910 resultados para Deformations of analytic structures
In this paper, we study formal deformations of Poisson structures, especially for three families of Poisson varieties in dimensions two and three. For these families of Poisson structures, using an explicit basis of the second Poisson cohomology space, we solve the deformation equations at each step and obtain a large family of formal deformations for each Poisson structure which we consider. With the help of an explicit formula, we show that this family contains, modulo equivalence, all possible formal eformations. We show moreover that, when the Poisson structure is generic, all members of the family are non-equivalent.
A two-dimensional X-ray scattering system developed around a CCD-based area detector is presented, both in terms of hardware employed and software designed and developed. An essential feature is the integration of hardware and software, detection and sample environment control which enables time-resolving in-situ wide-angle X-ray scattering measurements of global structural and orientational parameters of polymeric systems subjected to a variety of controlled external fields. The development and operation of a number of rheometers purpose-built for the application of such fields are described. Examples of the use of this system in monitoring degrees of shear-induced orientation in liquid-crystalline systems and crystallization of linear polymers subsequent to shear flow are presented.
Brain deformations induced by space-occupying lesions may result in unpredictable position and shape of functionally important brain structures. The aim of this study is to propose a method for segmentation of brain structures by deformation of a segmented brain atlas in presence of a space-occupying lesion. Our approach is based on an a priori model of lesion growth (MLG) that assumes radial expansion from a seeding point and involves three steps: first, an affine registration bringing the atlas and the patient into global correspondence; then, the seeding of a synthetic tumor into the brain atlas providing a template for the lesion; finally, the deformation of the seeded atlas, combining a method derived from optical flow principles and a model of lesion growth. The method was applied on two meningiomas inducing a pure displacement of the underlying brain structures, and segmentation accuracy of ventricles and basal ganglia was assessed. Results show that the segmented structures were consistent with the patient's anatomy and that the deformation accuracy of surrounding brain structures was highly dependent on the accurate placement of the tumor seeding point. Further improvements of the method will optimize the segmentation accuracy. Visualization of brain structures provides useful information for therapeutic consideration of space-occupying lesions, including surgical, radiosurgical, and radiotherapeutic planning, in order to increase treatment efficiency and prevent neurological damage.
The absolute nodal coordinate formulation was originally developed for the analysis of structures undergoing large rotations and deformations. This dissertation proposes several enhancements to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation based finite beam and plate elements. The main scientific contribution of this thesis relies on the development of elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation that do not suffer from commonly known numerical locking phenomena. These elements can be used in the future in a number of practical applications, for example, analysis of biomechanical soft tissues. This study presents several higher-order Euler–Bernoulli beam elements, a simple method to alleviate Poisson’s and transverse shear locking in gradient deficient plate elements, and a nearly locking free gradient deficient plate element. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation based gradient deficient plate elements developed in this dissertation describe most of the common numerical locking phenomena encountered in the formulation of a continuum mechanics based description of elastic energy. Thus, with these fairly straightforwardly formulated elements that are comprised only of the position and transverse direction gradient degrees of freedom, the pathologies and remedies for the numerical locking phenomena are presented in a clear and understandable manner. The analysis of the Euler–Bernoulli beam elements developed in this study show that the choice of higher gradient degrees of freedom as nodal degrees of freedom leads to a smoother strain field. This improves the rate of convergence.
Finnish design and consulting companies are delivering robust and cost-efficient steel structures solutions to a large number of manufacturing companies worldwide. Recently introduced EN 1090-2 standard obliges these companies to specify the execution class of steel structures for their customers. This however, requires clarifying, understanding and interpreting the sophisticated procedure of execution class assignment. The objective of this research is to provide a clear explanation and guidance through the process of execution class assignment for a given steel structure and to support the implementation of EN 1090-2 standard in Rejlers Oy, one of Finnish design and consulting companies. This objective is accomplished by creating a guideline for designers that elaborates on the four-step process of the execution class assignment for a steel structure or its part. Steps one to three define the consequence class (projected consequences of structure failure), the service category (hazards associated with the service use exploitation of steel structure) and the production category (manufacturing process peculiarities), based on the ductility class (capacity of structure to withstand deformations) and the behaviour factor (corresponds to structure seismic behaviour). The final step is the execution class assignment taking into account results of previous steps. Main research method is indepth literature review of European standards family for steel structures. Other research approach is a series of interviews of Rejlers Oy representatives and its clients, results of which have been used to evaluate the level of EN 1090-2 awareness. Rejlers Oy will use the developed novel coherent standard implementation guideline to improve its services and to obtain greater customer satisfaction.
This paper is concerned with a link between central extensions of N = 2 superconformal algebra and a supersymmetric two-component generalization of the Camassa-Holm equation. Deformations of superconformal algebra give rise to two compatible bracket structures. One of the bracket structures is derived from the central extension and admits a momentum operator which agrees with the Sobolev norm of a co-adjoint orbit element. The momentum operator induces, via Lenard relations, a chain of conserved Hamiltonians of the resulting supersymmetric Camassa-Holm hierarchy.
We consider the finite radially symmetric deformation of a circular cylindrical tube of a homogeneous transversely isotropic elastic material subject to axial stretch, radial deformation and torsion, supported by axial load, internal pressure and end moment. Two different directions of transverse isotropy are considered: the radial direction and an arbitrary direction in planes normal locally to the radial direction, the only directions for which the considered deformation is admissible in general. In the absence of body forces, formulas are obtained for the internal pressure, and the resultant axial load and torsional moment on the ends of the tube in respect of a general strain-energy function. For a specific material model of transversely isotropic elasticity, and material and geometrical parameters, numerical results are used to illustrate the dependence of the pressure, (reduced) axial load and moment on the radial stretch and a measure of the torsional deformation for a fixed value of the axial stretch.
In this paper we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥2 for which its canonical map induces a double cover onto Y, where Y is the projective space, a smooth quadric hypersurface or a smooth projective bundle over P1, embedded by a complete linear series, then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a double cover. The second part of the article proves the non-existence of canonical double structures on the rational varieties above mentioned. Our results have consequences for the moduli of varieties of general type of arbitrary dimension, since they show that infinitely many moduli spaces of higher dimensional varieties of general type have an entire “hyperelliptic” component. This is in sharp contrast with the case of curves or surfaces of lower Kodaira dimension.
This paper presents a, simple two dimensional frame formulation to deal with structures undergoing large motions due to dynamic actions including very thin inflatable structures, balloons. The proposed methodology is based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions. Velocity, acceleration and strain are achieved directly from positions, not. displacements, characterizing the novelty of the proposed technique. A non-dimensional space is created and the deformation function (change of configuration) is written following two independent mappings from which the strain energy function is written. The classical New-mark equations are used to integrate time. Dumping and non-conservative forces are introduced into the mechanical system by a rheonomic energy function. The final formulation has the advantage of being simple and easy to teach, when compared to classical Counterparts. The behavior of a bench-mark problem (spin-up maneuver) is solved to prove the formulation regarding high circumferential speed applications. Other examples are dedicated to inflatable and very thin structures, in order to test the formulation for further analysis of three dimensional balloons.
In random matrix theory, the Tracy-Widom (TW) distribution describes the behavior of the largest eigenvalue. We consider here two models in which TW undergoes transformations. In the first one disorder is introduced in the Gaussian ensembles by superimposing an external source of randomness. A competition between TW and a normal (Gaussian) distribution results, depending on the spreading of the disorder. The second model consists of removing at random a fraction of (correlated) eigenvalues of a random matrix. The usual formalism of Fredholm determinants extends naturally. A continuous transition from TW to the Weilbull distribution, characteristic of extreme values of an uncorrelated sequence, is obtained.
This paper presents a formulation to deal with dynamic thermomechanical problems by the finite element method. The proposed methodology is based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions, not displacements, to solve the mechanical problem. The thermal problem is solved by a regular finite element method. Such formulation has the advantage of being simple and accurate. As a solution strategy, it has been used as a natural split of the thermomechanical problem, usually called isothermal split or isothermal staggered algorithm. Usual internal variables and the additive decomposition of the strain tensor have been adopted to model the plastic behavior. Four examples are presented to show the applicability of the technique. The results are compared with other authors` numerical solutions and experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents, with the aid of the natural approach, an extension of the force density method for the initial shape finding of cable and membrane structures, which leads to the solution of a system of linear equations. This method, here called the natural force density method, preserves the linearity which characterizes the original force density method. At the same time, it overcomes the difficulties that the original procedure presents to cope with irregular triangular finite element meshes. Furthermore, if this method is applied iteratively in the lines prescribed herewith, it leads to a viable initial configuration with a uniform, isotropic plane Cauchy stress state. This means that a minimal surface for the membrane can be achieved through a succession of equilibrated configurations. Several numerical examples illustrate the simplicity and robustness of the method. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Our aim was to document the benefits of three dimensional finite element model generations from computed tomography data as well as the realistic creation of all oral structures in a patient. The stresses resulting from the applied load in our study did not exceed the structure limitations, suggesting a clinically acceptable physiological condition.
In contrast with the abundance of anatomical studies of secretory structures on aerial vegetative organs of Asteraceae species, the information about secretory structures on thickened subterranean organs is sparse. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of secretory structures on thickened and nonthickened subterranean organs of seven Asteraceae species from three tribes: Eupatorieae (Chromolaena squalida and Gyptis lanigera), Vernonieae (Chresta sphaerocephala, Lessingianthus bardanoides, L. glabratus and Orthopappus angustifolius), and Plucheeae (Pterocaulon angustifolium). The specimens were collected in areas of cerrado, from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. All species of the tribe Vernonieae studied exhibited endodermic cells, other than the epithelial cells of the canal, with secretory activity in the roots. In C. sphaerocephala roots, two types of endodermic cell were found, but only one had secretory activity. Secretory canals were found in the tuberous and nontuberous roots of all studied species. These data agree with the results from the literature for Asteraceae species. Here, we describe for the first time in Asteraceae the presence of secretory idioblasts in C. sphaerocephala. Secretory trichomes are present in the Orthopappus angustifolius rhizophore. Histochemical tests have shown that all types of secretory structure possess substances containing lipids. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.