenberg, until the ducal library was acquired for sale in 1935 by the dealers Ulrich Hoepli (Milan) and Braus-Riggenbach (Basel). The volumes are not complete, as leaves have been wholly or partly removed throughout; this is particularly evident in preliminary volumes 2 and 10 and volume 75. Prints and the relatively small number of drawings are mostly French, with some German, Dutch and English, and are mostly of the 17th or 18th centuries. They are mounted generally on rectos of leaves, often with hand-written captions. Large prints are occasionally bound in directly; these are often folded. The engraved general title page (bearing the date 1788) appears at the beginning of each volume; below the printed title a hand-written volume number and brief title describing the volume's contents usually appear. In many volumes the title leaf is followed by a hand-written contents leaf listing the section titles, which are also written individually throughout the volume on leaves with etched decorative frames. Sections are numbered continuously throughout the work as a whole. Numbering of the leaves, when present, appears in black ink within each volume at top center recto. Printmakers include B. & J. Audran, Francesco Bartolozzi, Abraham Bosse, Stefano della Bella, Jacques Callot, François Chéreau, Wenceslaus Hollar, Romeyn de Hooghe, Raymond La Fage, Sébastien Le Clerc, Pierre Lepautre, Claude Mellan, Bernard Picart, and Simon Thomassin. There are also early color prints by Gautier-Dagoty and Jean-Baptiste Morret.


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With reporduction of t.-p. of the edition, Brouazzo, 1540.


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"Proemio" signed: Carlo Téoli [pseud. of Eugenio Camerini]


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This paper presents a method to design membrane elements of concrete with orthogonal mesh of reinforcement which are subject to compressive stress. Design methods, in general, define how to quantify the reinforcement necessary to support the tension stress and verify if the compression in concrete is within the strength limit. In case the compression in membrane is excessive, it is possible to use reinforcements subject to compression. However, there is not much information in the literature about how to design reinforcement for these cases. For that, this paper presents a procedure which uses the model based on Baumann's [1] criteria. The strength limits used herein are those recommended by CEB [3], however, a model is proposed in which this limit varies according to the tensile strain which occur perpendicular to compression. This resistance model is based on concepts proposed by Vecchio e Collins [2].


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L'insufficienza renale cronica (CKD) è associata ad un rischio cardiovascolare più elevato rispetto alla popolazione generale: fattori come uremia, stress ossidativo, età dialitica, infiammazione, alterazioni del metabolismo minerale e presenza di calcificazioni vascolari incidono fortemente sulla morbosità e mortalità per cause cardiovascolari nel paziente uremico. Diversi studi hanno verificato il coinvolgimento dei progenitori endoteliali (EPC) nella malattia aterosclerotica ed è stato dimostrato che esprimono osteocalcina, marcatore di calcificazione. Inoltre, nella CKD è presente una disfunzione in numero e funzionalità delle EPC. Attualmente, il ruolo delle EPC nella formazione delle calcificazioni vascolari nei pazienti in dialisi non è stato ancora chiarito. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di studiare le EPC prelevate da pazienti con CKD, al fine di determinarne numero e fenotipo. È stato anche valutato l'effetto del trattamento in vitro e in vivo con calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sulle EPC, dato il deficit di vitamina D dei pazienti con CKD: il trattamento con vitamina D sembra avere effetti positivi sul sistema cardiovascolare. Sono stati valutati: numero di EPC circolanti e la relativa espressione di osteocalcina e del recettore della vitamina D; morfologia e fenotipo EPC in vitro; effetti di calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sull’espressione di osteocalcina e sui depositi di calcio. I risultati dello studio suggeriscono che il trattamento con vitamina D abbia un effetto positivo sulle EPC, aumentando il numero di EPC circolanti e normalizzandone la morfologia. Sia calcitriolo che paracalcitolo sono in grado di ridurre notevolmente l’espressione di OC, mentre solo il paracalcitolo ha un effetto significativo sulla riduzione dei depositi di calcio in coltura. In conclusione, il trattamento con vitamina D sembra ridurre il potenziale calcifico delle EPC nell’uremia, aprendo nuove strade per la gestione del rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti affetti da CKD.


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BACKGROUND -Cardiac tamponade is the most dramatic complication observed during atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation and the leading cause of procedure-related mortality. Female gender is a known risk factor for complications during AF ablation; however, it is unknown whether women have a higher risk of tamponade. METHODS AND RESULTS -A systematic Medline search was used to locate academic electrophysiologic (EP) centers that reported cases of tamponade occurring during AF ablation. Centers were asked to provide information on cases of acute tamponade according to gender and their mode of management including any case of related mortality. Nineteen EP centers provided information on 34,943 ablation procedures involving 25,261 (72%) males. Overall 289 (0.9%) cases of tamponade were reported: 120 (1.24%) in females and 169 (0.67%) in males (odds ratio 1.83, P<0.001). There was a reciprocal association between center volume and the occurrence of tamponade with substantial lower risk in high volume centers. Most cases of tamponade occurred during catheter manipulation or ablation; females tended to develop more tamponades during transseptal catheterization. No gender difference in the mode of management was observed. However, 16% cases of tamponade required surgery with lower rates in high volume centers. Three cases of tamponade (1%) culminated in death. CONCLUSIONS -Tamponade during AF ablation procedures is relatively rare. Women have an almost twofold higher risk for developing this complication. The risk of tamponade among women decreases substantially in high volume centers. Surgical back-up and acute management skills for treating tamponade are important in centers performing AF ablation.


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Lactose, in particular α-lactose monohydrate, is the most used carrier for inhalation. Its surface and solid-state properties are of paramount importance in determining drug aerosolization performance. However, these properties may be altered by processing, such as micronization, thus affecting the product performance and stability. The present research project focused on the study of the effect of lactose solid-state on the aerosolization performance of drug-carrier mixtures, giving particular attention to the impact of micronization on lactose physico-chemical properties. The formation of a fraction of hygroscopic anhydrous α-lactose, rather than amorphous lactose, as a consequence of the mechanical stress stemming from micronization was evidenced by 1H NMR, XRPD and DSC analyses performed on samples of micronized lactose. The development of a new DVS method capable to identify and quantify different forms of α-lactose (hygroscopic anhydrous, stable anhydrous and amorphous), even simultaneously present in the same sample, confirmed the results obtained with the above-mentioned techniques. The influence of lactose solid-state on drug respirability was then evaluated through the preparation and in vitro aerodynamic assessment of ternary and binary mixtures containing two different drugs. In particular, the use, as carriers, of anhydrous forms of α-lactose in place of the conventional α-lactose monohydrate resulted in significantly improved respirability in the case of salbutamol sulphate and poorer performance in the case of budesonide. In an attempt to rationalize the obtained results, IGC was selected as a tool to investigate possible variations in the surface energy of the studied lactose carriers and APIs. A direct correlation between the total surface free energy of lactose carriers and drug respirability was not found. However, salbutamol sulphate and budesonide exhibited different specific surface free energy, to which the difference in the aerosolization performance may be, at least in part, ascribed.


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Datos de la descripción tomados de ejemplares del CCPB y del ICCU.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Contient : 1 « Factum du capitaine LA GARDE », compromis dans le complot de Ravaillac, pour obtenir ou un jugement qui lui permette de se disculper ou la liberté ; 2 Mémoire en faveur de Frédéric V, électeur palatin, contre Maximilien, premier électeur de Bavière, et son frère Ferdinand, archevêque de Cologne. Vers 1623 ; 3 « Traitté entre le roy [Louis XIII] et le duc de Savoye [Victor Amédée]... par lequel le duc de Savoye cede et transporte au roy et à ses successeurs la ville et chasteau de Pignerol, le village et fort de La Perouse et autres villages d'alentour, en recompense de quoy Sa Majesté promet aud. duc de l'acquitter envers le duc de Mantoue de la somme de 494,000 escus et de lui fournir le surplus en deniers comptans... Faict à Saint Germain en Laye, le 5 may 1632 » ; 4 « Proposition de Mr de Feguieres [MANASSES DE PAS DE FEUQUIERES], ambassadeur de France, faicte à Halbron », après la mort du roi de Suède Gustave-Adolphe, pour relever le courage des princes de la ligue protestante. 1633 ; 5 « Relation veritable de ce qui s'est passé en la creation du pape Innocent X, contre les faux bruits publiez au desadvantage de Mr DE SAINCT CHAMOND, ambassadeur extraordinaire du roy pres Sa Sainteté » ; 6 « Remontrance au roy [Louis XIV] par la noblesse assemblée à Paris, en octobre 1649 », contre les « preeminances [données] à des races et maisons particulieres audessus du corps de la noblesse, où il n'y a jamais eu d'autre distinction que celle de l'illustre sang et des dignitez » ; 7 « Traicté du renouvellement de l'alliance des Suisses avec le roy [Louis XIV]. 1663 ». Relation de la réception faite aux ambassadeurs suisses, venus à Paris, au mois de novembre 1663, pour recevoir le serment du roi audit traité ; 8 « Relation de la campagne de Hongrie, en 1664, et des combats de Kermein et de Sainct Gothard entre les trouppes françoises et allemandes et l'armée des Turcs, avec les articles du traicté de paix fait entre l'empereur et le Grand Seigneur » ; 9 Documents concernant l'expédition du duc de Beaufort contre Gigeri ; 1 « Relation envoyée au roy par le Sr DE CASTELAN, contenant ce qui s'est passé à Gigery, depuis le 22 octobre [1664] jusques au 25 » ; 2 « Seconde Relation envoyée au roy par le Sr DE CASTELAN, contenant ce qui s'est passé à Gigery, à la retraitte des trouppes de S. M. » Louis XIV ; 10 Lettre de FRANÇOIS-PAUL, « b[aron] DE LISOLA », agent de l'empereur Leopold, à l'agent du roi d'Angleterre, pour former une ligue qui paraisse une suite de la garantie stipulée par le traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle ; 11 Extraits relatifs aux reines de Pologne et de Suède