776 resultados para Deep fat frying


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La aplicabilidad, repetibilidad y capacidad de diferentes métodos de análisis para discriminar muestras de aceites con diferentes grados de oxidación fueron evaluadas mediante aceites recogidos en procesos de fritura en continuo en varias empresas españolas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue encontrar métodos complementarios a la determinación del índice de acidez para el control de calidad rutinario de los aceites de fritura empleados en estas empresas. La optimización de la determinación de la constante dieléctrica conllevó una clara mejora de la variabilidad. No obstante, excepto en el caso del índice del ATB, el resto de métodos ensayados mostraron una menor variabilidad. La determinación del índice del ATB fue descartada ya que su sensibilidad fue insuficiente para discriminar entre aceites con diferente grado de oxidación. Los diferentes parámetros de alteración determinados en los aceites de fritura mostraron correlaciones significativas entre el índice de acidez y varios parámetros de oxidación diferentes, como la constante dieléctrica, el índice de p-anisidina, la absorción al ultravioleta y el contenido en polímeros de los triacilgliceroles. El índice de acidez solo evalúa la alteración hidrolítica, por lo que estos parámetros aportan información complementaria al evaluar la alteración termooxidativa.


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This study investigated the discontinuous frying of breaded meat products in palm olein in a 28 L-electric fryer maintained at 182 ºC for 8 hours a day. Three 400-500 g batches of meat products were fried for 4.5 minutes daily. For comparison purpose, thermoxidation tests were performed using inert material with added moisture and without the addition of f ood (heating only). The total polar compound content did not reach the 25% limit, and nor did the formation of polymerized products exceed 5%, which indicates the good frying performance of palm olein for frying. Other analytical parameters and rapid tests were also evaluated. The sensory attributes, such as odor, colour, and foam formation determined when the frying oils should be discarded. The addition of water to the inert material contributed to the final value of 1.00 ± 0.01% (in palmitic acid), while the oil subjected only to heating reached respectively 0.26 ± 0.02%, and the oils used to fry breaded meat and breaded chicken reached 0.38 ± 0.00% and 2.35 ± 0.01%, respectively. This suggests a protective effect of the water during frying since the oil subjected only to heating was more prone to degradation.


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Analysis of the oil-absorption process in deep-fat fried potato cylinders (frying temperatures of 155degreesC, 170degreesC, and 185degreesC) allowed to distinguish 3 oil fractions: structural oil (absorbed during frying), penetrated surface oil (suctioned during cooling), and surface oil. Results showed that a small amount of oil penetrates during frying because most of the oil was picked up at the end of the process, suggesting that oil uptake and water removal are not synchronous phenomena. After cooling, oil was located either on the surface of the chip or suctioned into the porous crust microstructure, with an inverse relationship between them for increasing frying times.


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Air frying is being projected as an alternative to deep fat frying for producing snacks such as French Fries. In air frying, the raw potato sections are essentially heated in hot air containing fine oil droplets, which dehydrates the potato and attempts to impart the characteristics of traditionally produced French fries, but with a substantially lower level of fat absorbed in the product. The aim of this research is to compare: 1) the process dynamics of air frying with conventional deep fat frying under otherwise similar operating conditions, and 2) the products formed by the two processes in terms of color, texture, microstructure, calorimetric properties and sensory characteristics Although, air frying produced products with a substantially lower fat content but with similar moisture contents and color characteristics, it required much longer processing times, typically 21 minutes in relation to 9 minutes in the case of deep fat frying. The slower evolution of temperature also resulted in lower rates of moisture loss and color development reactions. DSC studies revealed that the extent of starch gelatinization was also lower in the case of air fried product. In addition, the two types of frying also resulted in products having significantly different texture and sensory characteristics.


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Deep fat frying process is one of the widely followed cooking practices throughout the world. Cooking oils serve as a medium for frying food for transferring heat and makes fried food tasty and palatable. Frying process is a most complex process involving numerous physicochemical changes which are complicated to understand. Frying leads to thermal degradation of oil through thermo-oxidation, hydrolysis, and polymerization. Hydrolysis results in formation of free fatty acids whereas oxidation process produces hydroperoxides and small molecular carbonyl compounds. This whole process leads to the formation of polar compounds and degradation of antioxidants that further degrades frying oil. Eventually, through mass transfer process these degradation products accumulate into fried food and reduce the nutritional quality of both oil and food. Thus, the frying process is of research interest calls for detailed systematic study which is chosen for the present study. The primary objective of this study is to understand the mechanism of degradation and characterization ofdegraded products which helps in arriving at the limits for frying oil utilization in terms of number of frying cycles. The mechanistic studies and the knowledge on the degraded products help to understand the way to retard the deterioration of oil for stability and enhancement of frying cycles. The study also explores the formation of the predominant polar compounds and their structural elucidation through mass spectrometry. Oxidation of oil is another important factor that ignites the degradation phenomena. One of the best ways to increase thermal stability of any oil is addition of potent antioxidants. But, most of the natural and synthetic antioxidants are unstable and ineffective at frying temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to screen alternative antioxidants for their activity in the refined oils which are devoid of any added antioxidants. In this context, this study discussed the efficacy of several natural and synthetic antioxidants to retard the formation of polar compounds and thermooxidation during prolonged frying conditions. Similarly, the advantage of blending of two different oils to improve the thermal stability was explored. The present study brings out the total picture on the type of degradation products formed during frying and the ways of retarding the determination to improve upon the stability of the oil and enhancement of frying cycles.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of edible coatings based on methylcellulose (MC) and cassava starch (CS) to reduce oil uptake and improve water retention of chicken nuggets during deep fat frying. Edible coatings were prepared with I g of MC/100 g solution and 4 g of CS/100 g solution, with 25 or 55 g glycerol/100 g biopolymer. These solutions were applied to nugget samples before battering. Pre-fried and fried nuggets were analyzed to determine lipid and water contents. Color and texture were also measured in the fried nuggets. In general, there was no effect of the two concentrations of plasticizer of either of the biopolymers on the water retention of whole nuggets. But, higher oil uptake reduction, and consequently, lower lipid content was observed on nuggets coated with CS and 25% plasticizer. The coated samples were darker and had a brighter yellow color when compared with the control. There was also a significant decrease in the shearing force of the fried coated samples, indicating reduced hardness of these samples.


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The concentration of hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA) and its secoiridoid derivatives (3,4-DHPEA-EDA and 3,4-DHPEA-EA) in virgin olive oil decreased rapidly when the oil was repeatedly used for preparing french fries in deep-fat frying operations. At the end of the first frying process (10 min at 180 degreesC), the concentration of the dihydroxyphenol components was reduced to 50-60% of the original value, and after six frying operations only about 10% of the initial components remained. However, tyrosol (p-HPEA) and its derivatives (p-HPEA-EDA and p-HPEA-EA) in the oil were much more stable during 12 frying operations. The reduction in their original concentration was much smaller than that for hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives and showed a roughly linear relationship with the number of frying operations. The antioxidant activity of the phenolic extract measured using the DPPH test rapidly diminished during the first six frying processes, from a total antioxidant activity higher than 740,mumol of Trolox/kg down to less than 250 mumol/kg. On the other hand, the concentration of polar compounds, oxidized triacylglycerol monomers (oxTGs), dimeric TGs, and polymerized TGs rapidly increased from the sixth frying operation onward, when the antioxidant activity of the phenolic extract was very low, and as a consequence the oil was much more susceptible to oxidation. The loss of antioxidant activity in the phenolic fraction due to deep-fat frying was confirmed by the storage oil and oil-in-water emulsions containing added extracts from olive oil used for 12 frying operations.


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Fried products impose a health concerns due to considerable amount of oil they contain. Production of snack foods with minimal oil content and good management of oil during frying to minimise the production of toxic compounds continue to be challenging aims. This paper aims to investigate the possibility of producing a fat-free food snack by replacing frying oil with a non-fat medium. Glucose was melted and its temperature was then brought to 185°C and used to fry potato strips, to obtain a product referred here as glucose fries. The resulting product was compared with French fries prepared conventionally under conditions that resulted in similar final moisture content. The resulting products were also examined for crust formation, texture parameters, colour development and glucose content. Stereo microscope images showed that similar crusts were formed in the glucose fries and French fries. Texture parameters were found to be similar for both products at 5mm and 2 mm penetration depth. The maximum hardness at 2mm penetration depth was also similar for both products, but different from cooked potato. The colour development which characterised French fries was also observed in glucose fries. The glucose content in glucose fries was found to be twice the content of French fries, which is to be expected since glucose absorbed or adhered to the surface. In conclusion, glucose fries, with similar texture and colour characteristics to that of French fries, can be prepared by using a non-fat frying medium.


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Deep-fat frying is susceptible to induce the formation of undesirable products as lipid oxidation products and acrylamide in fried foods. Plantain chips produced by small-scale producers are sold to consumers without any control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of plantain chips from local producers in relation to production process parameters and oils, and to identify the limiting factors for the production of acrylamide in plantain chips. Samples of frying oils and plantain chips prepared with either palm olein or soybean oil were collected from 10 producers in Yaoundé. Quality parameters determined in this study were: fatty acid composition of the oils, determined by gas chromatography (GC) of free acid methyl ester; trans fatty acids, determined by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy; Tocopherols and tocotrienols as markers of nutritional quality were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in isocratic mode. Free fatty acids and acylglycerols as markers of lipid hydrolysis were analyzed by GC of trimethylsilyl derivatives of glycerides. Conjugated dienes, Anisidine value and viscosity as markers of lipid oxidation and thermal decomposition of the oils; acrylamide which is formed through Maillard reaction and identified as a toxic compound in various fried products. Asparagine content of the raw fresh plantain powder was also determined. Fatty acid composition of palm oleins was stable within a day of intermittent frying. In soybean oils, about 57% and 62.5% of linoleic and linolenic acids were lost but trans fatty acids were not detected. Soybean oils were partly hydrolysed leading to the formation of free fatty acids, monoacylglycerols and diacylglycerols. In both oils, tocopherols and tocotrienols contents decreased significantly by about 50%. Anisidine value (AV) and polymers contents increased slightly in fried palm oleins while conjugated hydroperoxides, AV and polymers greatly increased in soybean oils. Acrylamide was not detected in the chips. This is explained by the absence of asparagine in the raw plantains, the other acrylamide precursors being present. This study shows that the plantain chips prepared at the small-scale level in Yaounde with palm olein are of good quality regarding oxidation and hydrolysis parameters and the absence of acrylamide. In contrast, oxidation developed with soybean oil whose usage for frying should be questioned. Considering that asparagine is the limiting factor for the formation of acrylamide in plantain chips, its content depending on several factors such as production parameters and maturity stage should be explored.


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The aim of this study is to determine the influence of frying time on the alterations of sunflower, corn and soybean oils during deep fat frying of potato chips. The analytical methods used to evaluate the oil alterations are: free fatty acids, peroxide value, refractive index and total polar compounds. An increase of free fatty acids, refractive index and total polar compounds with frying time were observed. The different behaviors observed for the three vegetables oils can be explained by the differences in the initial composition and quality of them.


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The oil-absorption capacity of different restructured potato chips during deep-fat frying was investigated. Low-leach potato flake was chosen as the major ingredient, whereas native and pregelatinized potato starches were studied as complementary ingredients. Results showed that off absorption increased significantly when reducing product thickness in all products. Interestingly, it was found that the product containing native potato starch as an ingredient picked up the lowest amount of on when sheeted into a thick chip, whereas it absorbed the largest amount of oil when sheeted into a thin chip. Those findings were mainly attributed to crust microstructure development as revealed by electron microscopy and confocal microscopy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a medida da estabilidade oxidativa e a alteração total dos óleos de algodão, girassol e palma durante a fritura descontínua de mandioca palito congelada. As frituras foram conduzidas em uma fritadeira elétrica doméstica, onde o óleo foi aquecido, à temperatura de 180°C, por 25 h, com reposição de óleo fresco. Para a análise da estabilidade oxidativa das amostras de óleos, obtidas durante as frituras, foram realizadas a medida do período de indução (horas) e determinação de compostos polares totais (%). Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição do período de indução, independente do tipo de óleo. O óleo de palma refinado apresentou um maior período de indução quando comparado ao óleo de algodão e girassol, o que pode ser atribuído à diferença da composição em ácidos graxos. Todos os óleos em estudo apresentaram valores de compostos polares totais abaixo do limite de descarte para óleos de fritura, exigido pela legislação internacional (24-27%). Verificou-se também que, à medida que se formaram os compostos de degradação, diminuiu a estabilidade oxidativa dos óleos.


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Vegetable oils are used in the industry of processed food, including deep-fat frying. This work determined data on the thermophysical properties of cotton, canola, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils. Thermal conductivity, heat capacity, density, and viscosity were measured within the temperature range of 299.15-433.15 K. The data showed that the temperature influenced the thermophysical properties of the oils studied. The developed correlations could be used to predict these properties within the range of temperatures studied. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The impact of cooking methods (industrial pre-frying, deep-fat frying and baking) on the nutritional quality and safety of chicken breaded nugget samples from supermarket and commercial brands was evaluated. The changes in the quality characteristics (nutritional composition, fatty acids profile, cholesterol and salt) of the fried food and frying oil, after ten consecutive frying operations, were evaluated. The total fat content of nuggets varied between 10.9 and 22.7 g per 100 g of edible portion and the salt content ranged from 0.873 to 1.63 g per 100 g. Taking into account one portion of nuggets, the daily intake of salt can reach 49%, which can have a significant impact on the health of those who regularly consume this type of food, especially considering the prevalence of hypertension around the world. The analysed chicken breaded nuggets are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have been related with potential health benefits, namely regarding cardiovascular diseases. The cholesterol content of baked samples was two times higher when compared with the fried ones. The trans fatty acids and polar compounds contents of the frying oil used for frying significantly increased, but the values were still away from the maximum recommended by legal entities for its rejection. From a nutritional point of view, it is possible to conclude that the applied cooking methods can significantly influence the nutritional quality and safety of the analysed chicken breaded nuggets. This study will contribute to important knowledge on how the applied cooking methods can change the nutritional quality and safety of foods, namely of chicken nuggets, and can be very useful for dietary recommendations and nutritional assessment.