25 resultados para Delicacy


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The field bean (Dolichos lab lab ; Tamil name, Mochai ; Kanarese, Avarai) is a legume which is widely cultivated in South India often as a mixed crop with cereals. The kernel of the seed enters into the diet of may South Indian households, and in the Mysore State the seed are used as a delicacy when they are green for over four months in the year. The haulm, husk and pods are commonly used a fodder. As the kernel which is widely used as an article of food and considered to be very nutritious, contains about 24% of protein hitherto uninvestigated and as the quality of protein plays an important role in nutrition, the present work was undertaken.


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Nostoc flagelliforme, which is distributed in arid or semiarid steppes of the west and west-northern parts of China, has been used by the Chinese as a food delicacy and for its herbal values for hundreds of years. However, the resource is being over-exploited and is diminishing, while the market demands are increasing with the economic growth. This review deals mainly with the Chinese studies on the ecology, physiology, reproduction, morphology and culture of this species in an attempt to promote research and development of its cultivation technology.


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Motivated by both the delicacy of French music, such as La Mer by Claude Debussy, and the exotic atmosphere of Spanish music, such as Zigeunerweisen by Pablo Sarasate, I decided to investigate the characteristics of French and Spanish cello music from Camille Saint-Saens to Gaspar Cassad6. French cello music flourished from the end ofthel9th to the middle of the 20th century because of the innovation of many unprecedented techniques and experimentation with a variety of sonorities. The Spanish were heavily influenced by the French due to the geographical connection. Cello virtuosi like Auguste Tolbecque, August Franchomme, Pierre Fournier, and Paul Tortelier inspired composers of their day, creating a "golden age" of cello music. This dissertation consisted of three recitals in Gildenhom Recital Hall. The first recital was held on May lOth, 2007 at 5:30pm with pianist David Ballena. The second recital was held on October 14th, 2007 at 2pm with collaborators Minna Han, piano and Jenny Wu, violin. The third recital was held on March 301 2008 at 5:30 with pianist Naoko Takao. Here is the program of the recitals: The first recital: Gabriel Faure(1856-1924): Sonate pour Violoncello et Piano Op.109(1917) Gaspar Cassad6 (1897-1966): Suite per Violoncello Solo (1926) Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Sonate pour Violoncelle et Piano (1915) The second recital: Manuel de Falla (1876-1946): Melodia (1897), Romanza (1898) Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921): Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No.1 in A minor Op.33 (1873) Maurice Ravel (1875-1973): Sonata for Violin and Cello (1920-22) The third recital: Pablo Casals (1876-1973): Song of the Birds (1925) Edouard Lalo (1823-1892): Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in D Minor (1877) Franscis Poulenc (1899-1963): Sonata for Cello and Piano Op.l43(1940-48)


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Tetrodotoxin (tetrodotoxin) is a potent neurotoxin, which shuts down electrical signaling in nerves by blocking the voltage-gated sodium channel proteins in nerve cell membranes. It was originally discovered in puffer fish but is found in a range of animal species and thought to be produced by bacteria. The toxin can be lethal to humans being 10 000 times more potent than cyanide. Human fatalities have been attributed to the ingestion of this toxin through consumption of puffer fish, a delicacy in Japan and other regions, and other marine species. The effects of tetrodotoxin poisoning onset quickly and include shortness of breath, numbness, tingling, light-headedness, paralysis, and irregular heartbeat. Treatment usually consists of respiratory assistance as no antidote has been developed. The accepted method of analysis for tetrodotoxin is the mouse bioassay, although recently more ethical assays have been developed including high performance liquid chromatography, biosensor and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay.


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Dada a sua estrutura organizacional complexa e a natureza delicada do serviço prestado, os hospitais carecem de uma gestão eficaz e eficiente que os transforme em organizações de excelência. Fatores externos derivados das atuais imposições governamentais, como a necessidade de reorganização dos serviços no sentido de contenção de custos, a obtenção de resultados económicos positivos e, a incessante necessidade dos utentes em obter um atendimento de qualidade, são fatores que não simplificam o problema. As melhorias da qualidade dos serviços de saúde têm sido difíceis de implementar em Portugal, não só porque estas exigem uma mudança fundamental na forma de pensar e de agir que conduzam à alteração de comportamentos, hábitos e de práticas estabelecidas, mas também, porque estes processos requerem tempo, resiliência e uma participação ativa do Estado, e demais entidades reguladoras. A exigência neste processo torna-se fundamental ao nível da segurança, flexibilidade e da atuação sobre fatores estruturais e comportamentais, dado que os conceitos de economia, eficiência e eficácia são transversais a todos os procedimentos, desde o ato de atendimento, à qualidade dos serviços prestados por todos os profissionais e à performance global dos atores envolvidos. No entanto, apesar da importância de que se reveste um processo de mudança, o conhecimento de facto, por si só, não é suficiente para desencadear e manter esta transformação, ainda não existe uma clara e concreta a correlação entre análise e ação. Entende-se por isso, a necessidade do desenvolvimento do benchmarking hospitalar, integrado na filosofia do Balanced Scorecard, complementado com a opinião dos utentes e dos profissionais destes serviços de saúde, comparando o setor público com o privado. Após efetuada a análise aos dados recolhidos, recorrendo à utilização das metodologias previamente identificadas, concluimos que, a generalidade das hipóteses formuladas se verificaram, tendo, por isso, alcançado os objetivos a que nos propusemos nesta investigação.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cephalopods are utilized as an important food item in various countries because of its delicacy as raw consumed food. Mainly sepia and loligo are consumed raw by Japanese and Russians. The freshness of the products is very important when the product is consumed raw. The major species that dominate our squid catch are Loligo duvaucelii and Doryteuthis sibogae. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of both the species. The needle squid (Doryteuthis sibogae ) contributes about 35% of the total squid landing. Due to the fast deterioration , a major portion of the needle squid, which is caught during the first few hauls, is thrown back to sea. The catch in the last hauls only are taken to the landing centers. At present the needle squid is processed as blanched rings and the desired quality is not obtained if it is processed as whole, whole cleaned or as tubes. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the biochemical characteristics in both the species of squid in relation to their quality and, the process control measures to be adopted. The effect of various treatments on their quality and the changes in proteolytic and lysosomal enzymes under various processing conditions are also studied in detail.Thus this study can provide the seafood industry with relevant suggestions and solutions for effective utilization of both the species of squid with emphasis on needle squid.


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At present, a fraction of 0.1 - 0.2% of the patients undergoing surgery become aware during the process. The situation is referred to as anesthesia awareness and is obviously very traumatic for the person experiencing it. The reason for its occurrence is mostly an insufficient dosage of the narcotic Propofol combined with the incapability of the technology monitoring the depth of the patient’s anesthetic state to notice the patient becoming aware. A solution can be a highly sensitive and selective real time monitoring device for Propofol based on optical absorption spectroscopy. Its working principle has been postulated by Prof. Dr. habil. H. Hillmer and formulated in DE10 2004 037 519 B4, filed on Aug 30th, 2004. It consists of the exploitation of Intra Cavity Absorption effects in a two mode laser system. In this Dissertation, a two mode external cavity semiconductor laser, which has been developed previously to this work is enhanced and optimized to a functional sensor. Enhancements include the implementation of variable couplers into the system and the implementation of a collimator arrangement into which samples can be introduced. A sample holder and cells are developed and characterized with a focus on compatibility with the measurement approach. Further optimization concerns the overall performance of the system: scattering sources are reduced by re-splicing all fiber-to-fiber connections, parasitic cavities are eliminated by suppressing the Fresnel reflexes of all one fiber ends by means of optical isolators and wavelength stability of the system is improved by the implementation of thermal insulation to the Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG). The final laser sensor is characterized in detail thermally and optically. Two separate modes are obtained at 1542.0 and 1542.5 nm, tunable in a range of 1nm each. Mode Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) is 0.06nm and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is as high as 55 dB. Independent of tuning the two modes of the system can always be equalized in intensity, which is important as the delicacy of the intensity equilibrium is one of the main sensitivity enhancing effects formulated in DE10 2004 037 519 B4. For the proof of concept (POC) measurements the target substance Propofol is diluted in the solvents Acetone and DiChloroMethane (DCM), which have been investigated for compatibility with Propofol beforehand. Eight measurement series (two solvents, two cell lengths and two different mode spacings) are taken, which draw a uniform picture: mode intensity ratio responds linearly to an increase of Propofol in all cases. The slope of the linear response indicates the sensitivity of the system. The eight series are split up into two groups: measurements taken in long cells and measurements taken in short cells.


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Norms of fitting embodied behaviour for males and females, as promoted in Australian public arenas of popular culture and the everyday, disempower and marginalise those not inclined to embody in gendernormative and heteronormative ways.

This thesis engages with concepts of embodiment as meaning the manner of physical deportment in which a physical practice is performed, and with concepts of gender as social constructions of femininity and masculinity. It investigates the demands and implications of dominant norms of gender embodiment for those whose embodied inclinations do not fit comfortably with such dichotomous models. It interrogates gender inequitable machinations of education and performance arts disciplines by which educators and arts practitioners train, teach, choreograph, and direct those with whom they work, and theorises ways of broadening personal and social notions of possible, aesthetic, and acceptable embodiment for all persons, regardless of biological sex or sexual orientation.

This research is grounded in two major qualitative methods of enquiry. First, through an autoethnographic lens, it focuses on the impacts that social constructions of masculinity have on me, both as a person in the everyday and as a performance arts practitioner/educator. Through writing, illustration, choreography, and performance, as well as interviews with 3 members of my family, I analyse the delicacy of the relationship between social control/surveillance and personal agency over my embodiment of gender. Second, through empirical ethnographic fieldwork with some 400 high school students and 160 educators and performance arts practitioners, I utilise a combination of performance, discussion, practical workshop, and avenues for anonymous response to explore the potential of the performance arts in challenging inequitable notions of gender embodiment.

My findings demonstrate that inherent ideologies in dominant discourses regarding the execution and display of feminine and masculine embodiment continue to work, overtly and covertly, as definitive and restrictive barriers to the realm of possibilities of embodied gender expression and appreciation in the everyday and in the performance arts. This thesis recommends drawing individuals’ attention to embodied gender inequities and enculturation processes, not ordinarily critiqued within mainstream society, as a key toward safeguarding the well-being of those whose embodied performance inclination is at odds with prescribed norms of behaviour. Performance arts arenas are powerful sites in which such deconstructive work can occur, both cognitively and practically. However, as this thesis explores and illustrates, performance arts practitioners/educators need to first scrutinise existing and hidden inequities regarding the embodiment of gender within their own habitus, perspectives, taste, and practices.


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A lichia é considerada em todo o mundo como a rainha das frutas, por sua aparência e sabor delicado. Atualmente, a cultura vem despertando interesse, principalmente no Estado de São Paulo, onde, em virtude dos problemas enfrentados pelos agricultores, destacando-se os de laranja e cana-de-açúcar, a procura por alternativas agrícolas vem se intensificando ainda mais. A propagação através de sementes não é recomendada comercialmente, pois as plantas de pé-franco são geneticamente muito desuniformes e apresentam período juvenil muito longo, demorando até 10 anos para entrar em produção; no entanto, a semente pode ser utilizada para a obtenção de porta-enxertos. Observou-se que a germinação de sementes de lichia ocorre rapidamente, reforçando a importância do uso de um substrato adequado. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos, verifica-se que o substrato que aparentemente permitiu as melhores combinações de água e disponibilidade de oxigênio para as sementes - casca de arroz carbonizada e areia lavada, foi o que proporcionou valores de germinação mais rápidos e mais altos.


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Este trabalho busca refletir sobre o estatuto do corpo e do movimento nas artes a partir da noção de sensação, como empregada no pensamento do filósofo francês Gilles Deleuze. Tal propósito se fará a partir do singular encontro entre os trabalhos de um pintor/desenhista e um dos mais emblemáticos bailarinos clássicos. O corpo em movimento, quando atinge o estado de dança, não se reduz a uma forma, a uma representação, nem a uma mecânica. Antes, pelo contrário, sua leveza singular afeta-nos sobremaneira. Tal afecção será tomada como fio condutor de nossa análise, tendo em vista as diferentes sensações e expressões que pode suscitar. A sensação de um corpo que dança pode expressar-se na dança em si como também no desenho. Que relações esses diferentes meios de expressão do corpo dançarino podem estabelecer entre si? Que acontecimentos singulares podem emergir nesse encontro particular? Antes que forma, linhas de força e expressão. Corpo-vibração, torrente de afectos e perceptos, constituindo sensações que diferentes meios artísticos expressam diferentemente.


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O lambari, Astyanax altiparanae, é uma espécie muito comum em rios nacionais, com grande potencial para a piscicultura nacional. Ele apresenta crescimento rápido e carne de excelente sabor, sendo muito apreciado com petisco e como isca viva para a pesca esportiva. A farinha de vísceras de aves é uma importante fonte protéica de origem animal. O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão de farinha de vísceras de aves (FV) em rações para alevinos de lambari. Foram utilizados 125 alevinos, apresentando peso e comprimento inicial médio de 0,080±0,002g e 1,86±0,20cm, respectivamente, distribuídos em 25 aquários. As rações foram formuladas de forma a conter 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% de FV na dieta. O arraçoamento foi realizado quatro vezes ao dia, na forma farelada e à vontade. O valores médios de peso final (1,47, 1,92, 2,02, 2,11 e 2,15g) e comprimento final (4,40, 4,78, 4,92, 4,92 e 5,08cm) dos alevinos de lambari apresentaram aumento linear (P<0,05) diretamente proporcional aos níveis de inclusão (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% de FV) nas rações. A sobrevivência (88, 96, 92, 76 e 88%) e a conversão alimentar aparente (4,58, 3,29, 3,25, 3,92 e 3,34) não apresentaram diferença (P<0,05) entre os níveis de FV na dieta. A inclusão de farinha de vísceras de aves em rações à base de ingredientes de origem vegetal melhora o desempenho e o teor protéico da carcaça.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)