825 resultados para Degeneração Macular
Emerging treatments for dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and geographi c atrophy focus on two strategies that target components involved in physiopathological pathways: prevention of photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium loss (neuroprotection induction, oxidative damage prevention, and visual cycle modification) and suppression of inflammation. Neuroprotective drugs, such as ciliary neurotrophic factor, brimonidine tartrate, tandospirone, and anti-amyloid β antibodies, aim to prevent apoptosis of retinal cells. Oxidative stress and depletion of essential micronutrients are targeted by the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) formulation. Visual cycle modulators reduce the activity of the photoreceptors and retinal accumulation of toxic fluorophores and lipofuscin. Eyes with dry age-related macular degeneration present chronic inflammation and potential treatments include corticosteroid and complement inhibition. We review the current concepts and rationale of dry age-related macular degeneration treatment that will most likely include a combination of drugs targeting different pathways involved in the development and progression of age-related macular degeneration.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as causas de baixa visão e cegueira em indivíduos facectomizados, de amostra da população de cidades da região centrooeste do estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional, feito em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo, em amostra domiciliar e baseada nos dados do último Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 1995), com escolha sistemática dos domicílios. Foi considerada para o presente estudo uma subamostra de indivíduos facectomizados, dos quais foram obtidos dados de identificação e exame oftalmológico completo. Os dados foram avaliados por estatísticas descritivas, análise de freqüência de ocorrência e proporção de concordância, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Dos indivíduos amostrados, 2,37% haviam sido submetidos à facectomia. Dos 201 olhos operados, 26,9% apresentavam acuidade visual compatível com cegueira ou deficiência visual. Com a melhor correção óptica, a acuidade visual permaneceu <0,3 em 19,0%. O exame refracional proporcionou melhora da acuidade visual para 27,9% dos indivíduos facectomizados. As causas de baixa visão foram os erros refrativos não corrigidos, opacidade de cápsula posterior (19,4%), ceratopatia bolhosa (8,3%) coriorretinite cicatricial (8,3%), afacia (8,3%), degeneração macular relacionada a idade (5,5%), leucoma (5,5%), glaucoma (5,5%), atrofia de papila (5,5,%), descolamento de retina (2,8%), atrofia de epitelio pigmentado da retina (2,8%) e alta miopia (2,8%). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da catarata ser causa de cegueira que pode ser evitável, mesmo após a correção cirúrgica porcentagem expressiva de indivíduos permanece com baixa visão, em geral, em decorrência de fatores relacionados ao seguimento pós-operatório negligenciado.
Atualmente, os compostos bioativos presentes em alimentos in natura vem sendo amplamente estudados, já que cada vez mais fica comprovado sua importância para saúde do homem devido suas funções e ações biológicas. Hoje já associa-se a ingestão de frutas e vegetais e a diminuição do risco de diversas doenças, tais como câncer, inflamações, doenças cardiovasculares, degeneração macular e outras, sendo os carotenóides e compostos fenólicos alguns dos grupos de compostos bioativos aos quais são atribuídas tais ações.1As pimentas têm significativa importância nesse cenário, uma vez que desde a época do Brasil colônia, até hoje, são muito utilizadas na culinária, nas crenças, na medicina e inclusive com arma de defesa. Os compostos presentes na pimenta são utilizados como remédios para artrites (pomadas a base de capsaicina), dores musculares (emplastro ‘Sabiá’), má digestão, dor de cabeça e gastrite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de ácido ascórbico, acidez, flavonóides totais, fenólicos totais, carotenóides totais e atividade antioxidante de duas variedades mais comuns da espécie C. Baccatum: pimenta “Dedo-de-Moça” e pimenta “Cambuci”. Além disso, fez-se um estudo para analisar o efeito do cozimento versus compostos bioativos, a fim de avaliar possíveis perdas de atividade devido ao processamento das amostras. Em todos os ensaios, a pimenta Dedo-de-Moça apresentou valores maiores de todos os compostos bioativos, quando comparados aos da pimenta Cambuci. Após o cozimento em água fervente, a maioria dos compostos sofreu redução, exceto nos testes de quantificação de Flavonóides e Carotenóides, os quais demonstraram aumento na concentração após o processamento.
Tilted disc syndrome can cause visual field defects due to an optic disc anomaly. Recent electrophysiological findings demonstrate reduced central outer retinal function with ophthalmoscopically normal maculae. We measured macular sensitivity with the microperimeter and performed psychophysical assessment of mesopic rod and cone luminance temporal sensitivity (critical fusion frequency)in a 52-year-old male patient with tilted disc syndrome and ophthalmoscopically normal maculae. We found a marked reduction of sensitivity in the central 20 degrees and reduced rod- and cone-mediated mesopic visual function. Our findings extend previous electrophysiological data that suggest an outer retinal involvement of cone pathways and present a case with rod and cone impairment mediated via the magnocellular pathway in uncomplicated tilted disc syndrome.
Purpose: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible visual impairment among older adults. This study explored the relationship between AMD, falls risk and other injuries and identified visual risk factors for these adverse events. Methods: Participants included 76 community-dwelling individuals with a range of severity of AMD (mean age, 77.0±6.9 years). Baseline assessment included binocular visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and merged visual fields. Participants completed monthly falls and injury diaries for one year following the baseline assessment. Results: Overall, 74% of participants reported having either a fall, injurious fall or other injury. Fifty-four percent of participants reported a fall and 30% reported more than one fall; of the 102 falls reported, 63% resulted in an injury. Most occurred outdoors (52%), between late morning and late afternoon (61%) and when navigating on level ground (62%). The most common non-fall injuries were lacerations (36%) and collisions with an object (35%). Reduced contrast sensitivity and visual acuity were associated with increased fall rate, after controlling for age, gender, cognitive function, cataract severity and self-reported physical function. Reduced contrast sensitivity was the only significant predictor of falls and other injuries. Conclusion: Among older adults with AMD, increased visual impairment was significantly associated with an increased incidence of falls and other injuries. Reduced contrast sensitivity was significantly associated with increased rates of falls, injurious falls and injuries, while reduced visual acuity was only associated with increased falls risk. These findings have important implications for the assessment of visually impaired older adults.
Purpose: To determine whether there is a difference in neuroretinal function and in macular pigment optical density between persons with high- and low-risk gene variants for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and no ophthalmoscopic signs of AMD, and to compare the results on neuroretinal function to patients with manifest early AMD. Methods and Participants: Neuroretinal function was assessed with the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) for 32 participants (22 healthy persons with no AMD and 10 early AMD patients). The 22 healthy participants with no AMD had high- or low-risk genotypes for either CFH (rs380390) and/or ARMS2 (rs10490924). Trough-to-peak response densities and peak-implicit times were analyzed in 5 concentric rings. Macular pigment optical densitometry was assessed by customized heterochromatic flicker photometry. Results: Trough-to-peak response densities for concentric rings 1 to 3 were, on average, significantly greater in participants with high-risk genotypes than in participants with low-risk genotypes and in persons with early AMD after correction for age and smoking (p<0.05). The group peak- implicit times for ring 1 were, on average, delayed in the patients with early AMD compared with the participants with high- or low-risk genotypes, although these differences were not significant. There was no significant correlation between genotypes and macular pigment optical density. Conclusion: Increased neuroretinal activity in persons who carry high-risk AMD genotypes may be due to genetically determined subclinical inflammatory and/or histological changes in the retina. Neuroretinal function in healthy persons genetically susceptible to AMD may be a useful additional early biomarker (in combination with genetics) before there is clinical manifestation.
Purpose: To determine whether neuroretinal function differs in healthy persons with and without common risk gene variants for age- related macular degeneration (AMD) and no ophthalmoscopic signs of AMD, and to compare those findings in persons with manifest early AMD. Methods and Participants: Neuroretinal function was assessed with the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) (VERIS, Redwood City, CA,) in 32 participants (22 healthy persons with no clinical signs of AMD and 10 early AMD patients). The 22 healthy participants with no AMD were risk genotypes for either the CFH (rs380390) and/or ARMS2 (rs10490920). We used a slow flash mfERG paradigm (3 inserted frames) and a 103 hexagon stimulus array. Recordings were made with DTL electrodes; fixation and eye movements were monitored online. Trough N1 to peak P1 (N1P1) response densities and P1-implicit times (IT) were analysed in 5 concentric rings. Results: N1P1 response densities (mean ± SD) for concentric rings 1-3 were on average significantly higher in at-risk genotypes (ring 1: 17.97 nV/deg2 ± 1.9, ring 2: 11.7 nV/deg2 ±1.3, ring 3: 8.7 nV/deg2 ± 0.7) compared to those without risk (ring 1: 13.7 nV/deg2 ± 1.9, ring 2: 9.2 nV/deg2 ±0.8, ring 3: 7.3 nV/deg2 ± 1.1) and compared to persons with early AMD (ring 1: 15.3 nV/deg2 ± 4.8, ring 2: 9.1 nV/deg2 ±2.3, ring 3 nV/deg2: 7.3± 1.3) (p<0.5). The group implicit times, P1-ITs for ring 1 were on average delayed in the early AMD patients (36.4 ms ± 1.0) compared to healthy participants with (35.1 ms ± 1.1) or without risk genotypes (34.8 ms ±1.3), although these differences were not significant. Conclusion: Neuroretinal function in persons with normal fundi can be differentiated into subgroups based on their genetics. Increased neuroretinal activity in persons who carry AMD risk genotypes may be due to genetically determined subclinical inflammatory and/or histological changes in the retina. Assessment of neuroretinal function in healthy persons genetically susceptible to AMD may be a useful early biomarker before there is clinical manifestation of AMD.
Three dimensional cellular models that mimic disease are being increasingly investigated and have opened an exciting new research area into understanding pathomechanisms. The advantage of 3D in vitro disease models is that they allow systematic and in-depth studies of physiological and pathophysiological processes with less costs and ethical concerns that have arisen with animal models. The purpose of the 3D approach is to allow crosstalk between cells and microenvironment, and with cues from the microenvironment, cells can assemble their niche similar to in vivo conditions. The use of 3D models for mimicking disease processes such as cancer, osteoarthritis etc., is only emerging and allows multidisciplinary teams consisting of tissue engineers, biologist biomaterial scientists and clinicians to work closely together. While in vitro systems require rigorous testing before they can be considered as replicates of the in vivo model, major steps have been made, suggesting that they will become powerful tools for studying physiological and pathophysiological processes. This paper aims to summarize some of the existing 3D models and proposes a novel 3D model of the eye structures that are involved in the most common cause of blindness in the Western World, namely age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDD) is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome caused by the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide mutation A3243G. It affects various organs including the eye with external ophthalmoparesis, ptosis, and bilateral macular pattern dystrophy.1, 2 The prevalence of retinal involvement in MIDD is high, with 50% to 85% of patients exhibiting some macular changes.1 Those changes, however, can vary between patients and within families dramatically based on the percentage of retinal mtDNA mutations, making it difficult to give predictions on an individual’s visual prognosis...
Background: Recent evidence indicates that gene variants related to carotenoid metabolism play a role in the uptake of macular pigments lutein (L) and zeaxanthine (Z). Moreover, these pigments are proposed to reduce the risk for advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This study provides the initial examination of the relationship between the gene variants related to carotenoid metabolism, macular pigment optical density (MPOD) and their combined expression in healthy humans and patients with AMD. Participants and Methods: Forty-four participants were enrolled from a general population and a private practice including 20 healthy participants and 24 patients with advanced (neovascular) AMD. Participants were genotyped for the three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) upstream from BCMO1, rs11645428, rs6420424 and rs6564851 that have been shown to either up or down regulate beta-carotene conversion efficiency in the plasma. MPOD was determined by heterochromatic flicker photometry. Results: Healthy participants with the rs11645428 GG genotype, rs6420424 AA genotype and rs6564851 GG genotype all had on average significantly lower MPOD compared to those with the other genotypes (p < 0.01 for all three comparisons). When combining BCMO1 genotypes reported to have “high” (rs11645428 AA/rs6420424 GG/rs6564851 TT) and “low” (rs11645428 GG/rs6420424 AA/rs6564851 GG) beta-carotene conversion efficiency, we demonstrate clear differences in MPOD values (p<0.01). In patients with AMD there were no significant differences in MPOD for any of the three BCMO1 gene variants. Conclusion: In healthy participants MPOD levels can be related to high and low beta-carotene conversion BCMO1 genotypes. Such relationships were not found in patients with advanced neovascular AMD, indicative of additional processes influencing carotenoid uptake, possibly related to other AMD susceptibility genes. Our findings indicate that specific BCMO1 SNPs should be determined when assessing the effects of carotenoid supplementation on macular pigment and that their expression may be influenced by retinal disease.