989 resultados para Degradation pathways


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Many age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and polyglutamine disorders, including Huntington’s disease, are associated with the aberrant formation of protein aggregates. These protein aggregates and/or their precursors are believed to be causally linked to the pathogenesis of such protein conformation disorders, also referred to as proteinopathies. The accumulation of protein aggregates, frequently under conditions of an age-related increase in oxidative stress, implies the failure of protein quality control and the resulting proteome instability as an upstream event of proteinopathies. As aging is a main risk factor of many proteinopathies, potential alterations of protein quality control pathways that accompany the biological aging process could be a crucial factor for the onset of these disorders.rnrnThe focus of this dissertation lies on age-related alterations of protein quality control mechanisms that are regulated by the co-chaperones of the BAG (Bcl-2-associated athanogene) family. BAG proteins are thought to promote nucleotide exchange on Hsc/Hsp70 and to couple the release of chaperone-bound substrates to distinct down-stream cellular processes. The present study demonstrates that BAG1 and BAG3 are reciprocally regulated during aging leading to an increased BAG3 to BAG1 ratio in cellular models of replicative senescence as well as in neurons of the aging rodent brain. Furthermore, BAG1 and BAG3 were identified as key regulators of protein degradation pathways. BAG1 was found to be essential for effective degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins by the ubiquitin/proteasome system, possibly by promoting Hsc/Hsp70 substrate transfer to the 26S proteasome. In contrast, BAG3 was identified to stimulate the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins by macroautophagy, a catabolic process mediated by lysosomal hydrolases. BAG3-regulated protein degradation was found to depend on the function of the ubiquitin-receptor protein SQSTM1 which is known to sequester polyubiquitinated proteins for macroautophagic degradation. It could be further demonstrated that SQSTM1 expression is tightly coupled to BAG3 expression and that BAG3 can physically interact with SQSTM1. Moreover, immunofluorescence-based microscopic analyses revealed that BAG3 co-localizes with SQSTM1 in protein sequestration structures suggesting a direct role of BAG3 in substrate delivery to SQSTM1 for macroautophagic degradation. Consistent with these findings, the age-related switch from BAG1 to BAG3 was found to determine that aged cells use the macroautophagic system more intensely for the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins, in particular of insoluble, aggregated quality control substrates. Finally, in vivo expression analysis of macroautophagy markers in young and old mice as well as analysis of the lysosomal enzymatic activity strongly indicated that the macroautophagy pathway is also recruited in the nervous system during the organismal aging process.rnrnTogether these findings suggest that protein turnover by macroautophagy is gaining importance during the aging process as insoluble quality control substrates are increasingly produced that cannot be degraded by the proteasomal system. For this reason, a switch from the proteasome regulator BAG1 to the macroautophagy stimulator BAG3 occurs during cell aging. Hence, it can be concluded that the BAG3-mediated recruitment of the macroauto-phagy pathway is an important adaptation of the protein quality control system to maintain protein homeostasis in the presence of an enhanced pro-oxidant and aggregation-prone milieu characteristic of aging. Future studies will explore whether an impairment of this adaptation process may contribute to age-related proteinopathies.


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The heart is a remarkable organ. In order to maintain its function, it remodels in response to a variety of environmental stresses, including pressure overload, volume overload, mechanical or pharmacological unloading and hormonal or metabolic disturbances. All these responses are linked to the inherent capacity of the heart to rebuild itself. Particularly, cardiac pressure overload activates signaling pathways of both protein synthesis and degradation. While much is known about regulators of protein synthesis, little is known about regulators of protein degradation in hypertrophy. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) selectively degrades unused and abnormal intracellular proteins. I speculated that the UPS may play an important role in both qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of heart muscle during hypertrophic remodeling. My study hypothesized that cardiac remodeling in response to hypertrophic stimuli is a dynamic process that requires activation of highly regulated mechanisms of protein degradation as much as it requires protein synthesis. My first aim was to adopt a model of left ventricular hypertrophy and determine its gene expression and structural changes. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were submitted to ascending aortic banding and sacrificed at 7 and 14 days after surgery. Sham operated animals served as controls. Effective aortic banding was confirmed by hemodynamic assessment by Doppler flow measurements in vivo. Banded rats showed a four-fold increase in peak stenotic jet velocities. Histomorphometric analysis revealed a significant increase in myocyte size as well as fibrosis in the banded animals. Transcript analysis showed that banded animals had reverted to the fetal gene program. My second aim was to assess if the UPS is increased and transcriptionally regulated in hypertrophic left ventricular remodeling. Protein extracts from the left ventricles of the banded and control animals were used to perform an in vitro peptidase assay to assess the overall catalytic activity of the UPS. The results showed no difference between hypertrophied and control animals. Transcript analysis revealed decreases in transcript levels of candidate UPS genes in the hypertrophied hearts at 7 days post-banding but not at 14 days. However, protein expression analysis showed no difference at either time point compared to controls. These findings indicate that elements of the UPS are downregulated in the early phase of hypertrophic remodeling and normalizes in a later phase. The results provide evidence in support of a dynamic transcriptional regulation of a major pathway of intracellular protein degradation in the heart. The discrepancy between transcript levels on the one hand and protein levels on the other hand supports post-transcriptional regulation of the UPS pathway in the hypertrophied heart. The exact mechanisms and the functional consequences remain to be elucidated.


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Proper functioning of organelles necessitates efficient protein targeting to the appropriate subcellular locations. For example, degradation in the fungal vacuole relies on an array of targeting mechanisms for both resident hydrolases and their substrates. The particular processes that are used vary depending on the available nutrients. Under starvation conditions, macroautophagy is the primary method by which bulk cytosol is sequestered into autophagic vesicles (autophagosomes) destined for this organelle. Molecular genetic, morphological, and biochemical evidence indicates that macroautophagy shares much of the same cellular machinery as a biosynthetic pathway for the delivery of the vacuolar hydrolase, aminopeptidase I, via the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway. The machinery required in both pathways includes a novel protein modification system involving the conjugation of two autophagy proteins, Apg12p and Apg5p. The conjugation reaction was demonstrated to be dependent on Apg7p, which shares homology with the E1 family of ubiquitin-activating enzymes. In this study, we demonstrate that Apg7p functions at the sequestration step in the formation of Cvt vesicles and autophagosomes. The subcellular localization of Apg7p fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) indicates that a subpopulation of Apg7pGFP becomes membrane associated in an Apg12p-dependent manner. Subcellular fractionation experiments also indicate that a portion of the Apg7p pool is pelletable under starvation conditions. Finally, we demonstrate that the Pichia pastoris homologue Gsa7p that is required for peroxisome degradation is functionally similar to Apg7p, indicating that this novel conjugation system may represent a general nonclassical targeting mechanism that is conserved across species.


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The performance criteria of piezoelectric polymers based on polyvinylidene flouride (PVDF) in complex space environments have been evaluated. Thin films of these materials are being explored as in-situ responsive materials for large aperture space-based telescopes with the shape deformation and optical features dependent on long-term deformation and optical features dependent on long-term degradation effects, mainly due to thermal cycling, vacuum UV exposure and atomic oxygen. A summary of previous studies related to materials testing and performance prediction based on a laboratory environment is presented. The degradation pathways are a combination of molecular chemical changes primarily induced via radiative damage and physical degradation processes due to temperature and atomic oxygen exposure resulting in depoling, loss of orientation and surface erosing. Experimental validation for these materials to be used in space is being conducted as part of MISSE-6 (Materials International Space Station Experiment) with an overview of the experimental strategies discussed here.


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The increasing use of biodegradable devices in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine means it is essential to study and understand their degradation behaviour. Accelerated degradation systems aim to achieve similar degradation profiles within a shorter period of time, compared with standard conditions. However, these conditions only partially mimic the actual situation, and subsequent analyses and derived mechanisms must be treated with caution and should always be supported by actual long-term degradation data obtained under physiological conditions. Our studies revealed that polycaprolactone (PCL) and PCL-composite scaffolds degrade very differently under these different degradation conditions, whilst still undergoing hydrolysis. Molecular weight and mass loss results differ due to the different degradation pathways followed (surface degradation pathway for accelerated conditions and bulk degradation pathway for simulated physiological conditions). Crystallinity studies revealed similar patterns of recrystallization dynamics, and mechanical data indicated that the scaffolds retained their functional stability, in both instances, over the course of degradation. Ultimately, polymer degradation was shown to be chiefly governed by molecular weight, crystallinity susceptibility to hydrolysis and device architecture considerations whilst maintaining its thermodynamic equilibrium.


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Microbial degradation pathways play a key role in the detoxification and the mineralization of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are widespread pollutants in soil and constituents of petroleum hydrocarbons. In microbiology the aromatic degradation pathways are traditionally studied from single bacterial strains with capacity to degrade certain pollutant. In soil the degradation of aromatics is performed by a diverse community of micro-organisms. The aim of this thesis was to study biodegradation on different levels starting from a versatile aromatic degrader Sphingobium sp. HV3 and its megaplasmid, extending to revelation of diversity of key catabolic enzymes in the environment and finally studying birch rhizoremediation in PAH-polluted soil. To understand biodegradation of aromatics on bacterial species level, the aromatic degradation capacity of Sphingobium sp. HV3 and the role of the plasmid pSKY4, was studied. Toluene, m-xylene, biphenyl, fluorene, phenanthrene were detected as carbon and energy sources of the HV3 strain. Tn5 transposon mutagenesis linked the degradation capacity of toluene, m-xylene, biphenyl and naphthalene to the pSKY4 plasmid and qPCR expression analysis showed that plasmid extradiol dioxygenases genes (bphC and xylE) are inducted by phenanthrene, m-xylene and biphenyl whereas the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide induced the chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase gene (tfdC) from the ortho-pathway. A method to study upper meta-pathway extradiol dioxygenase gene diversity in soil was developed. The extradiol dioxygenases catalyse cleavage of the aromatic ring between a hydroxylated carbon and an adjacent non-hydroxylated carbon (meta-cleavage). A high diversity of extradiol dioxygenases were detected from polluted soils. The detected extradiol dioxygenases showed sequence similarity to known catabolic genes of Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria. Five groups of extradiol dioxygenases contained sequences with no close homologues in the database, representing novel genes. In rhizoremediation experiment with birch (Betula pendula) treatment specific changes of extradiol dioxygenase communities were shown. PAH pollution changed the bulk soil extradiol dioxygenase community structure and birch rhizosphere contained a more diverse extradiol dioxygenase community than the bulk soil showing a rhizosphere effect. The degradation of pyrene in soil was enhanced with birch seedlings compared to soil without birch. The complete 280,923 kb nucleotide sequence of pSKY4 plasmid was determined. The open reading frames of pSKY4 were divided into putative conjugative transfer, aromatic degradation, replication/maintaining and transposition/integration function-encoding proteins. Aromatic degradation orfs shared high similarity to corresponding genes in pNL1, a plasmid from the deep subsurface strain Novosphingobium aromaticivorans F199. The plasmid backbones were considerably more divergent with lower similarity, which suggests that the aromatic pathway has functioned as a plasmid independent mobile genetic element. The functional diversity of microbial communities in soil is still largely unknown. Several novel clusters of extradiol dioxygenases representing catabolic bacteria, whose function, biodegradation pathways and phylogenetic position is not known were amplified with single primer pair from polluted soils. These extradiol dioxygenase communities were shown to change upon PAH pollution, which indicates that their hosts function in PAH biodegradation in soil. Although the degradation pathways of specific bacterial species are substantially better depicted than pathways in situ, the evolution of degradation pathways for the xenobiotic compounds is largely unknown. The pSKY4 plasmid contains aromatic degradation genes in putative mobile genetic element causing flexibility/instability to the pathway. The localisation of the aromatic biodegradation pathway in mobile genetic elements suggests that gene transfer and rearrangements are a competetive advantage for Sphingomonas bacteria in the environment.


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A detailed series of simulation chamber experiments has been performed on the atmospheric degradation pathways of the primary air pollutant naphthalene and two of its photooxidation products, phthaldialdehyde and 1-nitronaphthalene. The measured yields of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) arising from the photooxidation of naphthalene varied from 6-20%, depending on the concentrations of naphthalene and nitrogen oxides as well as relative humidity. A range of carbonyls, nitro-compounds, phenols and carboxylic acids were identified among the gas- and particle-phase products. On-line analysis of the chemical composition of naphthalene SOA was performed using aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) for the first time. The results indicate that enhanced formation of carboxylic acids may contribute to the observed increase in SOA yields at higher relative humidity. The photolysis of phthaldialdehyde and 1-nitronaphthalene was investigated using natural light at the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE) in Valencia, Spain. The photolysis rate coefficients were measured directly and used to confirm that photolysis is the major atmospheric loss process for these compounds. For phthaldialdehyde, the main gas-phase products were phthalide and phthalic anhydride. SOA yields in the range 2-11% were observed, with phthalic acid and dihydroxyphthalic acid identified among the particle phase products. The photolysis of 1-nitronaphthalene yielded nitric oxide and a naphthoxy radical which reacted to form several products. SOA yields in the range 57-71% were observed, with 1,4-naphthoquinone, 1-naphthol and 1,4-naphthalenediol identified in the particle phase. On-line analysis of the SOA generated in an indoor chamber using ATOFMS provided evidence for the formation of high-molecular-weight products. Further investigations revealed that these products are oxygenated polycyclic compounds most likely produced from the dimerization of naphthoxy radicals. These results of this work indicate that naphthalene is a potentially large source of SOA in urban areas and should be included in atmospheric models. The kinetic and mechanistic information could be combined with existing literature data to produce an overall degradation mechanism for naphthalene suitable for inclusion in photochemical models that are used to predict the effect of emissions on air quality.


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Tese de mestrado em Biologia Humana e Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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In this study, we investigated the effect of glutamine (Gln) supplementation on the signaling pathways regulating protein synthesis and protein degradation in the skeletal muscle of rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. The expression levels of key regulatory proteins in the synthetic pathways (Akt, mTOR, GSK3 and 4E-BP1) and the degradation pathways (MuRF-1 and MAFbx) were determined using real-time PCR and Western blotting in four groups of male Wistar rats; 1) control, non-supplemented with glutamine; 2) control, supplemented with glutamine; 3) diabetic, non-supplemented with glutamine; and 4) diabetic, supplemented with glutamine. Diabetes was induced by the intravenous injection of 65 mg/kg bw STZ in citrate buffer (pH 4.2); the non-diabetic controls received only citrate buffer. After 48 hours, diabetes was confirmed in the STZ-treated animals by the determination of blood glucose levels above 200 mg/dL. Starting on that day, a solution of 1 g/kg bw Gln in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was administered daily via gavage for 15 days to groups 2 and 4. Groups 1 and 3 received only PBS for the same duration. The rats were euthanized, and the soleus muscles were removed and homogenized in extraction buffer for the subsequent measurement of protein and mRNA levels. The results demonstrated a significant decrease in the muscle Gln content in the diabetic rats, and this level increased toward the control value in the diabetic rats receiving Gln. In addition, the diabetic rats exhibited a reduced mRNA expression of regulatory proteins in the protein synthesis pathway and increased expression of those associated with protein degradation. A reduction in the skeletal muscle mass in the diabetic rats was observed and was alleviated partially with Gln supplementation. The data suggest that glutamine supplementation is potentially useful for slowing the progression of muscle atrophy in patients with diabetes.


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Piezoelectric polymers based on polyvinylidene flouride (PVDF) are of interest as adaptive materials for large aperture space-based telescopes. In this study, two piezoelectric polymers, PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE), were exposed to conditions simulating the thermal, radiative and atomic oxygen conditions of low Earth orbit. The degradation pathways were governed by a combination of chemical and physical degradation processes with the molecular changes primarily induced via radiative damage, and physical damage from temperature and atomic oxygen exposure, as evident from depoling, loss of orientation and surface erosion. The piezoelectric responsiveness of each polymer was strongly dependent on exposure temperature. Radiation and atomic oxygen exposure caused physical and chemical degradation, which would ultimately cause terminal damage of thin films, but did not adversely affect the piezoelectric properties.


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Eccentric exercise commonly results in muscle damage. The primary sequence of events leading to exercise-induced muscle damage is believed to involve initial mechanical disruption of sarcomeres, followed by impaired excitation-contraction coupling and calcium signaling, and finally, activation of calcium-sensitive degradation pathways. Muscle damage is characterized by ultrastructural changes to muscle architecture, increased muscle proteins and enzymes in the bloodstream, loss of muscular strength and range of motion and muscle soreness. The inflammatory response to exercise-induced muscle damage is characterized by leukocyte infiltration and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines within damaged muscle tissue, systemic release of leukocytes and cytokines, in addition to alterations in leukocyte receptor expression and functional activity. Current evidence suggests that inflammatory responses to muscle damage are dependent on the type of eccentric exercise, previous eccentric loading (repeated bouts), age and gender. Circulating neutrophil counts and systemic cytokine responses are greater after eccentric exercise using a large muscle mass (e.g. downhill running, eccentric cycling) than after other types of eccentric exercise involving a smaller muscle mass. After an initial bout of eccentric exercise, circulating leukocyte counts and cell surface receptor expression are attenuated. Leukocyte and cytokine responses to eccentric exercise are impaired in elderly individuals, while cellular infiltration into skeletal muscle is greater in human females than males after eccentric exercise. Whether alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis influence inflammatory responses to muscle damage is uncertain. Furthermore, the effects of antioxidant supplements are variable, and the limited data available indicates that anti-inflammatory drugs largely have no influence on inflammatory responses to eccentric exercise. In this review, we compare local versus systemic inflammatory responses, and discuss some of the possible mechanisms regulating the inflammatory responses to exercise-induced muscle damage in humans.


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Piezoelectric polymers based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) are of interest as smart materials for novel space-based telescope applications. Dimensional adjustments of adaptive thin polymer films are achieved via controlled charge deposition. Predicting their long-term performance requires a detailed understanding of the piezoelectric property changes that develop during space environmental exposure. The overall materials performance is governed by a combination of chemical and physical degradation processes occurring in low Earth orbit as established by our past laboratory-based materials performance experiments (see report SAND 2005-6846). Molecular changes are primarily induced via radiative damage, and physical damage from temperature and atomic oxygen exposure is evident as depoling, loss of orientation and surface erosion. The current project extension has allowed us to design and fabricate small experimental units to be exposed to low Earth orbit environments as part of the Materials International Space Station Experiments program. The space exposure of these piezoelectric polymers will verify the observed trends and their degradation pathways, and provide feedback on using piezoelectric polymer films in space. This will be the first time that PVDF-based adaptive polymer films will be operated and exposed to combined atomic oxygen, solar UV and temperature variations in an actual space environment. The experiments are designed to be fully autonomous, involving cyclic application of excitation voltages, sensitive film position sensors and remote data logging. This mission will provide critically needed feedback on the long-term performance and degradation of such materials, and ultimately the feasibility of large adaptive and low weight optical systems utilizing these polymers in space.